staring at the wall depressionking's college hospital neurology consultants

/* Add wpsp-grid class to WPSP List shortcode wrapper */ } flex-direction: column-reverse; They will probably also feel very lethargic, and you will notice that their eyes lack focus and may even move in strange directions. I do that when depressed. .right-sidebar #primary { height: 500px; Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. } I have occasionally had the mind-going-blank thing, as well. // forced While this is harmless and borderline adorable if you think about it, spoiled behavior like this shouldn't be tolerated. display: -ms-flexbox; Gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors and get in touch with nature. Other dogs may respond to aggressive treatment. Depression in dogs can be caused by a lot of things. These are all serious conditions, and the only appropriate course of action is a trip to the vet. It is a combination of intense fatigue (thus you sit motionless staring at nothing) plus the overwhelming misery and blankness in your head which makes you care about nothing yet feel terrible and wish to die. WebIf your dog is staring at the wall, there are various possible reasons, ranging from dementia to dog depression. Dogs have a great sense of smell, especially the long nose dogs. border-bottom: 5px solid #f6c956; } But some of the common signs of pain in dogs are: If your dog is displaying aggressiveness even to you, try to observe him from a distance. How Will I Know? I don't think I drift off for more than 30 mins at a time. I don't know if there's such a thing as intermittent catatonia, but if there was, that would have been it. .generate-columns .inside-article:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #d6dade; Anyone else get this/ have any advice on how to stop it etc? In addition to staring at a wall, you may often find your dog staring at you, into space, or some object sitting nearby. but it's gotten bad, and at this moment, I think I want to die. I just laid there. } It can't be puzzles or cards though (tried it once and all that it got me was an odd little panic attack). It's like they are possessed. If your dog is suffering from depression, consider changes you can make to their lifestyle in order to improve their mental and emotional state. Try not to panic, as there is good news on most cases of vestibular disease. Just like in humans, aging dogs can get addled. } Carry on. overflow: hidden; However, it is widely speculated that dogs can see supernatural beings. #related_posts_thumbnails li:hover{ When dogs long for something, they might sit by the door and stare at it or the wall, waiting for their loved one to come home. If you dont see any improvement with these activities, your vet may be able to recommend some alternative treatments. .wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-meta a, .wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-meta a:visited { font-size: 16px; } What Are The Symptoms Of Stroke In A Dog? background-color: #eeeeee; I have very little memory of these episodes. Staring at walls falls into the category of being withdrawn, as the staring gives them a blank zone into which to disappear and escape the world around them. } RE: the Original Poster- when I do this, it's usually a sign of depression. How To Choose a Dog For Apartment Living? To make sure it's not a seizure, try calling your dog while he is staring at the wall. width: 100%; border: 1px solid; They get close to the wall, stare at it, and slowly move their heads forward and press it against the wall. Also, consider what things might have changed in your dogs life recently. Is there any solution?. } But, if your dog is staring at the wall because they are just interested in something, you should be able to draw their attention away quite easily. } -webkit-filter: hue-rotation(90deg); What if your dog, rather than just staring at the wall, is actually pressing their head against it? 5 Health Benefits and 4 Risks, Ringworm in Dogs: Prevention and Treatment, Hydrocortisone Cream for Dogs: What Is It and How to Use It Safely, Maryland Pet Stores, Dog Parks, Grooming, And More, Giveaway: Walkee Paws Dog Boots ($65+ Value), 6 Humane Tools to Get Dogs to Stop Barking, Review: PetFusion Outdoor Pet Waste Disposal, German Wirehaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile, 25 Most Common Dog Behavior Issues: Habits and Problems That Are Not Normal, Dog Dementia Stages: What You Need To Know, Dogs in Halloween Movies (Scariest and Most Adorable Ones! line-height: 2.5ex; when it gets really bad theres a weight on my shoulders and i cant movr amf i spend weeks/months in bed on my phone, watching tv, staring at the wall wondering what im doing all of this for. } Dogs may do these compulsive behaviors to comfort them especially when they're feeling stressed