beacon publishing group complaintsmary shieler interview

There are, however, competitions that are little more than money-spinning enterprises. However she do have other authors that she have published under her and they seem happy. A publisher called Beacon Publishing Group (there seem to be a few legit pubs called Beacon, though) is using cover images of books it does not publish in its "Available Now" section on its website. Guidelines for academic or science based books MS WORD PDF 3. As I indicated in a prior message here, they tried to gaslight me and implicate me as 'problematic' and uninformed about the world of publishing. Someone contacted my sisters and me about his appreciation for 1950s science fiction, and wanted to know if we would let him be the literary agent for my father's novels. Is Parchment Global Publishing a vetted and reliable company please? I even asked her if this was a scam and she gave me the name and phone number of another Lady .I then told her because she did that I was impressed and trusted her. Not sure of it is legit. I believe this may be a scam artist. I can't see what they're charging, but I suspect they're not cheap. Chicago Review Press Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoirs D. X. Varos, Ltd. We publish genre-fiction in the categories of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction. In the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, they started targeting desperate authors with a publishing package that cost exactly the same amount as that received by American citizens in their federal stimulus check. Having had a quick look at Mascot, they seem like a fairly okay hybrid publisher. Unfortunately, like many other big traditional publishing houses, they chose to partner up with Author Solutions, which has been operating that imprint ever since. . No, but after a brief look at their website they seem like one of the numerous Author Solutions copycats that have sprouted in the Philippines in recent years. Thanks for this additional info. My Bird Songs is available on Amazon. They are not in the United States. I have stupidly deposited USD $1600 in one of those self publishing on line courses (I won't name) only to find out it is not what I signed up for. Is Author Academy Elite, with Kary Oberbrunner, reputable? So what am I to receive for my 800USD. Or should amateur authors hire out sub-optimal designers on fiverr and hope they get something that looks professional? Hi, I just found your article, thank you for the info. My first MG novel just came out on Tuesday through them. How that remains possible is astounding and frustrating to me! You don't know how much their services actually cost. They invited me to be on a radio interview for my book. Wrong. For example, they might only pay their editor $600 and then mark up the "editing costs" to $3,000 so you could pay more than 100% of the actual costs without knowing it. Thank you for shouting at me. Ah, I might have been mistaken there. Others have asked about them in the comments as well. approved for publishing." They seem to be a copycat of Author Solutions (the most famous scam company in the publishing industry) based out of the Philippines. and our What would be a red flag or have I already had one? The website is here: What about dorrance publishing and page publishing? Thats called business. i was about to deposit 5000usd but i stopped. Are you willing to give this guy $5,000? Your thoughts? Thank you, Martin! I've tried Writer Beware and Alliance of Independent Authors, but neither had any information on him. Thanks for this useful information. They probably won't: run digital ads, get your book promoted on BookBub, or market it to a captive mailing list. A well-known cluster of scammers is the Filipino network previously associated with Authors Solution and now operates separately. I am London-based, and a long time published/agented, but slightly lacking in techie expertise. Victoria Martin was a treasure to speak with (British). Anyone know anything about this company ? Do you know anything about Mulberry Books Publishing House? So what is Author Academy? never again. I'd be very careful before I sign with any organization like this. GREAT information. Avoid companies that offer grand (yet vague) promises of instant stardom. hi about rightpublications i dont know if they're scam or not.. Great info. and not a hire hand to assist with design and formatting. Contact Information. 11429 S District Dr Ste 1326. I have already talked to a representative and of course they want $5,000 and I told the man that I don't have that kind of money to spend right now. However, it's tough to know what to think without seeing their agreement. Are they legit, or am I being scammed? I am currently working on a book, and I was found a publisher she seems nice but her contract is 3 years at a time it stats that she can republish etc. So what is the difference with me just using google to research. Still a scam? Realizing my topic my delightfully eccentric mother was a limited interest in terms of the commercial market, I just wanted a beautifully produced book. What should I do? Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19515def79387a What do you know about HayHouse publishers and Balboa Press? They have approached me about marketing my book but I am feeling uneasy. My advice learn the ropes and then dive in! If you're ready to put in the time and effort to research it then you don't need to pay $5k for someone to teach you Save that money for editing, design and marketing. Privacy Policy. They are con merchants of the worst kind. So, I'd be very careful. Both are non-fiction. His claims don't seem to pan out. I too have been solicited from Dreambooks Distributing. You wrote "But with the traditional business model, publishers are incentivized to release quality books and foster long, healthy relationships with authors." Sounds like a vanity press to me. Was so disappointed the review was nothing more than "it's been New vanity presses seem to set up shop each month and with no bad press associated with their names, theyre able to convince many authors to pay for their services. Check out the section in this post about hybrids for some tips on what to look out for. Do you know who the cheif executive is? Thanks. Has anyone heard of SOOP? If you're looking to distribute your book, we have a good post comparing the different ebook distributors out there: Marketing packages that sound essential They'll handle distribution to a pretty sizable retail network and put all the data in one place so you don't have to bounce around between KDP, Nook Press, Apple Books, etc. During #pitchmad at Twitter, I was contacted by Uproar Books, which is a fairly new hybrid publisher. If you search for any of their books on Amazon, I doubt you'll find many (if any) that have reviews or sales. My guess is that their services will involve little more than making you a book trailer, maybe setting up some Facebook ads and perhaps getting you a "guest blog" on some site you've never heard of. Their publishing 'packages' are not as ridiculously expensive as a lot of hybrid or vanity presses. They have the whiff of a lot of Author Solutions clones that have recently started to pop up. Does anyone know where I could find a reputable (preferably Christian) publisher that has a lot of experience in comic books/graphic novels? It is expensive but promises to give royalty's to the author. They replied within a week and were interested, so I'm immediately skeptical. I initially bought a package with them a while ago. New Reader Media (owner of New Reader Magazine) contacted me today wanting to place books in my moms bookstore. A look at their 'recent books' section will pretty much tell you what you need to know. The review, entirely favourable, was complete in 3 weeks. My gut says its not Legit. Has anyone had experience publishing a children's book with Outskirts Press? I went to their website and they seem legit. If it's another one that I haven't been able to find with a quick Google search, then you should be vary wary. And sure, you'll have to learn all these things, but no one said that becoming a full-time author would be easy! And what about Shadow Mountain. Does anyone know them? I received an email from Gold Touch Press offering services to republish my book. Thank you! He has not, so far. I have not published yet. However, they don't specify what those costs are which means that it can be any number that they decide. In 2004, Beacon Press will complete 150 years of continuous book pub-lishing. This company is fraudulent, does not honor their contacts and when asked about a refund for their breech of their signed contract the terminate the contract, of course without reimbursing you. I think itll mean reverting to my original MS, which is fine, but what if I added something on my own during that process? - they don't ask you for *any* money upfront (especially not reading fees, publishing contribution fees) You said that the Author Academy Elite (AAE) is "one of the many courses" available. I'm trying to possibly find a way out without loosing my money. If it hadn't been for the semi-literate 'editor', I'd have gone ahead. I was also co reacted by EC Publishing, LLC I. Not a scam. The worst thing is that they may even quote reasonable costs for self-publishing services, leaving you unsuspecting at first, and then end up delivering low-quality work. If they could also consider working with the ready InDesign file, that would be a plus. But dear God think a little tons of people will pay more for one-stop-shops. Or is the company more of a vanity press? We wish you the best with your book. Do keep in mind that if you have to pay to receive the award, or enter the final round, or anything like that, your money is probably best invested somewhere else. I wanted to self-publish a memoir to give to friends and sell in my shop. Something or Other Publishing? I won't give them money. Is this a safe choice to invest my first book in? Thanks in advance. They're a "boutique" house (everything outside the Big Five is, really) and I enjoyed a lot of support and personal attention from the EIC and the Publisher. 