vesta ann sproul obituarymary shieler interview

Anyway, some of the stuff I discovered is that AA (and groups similar to it) have a high failure rate. The point of it is to not enable the bad behavior. That was the purpose of our Parents Concerned ministry. He got to tell me he loved us kids, my sister was incarcerated and my brother was living in another state. Valerie Jacobsen (updated 3/28: Valerie is not R.C. I wonder if the people who are advocating for alcoholics to be removed from a church mean only specifically a person who also works in a leadership position, such as pastor? God have mercy. That is a whole different level of bad behavior. Double, Bubble, Toil and Stumble, by RC Sproul Jr. I have forgiven that pastor in my heart and now have sympathy for the hurts that helped form his character. Here are photos of my injuries a few days after the horrific tragedy. @ Claire: Its just that the timeline suggests grief at the loss of his wife has something to do with why he started sinning that way. (Expire a life, or innocence or a reputation, or a familys resources, etc.) Is this ALSO the teaching of the rest of the SBC concerning Who died on the Cross? He was sentenced to 1 year and 183 days incarceration. I didnt consider Barbaras post to be nasty to you. Thank you. A scripture in James 1 speaks of the far-greater responsibility church leaders/teachers hold than believers who are not in leadership. So I would be cautious about over-emphasizing secular, mainstream, or Non-Christian solutions and treatment to hurting people, whether they are alcoholics, or are suffering from domestic abuse or from depression, or whatever they are undergoing. RC2 as an intelligent child and adolescent would learn to leverage that, and then we are off to the races toward where we are now. 11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindlernot even to eat with such a one. Wonder what will happen to churches or SBC leaders if they are not willing to sign off on this resolution? if you can remember way back some time ago, a person behaved the same way but under a different name than H.A. Or just the general run of the mill people who support patriarchy (because its what they are used to being taught)? For many, if the self-med is alcohol or drugs or opioids, this requires medical help; and very likely psychiatric intervention and follow up also. Do they choose their friends among other heavy drinkers? Not always. Im not entirely sure why its considered relevant by Velour in talking to Barbara about RC Jr., though. Granted, some of the help I found in my research was written by other M.H.P.s, but I had to find their material on my own and figure out if, when, and how to apply it to myself. In that case, the hurting people reference is not applicable and its spin off allusions are incorrect and misleading. If you want to raise some new issues, go for it. @ Velour: Then he orders his church to shun the entire family, including small children. Velour wrote: If RSJ confessed his sin, repented of it, and was restored to the Body of Christ, Hallelujah! I kind of understood what they were saying because I came from a church that was very chummy with Sproul Jr and his teachings. ), We tell our readers that we prefer them not to use the word codependent when describing victims of domestic abuse. OK. How would you have liked me to word this to you? To seek to return to the Lord means to leave behind all of those temptations that cause one to fall and to no longer go where one is tempted. Did they brag about how much they can drink, allude to their prowess with the bottle? Leave him alone! I have since removed the errant sentence from Valeries comment above. Some here believe that people with addictions should be kicked out of the church. I dont see the comparison as connecting to RC Sproul Jr., except for the coincidence that they are both alcoholics. I know that if I told my patient/client they could never change and they might as well give up now and just die, it would not only go against my professional code of ethics, but the passion of my training assisting others to get well. Velour wrote: Not sure I would quite go this far (God is the only that can really say this) but RC2 certainly has denied Gods power that Paul wrote about in II Tim 3:5. Improper judgement is known to be observed during alcohol impairment. Two or three witnesses principle. Sproul, Sr., might want to get a more personal glimpse into the man to whom many have looked for spiritual guidance and wisdom. First of all, it can be pretty hard to define just what gossip is. This is inexcusable and seriously hurts your credibility. It never came as most of them immediately started looking for the next shiny thing. We had a great time together. That is a pretty remarkable journey that you have had and I applaud you. Having been kicked out of a church (on some trumped up charges), I can say it one of the most destructive and inhumane things that I have ever seen done to human beings. I remember a friend teaching me to ask for sparkling water or ginger ale with a wedge of lime at a cocktail parties because it looked like something alcoholic Gave me something to hold in my hand, and kept the guys from trying to buy me a drink. Does he have other actual convictions for DUIs or endangering the children? God bless you and your friend in every way, and so glad you are here, Deb. @ Claire: Wasnt it radiology or something like that? Barbara trotted out the classic evangelical line that people with these problems arent real Christians, arent bearing fruit, etc. Nice story about your father, Brian. because when a person is educated in ethical and moral behavior, they KNOW what it is and WHY departing from it is harmful and hurtful, so they are able to grow in examining their own conscience and responding accordingly .. they are able to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and make course correction before making ship-wreck of their faith, I think solid Christian