Generally the main problem with "nice to have" is the sense of entitlement that it bestows. It also unnecessarily injects subjectivity and emotion. While Should have requirements can be as important as Must The main point being that it's what surrounds the "nice to have" that is important. By separating specifications to Must-have and Nice-to-have lists, we are helping clients better understand the process and have more control over the product and the budget. By using "Could Have" you change that "possibilities" and not "niceties". The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Should Have: These user stories should be delivered for the project For Colin C. Thompson of Oligye Enterprises Business Consulting, MoSCoWs attraction is how it allows a client to quickly understand and prioritize requirements. Many of these items are bonuses that we got from working really hard over the last quarter. Or look at which emerging technologies will create new market opportunities. They often mention the cool technology or all the features their product contains. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? I think it's actually downright delightful. They already have a nice selection of food, home goods, personal care items, and apparel along with other things, but much more is Delivered to your inbox! Miami does not have the salary-cap space to land one of the top running backs on the free-agent market right now. The focus is first on what is absolutely needed, then what is just wanted. S - A car should have a windshield But they both work for the same category. Miami does not have the salary-cap space to land one of the top running backs on the free-agent market right now. Learn a new word every day. It was fundamental when we were putting together the first iteration of our HR software because it gave us a point of reference every time there was a bottleneck or we had to make resource allocation decisions.. Im specifically looking for an appropriate noun replacement; do we actually have such a thing in English? must-have This question seems to be asking for the correct jargon for a business proposal. Alternatively, you could frame it in the sense that something "would be ideal, but it's not required. Know your budget: The first step to creating a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves is to be realistic about what is affordable and determine a budget. Checklist Template! Nice Saves: 9 Must-Have Items on Sale This Week Including spring break essentials from Tory Burch, Mara Hoffman, and more. The value in the nice-to-have requirements is all about negotiating to fulfill the customers request in the best way possible. Baby Items must have vs nice to haves Baby items- there are so many! Web"Give me a list of all the must have software and all the nice to have software." Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? They gave me a choice between an automatic or standard transmission. While "nice to have" does seem entirely appropriate, FWIW, "a nice-to-have" comes off as a little bit idiosyncratic. If not, step back. How to handle multi-collinearity when all the variables are highly correlated? Netflix let people easily rent obscure movies and keep them as long as they wanted without late fees. For browsers, it was general instability and unresponsiveness, especially on advanced webpages.. nice -to- have ( plural nice-to-haves ) ( informal) A feature that a product or service being designed would ideally have, though it may be impractical at present. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Clients are usually not familiar with the complexity of certain features. There are very some good suggestions but also a few bad ones mixed in there. Nice Saves: 9 Must-Have Items on Sale This Week Including spring break essentials from Tory Burch, Mara Hoffman, and more. Must-have. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, WebAs we discussed whether or not this was a "must-have" functionality, we determined that, in reality, group registrations account for only about 10% of total registrations. Youll have to make sure this is a priority. The categories are typically understood as:[3]. The other answers here are reasonable. @Joe I think you're trying to say 'Ignore the 37etc : 5 returns'. The listed example sentences match the use in your sentence pretty well: The apartment isn't perfect, but the fact that it has new appliances is a plus. Using your example: Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. is a website dedicated to providing PM articles, detailed project management software reviews, and the latest news for the most popular web-based collaboration tools. While the sentence makes sense given the second half, it causes a mental disconnect for people who assumed it meant something else when reading the first half, somewhat like an unintentional, I think "Maintenance shouldn't be optional," removes the confusion pointed out by others. Usually, most amenities are nice to have and only a small fraction are must-haves or don't-cares. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! @Mari-LouA, I'd argue there's enough of a difference due to the context. phrases. Gmail. Shelving certain wishes promotes focus on what truly needs to be done at the present time. Implied nouns in situations like these are usually pretty vague and don't add much to the meaning, which is why people prefer to omit them. Other methods used for product prioritization include: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Must-have. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, You can put nearly everything in life into one of three categories: Some things you don't need, others are nice to have, and certain things are absolute must-haves. Setup File Name: Adobe_Premiere_Pro_v23.2.0.69.rar. Theres Qualcomm and its CDMA technology, for example, or exercise trends that created a whole new market of Pilates videos and trainers. Preferable is a good choice when you prefer one thing over another. Keep reading to find out. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Do you have an idea for something that will clearly be the best of its kind? I think youll find it very lucrative. It is very versatile in its meaning because of this. You can build a business with a nice-to-have but it is more difficult to scale. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Bad options are less desirable, and people will do what they can to avoid them. The Dolphins are $15 million over the salary cap, per Spotrac. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. WebRequirements have to be organized and prioritized so that products can get off the ground and out the door. Most of the other methods allowed for gray areas in prioritization and resulted in missed deadlines as non-critical requirements were deemed critical, Thompson says. rev2023.3.1.43269. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Tech skills: must-have vs. nice-to-have. In the ideal scenario, the project team will deliver all 6 requirements. Must-haves; Nice-to-haves "Not-so-nice-to-haves" Deal breakers; Is there a more concise and/or idiomatic word or phrase for "not-so-nice-to-haves"? It only takes a minute to sign up. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers. The PYMNTS 2021 Subscription Commerce Conversion Index, a collaboration, looks at the mushrooming direct-to-consumer (D2C) movement as it stands in year two of the pandemic. The alternative is to flip it on its head and create a gold level list, where all the "nice-to-have" items are included, making the silver and bronze lists (of just the essentials) look like inferior options. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? I disagree that "nice to have" as a noun is horrible. Alaska has been dealt a wake-up call on the lack of resources to meet childrens behavioral health and developmental disability needs. The general voting and comments on this QA is - in my opinion - and as always I try to express this as politely as possible - The general voting and comments on this QA is essentially "insane" or perhaps "bizarrely meaningless". Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right Nice To Hear From You Or Nice Hearing From You? and I think the same holds true in reverse. This month, in celebration of rev2023.3.1.43269. You have now entered the nice to have zone where your idea, product or service languishes in limbo. I would go with Could Have (when you can), or Possibility when you can't. The concatenated word 'nice-to-have' sounds less formal for business proposals, but I am not able to find a proper 'big' word. I want it to be preferable so that nobody needs to worry about it going forward. The definition of possibility, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is something that you can choose to do in a particular situation.. This is common language in a Request For Proposal (RFP) or business plan, at least for IT Projects. The customer re-negotiates to receive all other remaining requirements for a 4 week effort. Theres Qualcomm and its CDMA technology, for example, or exercise trends that created a whole new market of Pilates videos and trainers. An extra is a good way of showing that something new has been added to what you might already be used to. The acronym represents four different classifications of concerns: Since it necessitates company-wide, cross-departmental consensus on project goals, the MoSCoW method is very successful, says Veronia Miller, cybersecurity expert at VPNoverview. What a CEO/leadership should work on in the early phases of a business. antonyms. Optional is also used, but often in RFPs I see both headings, where those features listed under Desirable weigh more heavily than those listed as merely Optional. The definition of needs, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is the things you must have for a satisfactory life.. This can become especially critical in the large project or project with seemingly unrealistic expectations. Having had many conversations like this between business and technical teams, we often use this phrasing: It gets the point across in a concise sentence. Potential for political focus on building new features over technical improvements (such as refactoring). Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints? Alaska has been dealt a wake-up call on the lack of resources to meet childrens behavioral health and developmental disability needs. Web1 review of Locals Only "Wandering around downtown I stumbled upon the soft opening for this new store specializing in local artists and artisans. Maintenance shouldnt be a nice-to-have but an all-important necessity. Web1 review of Locals Only "Wandering around downtown I stumbled upon the soft opening for this new store specializing in local artists and artisans. She has to work with clients from all over the world. The simplest approach is to provide the customer a project cost and completion timeline of the must-have and nice-to-have requirements separately. Another way of saying it: I would probably use this form myself actually. MoSCoW is often used with timeboxing, where a deadline is fixed so that the focus must be on the most important requirements, and is commonly used in agile software development approaches such as Scrum, rapid application development (RAD), and DSDM. Lets talk about the good options first. I almost always do. What youre asking for is quite a luxury. The sales report shall be available online the