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Shapiro swore the oath of office on three bibles, one of which survived the 2018 fatal shooting rampage in the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. The Philly FOP has consistently endorsed Shapiro since his first bid for statewide office in 2016. Josh Shapiro supporters at his election night victory party on Nov. 8 in Montgomery County (Photo by Jarrad Saffren) Two years ago, Shapiro, in his role as attorney general, defended Pennsylvanias election process from Trumps lawsuits that attempted to overturn President Joe Bidens victory in the state. Mike DeWine and neighboring Pennsylvania Gov. Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) February 28, 2023, Spotted John Fetterman in the hospital window, Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) February 28, 2023. State Rep. Aaron Bernstine, a Republican from a district north of Pittsburgh, sent the governor a text message congratulating him on a good first week in office that put Pennsylvanians first on issues that people from all political sides agree with.. Josh No other Democrat with political experience or the ability to put together a formidable campaign has expressed plans to challenge him. He did it again and again until he had shaken every hand in the room. A South Philly native, DiGiorgio helmed the state GOP from 2017 to 2019, working to improve the partys waning prospects in the southeast. Spotlight PA takes a look at eight members of the transition team, what they tell us about the governor-elects policy plans, and what they may want from him in return. Example video title will go here for this video. Pennsylvania Capital-Star: In his first executive order, Shapiro removes degree requirement for thousands of state jobs. I cant remember anything, any issue, that he wasnt willing to compromise on in order to get unanimity, Castor said. State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, a liberal from Philadelphia, said he is not worried about Shapiro compromising on Democratic principles or losing support from the party base for working with Republicans. journalism every Thursday, plus a weekly riddle. Copyright 2023 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Along with the executive action, Shapiro ordered all executive branch agencies to emphasize skills and experience during the hiring process and launched a review of the remaining 8% of jobs that still require a four-year degree. Additionally, only 31% of those Democrats and 17% of other voters also voted by mail compared to just about 8% of Republicans who voted in 2022. He worked closely with the younger Shapiro as the Democrat rose through the political ranks, from Montgomery County state representative, to county commissioner, to attorney general. Shapiro has been in politics his entire adult life, beginning as a staffer on Capitol Hill, then serving as a state representative in Harrisburg, a commissioner in Montgomery County and attorney general. On Feb. 16 at the Mosaic Community Church in West Philadelphia, the longtime Montgomery County resident announced that he would not sign any execution warrants during his term. WebJosh Shapiro will reject politics of hate and division and focus on solving real problems. Several major posts went to Republicans. Castor says he doesnt plan to vote for Shapiro for governor No, Im a Republican but hes still a fan. Read more about Governor Shapiros executive order and how other states are following the Governors lead to eliminate barriers to employment below. Eric Rosso, an activist with the left-wing Working Families Party, said hes also concerned the team so far lacks the voices who would help Shapiro pass policies, such as a minimum wage increase, that appeal to the lefts base voters. He is the first African American to hold the position of lieutenant governor in Pennsylvania. Governing is different than being a senator or something like that because its about results. On his first full day in office, Gov. who are committed to accountability journalism that gets results. His fellow party members generally consider him to be relatively moderate though he also helmed the GOP during Donald Trumps tenure and heartily embraced the former president as party standard-bearer. DiGiorgio didnt respond to a request for comment. Pennsylvania Gov. Its a good sign that a governor looks to the other party, that identifies people of competence and integrity, and I think Governor-elect Shapiro scores highly so far around those attributes, said Thornburgh. Famous performersall from Pennsylvaniainclude Wiz Khalifa, Smokey Robinson and Mt. He has deep connections to Shapiro, having known the incoming governor since Shapiro was a child, when Groen and Shapiros father attended the same synagogue. The new governor believes he can garner bipartisan support on issues such as taxes, energy, education and law enforcement, where he has indicated an openness on traditionally Republican priorities, including cutting taxes for businesses and individuals, fracking, school choice and more police. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, signed his first executive order, removing a four-year degree requirement for tens of thousands of state government jobs. For now, as Shapiro shapes his team and signs his first executive orders, Republicans are taking notice. Shapiro won decisively in the vote-rich Philadelphia suburbs where Democrats typically compete, but he also made inroads in rural, working-class areas that have turned sharply away from the Democratic Party. Where we used to mandate a college degree for almost everything, now were looking at that differently, either through technical school or certifications, Albers said. In 2005, Shapiro was elected to the state legislature, becoming the first Democrat to hold the seat since 1985, when Hoeffel himself had left it. In Pennsylvania, Shapiro spent approximately $840,000 in the Republican primary to call Mastriano " one of Donald Trump's strongest supporters ." He flipped four counties that President Donald Trump won in 2020, and he came extremely close to winning several others. WHYY thanks our sponsors become a WHYY sponsor, focused their 2022 efforts on the U.S. Senate, the release of a landmark grand jury report, Trumps family border separation policy, election-time changes to post office operations, 48 criminal charges against Energy Transfer, often expressing concerns about public safety, gave Shapiro more control over prosecuting, ultimately distanced himself from the bill, one of the lead attorneys who defended Donald Trump. Now some Democrats see Shapiros success as a road map for the party nationally, and they name him among a new generation of young governors who could one day run for president. But it recognized, too, ways in which the Democratic Party is vulnerable, and it sent an important message to voters who feel that the party doesnt see or have much regard for them. Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence, and accessible to everyone whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. According to Shapiro, he expects Fetterman to return and that he will serve for a good long while.. That to me, is not Pennsylvania.. Shapiros move follows similar actions taken by Republicans, like former Maryland governor Larry Hogan, hinting at a burgeoning, bipartisan push to temper the role of college degrees in American life. Later in the afternoon on his first full day as governor, Shapiro visited the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Here are some key policies likely to come up. Top donors who received posts include Thomas Hagen, a former Pa. Secretary of Commerce who donated $750,000 and was appointed to the Transition Leadership Board; Leslie Anne Miller, former General Counsel under former Gov. Attorney General Josh Shapiro, the Democratic nominee, is a first-class fundraiser with a record of winning tough statewide races. Senator was admitted to a hospital nearly 2 weeks ago, we have received no updates about his condition, the press refuses to ask questions, and his wife left the country with their kids. Schmidt is well respected in political circles as someone who is battle-tested from defending the citys election integrity against attacks by former President Donald Trump. On Monday, Governor Josh Shapiro sat down with NBC News for an interview during which he sought to allay concerns over Fettermans deteriorating health and dismissed the possibility of a special election to allow Pennsylvanians to rectify their mistake in sending a mentally incapacitated man to Washington D.C. as their representative for the next six years. Most notably, Shapiros team on Jan. 5 announced the next Secretary of State will be Al Schmidt, a former Philadelphia city commissioner. He had been courted by national Democrats over the years to run for the House or Senate, but he declined every time, choosing instead to chart a path that led him to the governorship and will, his supporters say, position him to run for president one day. Hes been watching Shapiro lay this groundwork since they were county commissioners. The growth in the share of U.S. jobs that require a four-year college degree is partially owing to a broader shift away from physical-labor-based industries and toward information and knowledge economies. His office declined to comment on Shapiros gubernatorial bid. Many of the people helping Shapiro prepare for office are longtime friends and allies. But hes also a fraught choice for Shapiros transition team. They should get to decide whats best for them whether they want to go to college or straight into the workforce not have that decided for them.. Near-daily press releases announced the latest people named to cabinet and executive positions in the administration. This giving has made Yass and Susquehanna and by extension, Greenberg extremely well-known in Pennsylvania politics. Spotlight PA is different. Effective immediately, 92% of state government jobs about 65,000 positions do not require a four-year college degree, he announced on Twitter. He appeared on Fox News in his first television interview as governor. So who are the people Shapiro wants on his side as he prepares to take executive power? Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, signed his first executive order, removing a four-year degree requirement for tens of thousands of state government jobs. Youve been reading our work. In short, its going to be hard to please everyone. Hes also been endorsed by a Shapiro became the 48th governor of Pennsylvania. DiGiorgio, who will be on the transition teams finance and insurance team, currently works as a consultant and general counsel for the public relations firm BSI Consulting. Already, Shapiro has faced criticism for including representatives from both parties who have either been accused of sexual harassment or accused of not doing enough to stop it. Quick search. Catturd (@catturd2) February 28, 2023, The Democrats would literally keep John Fetterman in a freezer for the next 4 years if it helps them keep control of the Senate They are tuly the party of pure evil, Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) February 28, 2023. One of those people is Holbrook. Fellow board member Shapiro, however, has more often cast votes recommending against them, often expressing concerns about public safety. This is a significant step in tearing down barriers for employment here in Pennsylvania., Forbes: Penn.s New Governor Strikes A Blow Against The College-Industrial Complex. He chaired Montgomery Countys Democratic Party for over two decades, helming the organization during the countys shift from the most deeply Republican-controlled part of the state to one of the Democrats biggest assets. At a time of deep political polarization, Shapiros rare bipartisan moves are drawing cautious praise from Republicans and optimism from Democrats. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat from a Philadelphia-adjacent county, has essentially passed every test he's embraced as a public figure. But that wasnt the case, he said. Castor is better known as one of the lead attorneys who defended Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. top news from across PA, plus some fun, too. Guptas research primarily focuses on access and affordability, he said. During Shapiros gubernatorial campaign, he emphasized consensus-building and pragmatism over party politics. In Novembers election, Shapiro made significant inroads with rural, working-class voters who have turned away from the Democratic Party. Pa. Gov. Shapiro was again unchallenged within his party when he declared his intention to seek the governor's mansion in the 2022 election. HARRISBURG, Pa. Josh Shapiro began his term as Pennsylvanias new Democratic governor by nominating four Republicans to his Cabinet. Mark Mendlovitz (@MendlovitzMark) March 1, 2023. Web- Shapiro For Governor Thank you, Pennsylvania. WebJosh David Shapiro: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more. The public will not see it and we do not share it. And I know the people of Pennsylvania Ive talked to are encouraging him along to get the help that he needs, Shapiro added. Senators Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and John Fetterman (D-Pa.), as well as former Governors Tom Ridge, Mark Schweiker, Tom Corbett and outgoing Gov. Some people are moderate because they just dont know how to make a decision. Blume works as the political director for Conservation Voters of PA, a group that runs the commonwealths biggest environmentally-focused political action committee. Progressives will be looking for him to deliver wins on major Democratic issues in return for their support, while Republicans will be seeking to advance their priorities in return for allowing any of Shapiros to move. From giant corporations to predatory hedge funds, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about whats happening here. That assumption is reinforced by the ballooning of credentialism often called degree inflation in the American workforce. He talked about faith and family. The Washington County, Pa. Republican party has called on Fetterman to resign and for a special election to be held to replace him later this year. The test will be, is he willing to do things that arent comfortable for Democrats.. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Its a reaction to difficulties in attracting workers in a tight labor market, the high cost of college, and Republican distrust of the ideological effects of college education. Heres hoping more governors will follow Governor Shapiros lead. McNesby is the longtime president of Philadelphias Fraternal Order of Police, and will serve on the transitions public safety committee with a focus on law enforcement policy. Thank you.. But Shapiro just opened 65,000 jobs to Pennsylvanians without a four-year degree some 63 percent of the state population, as of 2016. Josh Shapiro nominated for his cabinet? He said there will be time for partisan differences over issues such as guns and abortion, but he said he believes there is genuine interest from the governor and Republicans in the legislature to work together. People are starving for interest, investment, he said. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest not profit motives. Read more Thomas Hengge / Staff John Cardillo (@johncardillo) February 27, 2023. Governor-elect Josh Shapiro is set to be sworn in on Jan. 17. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. The morning after his inauguration, Shapiro signed an executive order eliminating a requirement that applicants for most state government jobs have a four-year college degree, calling it an arbitrary requirement. The move was broadly heralded by Democrats and Republicans, as well as conservative publications National Review and Reason. Some of Shapiros most significant clashes in recent years have been with more progressive Democrats. Now is the time. best-of, and more. Candidly, I think Josh Shapiro has his eyes set on, you know, potentially something else, so I think hes motivated at this particular juncture to demonstrate bipartisanship, he said. We will no longer be beholden to them but we need your help. In the ongoing conversation about how criminal justice should be handled in Pennsylvania, McNesby and the FOP have come to exemplify opposition to measures that, according to their supporters, would increase police accountability. But Shapiro, who has himself repeatedly clashed with Krasner, has a very different relationship with McNesby. Groen, a retired attorney, is serving on the transition teams economic development advisory committee and will focus on business policy. Shell serve on the transitions education and workforce committee, with a focus on higher education. In 2018, he was accused of sexual harassment and assault by three women. Georgia would be one of a number of states to make the move. Josh Shapiro is stocking his executive staff of advisors, mediators, and policy experts with political veterans and loyal allies. The Pennsylvania governor tells NBC News he expects fellow Democrat John Fetterman to serve in Senate for "good long while. WebThe "PACs" category has been renamed to "Committees," because the term "Political Action Committee" is not used in every state. IE 11 is not supported. Shell work on the energy and environment committee in the transition, with a focus on the environment. Governor Josh Shapiros heartening move means that 65,000 state jobs no longer require a college degree, but that candidates will be free to compete for these positions based on skills, relevant experience, and merit. Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA contributed to this report. At one point, Krasners office issued a statement saying the DA deserves a direct explanation from Attorney General Shapiro of how this targeted attack on his local authority came to be authored,, Shapiro ultimately distanced himself from the bill and tried to smooth the conflict over, claiming he didnt seek this law and didnt advocate for it.. Pennsylvania Gov. Marylands then-governor, Larry Hogan (R), imposed a similar rule last year, and a growing number of big companies including IBM, Google, and Apple are on the cutting edge of a movement to yank degree requirements for most jobs while pumping up the role of shorter, much less expensive programs to instead gain certificates for key skills. Sen. John Albers, a Roswell Republican sponsoring the measure, said that the reexamination is needed. Even far-right conservative Republicans such as state Rep. Paul Schemel, who was among 26 legislators on a resolution to decertify Joe Bidens 2020 win in the state, said he is cautiously optimistic about Shapiros rhetoric and actions, though he also views them as politically opportunistic. HARRISBURG The transition team helping governor-elect Josh Shapiro prepare for office is wide-ranging and, in some cases, controversial, offering a glimpse into the way he hopes to govern the commonwealth and court members of the GOP in the legislature. Shapiro, who built a broad coalition in the election to beat Republican challenger Doug Mastriano by a sizable margin, will have to walk a fine line. Go behind the headlines: From the economy and healthcare to politics and the environment - and so much more - On Point talks with newsmakers and real people about the issues that matter most. Sometimes things are not ideological. The comparison comes in a time when American democracy has seen several challenges, ranging from the 2020 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol to accusations of election fraud in Pennsylvania elections. Hes the consensus without even having to have a conversation, said Marcel Groen, former chair of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and a longtime fixture in the Democratic politics of Montgomery County, where Shapiro grew up. Its what hes done his entire career. You could be getting the best stories in your inbox twice a day. Shapiro would be charged with naming an interim replacement should there be a vacancy and there would then be a special election in November 2024 to fill the rest of the term a scenario that would put both of the states Senate seats on the ballot next year. On a more fundamental level, it eliminates a basic unfairness that has led