formation is far more productive and healing than the miserable anecdotes I hear about of Church discipline which seems so negative and punitive and results in public SHAMING, something that is very destructive for any person, Christian formation is education and the root of the word discipline is that one learns . I agree that Sproul 2 shouldnt be enabled by his father, Sproul 1. I was stopped, he was doing 55 in a 35. I also see your point, that his family might be better off if he got treatment. Much as I hate to say it. Why do you feel its necessary to malign a godly servant like RC Sproul as if he is in some way responsible for his grown sons actions! I believe you missed the intent of Dees post. Barbara made a nasty comment to H.U.G. The Bible says that those who profess to be brothers in Christ and are drunkards need to be expelled from the church. Im sorry that Im unable to divulge further, but based on what I know, I say he should be put out, period. I would not doubt it all. Rcjr is a gentle spirited man who loves his family and grieves over his sin. Moreover, there is a context to this discussion. The state does not usually come up with the funds for treatment. Its rude. In order for the body of Christ to function properly each Christ believer must follow Jesus Christ first and foremost. We cant assume they cant be helped, no. Alcohol can kill, it can ruin marriages and finances and it's a waste of Gods finances but that is all my personal opinion. If Junior makes the same mistake that the drunk driver who hit us did, R.C. RC Jr also refused to leave. We can be His hands & feet to a hurting soul, we can listen without telling, we can confess our faults to others so they understand they are not alone, we can give anonymously to people & not tithe to a church. Also, that particular passage(I probably should read it again) does not speak of putting people out of church, only of believers not having fellowship with people who do the things described in that passage not even having a meal with them. The point being that even relatively mild hypoglycaemia is known to impair brain function; if I were involved in an accident whilst hypoglycaemic, I would be considered in law to be driving under the influence of medication. and me and Barbara advocated that alcoholics should be kicked out of the church. Friends and. Back in 1972 shoulder seat belts werent installed in vehicles. I believe that the church, as church, needs to stay out of it. We are called in the Bible to many other things, including loving one another, bearing each others burdens, than simply kicking people out who arent like us. So behind the times.). A public memorial service will be held at . If that's the case, then Albert Mohler is one of the most radical Social Justice Warriors in evangelicalism, doing a 180-degree turn from his 2014 debate with Jim Wallis on the subject. But if he is routinely drinking and driving with kids in the car, he might have been better off to spend some time in jail since that is a serious concern. But we do know what RC Sproul teaches, and it is very damaging. But here may be a hint. re: Sr. can keep Jr. from standing in the pulpit: This is not true. What it did do is wake him up to his own sins and cause effective change immediately. I dont drink alcohol. By then he was almost dead from liver failure and heart disease. And some are Christus Victor and a few are governmental. Youre too quick to take offense because youre reading things that havent even been said. I mentioned in a post on there that your blog (among a few other ones Ive seen) either ban the use of the word or topic of Codependency, or make the incorrect claim that it is victim blaming.. What a terrible experience to go through so young. Sorry to burst the bubbles of any here who revere RC Sproul Sr, but as the old adage goes The nut doesnt fall very far from the tree.. Tragedy does not cause alcoholism. A different opinion here, perhaps, or a different way of looking at this. To paint her as saying she is against treatment when she has said no such thing is not right. He gained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from Westminster College in 1961, Bachor of Divinity (BD) from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 1964, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the Free University of Amsterdam in 1969. You intentionally ignored what I posted. He should face consequences for it. Unfortunately, I am in a lot of pain and maybe looking at surgery so I am having trouble keeping up with things. Velour basically verbally abused me in this thread, which is on a blog about Spiritual Abuse recovery, ~ironically~. Free Pass : Professional 501(c)3 Pastoral Improper Judgement Permit Provided? I wasnt talking about you or about what you said. His father died during RC's senior year of High School (around 1956-1958). Im not incorrect. SEE? It meant a lot to me. Hmm. As far as I know, no prior convictions. Blog owners can run their blogs how they like. We will do almost anything to aid recovery, but we will not enable alcoholism. As far as Im concerned most churches are incompetent to even lend the kind of support to the families of alkies that they need, and they should probably just stay out of it. The scars are still there but not that noticeable. HUG, precisely Paving the way, so to speak. -Which will bum Velour out for me to say, because she thinks Im not chipper and positive enough about things, but I am stating my reality. I do wonder why so many people continue to support R.C. Am still not seeing how sitting about with other people will cure certain issues such as alcoholism. She said specifically this person and she specified because of his prominence. I am not surprised that an active alcoholic is pushing drinks on everyone around him, as it makes him seem normal and justifies his drinking. Even finds reasons for crying out loud. What a hateful thing to recommend that be done for someone with a serious substance