or afraid. It is also often a precursor to a more traditional seizure in which they lose control of their limbs. In order to make a proper diagnosis, look out for other symptoms of a medical problem, such as changes in their eating habits and the consistency of their stool. Hence, it is not uncommon for a dog to hear noises from the road or the neighborhood. How to Stop a Dog from Excessive, Nuisance Barking. Spend time in nature Spending time in the great outdoors is vital for dogs as it is their natural habitat where they feel most comfortable. .archive footer.entry-meta, Stay strong. Your dog will probably do this to try to relieve some kind of pressure that they are feeling inside their head. If treatment is an option, it could consist of surgery and/or drug therapy. transition: height 0.35s ease; The condition is so common that it has earned the nickname, old dogs disease. Increase their daily exercise to make sure they are not building up excess energy. I wish I were better at finding a quiet spot in myself, usually I may be staring at a wall, but my mind is going full throttle. this feeling is getting worse. I feel numb. Dogs can exhibit such behavior for several reasons; however, it might be a sign of nerve damage or an injury in the forebrain. So it may also be better to ignore them at times (if you can resist it!). It leads to the loss of memory, learned behaviors and tricks, and motor functions. Wish I didn't have to walk through there to get to the kitchen. Other symptoms include seizures, vision problems, and no longer responding to known training cues. When this vital organ does not function properly, it can cause an excess of ammonia in the blood, which can lead to the intoxication of the brain. They would probably much rather play with you than continue their observation. Btw, did you ever experience Tinnitus, if so did it go away? Go about your business and don't even look at him. General changes in personality and a feeling that they are withdrawn can also be signs. All my joy and contentment was ripped away from me. What do you do if the doo-doo looks strange? external_links_in_new_windows_load(external_links_in_new_windows_loop); margin-top: 0.5em; object-fit: cover; Not a single thought goes through my head, except for the These include brain tumors, head trauma, encephalitis, nervous system infection, exposure to toxins or poisons, and metabolic problems. When you think of seizures, you'd probably imagine uncontrollable shaking, eyes rolled upwards, and foaming in the mouth. They can still function in life, for the most part.But being able to get through the day doesnt mean its easy. Suddenly I stopped and slowed down and just stared and I felt "something" that I didn't know what it was at the time but in hindsight I realize that feeling was depression (a combination of meaninglessness of it all, nothingness, and yet some sort of negativity/sadness/hopelessness it's really quite paradoxical actually). I also struggle with the post cut depression, muscle pain/weakness and of course elevated anxiety. Having a stroke isnt as common in dogs as it is in people, but there are risk factors for dogs. Why Does My Puppy Snore? The eyes begin to snap, a condition known as nystagmus. Once we have made a list of all of our resentments and fears and spoke of them to a trusted friend (sponsor) we can begin to find a new freedom., Copyright(c) The Promises of Depressed Anonymous. } I keep telling myself things will get better, just wait a little longer, but they don't. Although they may not experience it the same way humans go through clinical depression, they still feel down, sad, and just depressed in general. Dogs will often press their head into the wall in an attempt to relieve any pressure that they might be feeling there. And yes, it can make them do unexplainable things too, like standing still and staring into space. } At school I look at my pencil all day. I hope that things have improved since then. How many times a day do you catch your dog standing still and staring at the wall? I had never seen anything like the steely eyes before and was just sure I was losing my mind. .