Without any decent resistance, Soviet tanks took to the streets of Prague and crushed the Czechoslovakian dream of embracing freedom. The former official said Russia has been reduced to using less sophisticated stupid bombs, and short of resorting to nuclear weapons is nearly depleted of capabilities. This is local election time in the UK: definitely a crossroads that the horoscope showed three years before it was discussed. It forms the Malavya Yoga in his birth chart and explains the power and charisma he possesses. However, this is so strange. We'll see. So the first is April 30, 2022 and the second is May 16, 2022. Hi Jesika, what about Ukraine? The sanctions on Russia at the end of February sent shock waves to investment and crude oil markets. All strongly Aryan people need sports or individual conditioning to feel at home in the world. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Could you take a look at my chart and tell me what would be the best time? A generation born with Pluto in Scorpio in the eighth house of co-funding is bound to experience the South Node conjunct Scorpio and the North Node in opposition to Taurus, before (eventually) Uranus in opposition to Taurus. Thanks. Let me see. This chart matches the other Russian astrology charts we have (from the Romanov dynasty to Lenin to Stalin), but this horoscope reveals the true extent of the economic ruin that will come to Russia under Vladimir Putin. The United States and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. The action is the largest land war in Europe since . He is isolated. Luck would be on your side then. Military experts disagree on when Russia might run out of ammunition, with estimates ranging from a few months to more than a year. You will probably wake up to this news in Australia. Later, of course, Estonia was occupied by Germany. I'm worried. According to the prediction ofBaba Vanga,Russian President Vladimir Putin is now going to become the most powerful person in the world after the Ukraine war and Russia will rule the world. But Russias machine industry has declined over the years, and its not clear if major increases in production would require more efficient, higher quality machinery from outside the country, according to Schwartz. Finland, as part of one, all or many of these groups, is in a strong position. The answer is economic sanctions against Russia and a renewal of trade in Europe. Take a look at your Garden Oracle, Astrology Oracle and Tarot for this and do a three way reading. 5 March 2022. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I agree with you, the courage of the Ukrainian people is inspiring. Being open minded, gaining a sense of empowerment for the things I can help change, and also acceptance where I can't change things much.I intend to reduce the use of fossil fuels and am ready for possible rationing (thanks for the advance notice)I have Chiron in Pisces, I guess that means I have a teacher in the sign of things spiritual and psychic. This is the first week of March 2022. I find this extremely comforting and am very grateful for your blog, especially in these times. Aquarius has always been the sign that rules allies who pool their resources. Only when you have the time and space, and take screenshots. I posted this on Twitter (left) to a great response. Shells and salt would be a good deal where I live - I collect shells from the beach every day. looked. Theres no question that its put pressure on our own stockpiles, he said at a virtual meeting of George Washington Universitys Project for Media and National Security. Baba Vanga had said, "Everything will melt like snow, only one thing no one will be able to touch - the gloryof Vladimir Putin, the gloryof Russia. In addition, legacies and wills. Sharlene, Saturn in Taurus in the Second House is a lifelong pattern of limitations, lessons, and learning curves with money, investments, possessions, and property. It's spiral, we're in. Nostradamus was a clairvoyant who saw newspaper headlines centuries in the future in his visions. Baba Vanga died in the year 1996 at the age of 85 but some of her predictions about the world continue to come true, baffling people every now and then. I didn't know this all my life until now. Consider the eclipse I'm talking about: it turned out to be the exact date Ukraine took center stage at the United Nations. This is no longer the case in 2022-2026. You do well to separate the personal from the global. Almost every week, a TV channel or a popular blogger invites Gritsay to comment on the fate of Crimea, Putin's demise and Ukraine's victory. )', but could even point to "dugin" (Alexander) "Putin's brain" (article by Marjorie Orrs). The United States and its allies could find themselves deeply unprepared for the task of having to create a new European security order as a result of Russia's military actions in Ukraine. Finally, in 2022, we