my girlfriend is dragging me downking's college hospital neurology consultants

Its killing me inside as she looks so helpless, vulnerable, alone and she has the face of one of the most beautiful girls you would ever meet. It seems that most of you are wonderful people who would do everything to safe their loved ones, even if you are not sure that you still in love. I dont want to get to the point of carer for her or to resent her because of her condition. I am torn as I have been chasing a cure, a resolution for her and so far no success how much longer can I go on? Dry spells happen a lot. Im on anti depressants myself but evidently those are for the weak that cant handle reality from her pointof view. You're so tired. Its been 8 months and Im already afraid of how she might self destruct if I tried to end the relationship. My job requires me to be away for 1 month, so i was away for 5 weeks this time, and when i got back we even couldnt hv a miss you kiss. She always wants sex and if she doesnt get it on unreasonable terms (ie i have been travelling for 3 hours, working for 8 and also hit the gym and house work and just want to sleep on the odd day) she will fight to 3am. I have been in the same situation with my husband who is depressed and now tells me hes been like this for 5 years, I have tried everything to try and make him go to the doctor get medication couple counselling , counselling on my own. Let her try and fix that. (Not married) But she wouldnt want to talk some nights. Than it all started to fade, she had weekly outbursts after we met, we had a lovely weekend, then, the other day, she was always very depressed or even aggressive, treating herself very badly, being jealous on my friends, depreciating herself. I still see him he wrote 2 suicide notes to me and his dad ( when I asked him to leave) and produced them for me to read. I compared myself with healthy happy laughing girls that my boyfriend meet everyday. Once you are gone, she will find another enabler to take on her issues. Wow.. so many people with so many similar issues and I thought I was the only one! On the weekends shes distant and will not talk to me, or very minimally, throughout the weekend. I know thats going to be the final solution to all this, but is there anything anyone else could recommend? It is characterized by a dull pain accompanied by muscular tension in the neck area." These are just a few questions you and your spouse should sit down and discuss together to see if you're on the same page financially. I thought she was the woman of my life, that I would do anything for her and I would but she simply doesnt want. Drag Me Down Lyrics [Verse 1: Harry] I've got fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark You've never seen it look so easy I got a river for a soul, and, baby, you're a boat Baby, you're my. We've been together for about a year now. In fact, research has shown that this feeling of insecurity may boost levels of a stress hormone, and can even lower your immune system, according to Kathleen Doheny on Just stay focused on your ultimate goal with her and never lose site of how she was before depression. thanks for everyone comments! She has to take control of her own mind if she ever wants to get better. You may click to view our members full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. She clearly doesnt love you like one should love another person. In the best moments, when depression is at its weakest, the real person youve loved takes over and comes out. I hope you found your way out and ability to stay out. But you're dragging me down, down, down, down. WE ARE ALL A PRODUCT OF OUR ENVIRONMENTS. I lost my faith in myself, in my abilities, in my attractiveness, I also lost my job because I was physically sick because of stress. Been experiencing something very similar in my relationship, I have been helping my girlfriend with her anxiety and depression for years as well and its been so long that often I feel down and hopeless too. She says its her medication but shes been on it since the age of 15 and shes 45 now, Im 42 I knew I had a little depression here and there and a bit of self destructive I dont want to go to work kinda lazy crap going on. This is the person who wants what you have - your charm, your wit, your success, your intelligence, your job, your partner, whatever - and because they don't think they . Help me drag the camping gear down the hill. Good luck and remember the love bit. First two years went well. Start praying to God, together with your girlfriend. Ive got a life, I want to be happy, to love, I am strong, I am bold, and I cant seem like to help her anymore, she doesnt want to, shes just getting away from me, Im losing her. I would love to go to therapy, but in Sydney that shit costs anywhere from $200 to $250 for a 45 to 55-minute session, and that for a 25-year-old is a bit too much after rent and living expenses. I am very patient and always will be because in my mind we love each other and relationship may not be perfect sometimes but thats okay in my eyes. Things are never as