first business day of each work week by 9 AM MDT. Mara Hoffman swimsuits and Mara Hoffman dresses are equally beloved by our editors. A few more ideas: icing on the cake (noun, but doesn't take an article), discretionary or discretional or left up to your discretion (adj), noncompulsory (noun or adj, but usually an adj), take-it-or-leave-it (coined, but then so was nice-to-have). By Halie LeSavage Published: Mar 1, "Nice to Have" is perfectly legit though. Identifying a Market Gap. The definition of luxury, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is great comfort, especially as provided by expensive and beautiful things.. Why does the impeller of torque converter sit behind the turbine? Could a mentor help a less experienced candidate succeed in the role? During the project you will document that either this requirement is removed (often placed in a list of dead requirements) because of cost or on the off-chance that hardware costs come down, or there are other opportunities to provide availability over the weekend you should keep the requirement until you are sure of its destination. When something seems to be impossible. Netflix let people easily rent obscure movies and keep them as long as they wanted without late fees. Should Have: These user stories should be delivered for the project to be considered a success, but there is flexibility how they are delivered. While the Os are usually in lower-case to indicate that they do not stand for anything, the all-capitals MOSCOW is also used. To me the original is too long, and since it was addressing "maintenance" it seemed to address a requirement indirectly. When doing requirements gathering I use a MoSCoW Document. Edit: I didnt notice it, but @Lambies comment up top is a good enough answer. "add-on"/noun/b: = "something that enhances the thing it is added to" (i.word/i.dictionary), As in: 'Maintenance shouldnt be seen as 'window-dressing' but as an all-important necessity.". Accessed 2 Mar. Google has historically been a leader in this third technique and Brian Rakowski, former lead product manager for Googles Gmail product and current product management director for its Chrome browser, has some terrific insight into how the company has managed to do this. Good job on suggesting the emphasis. Policies have been created to ensure the security of society. In your sentence, the implied noun is something like 'thing', and in the passage from Proverbs, it's something like 'man' or 'person' or 'people'. Desirable sounds more like an option to my ears, though I have heard it used in the OPs desired context. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. [4] Oftentimes, a team will find that, even after identifying their MVP, they have too much work for their expected capacity. Maintenance shouldn't be an option, but an all-important necessity. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. For progress to happen, all involved need to engage in some give and take. Bonus is one of the most common formal words used to refer to nice-to-have things. 09:50 The Its only a matter of time before they hit the market, and we must be ready. I like the niceties that I get out of my role here. It has been great to see so many folks using these past couple of months to reflect and decide to go after their dream idea! Thats just one of the perks from here. 2023. This exercise may seem trivial and unimportant, but its importance cannot be underestimated. She has more than 13 years experience in software development, project management and people leadership in both Fortune 500 and startup companies. It takes a similar amount of time to build a business for a nice-to-have vs. a must-have. Why not spend the time to do the customer discovery up front and ensure your time is spent on a must-have problem that could have a greater chance of success and scale if you get it right? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. "Desirable" is exactly the word I'd use to describe a "nice-to-have" feature. Send us feedback. LEM current transducer 2.5 V internal reference, Something more than is usual or necessary. Sometimes, "must" and "have to" can be used to speak Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Must-Have Skills While it is often nice to improve aesthetics, aesthetics in and of themselves do not cover the whole range of things which can be "nice-to-have". Jessica runs Project Management 101, a blog dedicated to disccussing various topics about Project Management. If the most coveted seat on Hopefully it is clear from this simplified example the value of the exercise. WebThe definition of nicety, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is a detail or small difference that is only obvious after careful thought. This is quite the nicety. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. This answer seems more focused on "need-to-have" than "nice-to-have", but "want" is definitely a good suggestion for the latter. 'nice-to-have' is a perfectly adequate formal term. How to use must-have in a sentence. Compatibility Mechanical: 64 Bit (x64) For most contexts. It quickly or easily convinces potential users how your product will make a part of their life better. It was first used extensively with the dynamic systems development method (DSDM) [2] from 2002. A.T. Gimbel shares insight when it comes to evaluating a new business idea as a Must-have vs. a Nice-to-have. +1 because the highest upvoted answer also has "option", and I fail to see why users do not upvote this answer as well. Webmust-have definition: 1. Doug, I guess but it seems users are also upvoting "option" as well as "luxury". Bonus does not clearly indicate desirability so I consider this a poor choice to replace nice-to-have. In this example, you could (and its recommended) still characterize the nice-to-have requirement as part of the overall recording of the requirements to fully capture the requests of the customer. Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints? The usual formal term for something that is not a necessity is luxury: an inessential, desirable item which is expensive or difficult to obtain. What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? Smartsheet Software Review: Overview Features Pricing, Wrike Software Review: Overview Features Pricing, Top 7 Best Task Management Software & Tools in 2020, Simple Guide To Choose a Project Management Software. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command. During Monday nights two-hour finale, the top 11 finalists performed one last time on the worlds biggest stage. , we identified a trend of blogging and social networking entering the corporate world. Usually, the thing that you prefer is the nice-to-have option, while the thing that you avoided is typically not as good. The last one implies that maintenance is an unpleasant chore: maybe you want to empathize with the reader's dislike of maintenance, or maybe you'd rather not suggest that at all. All that being said, the "answer" is "Could Have". This is then distinguished from X for excluded for items which are explicitly not included. So in effect I flipped the sentence around a bit in an attempt to address the underlying intent. By having clear rankings of must, should, could, and wish, the end-user focal and team could agree Whether youre in the idea generation stage or have already started to build your product, you should take a breath and reassess whether the concept still holds your initial level of enthusiasm. Its an added bonus that were going to get a lot out of this. Open, two-way communication with your customers is more effective, Extrapolate a current technology, trend, or must have. What is the next product in the evolution of that industry? She has a wealth of hands-on project experience from the smallest project to projects whose budgets exceeded $50M per year. Each individual data column (store id, total sales revenue, total cost of good sales, gross margin) shall be able to be sorted in ascending or descending order. Something that occupies small area on the interface for instance, a newsletter subscription form or The Dolphins are $15 million over the salary cap, per Spotrac. 33 Likes, 0 Comments - Altair (@altairengineering) on Instagram: Gender equity isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have. Jason Bassford. So how do you figure out whether your idea is likely to find customers and become a must have? [duplicate], Suggested alternatives for "nice-to-have" as a noun,, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? The trick is finding features that are missing and implementing those to change the market. (Consider the evolution from the Walkman to MP3 players to the iPod.) Many entrepreneurs are too close to their topic to realize where they really are on the user adoption curve. Tackling a project involves prioritization. IKEA did it for the budget-conscious furniture retail market. The trick is finding features that are missing and implementing those to change the market. Ill delete this answer if you add one. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? Find an element thats missing in a market one that you know and are passionate about. Here is a great checklist for new parents to know what baby items are have's items vs nice to haves. WebIn building a software from scratch, there is necessity to conduct detailed needs assessment and find out what the clients/stakeholders really need.. Copyright 2023 Business Management Daily. The last column is the "nice-to-haves." This article will help you understand some of the best ways to say something is nice-to-have and some of the best formal alternatives to it. These types of solutions customers cannot live without and would be devastated if the solution were taken away. The definition of extra, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is added to what is normal.. You can use them to show that something is nice-to-have, and it usually comes with a lot of benefits related to how good it is.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_7',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-box-3-0'); Luxury is the best choice for both formal and informal situations. With competitors such as Tellme and BeVocal, our space raised over $300 million in 2000, but quickly faded a few years later when users didnt widely adopt a voice-controlled interface. You take a sheet of paper and on one side, write down MUST HAVE. Deciding what falls in this number-one tier often boils down to asking the question, What will happen if we do not deliver on this particular thing? If the answer is that the whole project will fall apart, you likely have a must.. Here we go. I think a direct link to Doug's answer is in order here. still possible but unlikely to be included (and less likely than could). As someone who has read and created business plans and requirement documentation in both my academic and professional career, I'd recommend sticking with "nice-to-have". Desirable is a good choice that relates to multiple options. WebThe meaning of MUST-HAVE is something that is essential to have or obtain. @user1359 If you like "nice", see my answer ;). Automation. These are extras, but youll find that theyre going to make your life a lot easier. Wouldn't concatenating the result of two different hashing algorithms defeat all collisions? A good option is something that is nice-to-have. People will often seek these options to make their life easier. Weba "must have" feature a "nice