soulmate pick a card tumblrking's college hospital neurology consultants

They will for sure want to marry you. Gotta tell you a secret: nobody gives a shit. Check him out btw, Now, because spirit keeps on telling me I need to make more FS Ill be writting another PAC on which you will go and pick either A or B based on the pile you choose in this PAC. The one with depression is really stressed out on this and they cant sleep well. The High Priestess, 7 of Wands, Knight of Swords, Knight of Wands, 4 of Swords. Both parties are cold, yet both know how much they care about the other one. The Sun (XIX) : Its a positive card that announces happiness, joy and clarity. They are someone very smart, with a very calm and relaxed voice. Stop worrying if you are lovable or not, or if your crush will like you or not. Idk why, but I think some of you who chosen this pile, might be men or at least, you carry a very masculine energy. Youre gonna be someone very mature for them, you might even be older than them. It seems that they will want to marry you. Overall, I think it is important to not conform to the things people are telling you to change about yourself and your choices (unless its something that could harm yourself or others). Youre a good manipulator as well and your person might see that being very attractive. Dolphins can symbolize balance, harmony, peace, self love and inner strength. It really gave me the vibes). There are 3 piles in the image below. If you want to annoy them then pity them. I have my family with me at least. This also does not mean that you should or need to necessarily pursue a relationship with this person, and if there is someone in your life, Im in no way saying that they 100% have a crush on you. In negative scenarios this card protects you from the negative cards and suggest you that the obstacles will be solved fast. Do you own at least a pet? Pick no more than 2 piles. Their extroverted personality helps them with being a natural leader, and the optimistic outlook is the cherry on top. I get that for many of you who are in happy relationships, this person is THE ONE for you and I see a lot of potential for this connection. They could be control freaks and will have a need to take over everything. The King of Cups also demonstrates that your person is really in tune with their emotions, and even if they may have been afraid to get deep in the past, they feel differently now. In some ways its like a positive version of The Tower, it could be connected to love at first sight, someone of the past that get back into your life, insights and unexpected news. Its ok to have feelings and its ok if you wanna know why you have those feelings but trust me, youll never get your answer through psychology or science. This is a bit random (and specific) but Im seeing this person as someone who enjoys watching paranormal shows - and may spend time criticizing certain parts as wellits like part of them believes but part of them wants to debunk everything too! option one; option two; option three; paix doux voeux. Pick A Card FUTURE SPOUSE SOULMATE CONNECTION DETAILS Love Psychic Tarot Reading Subscribe to my youtube channel for more pick a card tarot reading! You feel so powerless and so insignificant, but for what? My point is, you dont need anybody to feel free, the only person who you need in order to feel free is yourself. You can choose THEIR IMPRESSION ABOUT YOU from one pile and YOUR IMPRESSION ABOUT THEM from another pile. I hope this clears any of your questions or confusion about this specific topic & hopefully it can provide guidance to at least some of you.. <3 Now lets get started! The Moon (XVIII) : Its a card about fears, insecurities, danger and lies. They see you as the perfect person to start a family with. You will barely know them. Before we get started, I believe that we have multiple soulmates; people who we are meant to learn from in this lifetime and beyond. So how will you find this person? Ive added some cute objects to help make your decision. I sense that this person is going to be extremely strong and with a deep personality. Open your heart to love and allow yourself to experience this connection. Overall, Admin JK and I are really excited to build and grow this blog into something that you can all enjoy and connect with each other through. Did you overcome that ED? Right now Im having a drink with some friends. Actually, they seem quite temperate and they are going to want to teach you some of their life hacks. They seem cold but are just a bit reserved. If youre a teen and this is your case listen up: go and eat something, eat whatever youre craving, drink whatever youre craving and go with your friends outside when your parents arent watching. This pile seems a bit more reserved than the others and now let me tell you what seems to happen here. If you would like more information on your reading, message me for a tip-based extended reading! met again Who has a crush on you? Im talking specifically about the smile they carry. You need a team which can help you whenever you need help. The Empress (III) : Its all about confidence, self-love and being happy with your yourself, sometimes it could be related to a mother or to a woman in your life. They could also be very religious and you would find funny how they try to take things by tradition and book and youre there just popping their bubble. Its literally a burden you need to release in order to make peace with yourself and with your person. Houses and aspects are included! They might even be a financial adviser or someone who will professionally help you to get more organized and stuff like that. They seem to lack self mercy and they hate people to pity them. And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! They will think you are very good at improvising in every situation. Money are very important to this person, thats something very serious. You may not notice at first but this person will surely do. For some of you, this