1. The continuously lost requested info from me including blurb, bio, and even book. What did they say? I am trying to research them and cannot find any reviews. Still I would like to sell some books. Thanks for this. From that I'd say they're definitely legit, but as always make sure that you reach contracts very carefully (if you get to that stage) and consult with an experienced IP lawyer. I'm a new author and so far have attempted to have my books published via the traditional route, submitting my work to various agents, only to receive one form letter rejection after another. Click to reveal Scam companies will sell you on the idea that the New York Times, Good Morning America, and Newsweek can pick up on your story but the chances of that actually happening are very slim. Hi I am searching for a publisher/illustrator for a children's book. I am interested to see what you find out. Please tell what you know about Covenant Books. Is it a scam? All facets of publishing, marketing, and selling are the responsibility of the author. I hope this is not how your company conducts business. These days, it isnt enough to simply learn the names of unreliable publishers. Did you know that if you dont register the copyright of your book, literally anybody could claim it as their work and profit from it? Academic or science based book proposal form MS WORD PDF 2. Do you have any input on Mango Publishing? What they're doing here is getting you to pay them $5,000 in cash, plus purchase 2,500 copies at "cost" which will likely be marked up, regardless of what they're saying. Self-Publishing vs. Thank you! Atlantic publishing/ Dorrance publishing either of these legitimate? I just got a solicitation from New Reader Magazine is this a scam company? Says he interviews authors on his radio show. Thanks. It is available on line at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Walmart - Hard Cover, soft and all digital formats. There is an "authorhouse" which is totally dif. It's that attitude that we decided to part ways with you. Some bigger publishers won't consider any writer who doesn't go through an agent. In the US, registering that copyright simply provides a few statutory rights when it comes to claiming damages and it should only cost you $45 to apply for it online (as of February 2022). Launch your book successfully with our tried-and-true strategies. Has anyone heard of Sydney Dewitt of House of Literary in Palmville, California? I personally tend to think that they can be a really good option for authors and the digital marketing they do on behalf of their authors is pretty on point. but cannot find a thing on the internet. I used Book Baby for my first book. Reading all of these comments and responses has been informative -- very helpful! I've looked everywhere but can't find one with the proper experience. BBB has no opinion of them yet. Thank you! It just didn't add up, and something seemed fishy to me, in spite of links to their website and current magazine issue. I am definitely thinking the same. "Witty, occasionally crass, and an unqualified delight." (Kirkus Reviews) Is it too much to ask that a managed care facility refund a year's advance payment when your grandfather dies before he can move in? Mulberry Books is offering to lower the price of my book and give me 80% of the royalties. This was unnecessary. Now, there are "assisted self-publishing companies" out there very different from vanity publishers who're great: they do take care of everything, but they let *you* self-publish the book. I'd really appreciate your advice! I am sceptical because I've received so many of these calls. A day or so later a Lady sent me an email. They look like they submit short films to festivals. Not only do I not appreciate his attitude or his blatant disrespect for anyones time, but I will be certain to report this to the better business bureau and the national do not call list with the government. One that's being offered is one from Beacon Publishing Group, so I emailed them to ask about it, and they said that they have a 90-day internship where they either offer college credit or a letter of recommendation. Publishers ? The higher deal was more author development with branding input and focus group reviews and such. How do I find the right publisher? - a lot of their "marketing" services, though not crazy expensive, seem quite useless. What kind of small press is legit at this point? That said, if you prefer the handholding that goes with this type of program, then it might be a good option for you. Does this sound legitimate? Getting it on the shelves is up to you. I am trying to fully research my options before selecting a route for publishing my children's book. Ive used vanity publishers before and loved it. We remove all the hassles that delay the project and direct your manuscript at the hand of highly experienced team.". I am responsible for paying the air time It seems fishy to me. Never heard of them. If so, what was your experience? NO one has asked for money or made any kind of sales pitch. They are a Christian publishing house, and have accepted my Christian manuscript. Hi Mary, we weren't familiar with them until now. Writing contests are a great way to reach an audience, solidify your writing credentials, and even make a little money in the form of prizes. That is NOT a review. More about it here:, This information really helped me. Do you know anything about them? Simply by virtue of them owning that IP. How was this possible? Beacon Publishing Group is a registered trademark. You just saved me from making a horrible decision. That said, I'd be grateful if you could forward that email to us: service[at]reedsy[dot]com so we can take a look. Enter your email or get started with a social account: 1. To be fair, they pulled one on my agent too. Beacon has a broad array of titles in fiction & non-fiction, including business, young adult, history, romance, mystery, horror, comedy, childrens, health & wellness and more. Well I spent 6 months learning everything from scratch. My thanks for any direction you may offer. BeaconPublishing Group is a fully integrated publishing company. Do you have any updated information about TBN and their Trilogy publishing arm? When I declined their "partnership" services and contract, I was offered a "half now, half later" payment option, all the while facing a time-crunch decision window in order to make their deadline for my book to appear be in their next magazine issue. thank you for saving me. CW. I was called today by Amanda Gray of Gold Touch Press. I was considering talking to them about it, but if it is an scam for authors, I want no part of it. They make most of their money from their authors. By the way, their solicitation for services is up to $7500.00 US, as of this comment-writing. Are they reputable? What do you know about Pearson Media Group? So YOP was totally upfront and no one there promised to make me rich or hard sold me anything. Sent in my children's book, WOW--TO A CHILD CHRIST RETURNED--to Covenant for review. Loved it I wish I would have read this all earlier! Dollar for dollar you pay more but thats the price of ease and convenience. After listening to him and telling him numerous times I was not interested in putting money into my book, I told him I was not interested, do not contact me, and to place me on the do not call list. recently concluded a 6 month contract with YOP. I'm glad I investigated first. Beacon Publishing Group publishes great authors and books in all genres. They have contacted me to republish a novel we had previously published with Tate. Be very careful with them. approved for publishing." One issue though, they are not into promoting or marketing your book. I am not enough published with them. Thanks! Are you suspicious of a certain company? New Reader is a scam. I'm entertaining the idea of having my work published through Plowshares Media which operates out of La Jolla, CA., and am interested in any information you might have on their credibility. I have received an offer from Belle Isle publishing, the co-op branch of Brandylane Publishing. If you're going to spend $5k, hire a really good editor, a really good proofreader, a top cover designer, and publish the book yourself. Also, do I have to worry that they'll steal my manuscript? Are they scammers? Now, thats entirely false, but youd be surprised how many people believe it. You're right to be skeptical. Just got accepted to Page Publishing? Looks like a scam to me. I went back to their website, and they had a contact option where you could email the company, but no phone number or any contacts for anyone who worked there, and while they have an address listed on their website, it also says that they're "moving offices in December 2021," so I'm guessing that's not up to date. Join a community of over 1 millionauthors. Does anyone have any experience or comments on blkdg publishing out of London? I decided NOT to go with them because I could not partner with an entity that does not exist. Book Fairs. Stay away from these people , there are better ones out there. I was contacted by a consultant from happy media consulting. Just a few days ago I got a phone call from their marketing advisor who offered me to pay $5000(!) IMO BookBaby is reputable. They want to partner with me to prepare screen play & register with Hollywood Data Base for a fee. Beacon Publishing Group is an award-winning, independent publisher of books and audio books headquarteredin NYC. I almost signed a contract with one of your WATCHDOG publishers. They said they will start open readings period in December which means they're selective and it's good, right? Dont come close to anyone without a proven track record! Ive seen several vanity publishers that were either rip offs or scammers who went out of business. I have been contacted by Authors Press wanting me to attend a book fair in Arizona and they want to put my novel on the shelf at their bookstore. station Tbn looking for Christian Authors. They cold-called me numerous times about marketing my book SAVING ME, and want $2500 up front. The author has talked up a book he wrote on his site. Hello, 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meetthem. I could not find much info about HDB, but the fee is rather steep for just registration. If you want to do further research, look up the books listed on their website and see where they rank in their Amazon categories I suspect most of them will not even be in the top 5,000 in their specific niches. The video and web page will genuinely do very little to sell copies of your book without those other piece in place (and are both something you could probably do in an afternoon, if you apply yourself). He didn't mention any costs that might be involved as well as nothing says about it on their website. Is Go To reputable? Don't fall for it. We've had a run of comments about Gold Touch cold-calling authors in the past month. AuthorHouse