will see the beginning of the end of theglobal money laundering. This would fit the years 2022 and 2023, which are extremely rare, it would go back to 1938 and 1939, and it would show short-term tests for all of us, financially, with supply shortages, inflation, but ultimately, it would save the planet. The European economy will be very unpredictable, erratic and sometimes quite stormy in 2022, 2023 for Portugal and its neighbors, and I don't think traveling around Europe will be any easier in 2022-2023 either. A change of leadership is looming, and with it an end to Russian money laundering through London property and businesses. Donald and Melania Trump remind me of Evelyn Waugh's novel Decline and Fall. That's weird. Thanks. Also, do you see that increased nuclear damage (incidental or planned attack) would be realistic? Bulgaria is part of the old European system that will change radically in 2022 and 2023 as the euro, cryptocurrency and the hidden distortion of money laundering in Europe (property) are about to be transformed. Share page. Western officials say the package along with European aid should cover Ukraines needs through the next six to nine months. You can also see the global reach of Russian gas (for example) and laundry. They have more soldiers but their equipment is worse, their soldiers are less well-trained than they were, and their ammunition supplies are getting lower.. The Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has pointed to increased Russian efforts in the east as evidence that a new offensive has begun, but others see it as a continuation of efforts that have been going on for months. The US stock market will always be volatile and you need to talk to your advisor. Who or what you used to heavily fund may not be worth it anymore. What is clear is that the current Russian efforts show the poor leadership, logistics and tactics that have been the hallmark of its operations over the past year, with high casualties for very modest territorial gain. The new Russia was born. In addition, the Russian fleet in Crimea is safe. Russian factories are increasing production, moving to multiple shifts and bringing additional capacity online, said Paul Schwartz, a research scientist focusing on Russias military at the Center for Naval Analyses think tank. I have studied his chart from the perspective of Vedic astrology and things seem difficult for him. How is this war affecting the UK economy? However, Craig Hamilton-Parker asserts that eventually Putin will be driven out by the Ukrainians, but it wont be immediate. Why is that please? If you still can't find it, please contact Support. Six months of war may have gone by, but neither Ukraine nor Russia are ready to stop fighting, despite the losses they have sustained. Not only professional investors, but also ordinary investors, need to be very careful and cautious because the effects will be wide-reaching. Dear Jessica, thank you very much for your quick astrological reaction. has pointed to increased Russian efforts in the east, Mark Milley, recently said Russia had already lost tactically and strategically, EUs head of foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, warned recently. A very small elite, usually white and old. It would see the currency and trade of Russia, as well as Belarus, between December 26, 2022, and January 7, 2023. It depends where you put your money. The most pivotal stories and debates for Europeans from identity to economics to the environment. Will we see the same end to China as now? We have received very disturbing reports from the BBC and Sky that Putin has placed Russia on high alert for a nuclear deterrent. Parts can be a problem if it's a foreign car. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Can you share again? From 2014 to 2018, six explosions destroyed more than 210,00 tons of ammunition in Ukraine, including crucial 152 mm shells and rockets, according to astudyfor the Royal United Services Institute in London. I am afraid this means that the years 2022 and 2023 will also test us all financially. Have you ever made a chart for this? A Ukrainian soldier carries empty artillery cartridge cases along the front line in the vicinity of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region on Saturday. Jacob Bentley-York; Published: 23:28, 29 Mar 2022; Updated: 7:11, 30 Mar 2022; Have you already said that this will not turn into a world war, but that the United States will join the fight against Russia? It could hinge on which side can secure enough artillery ammunition Russia is using 50-year-old ammunition and dismantling breast pumps. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Recently, a meme became popular on social media that suggested furries had been made illegal During World War II, U.S. General George Patton faced unimaginable challenges and the heroic story About | Donate | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Copyright Policy and Infringement Notification. Thank you for all your informed messages and writings. This will happen for several reasons. This can and does improve markedly as Christmas approaches, and Saturn's cycle slowly ends. from Latvia. This reveals details of: 1. This is the worlds largest interbank payment system and members include more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and regions. Probable triggers for war (based on Ukraine's chart) I just wanted to say that his work is fantastic and very clear. His day is over. Thanks. Take care of yourself during this time of great upheaval and change. Or will things continue to get worse, and for how long? Michael Kofman, the head of Russia studies at the Center for Naval Analyses, in Virginia, US, underlined this point on Twitter recently, tweeting: "The Russian offensive consists of about 5-6. However, you still have to deal with 2022, 2023 in terms of inflation, shortages, and the slow shift away from gasoline/gas, coal, and kerosene flights to alternative energy. Next, we find that the True South Node rapidly transitions to 7, 8, 3, 0 Scorpio from February 5, 2023 to July 17, 2023, so it looks like a slow collapse. Corrected times don't count, sorry. I was born in the USSR and I know firsthand how disorganized this country is. Check out the previous Uranus in Taurus predictions, as this is the transit that affects your chart the most. What we will see are drastic economic changes, the end of globalization in 2026, the end of fossil fuels (which save us from the Climate Emergency) and yes, unbelievably good things. It can, in fact, change the laws. You are a Sun in Aries with an Aries stellium in your First House, so you need yoga, pilates or similar. You could live your values then, helping animals or the environment, or social justice. When will Ukraine vs Russia war end in astrology| Prediction of ukraine russia conflict explained. Look through the map. The reason for this is the repetition of the North Node and South Node in the signs of the economy, Taurus and Scorpio, and Uranus (revolution) in Taurus, which rules currency and commerce, as well as the entire economy. So while 2022, 2023 is challenging, I would expect your generation to come from all sorts of innovation and invention by 2026 when the Uranus in Taurus cycle ends. Someone has to tell the bully that oppression and terror is unacceptable, and it will be held accountable. The bizarre repetition of 1938 astrology in 2022 made it possible to predict a crash for Switzerland, Swiss banks and a great karmic test of war.I predicted a clash with Credit Suisseand we saw it. Despite the threat from Russia, I am more concerned about China, particularly its projects in the Pacific region. Today is not exactly rosy and sitting here in the neighborhood (Hungary) is not exactly relaxing. That was reflected in briefings to the Washington Post earlier this month expressing concerns that it was unrealistic to simultaneously defend Bakhmut and launch a spring counteroffensive to retake what the US views as more critical territory. You will be delighted with the result with foreign countries and foreign people in May and again in October-December. Ukraine refugees in NYC describe harrowing escape . Because?As a Brit I am ashamed of the position our government has taken on refugees, especially now that we are faced with the karma of 1938. He also talked about how Russian planes (for regular non-military travel) are leased to a European country, I think Norway. The EU is not going to give up on this, which is fantastic, and the European Union will eventually have the power, along with the United States, to make the Magnitsky Act a game changer. The emperor appears to be wearing plate armor and there are rams' heads on the throne, so this is a symbol of someone warrior. However, they need to use astrology and remember that we are in an Aquarian state of mind. Hi Jessica,I was hoping you would write about the war between Russia and Ukraine! The world will not make the same mistake again and the future is a solar, wind and electric car, locally produced, locally made, and from 2026, with Uranus in Gemini, a radically different approach to travel and commuting. Ok, so Latvia has four birth charts. It is still early days in the year 2022, we will see if more of his predictions will come true. So usually the marriage and the mortgage. ). ) Russia and Belarus State of the Union gives us a perfect graph, and we use London for the 'birth' as announced inwednesday 8December 1999 at 17:06 GMT (BBC). in the coming years? Many are looking at the stars to get a glimpse of the future, according to Angela Pearl, an astrologist based in Australia, who has received thousands of requests for her analysis since February 24. The final decision is yours; There are free tarot card readings on this site to help you navigate. Mercury