could be a best friend or someone you feel very connected to. i think its actually happened already! They are actually someone very strong and very loyal who will want to help you a lot some time after you meet. I seek to cure whats deep inside, frightened of this thing that Ive become. It suggests you to let go of the past. Heard of Linkin Park? They dont seem to accept bullshit from anybody and thats something you will really respect about them. In the image below, see which card you resonate with the most. If not my friends then who. Ive been listening to music, do you like rock and jazz? Go and spend some time at your parents when youre free and ask them to pack you some things for when you go home so you dont have to buy food (especially if your parents are extremely caring) and keep some money in a jar or something. Dont marry young, I beg you. Are you feeling stuck? Youll see them as this protective and caring energy. You dont like conflict that much, but still youre not afraid to have a healthy argument from time to time. If you dont have a crush though, then you need to tell your friends what bothers you and stop pretending everything is OK when it isnt, your friends will understand that. You might have some overwhelming feelings at the moment, you have to express them. , THE CONFLICT->Moon, World, High Priestess, 2S. They hate to be called weak or soft because theyve been taken advantage of when they were young. Im not gonna apologise for the lack of seriousness I have right now since I know you dont give a fuck anyways. Do you have a low self esteem? The Devil (XV) : Its a card about obsession, secrets, negativity, manipulative behavior, gossips and bad energy in general. Since this is a reading for the whole month of October, it should still apply for the next few weeks! I knew one of the piles was gonna have some deep karma related to the relationship. It reminds that you should trust your emotions and follow them. Nah baby, you got the jock, sorry to pop your bubble. Yall, did they cheat on you by any chance? Btw, you might meet online or come from different countries or at least, be very far from one another, 3 of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of pentacles, Ace of swords, 6 of wands, 5 of cups, The Emperor, 2 of pentacles, Your future spouse has been through a lot in life. They almost idolise you. A compatibility chart for a couples, I use the composite method. Which of the following digital-charms draw you? Soulmates are someone who will appreciate you for who you are, dive deep into your soul and bury themselves there because they love you. This is a strategist: they know exactly what theyre doing and how to get the results they want. They might have a reddish aura. They might be someone who was raised in a wealthy family but who didnt get enough emotional support from their loved ones. Search for the lyrics in English tho. Then, you can scroll down to the correct pile 1-4. They will see you as this point of stability in their lives. In one of your past lives you were someone who was complaining about everything. Hope you find your clarity soon. You can evolve together and learn a lot from each other. They are intelligent, but they dont wanna change anything in life. This was one of the most interesting readings Ive gotten in a while, Im so excited to dive into it with you. Aaaaaah look at all the lonely people, Where do they come from?. Right off the bat, this person gives me major sagittarius/virgo vibes. This is the type of connection where you will need to begin a new chapter. I need you guys to be open-minded and focus on the cards in order to . They are really funny istg. Just remember, you need to rebuild everything in order to feel free. Once youve made your decision, scroll down to the correct pile! They feel like you are their new beginning and their main point of stability. Do you like classical music? Another thing thats coming to me right away is that they have a talent for words. Youre going to try to explain to them that its not the case and that they should stop doing what theyre doing but they might pull the but I love you bby scheme on you, dont take their bullshit. They may be working out. Just after, you will become strong and you will be able to feel more free. They will want to do it because they care about you. This fight will probably come all of the sudden because youll be tired/your person will be tired of the smoke/smell/etc you/they make/do. Curious about what the month of August has in mind for you? Ill use different card decks to tell you everything you need to know. You might hide your body a lot and they will see you as someone insecure and sly. They might wear glasses or have braces. I feel like you will need to teach them how to be calmer and more easygoing since then have no idea how to do that by themselves so they might perceive you as sort of a teacher. You seem to want to express your feelings towards them and they can see that. Love messages, doves, fish, fishing, gift giving, romance, a very romantic relationship, soulmates, some sort of unfairness between the partners, one wants to give it all while the other one is not the type to want to accept that all, swimming together, flowers, chocolate, blue, Im so happy I met you, We are soulmates for sure, Denis(? Your counterpart seems to not really pay attention to your body. I had issues with myself. 3 of Pentacles, King of Swords, 9 of Cups, Knight of Cups, 3 of Wands, King of Cups, The Moon, Knight of Pentacles, Thats some boss energy right here. I see you having a beautiful family people will envy, but you will not care since their negative energy wont reach you.. This person is someone surrounded by friends but who possesses a bad boy/mastermind attitude. It can be hard for them to pick one goal to accomplish, when theres so much they feel capable of doing! Dragonflies represent flexibility, movement and positivity. Ask your sister for advice if you have one. So that we may continue.". Both parties are a bit conflicted on this connection so they pretend that they are sitting on stable ground, meanwhile they are both very unstable. 