my cat was attacked by a dog and ran awayking's college hospital neurology consultants

or NOT should be allowed OUTSIDE without supervision or in a weatherproofed The lifespan of an indoor/outdoor cat is considerably less then an indoor kitty. All animals were indoors. and the owner told me that the can ran away and hasn't came back yet, It ran to hide under a car, then ran off onto the field, he told me that he doesn't think the cat was bleeding because when he freed it from the dogs mouth he didn't see any blood and there is no trail of it where the cat went, only blood where the dog went, looks like it was just blood coming from the dogs nose! When did it become socially acceptable to take dogs to public places like they are children? They are dirty animals that sniff everything in their path and we do not want to have contact with them.,,, Eine von einem Hund angegriffene Katze retten. I DO NOT believe in de-clawing a cat for any reason whatsoever!!! Since dogs love getting a treat, toy, or game, they will keep an eye out for these opportunities. When you go out, then lock both of them separately, by providing all of its necessities. Was the dog in his yard? Once it's stopped bleeding, wrap the wound with bandages. I dont know if the Humane Society did the right thing or if im sure i did the right thing by not bringing the dog home with me. We are currently suing the dog owner. My husband pulled him out and checked him again and it looked like he was shaken and there was 1 tooth mark and slobber all over him. away), and found the Animal Control Officer (my poor mom called them) getting ready to speak to my scum bag neighbors across the street. I feel sorry for the cat owner. Later, when everyone was sleeping he came by me for comfort and he died in my armsI gave him as much love as I could those last momentspoor thing. When our young Mal tried to greet it as he would his own cats at home, being I believe in the end the bottom line is just keep your cats and dogs on your own property or even inside your house if you live in an area with raccoons and other critters that might attack your pet. Fax: 1-888-398-1378 Getting cat toys, investing in pheromones, appreciating it when it behaves well, and making sure that your cat is exercising daily can help to improve your cat and dog relationship. The cat hid and later came home. A cats aggression towards a dog happens for special reasons. To euthanize the dog is not the answer. Dog and Cat emergencies happen ALL the time. I have 2 cats and 1 dog, all get along. Unfortunately I am going through this personally and was looking for advise, but am appalled at some peoples careless attitudes. A former schoolmate walked through the door in tears. Tank (pitbull) and BooBoo(cat)! They all have a prey drive. So, when it sees the dog for the first time, then it gets tense and feels uncomfortable. The pit bull owner came over and actually cussed out my entire family while we waited for the cops. its just you and then each would go on their respective way. You can create a makeshift muzzle by looping a piece of rope or pair of pantyhose around the cat's head. rasied with cats, they generally did NOT..however, I can tell you they So, whenever a dog comes near its surroundings, it attacks it. The cat bites and scratches your legs due to severe stress, anxiety, illness, or pain experienced by the pet. You will also need to restrict the cat's activity and prevent her from jumping from furniture. How long does this last? How can I help the cat recover? No. Let your cat be. I immediately began to treat her for shock, giver her pain medication, and better assess the damage. Thread the free end of the leash through the leash's handle and pull back forcefully to make the leash taut around the dog's body. What then, do all of you people think should happen to the dog that attacked the child? My dogs have always been, for the most part, indoor pets. The responsiblity falls on the person who owned the cat. No, but I would suggest that this owner be more vigilent about staying in control of her dog while out in public and possibly muzzling him. My dog and cat sleep together even when we are not home.we got the cat when the dog was 6. dog is now 7 1/2 and the cat is 1 and a bit. My cat, Sassi, was attacked yesterday by my neighbors dog. Yes, of course. It also hisses when it feels like the opposite animal is trying to attack it. If not, then the owner truly needs to work, one on one with a really good animal behaviorist to help them understand how this works. This is the Chase factor. We worked with her for 6 months before she would even get close to my husband. Cindy was friendly and wouldnt hurt a fly . Please dont blame the dog blame the owner! I also have always had cats. I have 3 labrador retreivers (2 of them are rescues) 1 I have had since 16 mo and the other I have had for 1 year he is around 2yrs old. Walk around and chat with neighbors about your cat and ask if you can text them details, including a photo that clearly shows your cat's face, body and markings. This helps us offset the costs of running this site, so thank you for your support! (7 Interesting Facts). When the cats calm, wrap it in a towel or blanket to keep it warm. The next morning, there was a dead cat in the yardhe did not have any blood or even puncture woundsmay have been shaken. Ive been a dog breeder for over 25 years. Final Verdict Cat Attacks Dog Unprovoked. Continue to give the dog short viewings of the cat throughout the day. The dogs are known to all to be gentile and sweet. She is so withdrawn now. So be sure to check the wound daily for signs of infection (see below). We were finally a cat attacks dog unprovoked, it could be down to misunderstanding. As listed above , punishment for bad behavior and praise for good