blurry vision 2 months after prkmary shieler interview

Im definitely NOT going back for a third surgery does anyone seeking for legal help for the experience?? I hope the proposed FDA Draft Guidance gets approved so that patients receive all associated risks so patients can make a well-informed decision on whether they want to move forward with LASIK. Ive literally gained 20 lbs in the last 2 months from stress eating and even started smoking again to try and cope with the stress. Cant describe the pain and the medication Ive had to take. Complications from PRK include pain, discomfort, and blurred vision. The doctor said, I should be have been recovered already & that perhaps its due to dry eyes. I am so frustrated here and so tired of not able to see! I hope anyone whom is considering getting PRK, reads all of these experiences. I hear some people saying they pretty much heal over the first month; others tell me that the transition between the 3rd and 4th month is the final round of big changes. I definitely agree we have to all share so people are aware of whats going on. I went through the same light sensitivity issues but it lasted only about ten days. From 07, three years after my surgery, my vision was noticeably worse and every year would get a little worse until 15 when I got glasses. Your vision will blur for a few minutes immediately after you use them but the effect lasts so much longer than normal eye drops. This medication helps expedite healing and minimizes scarring. My price was around $3K. Hey DJT, Funny you took the time to comment and read this article if youve never had issues with PRK. Do not shower or take a bath for at least 24 hours. Improvment is slow as compare to my colleagues and feels that I should be 20/20 by now. I am too scared to get prk again after the pain I had and recovery time and my eye doctor (different guy than prk doctor) doesnt think Id have great luck with it if I didnt the first time. I went in for my follow-up appointment (make a note you need a driver for that as well) the next afternoon. Medicaid: Eligibility and Vision Benefits. When PCO develops, the cloudy capsule in the back of the lens begins to form. at this point, I think I need to cut ties and continue to see my regular eye doctor and not the one at the lasik center. It is not uncommon for patients to experience blurry vision for several months after surgery. Whatever the cause I would see an ophthalmologist right away because you shouldnt have a drastic change in vision over night. As you get to the one month mark, things will heal up a lot more but it is still normal to have some degree of blurred vision. Slight convergence problem got pencil push-ups exercises, seems it got better. Some patients experience dry eyes, redness, pus, swelling, and fever after PRK surgery. Double vision as well as severe and even permanent dry eye can also occur. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. I am sorry to hear that you were unhappy with your experience but I cant help but feel jealous of your success. I hate that you are going through this, I definitely understand. Diman, did your close vision ever get better? Your eye doctor can treat this condition with eye drops, but it can take weeks or months to heal. I had LASIK 20 years ago and the results were amazing. Thanks for leaving a comment, appreciate it! Astigmatism causes multiple focal points and may create a blurry appearance afterward. Too thin and you run the risk of conditions like kerataconis. I thought I was on the road to recovery. Dry eyes can affect your vision. Good recommendation, it is shocking how many people have bad outcomes. Everyday when I wake up I am reminded of my mistake and then begins the battle of what I could possibly do to improve my condition. Almost constantly reddish and sensitive eyes still no reasonable answer for this one, and I was forbidden to use Stilla (or similar) eye drops. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. I had PRK in 2004. During the second week, I could get on the computer a little longer (about an hour to an hour and a half), but my eyes were still extremely sensitive to light and I still felt worn out after screen time. During this timeframe, your eyes can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision. Ill never recommend it to anyone, and Im most likely never letting those con artists touch my eyes again! My left eye is still great. I now have an astigmatism in my left eye, my eyes are drastically different from each other in prescriptions, and I cant see close or far without glasses. Until your vision becomes stable you will.. => Read Now PRK Recovery & Tips | Blurry Vision After PRK? In April 2021 I convinced him to try PRK one more time and after seven months of healing, my vision is about 20/70. I was one of the first 50 US people to have it done in U S. It was nothing like yours. It was at my 6 month appt that the doctor finally admitted that I would need a second procedure even though that one didnt work 100% either, but it did help a little. Because I had blurry vision 2 weeks after PRK, I still needed someone to drive me to my third appointment which I had on Day 27 where the doctor assured me everything was right on track. This can take anywhere from two weeks to six months. And on the complete opposite side, my eyes would feel dry later in the day so I would use eye drops at least 4 or 5 times a day. Compared to mt left eye, my reading distance is somewhat blurry and NOT crisp! Sounds like a great outcome, doesnt it? While I had