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(4) { bottom: 0; They'd just do something out of ordinary out of the blue. // Load Stroke is not as common among dogs as it is among humans, so speak to your doctor to determine if it is a stroke or if there is something else going on with your pooch. Dog Tail Docking: 5 Dangers of This Procedure (Based on Science). And then all of a sudden the end of the day is here, and I wonder where it all went if I was only able to get a few things done. Mine started on my initial Ativan c/t, and had never stopped. } When dogs get bored or feel overstimulated, they might jostle to get attention. Its main utilization is in treating inflammation or allergic reactions, particularly if they A dog's vision is vital to helping them move around and make sense of the world. But whether you're the sort of fella who believes in the paranormal or not, it's still best to first rule out any medical reasons that may be causing your dog to stare blankly at a wall. Affected dogs may roam the house or yard aimlessly. display: -webkit-box; As your dog starts to feel on a more even keel in terms of energy and stimulation, you should notice them spending less time staring at that wall. If you notice that your dogs head is leaning against the wall, this behavior should seem strange to you. There are many indicators that a dog is in pain. In general, a cat engaging in long gazes at the wall is nothing to worry about. grid-template-rows: 1fr auto; Feline cognitive dysfunction /*Post Background pading*/ They will need to examine your dogs blood and urine and take brain scans in order to make an accurate diagnosis and suggest a treatment plan. Your dog may need a veterinary neurology specialist. it very rarely happens to me now, when i have more than 5 or 6 challenging life/buisness questions in my mind,and they ALL need very very urgent replys,my brain starts working MADLY trying to solve them ALL in the same time,no attempt to stop that prosess can work,and brain somehow will niglect ALL and works on only one stream,this is where my eyes,face,neck look to others like if my head is paralyzed,and i dont come out of it till that stream comes to an end,and the answer is clear to me. However, the truth is there are some seizures that can be very subtle that you might only mistake for silly things dogs do, like staring at the wall. If it does not, you must contact a vet. For example, you should remove objects that might hurt them if they walk into them. As your dog gets older their mental facilities deteriorate. Furthermore, there are certain smells only dogs can feel. While these actions seemed harmless for the most part, what makes them compulsive is when they just become too much even for animals (or dogs, for that matter!). I promise it does get better. @media (max-width: 899px) and (min-width: 600px) { margin-bottom: 0.5em !important; Head pressing could also be the result of a vascular accident, better known as a stroke. BenzoBuddies policy concerning suicide,self harm and threatening behavior DETAILS, Login with membership name, password and session length. However, if the dog is facing the wall all the timeor is pressing its head against the wall, this is not normal behavior! display: flex; padding-left: 0px; .widget .wp-show-posts article { Learn how your comment data is processed. font-size: 0.8em; Once they recover, dogs return to normal, although some may maintain a head tilt. filter: hue-rotation(90deg); :not(.widget).wpsp-card .wp-show-posts article, .wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-image { So, try to draw your dogs attention away with a fun game, and also investigate the area of your home that they seem to be so interested in. .navigation-search.nav-search-active { I just look at my pencil. I also struggle with the post cut depression, muscle pain/weakness and of course elevated anxiety. If he responds, it might just be a weird habit they like doing. line-height: 0; } Overall, its a scary scenario. If it's a noise or lights and shadows that are distracting them, you can opt to use white noise machines or curtains to block out the distraction. The vet would also make sure if there is any serious underlying ailment like cancer or poison. If you suspect something is wrong with your dogs health then contact your veterinarian immediately. @media (min-width: 900px) { I was exactly like that for months while in a tolerance withdrawal, although I did not know what was wrong at the time. There's something about staring at a blank wall that just makes you feel productive. There could be a lot of reasons why your dog stares at the wall all of a sudden, and it may or may not be a cause for concern and panic just yet. Or ignore him and carry on about my own business? margin-right: -1px; text-align: center; border-color: inherit; If this is what is happening with your dog, you might notice other symptoms. Once I ask him if he is ok or what is wrong it will be all he needs to unleash a list of my latest wrongdoings. padding: 0; I would spend 20-30mins at it. } Benzodiazepine Withdrawal & Recovery Support, Quote from: [Buddie] on January 21, 2016, 10:36:30 pm, Quote from: [Buddie] on January 22, 2016, 03:46:27 pm. Don't worry about talking to him. Lets take a look at the possible reasons whyyour dog is staring at the wall. Resultantly, they try to engage themselves in whatever thing or deed they find fascinating, be it staring at a person or small creatures like ants, rodents, or termites. -ms-flex: 1; The vet will likely have the dog undergo an MRI. It may be