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, The Moon, Death, Queen of Wands, Queen of Swords, 5 of Swords, 4 of Swords. Mars in aspects with Neptune: common in gay men charts, Mars or Venus in the 11th or 12th house. The complexion they have is likely to be fair or olive. Today I have a new pick-a-card reading on whether your person/crush will come towards you or make a move soon! Out of this pile I get a huge message saying Doctor. Pisces Venus: these people are generally in love with love and tend to create a strong spiritual connection with their partner that goes beyond the physical connection, I noticed that a lot of LGBTQ+ people have this position in their charts. I hope you cant hear it. They this youre someone very easygoing and very friendly. They will not have a crush on you at the time. this person moves on really quickly though, scorpio and aries vibes here. Maybe theyre just new. It suggests to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude e to stay focused on your goals. Change is change. Curious as to what your soul is longing for? I truly enjoy giving advices and sharing my spiritual gifts with others! Take some time, relax, spend some time with boring people and see how youll feel calmer and more relaxed. What are you so scared of? You might feel as if youre siblings or God knows what. I feel like you couldve reacted impulsively towards them at some point, like they/someone else kept you under pressure and you just bursted with emotions, may them be anger or sadness or panic. The masculine energy takes a very protective role in this connection and its very sweet coming from their part. I see a man who looks a bit Middle Eastern. Its connected to a secret thats going to be revealed, peace after a conflict, harmony, beauty, something good in your love life or good times with friends. The High Priestess (II) : This cards all about secrets and things that are hidden from you. They may think that youre too good for them and all that drama with the inferiority. Dont force your energy and just focus on yourself. Ill tell you all you need to know about your personal placements (Sun, Moon, ASC, Mercury, Venus, Mars). It will feel like a dream come true because youve been hoping to have this reconnection for a very long time. They will think of you the same, but something will be a bit different. You're readings are so insightful! You will be the one who will approach them and if you are like me, you will befriend them just to let them know you are there if they need you. 10 of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 2 of Pentacles, The Hermit, Ace of Swords, The Moon, 10 of Cups, Knight of Wands. I dont see best friends energy, but I see quite some trust and some feelings of protectiveness over the other one. Your soulmate is going to be quite impulsive, stubborn and passionate, this person is going to make crazy things just to make you laugh. Ill tell you everything you need to know about your Sun sign, Moon sign and Ascendant. I really see someone picking flowers from their garden and giving them to their lover. It could be related to authority and making choices, a marriage or a divorce. Wait a year or two or maybe even 5 (wtf). I feel like you are the most easy going ones from the entire PAC, (which I absolutely adore because that means no headaches for me hehe). I really want that happy ever after thing from Shrek and I know Im gonna get it, but still, I wanna let you know since you seem more pessimistic than me haha. Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the . You may meet each other on TikTok. Brown/yellowish eyes. Relax(by Mika) is playing right now. Your future spouse is someone very mysterious who will make you melt just by staring at you. You mightve known this person since kindergarten. I love that your person isnt willing to change their opinion even though their crush is thinking otherwise. Ok so for this pile I get that your person thinks youre a very rational, very logical and very calculated person. In the past, you may have gravitated towards a specific type, possibly not putting you in the best situations. Go and spend some time by yourself, go and rest more because I sense that most of you guys have issues sleeping and falling asleep. I think I dont need to get into more detail since the answer is literally what I just wrote a couple seconds ago. This is a karmic partner and you need to fulfill this karma by detaching yourself from them. You both are currently focused on healing and need to spend time alonein order to get to know yourself on deeper level. Your future spouse might be someone whos trying to fit in with the others because they feel like they are unnoticed and almost like an outcast. Pick a card Messages from you Soulmate Pick a crystal you feel drawn to and find your message. Theyre like oH BuT mIcHAeL U dOnT KnOw tHeM yEt, man, fuck them. My personal advice is that you should open your eyes and see this person for who they are and act rational. Now I would write a bit more onto this subject but the energy is just too heavy and too dark and I dont wanna have a bad headache tomorrow. They believe your eyes are beautiful. You could be one of those shy people who pretty much hesitate to speak or express themselves and your person will want to use this so they can get closer to you. It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better. capricorn vibes here. Everything you are going through right now, is teaching you necessary lessons for your journey forward, and someday you will look back at how far youve come and know that everything was worth it! You are very motivated, you got wit and charisma but too much FIRE. They couldve been hurt a lot in their lives so expect them to not be very open to new relationships or connections. 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