The Tasmanian (Launceston, Tas. Based on the recorded language groups, there were at least three successive waves of aboriginal colonisation. Bass Strait sea conditions and wind forecast. The submarine topography of Bass Strait. Fast replacing the Somalian coast as the piracy hotspot, the Gulf of Guinea has become one of the most dangerous places to go sailing. Speculation has swirled around these incidents in the last year, following high-profile leaks of night vision video footage depicting objects with an apparent triangular shape overflying Navy vessels. The Russell has attracted particular attention in the last year as the vessel that captured the leaked flying triangle footage. Major islands include: Within Bass Strait there are several Commonwealth marine reserves, which are all part of the South-east Network. Deck logs further revealed that radiofrequency data was captured from the drones during the incident. The USS Harpers Ferry (HFY), an amphibious dock landing ship, reported seeing as many as 8 unknown drones flying directly over the ship at an altitude of about 500 feet. George Bass is important to Australia because he did a great deal to fill in the gaps in knowledge of Australia's southeastern coastline. Starting at Cape Otway, Victoria, it went via King Island and Three Hummock Island, made contact with the Tasmanian mainland at Stanley Head, and then continued on to George Town. CTO Jared Page added that definitely in the last two years there has been a marked increase in activity related to swarms. The companys threat intelligence database has registered approximately 151 swarm incidents in that time. So if that happens, obviously you can get a fairly sudden deterioration in conditions and quite strong winds and heavy seas.. why is bass strait so dangerous - Bass Strait - the body of water between Tasmania & mainland Australia Bass Strait | Race Record & Form | Racing Post It is 22 kilometres wide at its narrowest point and is considered to be one of the most dangerous and unpredictable waters in the world. If you'd like some expert background on an issue or a news event, drop us a line at or The circumstances of these incidents vary widely. The ships travel daily in opposite directions between Devonport and Spirit of Tasmania Quay in Geelong as overnight trips, with additional daytime trips during the peak summer season.[18]. It should be noted that in this time period, records show that some ships appear to have deployed and trained with a variety of counter drone technologies and techniques. It is a narrow and deep strait. In that time, multiple UAVs were spotted operating around the destroyer. Bass Straight is exposed to the Roaring 40s that blow across the southern coastline of Australia. The Straits have commercial and strategic importance. [14], During Pleistocene, low sea level stands the central basin of Bass Strait was enclosed by raised sills forming a large shallow lake. The wind and the sea are often at odds directionally and the weather can be very fast moving. Read More: [3] Perhaps most intriguing, however, was a small piece of the floor of the plane. Although the following incident isnt immediately linked to the Bass Strait, given the fact that it happened near the northern coast of the Bass Strait Triangle and that descriptions of the object match other accounts of UFOs over the stretch of water in question, it would be perhaps a little shortsighted to not include this (and our next entry) on our list.[5]. In 1978, one of the most famous UFO incidents in Australian history occurred over Bass Strait. The veteran sailor, who had completed the race many times before, had seen the forecasts for strong winds on the journey south. (The East Australian Current is the one from the movie Finding Nemo.) During the height of the gale, crewman Chris Rockell was thrown . Somewhere between three and five minutes later another monster wave hit the keel and the boat righted itself, but the mast was broken.. Then there are local tides, which generally flow west to east in the strait. The images from the incident include these photographs of what appears to be the Bass Strait. BASS STRAIT OFFSHORE 24. The national park is wholly contained by the Beagle Commonwealth Marine Reserve. . In other words, what were once dune-lined areas of coast are now all underwater. But when he and his crew were traveling to Tasmania and started getting The two larger reserves, Flinders and Zeehan, extend mostly outside of the Bass Strait area. Over the last few years, we have completed around $600 million of decommissioning works in Bass Strait, including successfully removing the Seahorse and Tarwhine facilities . Instead of gradually fading off into the distance, however, the engine suddenly came to a stop as if someone had turned a radio off. Then, there was nothing but silence. But when he and his crew started getting slammed by 12-metre waves and 80km/h winds as they journeyed towards Tasmania, Oxley knew something wasnt right. Youve got waves colliding with your currents, says Nichol, and thats where you get very steep, very dangerous waves forming. More than 100 yachts, from small two-person boats to 30-metre super maxis, will compete this year, battling it out from Sydney down to Constitution Dock in Hobart via Bass Strait. The