behavior is the only way to retrain. If you get a new cat or dog, then hissing means that they are just annoyed with the arrival of your new dog or cat. All these animals grew up together. There are billions of low functioning humans on this planet;Id trade a few of them for a dog any day. it has become less, but am not 100% sure she wouldnt do it again. If a dog were to kill a human, there is no question that 100% of you would agree that it should be put down. He was trained to attack. our cat ran under the bed and hid when it all happend as the other 2 surrounded her and were cleaning her up our dog is now just sitting alone looking sad as if he knows what he did i just would like to no why he is acting this way and if we should be worried we love all our animals and raised all of them together they even sleep with the someone please let me no if you have heard of anything like thisour cat seems to be fine but has a limp when she walks. I will cry myself to sleep for nights because I am responsible and am trying to do the right thing for this usually happy, but abused dog. THEY MUST HAVE A TIE OUT CABLE OR ROPE JUST LIKE A DOG!!!!!! Gloria Serge can be seen walking down the bank of a lake with her small dog . One which unfortunatly had her eye removed on Chrtistmas eve and is recovering at my home. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But they all have trimmed nails, too. While I agree that the owner of the cat is responsible for the cat and the owner of the dog is responsible for the dog. When your cat gets frightened, one of their strongest instincts will be to get away from whatever's scaring them and they don't care where they go. We all have to be responsible for our pets to the best of our ability. However, he is labeled as no good because he does not attack any stray cat by some members. They make a special clippers tool just for cats. not. Welcome to Learn About Pet. Now, my dog is a bit too big to play chase and she knows it, so when he smacks her, she'll rush at him for a moment, then stop. I say kill, because this dog IS a killer..Ive heard the kids brag about how their dog killed something in their yard & how cool it was to see the blood all over the place. You will potentially save a pets life by educating owners on pet behavior. I got her & my Husky/Alsatian in the house & went to look at the cat, it wasnt quite fully grown & it looked like it was badly injured, so I went inside to get some gloves, so I could pick it up, by the time I got back to it, it had gone, i couldnt see where but I dont think it will survive the attack! The cats owners just dont think the law applies to them. It breaks my heart. I think that not only do dogs who have killed should be euthanized, effective immediately after attacking a poor, defenseless cat in fact these same dogs should be killed in the same cruel and murderous manner in which these dogs killed the cats. Room for your animals is good but you still have to be responsible and not let your animals run at large because it is a rural area. Do not take off the original bandage material. I have (had) 5 cats and 2 dogs they all range in age from 1 year to 7 years, 2 cats are 1 year old 1 cat was 2.5 years old, one was 3.5 years old the dogs are 1.5 and 3.5 and another cat that is 7. They are best friends [emoji]128516[/emoji]. Internal bleeding is life threatening. I can stop a dog from being agressive in just 10 minutes a day! Before these dogs, I had two dogs: Sister and Cindy. Your cat can misunderstand it as it is trying to attack it and defend itself. Be sure you fully understand the at-home care instructions before taking the cat home. But, cats can take this as an advantage and attack your dog whenever it needs your attention. If you don't see identification, call your local animal control. Not only did We lose a sweet loving cat tragectly but my own dogs who knew the cat and get along with the cat did the attacks! A Comprehensive Guide, What are Artemiss dogs names? learn their language and then the training becomes real easy. Should I take my cat to the vet after a cat fight? Some dogs are just more territorial and they are convinced they have to guard their territory at any cost. I feel truly sorry for the cat and for her owners. There are plenty of products out there now where dogs can be kept inside 24/7. Recently the dogs attacked and killed 1 of the three cats. Cat owners just let their cats roam free and I dont think that is right. I have a mixed-breed dog that also has a strong prey drive. We also had two cats (both are deceased now, but not because of the dogs! a cat attacks dog unprovoked, it could be due to jealousy. What should you do if a dog attacks your cat? If the cat is bleeding, the veterinarian will try to control the bleeding. Should I take my dog to the vet after a dog fight? any dog that attacks a cat should be put down. Not only will the people be happier with the dog, but the dog will also be much happier with the people. The underlying reason behind the fight can be anything from social insecurity to mental health problems. The only time they are allowed out in the front yard is when we are out there and they are trained to not leave the yard and are trained for voice command. She tried to stand but would lie down, then switch sides. As an animal lover and having 2 large breed dogs, 7 indoor cats and one outdoor cat, I make sure that I am a responsible pet owner, but that is not the case for people who live in my area. My husband rewards him for this of course. I am convinced it is shock, because is cannot be a lung collapse, fractured bone or intestinal bleeding. The Lab is one year old. If you know your dog has an issue, then you should do all in your power to contain and control your pet. She likes everybody, and other dogs. So, in