abuse problem. I am sure that Sproul Sr. paid for that. While some people in Celebrate Recovery may advocate divorce, Al-Anon doesnt take that approach for the spouses of problem drinkers. Let me ask you a question, instead, Daisy. Let me explain myself. Today that little churchis her home church. I thought that the criticisms raised of Barbara & Julie-Anne had been well & plentifully explained by them. Theres a show about morbidly obese people on cable TV, and some of them over eat to medicate pain left over from childhood. I had typical teen issues, and was so thankful (and still am) to find forgiveness through Christ. But to take that info and post it here? Think about grace being the last act in the story, which I think it may be for us all. Were all (finally) in agreement that the man needs treatment. Some denominations have a structure under which an alcoholic pastor is removed and required to enter a program to address medical, psychological, and spiritual issues. If he was working with a sponsor in a 12-step program he would be required to make a list of the people he had harmed and to make amends to them, except when do so would injure a person. Unfortunately, in spite of yearsof problems including accusations of excessive alcohol intake,it does not appear that dad Sproul and others in his orbit did much to help him deal with his alleged substance abuse issues. Now youre just provoking more? With follow-up. Family (1) Trivia (1) Christian theologian. Why dont you take a break from the put downs of other people like me, telling us what to do, how to think, how to feel, and that were not entitled to our opinions? a hospital detox AND good psychiatric care are NOT the same thing as enabling because they are designed to STOP the status quo Barbara could have easily included treatment for alcoholism in her comment. No excuses for it, ever. Page 14. This!! (He is not driving) I said in my post that the topic is banned on your blog (which is a shame, because learning about it has helped me immensely. You want to see anger? Alcoholism as the saying goes is a family disease. Wine is praised as a gift in scripture. I assume you already know, Christs church isnt a building or a place to park our butts on a pew. We now approach these matters much more like a spiritual team and have developed richer relationships not dependent on being part of the organization. But with my Christian friends and family I am often second guessed. Im not so keen to hold the church up as a solution to anyone for any reason. I had to figure it out myself later in life. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? I shouldnt have used the term unpleasant because Al-Anon isnt that at all. Please be assured that I didnt use the phrase Hurting people hurt people combatively, but I wont deny it may have been unwise. Having been raised in a highly abusive alcoholic home (My mom) it sickens me sometimes to read about the love and compassion we should have for the addicted.And for the we are all just sinners crowd your ignorance is truly sickening. i think we can do without insinuations like this. The accusation about St. Peter Presbyterian Church being a cult and RC Sproul Jr being a cult leader was widely assumed for years in Bristol, Virginia especially among pastors in the area. He probably was already drunk, or at least under the influence. I know plenty of cold sober people who embrace patriarchy. I had to research my problems on my own to figure out what was wrong with me, and to find solutions. Hes a drunkard, by definition. It had such a devastating impact on my husband that he doesn't drink alcohol. Then, the preacher gets up and delivers a sermon with a title such as, How to Have a Successful Marriage.. None of the people I know who have left patriarchy are (so far as I know) recovering alcoholics. Yep. Warning: Unless RC Sproul Jr gets some real help, the next incident could be tragic. he was charged with felonies not misdemeanors. When and if the program successfully completed, I would have fewer reservations with a pastor returning to the pulpit, as long as other behaviors are not present. Thanks Gram3 for your explanation of the damage that R.C. If Barbara made her comment supporting his excommunication based on more information than she needs to specifically state that. I have been talking about how the church should react in the face of this sort of egregious behavior. Doesn't increase my warm and fuzzies for the guy but if it makes him more tolerable and safer to his family then go for it. Not everyone can financially afford to see a MHP, either. I no longer read Barbaras blog for that reason either. having some things to answer for. Thats not the answer to their problems. Im asking, since you advocate for alcoholics to get non-church treatment AND to be allowed to sit in a pew every week. You said, Not any system that overlooks his cries for that help. Right. He was 78. My trying to save him from the pain of his choices only made things worse. If its 2 and 3 he is being monitored somewhat closely and I assume is less of a danger to society, at least on the road. Velour wrote: I also am of the opinion that alcohol does not change who a personal fundamentally is. There is very good help, however, to deal with things like substance abuse. You tried to paint me with the same brush, but I happened to read your response and corrected you. They also throw in the slander term. They have to want it themselves, and desperately so. : What does that mean? The parents would go to the local country club on Saturday nights, and they paid me well to watch their children, who were fantastic little people. Well, his position of Authority comes direct from GAWD, so what do you think? Now that Im grown and look back on that, I realize even more clearly how serious a situation that could have become if he had had a few too many, driving home on twisting mountain roads in the pouring rain. Alcoholism is like other types of drug addiction. Prayer