to have" feature a "not needed" feature. Trust us when we say that. As a product manager, I strongly agree that priorities are essential for a project manager to succeed. What do you think? Its easy for people to recognize that your product will save them a significant amount of time or money. In new product development, particularly those following agile software development approaches, there is always more to do than there is time or funding to permit (hence the need for prioritization). quotations coordinate term The selfie-stick is this year's must-have. Enter your email address to instantly generate a PDF of this article. What do you think we can do to make that happen? My personal favorite is the rise in popularity of specialty bacon, where I can also plug my Ode to Bacon.. WebNice to Have definition. (Consider the evolution from the Walkman to MP3 players to the iPod.) In early customer discovery, you often get feedback that your idea is interesting, would be neat, and they would love to try it. The goal here is to maximize the value for the customer. Since you're not specifically asking for a single-word solution, here's an alternative that, especially in the software world, nicely groups the nice-to-have items: additional features or accessories which are nonessential but very attractive: my car has all the latest bells and whistles, additions, such as options or warranties, made to a financial product to increase its market appeal, As a plural noun, it may not fit your purposes exactly if you're looking for a single term to describe a single nice-to-have item, but you could always say, "Maintenance shouldn't be one of the bells and whistles, but an all-important necessity.". I like to keep things close to me that I know will give me the best quality I can get. Formally, a specification only needs to concern itself with "required features". *A compound adjective containing a noun and an infinitive verb, but let's not split hairs. musthave to must have to 2 For example, back in 2005, when I was working on my startup. In the querent's context, I see terms used approximately as follows: Thanks Jeff. gives a number of antonyms for "mandatory". During Monday nights two-hour finale, the top 11 finalists performed one last time on the worlds biggest stage. A requirements specification template can help group requirements as I know that "nonessential" doesnt convey "nice to have" from the point of the salesman, but from the point of the buyer, it shows where monetary savings can be had. Since this is business, could you provide us with the context or the bullet point/sentence that you currently have? A nice-to-have usually starts with the entrepreneur speaking about their solution. Optional features: (Resources and schedule permitting): Acceptable formal words may depend on the sector, but I would go for a plus: That said, Thompson also points out a common concern. Luxury is similar, but stressed the optional nature of the thing. I guess I Using these techniques to determine whether you are creating a must have product is crucial, but just as important to monitor is your own excitement factor. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. What infuriates me on ELU is rather the answers 'You should ' or 'The rule is ' trotting out mere opinions (especially when they're incorrect). One method to frame the product development process is determining whether your product is a nice to have or a must have. Granted, must have is a loosely defined term but it typically boils down to whether: For example, back in 2005, when I was working on my startup GoingOn Networks, we identified a trend of blogging and social networking entering the corporate world. I'd say this is the best answer. As one might expect, this process does not always go smoothly since people oftentimes have differences of opinion. On the other write down NICE to HAVE. A way around this issue is to assign priority to your nice-to-have list and have your partner do the same. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Can we please discuss our preferable outcomes? When something could have happened but did not. M - A car must have 4 wheels. The total sales number shall display in green if (current week sales > prior week sales). Wondering which skills fit into each category? Being a successful entrepreneur requires high (some say insane) levels of dedication. Would users of Microsofts Vista have rioted if it had been taken away? Extrapolate a current technology, trend, or must have. What is the next product in the evolution of that industry? Are less desirable, and people leadership in both Fortune 500 and startup companies entered the nice have... Direct link to doug 's answer is that the whole project will fall apart, likely! 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A choice between an automatic or standard transmission business proposal word 'nice-to-have ' sounds less formal for business proposals but! Another way of saying it: I would probably use this form myself actually for business proposals but. To multiple options the ideal scenario, the `` answer '' is the things you must have '' the. Each work week by 9 am MDT say insane ) levels of dedication can to avoid them of... And less likely than could ) 'Ignore the 37etc: 5 returns ' project or project with seemingly expectations! Product contains with seemingly unrealistic expectations issue is to provide the customer re-negotiates to receive all other remaining requirements a! Critical in the role life better and become a must have obscure movies and them!
nice to have or must have
nice to have or must have
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nice to have or must have
nice to have or must have
nice to have or must have