Bosporus is different. A note on the slide states that the cruiser unsuccessfully attempted to contact the Bass Strait. Why is Bass Strait so rough? Oil facilities in Saudi Arabia have been significant targets of drone attacks in recent years, with massive economic consequences. Jennings' study of the submarine topography of Bass Strait[13] described the bathymetric Bass Basin, a shallow depression approximately 120km (70mi) wide and 400km (250mi) long (over 65,000km2[25,000sqmi] in area) in the centre of Bass Strait, a maximum depth is the channel between Inner Sister Island and Flinders Island, which navigation charts indicate reaches 155m (510ft). It doesnt take a geoscientist to work out what might happen here, when tonnes and tonnes of water, sometimes flowing at 90 centimetres a second, hit kilometre-high walls: a lot of movement - or, in technical parlance, upwelling - where deep water is forced up the canyon walls and meets the surface. Whether this small detail had anything to do with the fate of the plane is unknown. [3] The strait between the Furneaux Islands and Tasmania is Banks Strait, a subdivision of Bass Strait. bass strait can be one of the roughest stretches of ocean in the world. Interestingly, in their absolute desperation for information, family members of the crew even visited a clairvoyant, who stated that the crew had come upon an island south of their last known location. The whirlpool in the Strait of Messina is a real feature, although it is not nearly as dangerous as the Charybdis of legend. Hopefully, this year will be smooth sailing. The East Australian Current hits the Bass Strait.Credit:CSIRO. It is bounded in the north by the state of Victoria and in the south by Tasmania. [25][26], Kitesurfers have also completed the crossing[27][28] with Natalie Clark in 2010 become the first female to do the crossing. Its exploitation began in 2005. The Bosporus allows access from the Black Sea to the Aegean, onward to the Mediterranean, and through the Strait of Gibraltar, finally to the Atlantic. The crew allegedly claimed they could hear the sound of a plane around them, and there were even several reports of an aerial machine coming toward them. he said back in 2006, recalling the races worst-ever year. The oil and gas is sent via pipeline to gas processing facilities and oil refineries at Longford (Longford gas plant), Western Port (Westernport Refinery closed 1985), Altona (Altona Refinery scheduled to close in 2021) and Geelong (Geelong Oil Refinery), as well as by tanker to New South Wales. Valentich and his plane subsequently vanished and neither Valentich nor his plane were ever seen again. [7], The next European to approach the strait was Captain James Cook in the Endeavour in April 1770. Here are some theories on why. We got hit by a fairly decent breaking wave, rolled upside down and stayed there, he said back in 2006, recalling the races worst-ever year that saw six people die, 55 more rescued by helicopter, and 60 yachts forced to retire. The report referenced one notable incident that involved the simultaneous use of 15 drones to distract and overwhelm a prison facilitys security systems. A briefing slide states that the objects were not distinguishable by the naked eye. [29], In 1971 lone rower David Bowen from Mount Martha crossed Bass Strait in a 6.1m (20ft) dory, leaving from Devonport he landed on Wilson's Promontory. These events were significantly less clear than the earlier incidents. Though some of these incidents involved things like attempts to hack civilian light displays, many fall in the realm of more nefarious activities. A timeline of events shows that the surveillance lasted for just under four hours. This sea strait has a maximum length of 310 miles and a maximum width of 220 miles. The shipwrecks on the Tasmanian and Victorian coastlines number in the hundreds, although stronger metal ships and modern marine navigation have greatly reduced the danger. Several days later, the USS Gabrielle Giffords (GBG), an Independence class Littoral Combat Ship, encountered a set of four drones in the same general vicinity. The first of these incidents came just days after the initial events. A . In fact, the first recorded incident appears to be the disappearance of the Eliza in 1797. There were also other, less fatal incidents. He says that while his father had gone inside his shed after taking the picture, Jason remained outside watching the sky. Watch the waves batter the vessel in the video above Watch the latest News on Channel 7 or stream for free on 7plus >> so a higher than normal number of incidents can only to be expected. The sailors Adrian Beswick and Josh Philips accompanied by a support vessel successfully completed the crossing in 14 hours 53 minutes. The project, which could have 250 wind turbines within a 574km2 (222sqmi) area, is projected to deliver around 8,000GWh of electricity, representing some 18 per cent of Victoria's power usage and replacing a large part of the output of Hazelwood Power Station, which was closed in early 2017. Exactly as Lien has said. It made use of four independent engines, with the likelihood of all four engines failing at the same time being almost universally dismissed. counter drone technologies and techniques, Biden administration issued a new directive, Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday's statement. The plane crashed into Bass Strait in the middle of the night and many character's lives were put at risk, with some drowning. 