simple as you think. Its created a weird dynamic in our relationship which has all but ruined our sex life. Everything is about your partner. Then to know she will react & get angry is so wrong. Uffo , I feel like I dont want anything in my life. Girls love that kind of crap and its not gay or anything if you do something where you express your feelings. "Unhealthy relationships can literally make you feel drained of energy. No one feels superior or inferior to the other." She losing her best friend to cancer and she going through crisis with weight loss. Depression is a serious issue that is very difficult to understand. You say that they dont chose to become depressed no they dont but they can choose to help themselves. Just stay focused on your ultimate goal with her and never lose site of how she was before depression. First two years went well. The more. We dont really have many, if any, moments of romance anymore. I take it this is detrimental to a persons feelings who has depression. Am I codependent? I suggested he looked to sell the business and get another job to pay the mortgage on the shop so that if he sold it he would have some money did he no!! Slowly Im staying more time at home. Im sorry for all of us that love was not enough. Obviously it isnt making her any happier as things are.. I don't have the same motivation and drive and care about myself like I did when I was single. Learn how to be supportive if need be and get counseling yourself. So Ive been in a relationship with my partner for over a year and a half, and in the past 6 months things have really become difficult for both of us. 2. She shut me off completely and gave me halfhearted reply whenever I talk to her. She might even need help to physically move some of the bigger items out (like a couch). But i will never get married again since it really has become very risky for many of us men that have been married the first time. The ex shouldnt even be in the equation. I am going through the same. Hi everyone, I love her so much and wish I could take her pain away, but I feel ive lost myself and no longer feel happy. Its dragging me down and she wont listen to me and wouldnt want to change her way of thinking for herself or anyone, I hate to say this but I realized she is actually very stubborn and selfish. Therapy and meds nothing will work. hello, I am this depressed girl, DUMP THE SAD GIRL OTHERWISE SHE WILL DRAG YOU DOWN. The one thing that I would ask that you do before making any kind of rash decision is to think about this- if you know how helpless you feel, can you imagine how helpless she feels too? Its a selfish decision either way. Head up, somewhere we still exist and can grow back to be ourselves. I dont see it getting any better. I really hope that it is it. ", When it comes to unhealthy relationships, however, the badness can take so many confusing forms. Also, it is very important that a psychiatrist, and not a general practitioner, be managing her medication. But this might not work or end tragically also. You might also want to look for a caretakers support group. What you have to realise is that she didnt chose to become depressed so to have a partner in this situation is devastating, you cant be angry and leave her because shes done nothing wrong, she still loves you as much as you love her and I promise she feels a million times worse when she has an outburst than you do. Wow am reading all off this makes me wanna cry, Its like you all know my problems and ive never met any of you :(. Theres all kinds of genuine people maybe even in different countries that could turn your life around just by knowing them. I still love him so much, but I think its the best choice for both of us. I missed her, but she pushed me away and i got fed up from this. She is loyal and would care for me no matter what but I cant keep bringing my own life down too to be on her level. This kept kappening and only got worse I had to see him every day and if I didnt he would kick off and make me feel worse than dirt. she knows im here for her. She did not want to fight, and when I thought finally thing would become better, she just said that she did not have time or energy to focus on the relationship, and wanted to focus on herself. Sorry to say this but its just my own opinion. Right now, we value the future of our child more than anything else. We are both 18 and have been together for abit more than a year and a half, at first we texted regularly and which wasnt to hard to begin with because the only other commitment we had was school. If you have any of these friends, you should reconsider that relationship. somewhere inside you still know that too, its a natural instinct. Im fed up though. Im having similar issues as many of you aforementioned. Well, Ive dating this girl for the last half-year, after two years of deep depression, isolation, drugs & alcohol abuse and poverty. But, she didnt make an effort to talk about it so it seemed to have slipped by the way side. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. You wish your sex like was more active, but hate being the one to initiate. she undergoing medications and therapy but nothing could help her. If things aren't going well, if there's a lack trust, or if you don't feel secure, then it makes sense that anxiety might become an issue. The most important thing to find is courage to say goodbye because if you dont then say goodbye to your soul . It's definitely the opposite of how you should feel, and it's definitely not good. She didnt even try to make the effort in keeping the conversation going and Im always the one who care about her when she doesnt give a thought about me and keep immersing herself in her depressive world. The best I could do for him was to let him go and wished him happy. When I feel she is back to her slump again I back off and do my own thing for awhile. Its gut wrenching. Even if youve had bad experiences with the Christian belief in the past, I suggest you to just try something. And probably you wonder why I use past tense when I write. How do I approach the situation without hurting her feelings/making her feel bad? 3. There are good periods every so often but only if I talk to her most waking hours and only if I talk in a loving tone. I wish you answers. It was me rationalising my emotions. There are so many ways a relationship can be unhealthy, and therefore so many ways it can drag you down. Leave. Smoking and drinking! As men we dont have an option. My boyfriend is like this, before I met him I was very depressed, self harmed, tried taking my own life but one day I met him I felt instantly happy I never felt this, however he left me for his ex girlfriend and I felt hopeless again. we took a break for a day, then got back together. Somehow though, everyone seems to find a way to keep going and be happier and that can so be you! I am essentially a caretaker now. I feel you. I always tell her I enjoy how she is my first thought when i wake up and the last. She blames herself for everything, and says incredibly negative and hurtful things about her self. girlfriend is dragging me down I feel that my girlfriend is dragging me down and although she's happy in the relationship I'm not. I am still the same guy I will never change, maybe certain little things like texting habits to accommodate her but I treat her with all the dignity I have. (Yikes.). Now I am questioning myself whether to leave her or hold her.whether she ll feel better later on if I suppose leave her. it takes a lot of courag and resolve to stick around and be supportive to your partner and youve done that.kudos to that.please see that you have been strong and supportive for so long so you cannot think you will confident and seek better outlets.therapy can help in a major way as I have seen.all the best. When I have some me time to save my soul from drowning because of her, she said that I was selfish for leaving her for, like, a day! I am a twenty year old student. She keeps saying this like Im not a good person & I dont think Ill ever stop feeling this way I have given her reassurance, saying Im here for it through the good and bad, but fuck it seems like Im talking to a brick wall sometimes. Do a "deep search" instead. Recent events have dragged prices down. As I read your comments I am beginning to understand what my boyfriend feels. Smoking and drinking! From then onwards,my girl friend got suffering from depression slowly.but I was not knowing that and she also didnt share anything to me. AND finally, when everything feels fine, she doesnt acknowledge anything that happened. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. But she just cries on the phone and says shes fine. I would answer, I just want to feel free and safe. Welcome to Tissue Issues, an advice column from comedian Ash . Shes been unemployed this year, and wanted to take time for herself, which Ive supported, but during which shes been extremely depressed and even harsher to herself than normal. (All is Hell) Developing a strong therapeutic relationship with a clinician will afford you a much-needed opportunity to focus on yourself. And here's hoping you both can turn things around, and have a little more of that "good.". Uffo , I feel like I dont want anything in my life. Any thoughts or suggestions would be sincerely appreciated. It is sad, my girlfriend has depression and hates to go out. I have a problem and cant find anyone to tell Found that website and the posts here are very similar to mine. Except, Im still struggling a bit through this transition and have lately had more thoughts of giving up in general, than positive ones. Shawna Potter) Jim Ward. I have been dating my girlfriend for almost two years. deep thoughts in my head And they just keep dragging me down there down so deep Dragging me down so deep Dragging me down so deep Dragging me down so. THAT IS PROVEN IN PSYCHOLOGY. Things we fine for few months then i noticed our sex life taking the down hill road. The reason is the best youtube downloader . Theres a lot of pain in watching someone else you love give up on their own life, be unhappy about decisions they made and wonder why the relationship is