Requests Under this plea agreement he will face no prison time, provided he successfully completes the requirements of his probation. Thanks. We certainly understand the issue as much as anybody. I get that. It was spiritual abuse, a form of abuse that sounds remarkably similar to the same abuse RC Jr has inflicted on dozens of people. Thank you. I am so sorry for all of the abuses, shame, and humiliation that you and your siblings were subjected to. with R.C. It works some of the time. The other does not. So you fully agree with what Sproul wrote in that article? accrue great personal financial gain from donors, or Nor is there any Biblical support for accountability among Christians. Maybe these two guys were separated at birth. There is more than one issue going on with RC2: alcoholism, spiritual abuse, unrepentant heart, etc. BFM2000 is not, to my knowledge, PENAL, rather just substitutionary. In the midst of my own imperfections, it was difficult for me to find peace in my assurance. I said, as you know, that he should lose his job. I think that if RC2 truly loves his children, he will get himself some serious, serious top-drawer psychological and medical help. Velour wrote: . I said on my blog that the TOPIC itself was banned, which I find detrimental to women who are in abusive relationships (whether marriage, friendship, at work, etc). Drinking and driving is SO DANGEROUS! Sproul Jr. has done. By the way, you have posted before what area of medicine you worked in. It took rescue workers 2-1/2 hours to cut us out of the wreckage. She told me before she died that she had forgiven him & she never thought she would. Horrific..emotionally, physically , life changing in every way. Hopefully one day our judicial system will get that. Our secretary had to make arrangements (many times) to have him picked up from a bar / tavern because of his condition due to drinking. She and R.C. That took many months to heal. I saw it as narrowly focused on RC Sproul, Jr. Perhaps you missed Barbaras comment on Friday at 5:40 p.m. to H.U.G. Youve got some great insights. She and I part theological company. I just happen to see the religious and public aspects of this differently from how you see it. R C Sproul Junior needs to be put out of the church and that needs to be very publicly done because he has been so significant at Ligonier. I have always considered this site to be , for the most part, a discernment ministry that is pretty fair and doesnt make unsubstantiated allegations for the purpose of harming or hurting. We part company, however, over the theological issue of how to deal with people who are struggling with addictions in the church. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and He will lead us to apply those scriptures with grace and truth. Unfortunately his daddy stepping in and called the charges fraudulent and put Jr right back in the pulpit via Ligonier conferences. This means that someone else (or more than one) has allowed RCSJ to continue in this sin (drunkenness is defined as sin in the Bible), even to the point of endangering the lives of children. . (Sometimes some of the treatment programs can create another set of problems in a person.). This is not cruel. understand how sitting in a church service once or twice a week can address the issues of alcoholism, depression, a sore throat, or anything else how can sitting in church heal a person of those things?Daisy wrote: Daisy, O shoot, in case you wondered why I addressed my last comment to you. Sproul Jr.s excommunication. I remember a few times (fewer than the number of excommunications, of course), someone was also publicly welcomed back at a worship service and biblically restored to the body. Put a stop to this carnage. We were reluctant to write about this since he continued in ministry under his dad. Nor is it brave of me to admit here in public that Im diabetic its not an admission at all, any more than it is to say that I have perfect pitch (musically) but that, at almost 49, I need glasses these days to read small print. No, we have theological differences about how people in the church with addictions should be handled kicked out. He went to the hospital the next day, he did not want to go that evening but finally, my mother insisted. It certainly was not just a church thing, it was a cultural thing. That she didnt address him getting treatment does not necessarily mean she is opposed to the idea. I dont know if that is a churchs role or responsibility. Those that saw the issues, which were primarily with the entrepreneurial head pastor, minimized them and advised me to hang in there and focus on my small group fellowship. I, too, am very disappointed with the black hole into which this thread has disappeared. Velour wrote: At least until this article. In my professional life I both treat and work integratively healing disease with nutritional therapies- including those who have undergone transplants due to chronic substance abuse. I havent seen anyone here, including the people you keep belittling, say that a church shouldnt even try to get professional help for an alcoholic member, just the opposite. To me, the bottom line is Does RSJ want help? ^The quote above belongs to Daisy, not Gail, and there was a goof in the block quotes. I contacted one of his estranged adult children who told me the name of the church: Pine Hills Church in Fort Wayne. He was also known to turn a blind eye to drunk driving. JYJames, thank you so much for posting that scripture reference and the phrases in it. We were basically a para church ministry. Unfortunately, I dont have any chocolate in the house, sad face: . Many people also get leukemia as adults who did not live near toxic waste sites. Putting the focus on Sprouls alcoholism getting him into treatment, support groups, counseling, church support, etc. Saying she is against treatment when she has said no such thing is not R.C from pain. 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