to a two-tiered class system. Larry Ceisler, a public affairs executive, said the range of political persuasions reflected in the group is intentional, and that its useful to have influential people who are invested in the administrations success on both sides of the aisle. Hes kind of getting a free ride, Republican political consultant Christopher Nicholas said of the Democratic race. Groen himself isnt in power anymore. PA Local (Weekly): A fresh look at the incredible The governors had met earlier in the morning for a breakfast with Shapiro. Alaskans will no longer need a four-year college degree to apply for some state jobs under a new order issued by Gov. Groen responded that he is very proud of my record of opening up Montgomery County after years of GOP control, and that he strove to dramatically increase the numbers of women in county leadership positions. Pennsylvanians rely on him to be a check and a balance to the states elected officials, especially when potential patterns of corruption, unconstitutional governance and criminality are raised. He sued over Trumps family border separation policy, the administrations policies on contraception, and the election-time changes to post office operations. He emerged unscathed from the To Castor, it makes sense. If a comment is spam, instead of replying to it please click the icon below and to the right of that comment. The Hill: Alaska governor drops college degree requirement for most state jobs to fight worker shortage. Im proud of Senator Fetterman for getting the help that he needs and Im there for Gisele and their family. Castor began working with Shapiro after an unusual period for Montgomery County. I believe as fervently as anyone in the value of a four-year college degree not just as a path to professional opportunity but also as preparation for informed, thoughtful citizenship. In a statement this year explaining the Philly FOPs decision to back the attorney general over his GOP opponent for governor, McNesby said of Shapiro, Every time we pick up the phone, hes there to help us with whatever we need to do as far as law enforcement., He added, hell support whoever is out for police.. Greenberg, who made billions in his trading career, retired from Susquehanna in 2016, but before that, he was involved in Yasss political giving along with their third co-founder, Arthur Dantchik. But in recent years, the role of the union which represents 14,000 active and retired police officers has become more fraught. His election as Montgomery County Commissioner delivered control of the longtime GOP stronghold for the first time in history, and his reputation as a moderate dealmaker won him friends on both sides of the aisle. But hes kept busy. And if I did, I would dismiss it immediately, the governor said. All Rights Reserved. Others who have done so include Maryland under Republican Gov. That a Democrat followed suit in Pennsylvania a much bigger political stage, with a much larger population matters. When Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Nothing less is acceptable. Josh Shapiro and Wes Moore Are Ready To Step Up The inaugurations in Pennsylvania and Maryland this month introduced Democrats to their future. Spotlight PA is funded by foundations and readers like you who are committed to accountability journalism that gets results. During the 2020 election, Shapiro raised his national profile as a frequent cable news commentator and Trump critic. Tom Wolf on COVID policies: Im going to be second-guessing myself until the day I die, Despite midterm losses, Pa. Republicans appear unlikely to abandon combative agenda, by Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA, The Pennsylvania legislature is getting a major infusion of new blood this January, Partisan fights dominated the Pa. legislatures recent session, eclipsing some major accomplishments, Pa. Republicans fight to prolong House majority and pass far-reaching constitutional amendments, Advocates, lawmakers hope Pa. House power shift opens door for election law changes, by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Carter Walker of Votebeat, Dispute over Pa. House special elections, control likely heading to court, Wolf backs regulatory change that would formalize discrimination protections for LGBTQ Pennsylvanians, Pa.s governor spends thousands on private law firms but wont disclose why, by Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA and Brad Bumsted of The Caucus. PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! The inaugural address touched on some of Shapiros stated priorities, like abortion rights, freedom of religion and fighting hatred and extremism. If you think the Democrat party cares about anything other than personal power look at what they did to John Fetterman. Others have been turned off by what they view as Shapiros hard-edged political ambition. Hes been working at it for 10 years, to make sure that he made the friends he needed to make, and that he convinced rivals to seek other positions, Castor said. Shapiros announcement, other states announced they would be taking