falling apart when theyve manipulated your emotions by hurting u, breaking up with you so many times and not having anything positive to say on any problem you or they have,together or singularly. Try thinking back to those in hard times (or look at the older texts again like you do, I do that too haha). You need to ask is that what you want for the rest of your life. The envier. Totally agree with your comment. I took on too much. I feel im depressed, asking myself was actually our sexlife good becuase she was drinking, and that the person im with now has no interest in sex at all? And do not try to help, just try to understand. I dunno maybe thats just me. If so, you might get what's known as a tension headache from all the heated emotions. But, my girlfriends depression and self loathing is disgusting. SO IF YOU HANG AROUND PEOPLE LIKE THIS YOU WILL TAKE ON THEIR THINKING AND HABITS MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. It is not your role in this case. Well i have a very depressed girlfriend that i am dating at this moment which i do really love her which she is always unhappy when i go over her house. She tried attempting suicide few times.Even I am loving her lot but could not make her understand.she always wants to be around my arms! She is also currently in therapy. The medications side effect is sex blocking, also with her off alcohol her mind cant deal with emotions as other people, so basicly we had like 3 times sex this year. Ching, I thank the universe for you, and you for your response. I am sometimes even tempted to leave her because she is holding me down (work/school). My suggestion is start having a quality of life before it is to late , love is wonderful when it is growing but it can be hell if it is one sided. A woman goes through a break up, she goes out, cries half the time and gets her drinks paid for all night and has her choice of a half a dozen guys fighting over her. I am moved by how exactly you also spoke for myself Wish we could go for a beer. and the thing with sex: if you are curious and want to understand: Be found at the exact moment they are searching. She is suffering from depression, anxiety, restlessness, nightmares, physical issues and so on. When we first met she experienced severe triggers and dissociative states, which led to her being unable to finish her degree, something she carries a great deal of shame from. He has on multiple occasions told me that he only feels happy, safe and secure around me, and that if it wasnt for me he wouldve killed himself long ago. When the relationship isn't secure, however, you might feel this nagging sense of jealousy towards everything and everyone. And it can be anything, anything for the wide spectre of psychological problems or disorders. In the end of the year, she have changed her medications, on new years eve I gave her weed for the first time, she had a crisis, disappeared and the suddenly left me, told me very harsh and humiliating things, I was totally broken. Some people need to just help themselves. "So, yes, your relationship problems could lead you to suffering from high blood pressure." If you're being dragged down by your partner, it could be due to cheating, or emotional abuse, or a lack of support. There are groups out there for you as a caregiver who can help you through this too, and I think that if you found the right provider for her that could help develop the right treatment plan for her they would be willing to help you find a program that will match your needs too. I'm just not the same. a) Conversation Wow. She did take medications she did try psychiatrist. Now dont get me wrong, I get shes depressed and I feel for her, but I used to never have outbursts in my relationship period, and by now, 8 years in, the only way to make her stop taking all of her aggressive-depression(not that shed get violent, but yell on the most absurd things)/anxieties on me is to stoop down to her level and shout back, which then makes me feel like a jerk, she (almost) never say sorry, and for everytime she yells at me, somehow at the end I have to apologize or shell frown at me forever (claiming everything is fine, but obviously is it) ), It can also really take you by surprise. I want her to be happy, and I hope you guys are luckier than me. But how is it possible? The Team is not qualified to offer professional advice, but we encourage you to reach out. So it can really, truly suck when you realize your relationship is dragging you down. of each person. And thats when shit will get unbearable for the two of you. He occasionally took me out shopping saying it was my treat for putting up with him but when we got to where we were going he wouldnt treat me, one time he left me in the metro centre (Newcastle uk) alone with no money, when we got home he always wanted sex, I never wanted to but allowed him to make him happy. I did every single thing that you guys have written here. It works for me (I dont really have a hobby Im just at school all the time). Shes suffered from depression throughout our relationship. A. I have been through many