why56% of people sleep with their pets. transition: 0.3s all ease; Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. .second-nav.grid-container { If they respond quickly, they are probably fine. -o-object-fit: cover; body.mediavine-video__has-sticky .generate-back-to-top{ .generate-columns .inside-article { (2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Does he seem withdrawn and not interested in his favorite activities anymore? Thanks to countless series and movies, it's easy to assume that a dog staring into nothing could mean they're actually seeing something haunted and otherworldly (We're looking at you, Hollywood!). Of course they were traded for other symptoms but the depression i thought would never lift was gone. It's likely that he is doing it in a part of the house that I have to walk through deliberately. } It doesn't necessarily mean you should call the paranormal experts to inspect your house (or does it?). Staring at the wall out of nowhere can also be their way of asking for your attention. background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(30%, rgba(80, 50, 50, 0.5)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))); And yes, even these silly shadows can be the culprit of your dog's sudden interest in the wall. } margin-right: auto; Read: Some examples of these are licking or picking on their skin, barking, pacing back and forth, and yes, even staring at a specific spot like a wall. I didn't know this was considered unusual for depression. } margin: 1em 0; } box-sizing: border-box; The dog can press its head against any solid object. padding: 5% 8%; A dog that presses its head against the wall may suffer from a disease of the forebrain, a disorder of the brain. I thought everyone who was depressed spent long periods fatigued staring at a wall. It can be something highly treatable with medication, such as epilepsy, or it could be a sign of something more serious such as cancer. To see if your dog is just zoning out or if something else is going on, try to get their attention. If their interest in the wall seems more obsessive and difficult to break, it could be a sign of emotional problems such as boredom, frustration, or depression, all of which can be managed with some lifestyle changes. } I had to move back in with my parents after college because I've If this sort of activity is appealing or comforting to you, you are probably overworked or incredibly stressed. You might want to think about takin Has your dog been acting differently recently? Within 24 hours of detoxing I was out of bed and the crushing depression was totally gone, never to return. transform: scale(1.1); Any strange lights for them can also pique their interest. Hey outstanding website! If I'm by myself, I literally shut down nearly anywhere (dressing room while out shopping, in my car in a parking lot, etc.) /* Single column align side image */ .archive .entry-summary, Teach them something new Again, not unlike humans, dogs like to feel useful and like they have a purpose. It could be that they are actually staring at something that you cant see but they can hear or smell. The same is true for dogs, so make sure they are a little more active. } A dog with a middle ear infection receives antibiotics. background-color: #eeeeee; grid-row: 2 / 4; .wpsp-align .wp-show-posts-image { margin-left: unset; } /* Add wpsp-align class to to WPSP List shortcode wrapper */ WebStaring At The Wall cartoons and comics. Ya had to go and mention puzzles and cards? color: #333333; -webkit-transition: 0.3s all ease; However, its worth remembering that while starting urinating or defecating inside may indicate a mental problem, it can also have a physical cause. } } .wpsp-align .wp-show-posts-inner>div { .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wp-show-posts-entry-summary, .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wp-show-posts-entry-meta-below-post, .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wpsp-read-more { 3. function external_links_in_new_windows_loop() { padding: 0; grid-column: 1 / 5; The smells and texture also provide important stimulation, which they just cant get if they are stuck inside all day. @media (max-width: 768px) { I used to do that. Yes, depressed dogs can be prescribed Prozac or Paxil and these drugs can make a difference in your dogs mood. Whatever the reason may be, it is better to take professional help if you often find your dog staring on the wall, into space, or at the door. For the first thing: happens to me plenty, do not worry, the Google sites said. I am haunted by my past. margin-bottom: 0 !important; I'm down to 2.0mg and it feels like all I can/want to do is lay in bed and stare at the wall all day. When Is My Dog Considered A Senior? And on top of it, like you the hypoglycemia is bizarre, have had to change my whole diet. the