is the Internet of Russia and of course it is known for its hackers. Putin does not understand this. Thanks. Analyzed horoscopes:Volodymyr Zelenskyj: January 25, 1978, 2:00 p.m. (Astro database, Rodden's A rating)Ukraine, Independence: August 24, 1991, 6:00 pm kyiv (Astro-databank, Rodden Rating AA)Vladimir Putin: October 7, 1952, 16:10 (time corrected by Claude Weiss), Saint PetersburgBeginning of the season of air signals, the New Air: December 21, 2020, 7:07 am, location: kyiv. Between January 1st and February 7th 2022, transiting Uranus at 10 Taurus was exactly trine the Ukraine Uranus position at 10 Capricorn. Just like fossil fuel. I would soon be moving to New York. I have always believed that we are all born for a reason, be it good or bad.It is very sad what is happening in the world. Even if this year and next seem difficult to handle, try to keep your vision. Short term pain for long term gain. Putin had influence in the elections in Poland and the Polish government favors him. Using Switzerland as an example, Sweden must now amend what it did in 1938, basically choosing to remain neutral in World War II but allowing Nazi Germany transit rights. Thanks. Ukraine has to rely on its foreign partners for shells that fit the new artillery pieces provided by NATO members, the experts said, and Eastern European neighbors have scoured their warehouses for Soviet-era shells. Now that we have come to discover that the renowned French astrologer Nostradamus correctly predicted the Russian attack on Ukraine - his additional predictions for the coming year are becoming more relevant than ever, including a cruel fate for Russian President Vladimir Putin. This means that the old world order will be replaced in 2026, and indeed we have already seen it begin, thanks to cryptocurrency and the Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Wow. Hi JessicaWhat will happen to Sweden and Finland? Could you tell me what will happen to the ruble? If so, in what currency should the savings be made? I can't believe how cryptocurrency is evolving. ?gracias . I could call this year and the next a necessary detox. He believes that Ukraine created after its disintegration from Russia is a mere puppet in the hands of the forces of the West. (AP) The war in Ukraine risks turning into a protracted conflict that Russia will eventually win, a leading think-tank has said. Nostradamus predicted (and rightly so) that war would break out in Europe in 2022 and foretold a cruel fate for Putin. Is there any chance of the UK reconnecting with Europe after the war in Ukraine?Will we possibly see Boris Johnson and his company after May 2022 being dragged into Putin's Hague hearing if/when he is tried for war crimes? Her predictions also reportedly talked of the rise of Islamic State, and according to various reports that the 44th president of the US would be an African-American. 6. Casualties have also been enormous, with claims last week that Russia was losing 2,000 soldiers for every 100 metres gained in the east. However, some in the west have questioned the advisability of Kyiv committing so much to the defence of Bakhmut and potentially limiting its abilities to conduct a counteroffensive. Any advice based on my graph is appreciated, whatever you jump out of or focus on. She is in debt. I feel that reading this site has helped me a lot, not only to learn more about Astrology and Tarot but also to find peace of mind in the articles you have written in difficult times like now.I feel as if I have been held by the hand and comforted. The transiting North Node at 26 Taurus opposes natal Mercury at 26 Scorpio. Its an open question how the contest over ammunition production will play out, Massicot and other experts said. It's about government support. The astrology we're looking at in 2022 is from 1938, and it's actually about 1938 karma for Sweden with Germany. Germany is karmically making amends with Romania by cracking down on Russia. Wow! It's too soon. , including newborn children.-born and the elderly. This is exciting. It seems that when I visit them. It is very comforting that the evil Putin did not win. An eclipse that covered Florida. "Russia may prevail militarily, but there will be a resistance . Ukraine is in yellow. In 2022, Russia launched its "Special Military Operation" under the pretense of liberationa "liberation" that has claimed thousands of innocent Ukrainian lives, has led to nearly 200,000 dead or injured Russian soldiers and has forced millions of Ukrainians to flee their homes. The forces of the end of theglobal money laundering through London property and.! Concerned about China, particularly its projects in the vicinity of Bakhmut in the hands of Ukrainian! Not win government favors him what will happen to the ruble your vision and Ukraine is who will win russia or ukraine astrology election in... 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