action to eliminate college degree requirements for state jobs. She joked that she would autograph the picture for him. [Shapiro] got to where he is within the party because he planned it that way., Get more Pennsylvania stories that matter. HARRISBURG, Pa. Governor-elect Josh Shapiros office has been busy assembling the team of people who will comprise his administration when he is sworn into office on Jan. 17. For me, youve got to show up, and youve got to treat people with respect. Shapiros emphasis on a divisive culture war issue comes with large political risks. WebThe Pennsylvania Democratic Party is the affiliate of the Democratic Party in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. College can be a very good thing. Shapiro said he feels no pressure from inside the Democratic Party to push Fetterman to resign, nor does he feel pressure to push him to stay in the seat to benefit Democrats in the 2024 election. On his first full day in office, Gov. Progressive power is really rising, Rosso said. Groen declined to elaborate on his transition work, noting that its still early in the process, but said hes happy to be helping. There are, for instance, policing advocates who want more aggressive law enforcement, people seen as hostile to public education, and a number of prominent Republicans. McNesby declined to comment on his work with the transition team. But the reality of the matter is that Fetterman is unwell and was hospitalized for two days in early February after he felt lightheaded and, shortly thereafter, checked into Walter Reed Army Medical Center to be treated for depression where he has remained incommunicado for the last two weeks with his office saying that he remains on a path to recovery, without providing any further details. people, places, and food of Pa. every Friday, plus events, guides, But there are some issues on which Shapiro is resolute about his commitment to Democratic values, such as reproductive and LGBTQ rights. Shapiros executive order this month sped up a reversal that is only gaining steam. Some criticism has been pointed at the number of transition team spots that went to top donors. Governor Shapiro believes everyone in Pennsylvania deserves a fair shot, and that government should serve the people thats why during his first month in office, he also took action to improve the Commonwealths licensing and permitting processes and to make it easier for workers and businesses to apply online. Shapiro who took the oath of office on Tuesday with Lt. Gov. But an inconsistent judicial standard and comfortable employer routines ought not oblige Americans to buy a very expensive piece of paper. Especially for those populations that have historically been neglected and havent been able to access many of these programs and policies.. No bills have come across Pennsylvania Gov. hopefuls flock to Palm Beach for Club for Growth retreat, Eyes on 2024: A page from DeSantis book, California poll: Homelessness is most urgent issue in the state. During the 2022 campaign for governor, Shapiro, Jewish and from suburban Philadelphia, traveled deep into rural counties won by Trump. Gupta is a primary care physician and an assistant professor and researcher at Johns Hopkins Medicine. Overall, he won 16 percent of registered Republicans and 64 percent of registered independents. If the calculation is the way for his agenda to pass is to lean into the conservative side of the [Democratic] party, it is the wrong calculation.. This article and all of our journalism are available to you at no cost thanks to our supporters. Experts call it credentialism a trend that began around the 1970s and kept accelerating for company job recruiters to require a bachelors degree even for jobs (from IT specialist to, yes, newspaper reporter) that may not really need one. Support our commitment to credible conservative news. He is the executive director at the Abolitionist Law Center and will work on the transitions public safety committee with a focus on community safety. People like him and the organization he works for dont often get a seat in policy talks, he said. Shapiros biggest threat may be from himself, because he is so nakedly focused on his own political advancement, a longtime Philadelphia-based political He has written about barriers to treatment for opioid use disorder, for instance, and said he thinks a lot about making sure preventative care is available for people in all segments of the population. It that way., get more Pennsylvania stories that matter lead attorneys who defended Donald Trump during second... Foundations and readers like you who are the people Shapiro wants on his side as he to! Represents 14,000 active and retired police officers has become more fraught friends and allies Maryland this sped! Something like that because its about results more about governor Shapiros lead they. Philadelphia, traveled deep into rural counties won by Trump degree, he announced on Twitter 2020! A seat in policy talks, he said a fan order this month sped up a reversal is... 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