other word, there are many, many crazy dog owners who instigate their dogs to kill cats. Dont try to deny the fact that both cats and dogs kill other animals for FUN. I was told a story concerning a recently adopted ex-racing greyhound. Needless to say we are no longer on neighborly terms with them and while I probably didnt to the best job at explaining as I am sure I missed a lot of details, really goes to show that the owner of a dog is responsible for a dogs action. Talking to the cat in a low and soothing voice may help her see you as non-threatening. When I unwrapped the towel, I saw 2 gaping wounds, extending into her stomach and lungs. But the more disturbing part of the emergency is that the wounds were caused by a neighbors dog. I ran outside and threw my dogs off of her. Everyone agrees that dogs should be leashed or confined to thier property, but few agree that the same should hold true for cats. Most wounds will heal within two weeks with appropriate antibiotic usage and care. Sheila. What a horrible incident, but as others have said some dogs are hunters by natural instinct. Prevention method. Her big eyes looked up at me and she reached out her paw and grabbed me and let out a soft meow. My name is Rajkumar Ravichandran and I love all pets, travel, and amazing food. It is imperative that you administer the cat antibiotics as prescribed by your veterinarian. How do you tell if your cat has been attacked? Outward signs of internal bleeding including pale gums, a distended belly, and coughing up blood. One of my dogs (7 years old now) has killed a stray kitten 5 years ago, when i was not at home and once i caught her in action and managed to save the cat, the cat was severely wounded. He felt that the dogs would harrass the cats and then the cats couldnt circulate freely to get the mice. The To say the least, if I hear this neighbor woman and/or her kids sic that damnable dog on me, my cats, or anything else, I am going to have them prosecuted for all Im worth..or them..because my cats never killed a damned thing, but their dog has & will continue now more than ever. If cats have had any bad experiences meeting a dog in the past, then it can take a few months to get used to. I use it myself. I do think she did the correct thing. If you have cable, get to Animal Planet, they have plenty of informational shows on animal training, so does the library, so does the internet, so does the vet, so does the local shelter in your area. I have had dogs my whole life and I feel that this instinctual killing side of her is something that I cannot train out of her not at the age of 10 with an unknown abusive past. Cover up the sandbox. Cats feel jealous of dogs. Now I may be wrong, but I feel that an animal that would attack another (dog (NOT a cat Otherwise, your cat can attack your dog seriously. This started me thinking about a serious situation that came up at our house recently our German Shepherd (20 months male) did not finish his food (typical) and the bowl was left out (my fault). Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or for pet food related questions. We had a baby on the way, so this didnt look good. My cat does not leave the back yard~not allowed out at night~ever! My Daytona is a member of my family, but I just witnessed her maul my cat because I thought she never would hurt a fellow house pet. You might also ask why does my cat swat at my dog? I called vet when I got home from work but closed. I wonder how many cat owners would be happy if my dogs used there gardens as toilets??? My 2 dogs stopped a coyote attack on my cat before it could be fatal. It is their only defense. I worked at the local shelter here. My dog had the neighbors cat by the midsection and was shaking her like a ragdoll on my property. He has done nothing. Pit bulls need to be banned everywhere. Invest in pheromones that relax and calm down your cat. Please mr. Manley, dont do that to your animals, but find a responsible trainer to help you! 5. Although I heard it and went immediately, they would not let go of my cat and were both working on him viciously and would not let go. My cat is at the emergency clinic at this very minute. She killed a few cats but it was because her guarding, protective nature kicked in. But we have to understand, dogs. Shell stiffen, stare, and may start barking or whining. My husky had about 10 to 15 scratches all over his face (the lab did not) indicating husky must have done most of the attacking. Dog Vomit Color Chart : 9 Menacing Colors And Reasons, Home Remedies For Dog Scooting : (7 Clear Facts), Specialized Dog Training : 15 Best Dog Training Techniques, Why Is My Dog Scared Of Drinking Water? Daisy gets very upset if any cat mine or otherwise is bothered by any other dog or cat. my cat was recently attract by a dog while sitting on the front steps. Ok to make a realy long story short,a week or so ago we went to Cleveland, Ga to take my little girl to baby land, my family has moved back in with my in-laws and they have 3 smaller dogs and about 5 or 6 inside cats and about 8 or 9 outside cats, and we have average size dog. take over About Ever see a nature video of what happens though when the prey stops running away and turns to face the wolf? The dog, lacking hands with which to grab hold of the cat, uses the only grabbing mechanism at his disposal, his mouth, unaware of the potential crushing power of his Have contact with them and they are children TIE out CABLE or rope just a. A recently adopted ex-racing greyhound walked through the door in tears think should happen to the home. Check the wound with bandages for shock, giver her pain medication and. To have contact with them will potentially save a pets life by educating owners on pet.. 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