6. Its maximum width is 150 miles (240 km), and its depth is 180-240 feet (50-70 m). Current weather forecasts from the Bureau of Meteorology suggest light northeasterly winds tracking south for the first two days of the race, when the super maxis will travel through the strait. Bass Strait (/ b s /) is a strait separating the island state of Tasmania from the Australian mainland (more specifically the coast of Victoria, with the exception of the land border across Boundary Islet).The strait provides the most direct waterway between the Great Australian Bight and the Tasman Sea, and is also the only maritime route into the economically prominent Port Phillip Bay. A draft public affairs statement further added that the drones were thought to be conducting collection operations on the ship. Although many questions remain about these incidents, one thing is clear. The USS Gabrielle Gifford's MQ-8B was deployed again after refueling, but was unable to locate the four UAVs. This occurred during the last glacial maximum (18,000BP) when the basin was completely isolated. winter southern ocean gales can turn the crossing into a real adventure. Even if that had happened, the plane was designed so that it should have been able to be guided to an emergency landing. The details available in these official Navy documents stand at odds with the widespread perception of Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday's statement last year that the Navy was unaware of who was operating the unidentified aircraft. A wave tears towards super maxi Labana in the 2021 Sydney to Hobart.Credit:Dallas Kilponen. The Bass Strait's owner and operator, Hong Kong-based Pacific Basin, did not reply to several requests for comment. It might look like any other stretch of ocean big, blue and mostly empty but hidden just below the surface is another world of mountains and canyons, lakes and cliffs. The email further states that no counter unmanned aerial system (CUAS) measures were deployed during the first phase and that the USS Ralph Johnson was not at that time equipped with DRAKE or other C-UAS equipment. DRAKE refers to Northrop Grummans Drone Restricted Access Using Known EW (DRAKE) system, a portable anti-drone platform. Swarming capabilities are seen even by top U.S. think tanks and the Pentagon as being so critical to future conflicts that they could be decisive in a major peer-state battle, such as one over Taiwan. Sea strait between the Australian mainland and Tasmania, Map of Australia with Bass Strait marked in light blue. Indigenous Australians crossed into Tasmania via the Bassian Plain tens of thousands of years ago. If this was the case, its possible that the yacht could have drifted as far as islands to the south of New Zealand. Cutting through Tasmania and the Australian mainland, more than fifty small islands also reside within the Bass Strait. Formed 8,000 years ago by rising sea levels at the end of the last glacial period, the strait was named after English explorer and physician George Bass (1771-1803) by European colonists. In the Indian Ocean-Pacific Ocean basin, a coordinate of 40S 146E is located at this strait. GENEVA (ILO News) - As many as 24,000 fishermen and persons engaged in fish farming and processing are killed every year putting fishing and related occupations among the most dangerous of all professions, according to a new report* released by the International Labour Office (ILO). Updated June 16, 2022. The body of water between Tasmania and mainland Australia is called Bass Strait.. It's about 300kms or so from the Surf Coast on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria (the mainland) to get over to Tasmania, so it's a fair distance and a bit too far for a casual swim, although some people have kayaked across (hopping from island to island along the way, the biggest gap is about 60kms). It also indicates that the UAS incident continued after the Bass Strait departed the area. Alinta owns a submarine gas pipeline, delivering natural gas to large industrial customers near George Town, as well as the Powerco gas network in Tasmania. Frederick Valentich was flying a small aeroplane over the strait when he reported to personnel at a local airport that a strange object was buzzing his plane. And after flowing for hundreds of kilometres, it suddenly appears to stop moving south. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music. We previously reported the close presence of several civilian vessels in conjunction with these sightings, notably the Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier MV Bass Strait. It can be extremely rough. The stories of the ancient world made the whirlpool into a much more deadly threat. Its average depth is 200 feet and its maximum depth is 509 feet. His communication radio also went out. However, after several days with no contact and no arrival, search planes were sent out in a desperate bid to find the apparently stricken vessel. Bass Strait (/bs/) is a strait separating the island state of Tasmania from the Australian mainland (more specifically the coast of Victoria, with the exception of the land border across Boundary Islet). These new documents leave little doubt in that regard. While the Department of Defense spokesperson acknowledged our questions, they have not provided a comment at the time of writing. The winds get funnelled through . Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. [16]:484 These oil fields include the Halibut Field discovered in 1967, the Cobia Field discovered in 1972, the Kingfish Field, the Mackerel Field, and the Fortescue Field discovered in 1978. Hendrich, J.H., Palmer, I.D., and Schwebel, D.A., 1992, Fortescue Field, Gippsland Basin, Offshore Australia, In Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade, 1978-1988, AAPG Memoir 54, Halbouty, M.T., editor, Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Jack Loney, Mysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle, Neptune Press, 1st ed. On the same day that Fred Valentich disappeared (October 21, 1978), Roy Manifold would capture a picture (shown above) of a strange object in the sky over the Bass Strait. This is why concerts and parties are so dangerous because of the high noise levels and because people tend to listen to them for hours on end. The yachts fate, however, is still a mystery to this day. [22] In 1998 Australian offshore sailor Nick Moloney took on a different challenge by being the first person to windsurf unaided across the Bass Strait in a time of 22 hours. In addition to the technical challenges posed by drones, the Department of Defense has also struggled to encourage aviators and service members to report what they see, even if they cant clearly identify it. A strange stretch of water off the south-east coast of Australia, the Bass Strait Triangle, is one such place. Bass can be disorienting, and can cause nausea, particularly in people who already have problems with that sort of thing, but is less . Although he didnt see anything, he could hear the sound of a plane engine overhead. Scott Nichol, the director of national seabed mapping at Geoscience Australia, has spent years exploring what lies beneath the surface of Bass Strait. But literally anything could happen Weve got to be prepared for whatever.. Does Bass Strait still produce oil? A US Navy sailor training with a Northrop Grumman DRAKE electronic warfare system. 1.Gulf of Guinea. The Ticonderoga class cruiser USS Bunker Hill (BKH) noted as many as 11 drones operating nearby. This is in part because traditional deck logs were not available from Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) due to their use of digital records. Whether or not there is a connection to Bruny Island womans disappearance in open to debate. There is also the question of the sheer amount of people who go missingseemingly vanishing into thin air. The Basslink HVDC electrical cable has been in service since 2006. The USS Kidd, another Arleigh Burke class destroyer, was also nearby, but did not report a visual sighting of the drones. These incidents have come to be woven into an ongoing discussion about unidentified aerial phenomena, traditionally known as UFOs. Of the more than 60 islands only three have permanent residents: Flinders Island, Cape Barren Island and Clarke Island. On the popular Australian soap Neighbours, one of its most dramatic storylines unfolded when a 1940s themed joy flight to Tasmania was sabotaged by a bomb. : 1881 - 1895), Sat 26 Mar 1892, Page 30 - THE SEALERS OF BASS STRAIT. Bass Straight oil production still amounts to between 17% - 19% of Australia's oil and 42% of LPG. (1988). normal font sizelarge font sizevery large text size Will Oxley expected the 1998 Sydney to Hobart yacht race to be rough. In 1858, the British ship HMS Sappho met the same fate as it ventured into the straits apparently deadly waters. In December 1979, the yacht Charleston, along with the five crew members, would vanish without a trace while sailing along the Bass Strait. Perhaps the strangest, however, is that of a young woman who went missing from Bruny Island. Andrew McAuley was the first person to cross Bass Strait non-stop in a sea kayak in 2003. Strong tides flow through the relatively narrow and shallow Strait and timing is critical to avoid meeting huge, washing machine seas or being flushed out of the Strait in the . [4] The Australian military would conduct an extensive search of the area. Please try again later. The exact nature of what happened in this incident was previously unknown due to heavy redactions in ship logs. Maximum length of 310 miles and a maximum length of 310 miles and a maximum of! Glacial maximum ( 18,000BP ) when the basin was completely isolated south by Tasmania Tasmania! Odds directionally and the sea are often at odds directionally and the Australian,! Of 15 drones to distract and overwhelm a prison facilitys security systems initial... That captured the leaked flying triangle footage in 2003 as the vessel that captured leaked... Youve got waves colliding with your currents, says Nichol, and thats where you get very steep, dangerous. 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why is bass strait so dangerous
why is bass strait so dangerous
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why is bass strait so dangerous
why is bass strait so dangerous
why is bass strait so dangerous