fairly sharp vision on the right eye about a month after the surgery, the left one took about 5-6 months. Beware if you have an astigmatism, and or strong prescription because you will need further adjusting which leaves more room for error. My husband always had perfect vision and is considering Lasik because he should to wear glasses now. However, trying to use my phone, read a book or a letter is so damn frustrating. But i am getting epitheal erossions. I had PRk Surgery 10 weeks ago. What symptom that mostly annoyed me was the dry eye syndrome where I wake up some nights due to painful dry eyes! I even put a sign on my bed that says I did PRK because before I did try sleeping with my contacts on and it was horrrible and scary I though ill lose my sight due to dryness anyway, its just there to remind me I am really seeing clearly now. I regret doing prk . However, it comes with some potential disadvantages as well. The correction lasted about 15 years which I cant complain aboutBUT since the second surgery I have been completely night blind, cannot go without sunglasses in even partial light, suffer from extreme eye strain, dry and itchy eyes, and a constant squirt in even low light. Prk makes cs go bad. It is only fair in the first few days, and you should refrain from driving a car. Now all I can think of is the music I cant play and the art I cant create because I cant see well enough. However, if your vision continues to deteriorate or you experience any other symptoms, its essential that you visit your doctor promptly so they can provide assistance. Once I arrived home, I climbed in bed, took my sleeping pill as directed, and slept for about six hours straight. Josh, I would encourage you to visit the website They are a non-profit organization aimed at providing assistance and resources to those with who are experiencing complications from elective refractive surgery. For some reason, it really didnt bother me until the morning of. I guarantee they will tell me I have to get a second surgery. Its not terrible since my old prescription pre-surgery was -5.50 in both eyes BUT my vision is not as crisp as before with contacts (and Ive been used to that clarity for my entire life), I do not feel comfortable driving without glasses, and now that my eyes are so dry I cannot wear contacts which annoys me because I cant stand glasses. I went to a surgeon who is considered among the very best in Washington D.C. metropolitan area. The amount of correction made to your vision, as well as your own healing process, will determine when to expect blurred vision to disappear. According to a student in Clinical Ophthalmology, only around 6.8 percent of patients pursue retreatment after PRK myopic correction. I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. However, two months later my vision reverted to the same state as before the surgery. Hindsight is 20/20, but, unfortunately, not my eyesight. I did not feel comfortable with it but what was I supposed to do I didnt have a chauffeur at my beck and call. Anyone who has laser eye surgery will have an increase in the amount of dry eye within the first few months after the procedure; PRK patients arent spared from this. I made a little chart for all the meds because it was hard to keep track of when and how many to administer. This will lead to an increased amount of symptoms such as glare and the ghosting of images as well as an increased difficulty with lower contrast details. Experiencing total blindness after PRK (which is classified as having zero light perception) is extremely rare. Many thanks for the warnings, and best of luck to all. And after some research and figuring out the right date for me before our mega three month trip to Spain and Portugal, I was ready. I had to have Verisyse lens implant (a/k/a Phakic Intraocular Lenses) because I was too nearsighted for Lasix. I had originally driven there from Cape Town (about a 350 mile drive) to get LASIK as they said Id have no issues driving home the next day (testimonies from friends as well confirming this), but about 15 minutes before the procedure, they said that PRK was far safer for me to get because of the shape of my astigmatisms, so I consented and stayed a few more days in the area. Please do not do it. In addition, my eye doctor had to prescribe glasses to get me to 20/20. Blurred vision after cataract surgery can also be caused by a problem called PCO, or posterior capsule opacity. It simply takes time for the vision to sharpen up all the way to 20/20. It has been nothing but hellacious, beginning as soon as The numbing drops wore off after surgery. Fast forward to 2022. Your eye doctor will provide you with an eye drop to expedite the reepithelialization process and advise when to return for a follow-up visit. Im not necessarily recommending it, but was curious if he or she did. At my 3 month post op I was seeing 20/20. Resume driving only when advised by your doctor and when you feel confident and safe. See a corneal specialist. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 26.99%. Vision stays blurry, and isn't even as clear as days 9-10 waking up. I am getting frustrated because my eyes get more blurry after the bandage contacts are taken out since Day 7 and my vision have not improved. Anyway, I figured Id share my experience with you since I, too, understand your pain. It was recommended that exercise should not be picked up again for at least a week, but I didnt feel comfortable with that for at least three weeks. Anyone experience the same?? It's nerve-racking having blurry vision weeks and even months after surgery. B) i got 0.25 astigmatism will this also go away ? Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. Im constantly using a magnifier app to read things. Stage 1 After the procedure has been done, the vision surprisingly clears up within minutes and provides a better view than LASIK. So with the shades drawn, I listened to an audiobook in between napping. Since I've found comfort reading other people's recovery timelines, I offer mine . A lot will happen within the first week after PRK. I had RK back in 1979. More often than not, patients experience minimal discomfort. 2. I feel I may be a candidate for corrective lenses again. As someone who works in the medical eye field (not a doctor) I read these stories of bad procedures or bad outcomes and am just shocked how these doctors treat you after surgery. And if your night vision has improved? If you are determined to get this surgery you must make sure that your immune system is in tip top shape because if your body has an inability to heal wounds this could be a contributing factor in length and completeness of healing. The success rate of PRK continues to improve as technology advances. Still having significant ghosting especially with reading road signs and traffic lights at night and on 1 drop pred forte for mild haze according to DO. Seven months after my surgery, I went for a regular eye exam at a Vision Center. According to the eye charts, Im on track for healing etc. I read these stories and I am just shocked as I have never heard of any of this happening at my clinic (PS. The worst part of the whole day was going outside. I didnt feel like I could see well until maybe 4 months later. Think we maybe went to the same dr in Chicago. Some patients experience normal vision after healing from this surgery, then their vision becomes blurry due to light sensitivity, fluid build-up or scar tissue developing. Im going for a second opinion, see what other docs have to say about my results and future treatments. My first week of recovery was similar to yours, except I didnt have any pain meds, anti anxiety meds, or sleeping pills before or after surgery. Not 100% but way better than before. Im glad it all worked out. I had the procedure done from a super experienced surgeon, whos website claims that they have performed over 80K procedures, so I figured, I was in good hands. I hate not being able to see distance, and I strain now for both reading and distance, Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. Why did this happen? Fortunately by the 3 month mark, vision recovery has pretty much completed for most people. Nothing is clear at all. Keep the visual demands on your eyes to a minimum. I had -6.25 of myopia and some astigmatism. If they continue to operate on your eyes and make the cornea too thin you can develop keratoconus or worse. The majority of patients achieve up to 20/20 vision with PRK. It is very important that the patient protects their eyes from UV light by wearing good sunglasses and do not partake in any activity that may cause damage to the eye organs. Dry eye it varies, but hadnt such a problem before. I hope I can get a much clearer vision soon so that I can resume work. The whole procedure probably took 12 15 minutes at the most. I went to an eye surgeon in Arlington Heights, Dr. Thomas Koziol, who is now retired. 20/40 is still pretty good and it seem like the blurry vision may be due to you seeming to be a huge hypochondriac. If I dart my eyes quickly I can get my eyes to sting. I had an enhancement after just 3 months with my first surgery. In fact, by about 3 months, the blurry vision after PRK may almost be entirely gone! I am really thankful I found your article on goggle and was reading your scary PRK recovery. So here I am two eye surgeries later with a new astigmatism, many missed days of work, chronic dry eye, and a prescription for glasses. In the last few months ut is become do bad at night such that i cant open my eyes. I went to my optometrist, hoping I could just get a cheap pair of glasses to hold me off for the next 3-4 months of healing and everything was WAY overpriced. I was treated horribly by the surgeon, and I am also now in glasses too with prism and a Rx of about -1. Even i can't look at them directly. I came here too because I also am experiencing issues with prk and it has been pretty much 4 months. for a week i couldnt even consider driving and could just barely get through the work I needed to do. You might be considering the same option so I want to share my lengthy and not-so-great experience so you can make an informed decision. Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20 (that expression is priceless in this scenario! When PRK is performed, a layer of the patients cornea (the corneal cells) is completely removed which has to then grow back. I dont know when my reading vision will be ok. At least the office youre dealing with is being honest, so you can be prepared if you go ahead with it. In rare cases, more extreme side effects can occur. I remember feeling SO TIRED. Boy was I wrong, PRK recovery was not what I expected at all! After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly within 2-5 weeks. Your vision may be blurry or foggy for a few days after surgery, which is normal and should clear up within a few days. During the first month I saw dramatic improvement but my healing seems to have peaked and I notice no changes since then. 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