is extremely unethicalstay far far away. However, we don't know if these are representative of all the books the publish. Here are some such services to avoid. I have always believed . In short, if a publisher makes more money directly from an author than readers, they're definitely a vanity press. He got angry when I told him Im not giving him $3,000 to do anything and sent this email: Can you tell me anything about Adelaide Books? I am talking my case to the attorney general because they do not have a physical address listed anywhere on line or on their sites and they are not listed with bbb you can not file a complaint. what is your view about "Author's Ink" . Needless to say, it's a messy situation, but one writers can learn from, has anyone heard anything about easton-books? Anyone had experience with this Company? 'Literary agents' promising book deals, 3. Ive contacted a few authors who have used them but would like more input. Take this short quiz, which will help you sniff out a predatory business. What is your opinion of Boulevard Books ? They did not list a price, but want me to respond by replying to their email or phoning them. I sent my information for them to send information on finding publishers. Hi, do you have any experience with Advantage Books? You can read more about why here (the comments are particularly illuminating): After viewing the results, we are happy to announce that the pilot was a resounding success! I have a 2 month old published "young readers" novel. Thank you for your sage advice. Aside from grammar & sentencing mistakes, I found their contract totally one sided. Are they reputable? If they ask you to pay for anything/co-finance the book, then you should start looking deeper, but they seem like they could be legit. I have seen 3 complaints, but don't know if that is enough to be concerned about. Has anyone heard of Parchment Global Publishing-they want me to pay to have a radio interview with Al Cole of CBS Radio? Authors own the copyright to their works before and after they publish them. .. and ever since it hit 30+ reviews on Amazon, my phone has been ringing. with a "let us help you market you book better" sales pitch. Does anyone here know if Okada Books is a scam. Thanks Reedy for this information. My husband is excited about being contacted by them, they say he only has to pay 30% which is about $2500, and they will cover the other 70%. They are offering a spot on Publisher's weekly. Because theyve NEVER done it before. Having your book displayed in a random stand there is not going to sell a single copy, because readers don't go to book fairs. My publicist is with Gold Touch Press. They said they pay her to place the books plus she gets part of the royalties. I signed a contract and paid them 475 Nov 27,2018 a of July 1,2019 my book still had not been published despite the contract starting it would be published in no longer than 3 months. The audio book division is one of the top prominent audio book publishers in the United States. However, there are plenty of companies who will make a big song and dance about securing you an ISBN, charging you hundreds of dollars on top of the actual cost when you could just spend 10 minutes on Bowker and do it yourself. BPG publishes books in a wide range of categories and formatsfiction and non-fiction. Sorry to hear that, Leanne :( In cases like this, the best way forward is to issue a rights reversion letter: My manuscripts are ready for print. No editing was all. Editors and designers are essential to a books success and some companies and individuals will exploit this fact to take money out of your pocket. The website looks clear and legit, but I wondered if anyone here has had any experience with them or knowledge about them? Fee-charging -whether for the actual printing/production of the book, or for some other item related to the publishing process, such as editing or publicity. Thanks, An Award-Winning, Independent Book Publisher. For publicity, contact I suspect you'll find that a lot of them have few-to-no reviews. Considered one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the U.S., Beaconfounded in 1854 by the American Unitarian Associationhas a long and storied history promoting the works of such social justice activists and intellectual luminaries as James Baldwin, Mary Daly, Howard Zinn, and Dr. Cornel West. Techie expertise them but would like more input is this a safe to. And no one has asked for money or made any kind of sales pitch complaints, but suspect. And responses has been ringing the section in this post about hybrids for some tips what! Outskirts Press consultant from happy Media consulting reviews and such section in this post about hybrids for some on... Publisher of books and audio books headquarteredin NYC are little more than money-spinning enterprises and then dive!. I stopped offer from Belle Isle publishing, the co-op branch of publishing... Our what would be a red flag or have i already had one called! 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Hope this is not how your company conducts business but ca n't see what they 're a. Was also co reacted by EC publishing, marketing, and have accepted my Christian manuscript experience in comic novels!

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