reason i'm even typing this up is to drive me away from staring at the wall. But before you jump to conclusions, let's discuss below the common reasons why your dog stares at the wall, and when should you be worried. [] or anyone else- did you experience any tics that could resemble dystonia? .generate-columns-container article .inside-article img, .wp-show-posts-image img { What medical conditions can cause it? Not only does the dog not recognize its people, but it may not fail to respond to its name, even if you know it can still hear. If they have a wall-mounted pet camera that dispenses kibbles or treats, it's also possible that they have associated staring at the wall with some kind of reward. Crate training Discovering crusty scabs on your dogs back, especially if you do not know what caused them or how to treat them, can be upsetting. text-overflow: ellipsis; What it means depends on what they stare atstaring while you're eating could mean they're asking to share your food. oldonload(); .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts { Dogs can develop depression in much the same way that humans do. } padding: 15px 0; content: ''; Head pressing in dogs is only a symptom of forebrain disease. pointer-events: none; By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. } By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As a few posters mentioned, its defiinitely a recognizable spacing out but not deep DP. margin-bottom: 0; .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(3) { Surfing the internet is both bad and good for that: Bad because it distracts, good because I can look up information about anything I am "thinking" about. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. } Unfortunately it is not uncommon in all phases of withdrawal. If your dog is no longer thrilled with the prospect of a walk or car ride, something is wrong. Unlike staring, this is a sign that your dog is in crisis and an immediate emergency trip to the vet is warranted. .wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-inner { Promix HP (High Porosity) is a popular choice for seedlings as it is very dry. Sudden stiffening, facial twitching, fly biting' or biting into the air, and staring into space are some of the common symptoms of a partial or focal seizure. -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; In addition to this, dogs also have the sixth sense they get the gut feeling when something is not right. And maybe you were demonstrating signs of MI, but weren't aware of it, the lengthy periods of zoning out being one of them, cetkat. The answer to that question is basically that it depends. If your dog is staring at the door, it is quite possible that he simply wants to go out. } Dogs tend to eat, poop, and sleep with consistency. Staring at you and then at the door could mean they want to go out. Sometimes, the signs are contradictory and it can be confusing. They can see, smell, or hear things our human senses sometimes don't pick up. @media (min-width: 420px) { padding-right: 0px; } Remember that you can't have him repeat this behavior in the clinic, so taking a video would be much easier to show your vet than trying to explain your dog's behavior. } Maybe I am misunderstanding this, but I spend a lot of time just "thinking," and hadn't realized it was considered problematic? body.adhesion:not(.mediavine-video__has-sticky) .generate-back-to-top{ CD can impair: your ability to think clearly. padding-right: 10px; Never when manic, quite often when depressed. This is all getting a bit weird for my liking! It wasn't a big deal and a little relaxing to zone out. Like us, dogs also get bored when they do not get enough stimulation, either mental or physical. You may not remember it, but they sure did. Point blank I don't think it's uncommon to hit a point where all you can seem to do is stare at a wall or wander or whatever it is you do. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. TOP #124: How To Choose Safe and Healthy CBD Products for Your Pet, TOP #97: How to Choose the Right CBD Products for Dogs, Recipe: Slow Cooker Chicken, Rice and Veggie Meal, Recipe: Balanced Homemade Dog Food with Ground Beef, Recipe: Homemade Dog Treats for Urinary Health, Recipe: Oatmeal Dog Food Meal with Chicken and Vegetables, Can Dogs Eat Lentils? It. through the day doesnt mean its easy as well something wrong. // forced While this is harmless and borderline adorable if you notice that your dogs mood detoxing! Going on, try to relieve some kind of pressure that they are a more! Unusual for depression. in humans, aging dogs can get addled. dogs is only a symptom of disease... Loss of memory, learned behaviors and tricks, and motor functions a! On my initial Ativan c/t, and foaming in the mouth, that would have been it. zone. 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