websites reading about relationship breakdowns when a partner is depressed and the most common thing is how the non depressed partner is feeling totally drained and feel their life has gone down hill leading them down the road to depression. I hate her anxiety. Assistir Sheffield Utd X Tottenham - Ao Vivo Grtis HD sem travar, sem anncios. I have high blood pressure because of her. She lacks motivation, and can struggle to get out of bed and finds it very difficult to engage with productive in her life, that I know she wants to do, but that she feels are fake and fleeting. I dont know how much you have tried already, but why not try it? Im having this problem with my depressed gf too who I have been in a relationship with for almost 6 months now but lately, she changed from being caring to cold and selfish and I didnt do anything to anger her and treated her wth utmost care and lots of love since the beginning of our relationship. I am not an expert in the world of women but if there is anything I have learned it is that women feel a whole range of emotions and only show/tell a few (or none). Psychiatrists are the experts in the medical treatment of depression, and they will be able to provide better care than a general practitioner. Not cool. It truly could be your relationship that's to blame. this relationship is stressing both of us out and thats why she does not want to be in it. Nowadays, going to Youtube to watch movies and listen to music and entertainment is a daily necessity. But how is it possible? This makes any conversion on other topics nearly impossible or difficult until her anxieties about her health are addressed. Every time I look at her pics, I am immediately in love again by seeing her smile but in person all I am thinking of is an exit strategy despite all the caring in the world. Shes struggled to be present at her job, and isnt able to meet deadlines or pass things in on time. And as you deal with their negativity, you may find yourself no longer interested in things you used to find fun like going out, being social, or, you know, leaving the apartment. That is why she will fail. Good looking, good healthy cooking. That sounds like my issue too. Dear M, If you would like to find a mental health professional for your girlfriend, you can start finding therapists in your area by entering your city or ZIP code into the search field on this page: She will need manpower to make the move happen. Setup Size: 8.9 GB. I didt wanted help, I didnt wanted to tell people how sad I am (and that I dont know why) to anyone. I feel like my (26F) girlfriend (23F) is dragging me down I kind of feel like shit for even saying it. She also will fail in it, many times, probably hurting you, but she will go on. I Feel Helpless! Youve asked some really important questions about yourself: Am I codependent? Whats my issue? What steps can or should I take? These questions are as important as they are complicated. you're being dragged down by your partner, suddenly feel yourself worrying constantly, the balance between sleep and wakefulness, leave you feeling perfectly drained of energy. She has told me that my love and support has made her feel so special and that Im an amazing guy that deserves to be happy, and I believe her. i dont know what to do. Im not sure I want to be married to someone thats been depressed all her life, its only gonna get worse. I am seeking some advice. Im not talking about that Mexican guy that lives down the street. Maybe your girlfriend finds talking to her friend, who also has the same kind of problem, helpful in some way. Read on for some of those ways. 1992 - Video directed by Dani Jacobs. This really got to me, he is my first love! If she wanted to cheat that is her choice. Hey, lately iv been feeling more and more distant from my gf. In your head, you know it's no big deal. Compatibility Mechanical: 64 Bit (x64) It drove me to breakdown myself. I did it to myself kind of depression, but for the most part Im ok with myself and I strive to walk as much as I can and get out of the house or busy myself with crafts that has helped alot. I am having the same issue and the text is most definitely NOT part of an image. My girlfriend is dragging me back into depression with her own personal problems. A few months ago she began self harming, and I apparently did something to upset her and she started talking about how she was going to commit suicide because of it. There is more to life than this, trust me. But I really just wanted to Thank You for your post. You have to tell her when she hurts you. Practice Management Software for Therapists, Rules and Ethics of Online Therapy for Therapists, How to Send Appointment Reminders that Work,, Taking her depression into her own hands, can that make a person sick? past experiences? I can know no one would have got solution. Setup File Name: Adobe_Premiere_Pro_v23.2..69.rar. Being long-distance, you are actually BETTER OFF than if you were local! If you haven't been feeling like yourself lately, your romance may be to blame. 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