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Remember the right move is to plan for this to last for years and at the end of it (and there will be an end) when things return to the normal rules and strategy your goal is to be better positioned to play the game. In 2004, they shifted into a tightening process. During the great depression you could buy a gold pocket watch for enough money to feed a family for a couple of days. His record is arguably the best of any political/economic analyst today. The dust bowl contributes a great deal to what people think happened, compared to what did happen. (This means we have a 50-50 chance of survival). He is not a prophet and his doom and gloom is just a way to sell fear. Brandon Nathaniel Smith (born April 12, 2001) is an American football linebacker for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League (NFL). Black victimhood is perpetual. Jorge Newbery / BUENOS AIRES ARAEP Arquata Scrivia ITARQ Arques FRARQ Arquota ITAQU Arrabury AUAAB Arraias BRAAI Arrancudiaga ESARR Arras FRARR Arrecife de Lanzarote ESACE Arrigorriaga ESARA Arrington GBARR Arroyo/Guayama PRARR Arsiero ITARS SEARS SEARD Arsuk GLJRK Artand HUART Arteijo ESARJ Artes ESATS Artesia USATM USATS Arthabaska CAART . The final plot twist the elites need in the EU, I believe, is a no-deal Brexit. Historically, a rare and quite stunning development. I told you so! when one of their myriad predictions actually happens. Moyie Springs, Idaho 83845. European markets will tank and certain major banks (Deutsche Bank and Italian majors?) We havent seen anything yet as far as trade war chaos. But you are just doing OK. You can probably retire at 65 and you wont be rich and take great vacations but you wont starve either or be kicked out of your home. The EU has publicly stated that there will be NO renegotiations of the Brexit deal after May leaves. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. Now back to real life. Skeptics of this outcome are pretty much the same people that originally claimed the trade war would be over by now and that Trump would be victorious. There is kind of a ying and yang to this. I have bags of flour inside plastic bags in my freezer. Biblical End Times are an explanation. If the current trend continues, production in Europe will be throttled, causing chaos in the global supply chain. My belief is that Trump is the nemesis of the globalist and therefore must be stopped. They cant repossess any property they have bought here, but they are welcome to come try. If you know nothing about diamonds dont buy them no matter what the market is doing. While the current crash started at the end of 2018, the year of 2019 will probably be the one that is most remembered in history books as the beginning of Great Depression 2.0. You name it. by Brandon Smith ALT MARKET. What I have also noticed is that much of it is not new. You know that you also have a lot of readers and followeres from the EUdssr (not only because i have been recommending your site to everyone for probably 10 years). Be ready!! [8] At the time of the senator's remarks, the Curiosity rover had last reported a high of 17C (1F), low 80C (112F). Our current President has done more to help this country than any other in the last 2 centuries. Layered over this I see incompetence. Loading up on canned beans, tuna fish, canned vegetables, rice, peanut butter, preserves and jams are much healthier choices and will cost your family a whole lot less. Think of it like the card game you are dealt a hand from a stacked deck and what you do next determines if you win that hand or lose. I never believe the liar ever since he got on the stage during the elections. The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow. This website (, is the sister website to, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. My suspicion is that there is a concerted disinformation campaign in play on the internet to drum up the false impression of consensus support for the trade war while the activities of the real villains (the international banks) are ignored. Im not the only one who would be extremely grateful! Random deal you think? Can we call the turning point in a market, or any complex system, especially that not built and control by our own hand? This is the situation we are currently in today as 2022 comes to a close. From Brandon Smith at I live in the mountains outside a small town in rural Montana, a place you might assume is conservative through and through, and it is, for the most part. Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold. The decline in the rate of increase of United States M2: Another possible cause of this is simply that people are deleveraging. Which one did you vote for? Help Support Our Free Content! 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: The 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed much more than just a presidential winner, it exposed how the Marxist MAINSTREAM MEDIA mob -- and the LEFT-WING PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL followers of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM that politically control the media, attempted to sway the election in favor of Clinton because she . I watch the events of this world and figure there must be a way to make sense of them. This part of the game plays out over many months to years and you will have lots of moves/opportunities to make mistakes. Just live biblically and dont be cowards. The Globalists hate and fear him and who he represents, and work relentessly to destroy him. In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse. Use your head and buy what you know and understand. One lesser known issue is the new 1% excise tax on stock buybacks planted within Bidens Inflation Reduction Act. The subsequent explosion in oil prices would be devastating to the global economy and the US economy would struggle under high energy prices even with expanded domestic oil drilling. Because when people get desperate and cant feed their families, thats when they get violent and unpredictable. If the system is out of balance, collapse will set its ugly foot down somewhere and theres nothing anyone including central banks can do about it. Then it got an option to set the skill level. Brandon Smith [send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. With the hospital walls and doctors removed, our bond felt stronger than ever. The US market is only 18% of Chinese exports, a sizable piece of the pie, but hardly a devastating blow to the Chinese economy should it be denied to them. If he was in bed with the globalists none of THIS would be going on. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. FDR had such a good propaganda machine that he was reelected three times despite gross mishandling of the Depression, gold siezure, crippling regulation and finally entry into a war that Americans were violently opposed to. With public riots escalating, the CCP will probably seek to ease conditions as a means to placate dissent, playing a game of release the steam valve. And the story is not found in any text books, but only the Good Book, the Bible. I also bought six months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply. Inflation is not going anywhere anytime soon, however. Keep up the comments like this as it helps everyone who reads them to stay focused and not to get distracted. Ive been doing that this whole year and continue doing so, not only because of potential shortages but also because of inflation. Well, it is not going to happen in the nearest future. 2 more things about Europe and Switzerland where I live: I don't want to get into the debate about climate change, but I will simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. You wont be playing to win per se you will be playing to position yourself for that day when the game returns to normal play. There seem to be two basic opinions here amongst the comments. He is a Republican. If the financial elites pulled the plug and the entire world economy collapsed, those financial elites would lose an enormous part of their wealth and control. Right? Price of gas IS creating demand destruction. Next you want to use the leverage of cash/PMs to buy things. Its a problem that arises at the onset of every historic financial crisis Mainstream economists and commentators lie to the public about the chances of recovery, constantly giving false reassurances and lulling people back to sleep. In that second phase everyone will be trying to save themselves. The trade war situation as it is now is not enough of a distraction in my view, however. (OK, I had to look it up) Just go back and read what he has written (and predicted) since 2010. It seemed as if they were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public in the hopes that if people just believed hard enough that all was well then the fantasy could be manifested into reality. Why would they reverse course now?. My parents lived through the Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and everything else that happened through the early 2000s. I do believe there are things going on in the dark. Jim is the originator of the American Redoubt movement and a frequent talk show and podcast guest. He began SurvivalBlog in 2005. 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, Not necessarily because the rich are taking everything, which is another popular belief (and these things will be reinforced by the media so you must be strong in your conviction to not be lead astray). Brandon James Smith is a lawyer at a public policy organization and an adjunct professor at American University, who lives in Washington DC. Thats why thousands of Americans are moving their retirement into a Gold IRA. You dont know when the game, the roller coaster ride, ends and thus making decisions/plays with short term planning will inevitably result in a loss. Learn how you can too with a free info kit on gold from Birch Gold Group. We greatly appreciate your support to help keep this blog up and running! This can also be done over your entire investment lifetime. While you could maybe buy something that would double in value in ten years wouldnt you much rather that it increased in value by ten fold? And its all truuuueeee! Consider that even simply holding onto your cash/PMs until normalcy returns is a good decision. Sure sometimes its just due to hard work. Understand and accept that and you are miles ahead of the average person. The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. Kentucky State Police said they initially stopped him for driving 65mph in a 45mph zone. By 2007/2008 the nation witnessed an exponential implosion of credit, setting off the biggest money printing bonanza in US history in order to save the banking sector, at least for a time. If you know real estate then look for good bargains. So, were testing the waters. This will be a disaster for the US and people better keep stacking PMs or their fiat currency will become worthless. They can eat their widgets, as was noted earlier, we produce enough food for billions and dont need the Chinese to buy it. (The Mueller investigation.) Take a deck of 52 cards and shuffle them and think now what can I do to make a different skill level? [1] Life goes on you get some breaks and you lose out on some breaks but there is always someone doing better and youre not sure why. The latest announcement of Theresa Mays resignation seems to indicate that this will be the case, and that a no-deal scenario is the most probable scenario. You will be looking at a deer in the headlights, an angry deer in fact. There will be opportunities and false opportunities and even fraud/scams. It reveals the little-known IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) into gold. And I see randomness to a large extent. So what is the strategy? This would explain why US equities are struggling to stay afloat despite the fact that corporate buybacks of stocks have increased to historic highs in 2019. In the meantime, I suggest readers stock provision whenever possible and organize within their local communities before next April. Prepare. Think long term. After the depression the value of that watch was probably 10 to 100 times greater. Even now with price inflation pummeling the average consumer they tell us that there is nothing to worry about. Keep us poor and needy forever. The Federal Reserves soft landing is on the way. More specifically Im asking what would you have done in the Summer of 1929, remember the crash occurred in Oct of 1929 and up until then the game was hot and everyone (it seemed like everyone) was winning. - In the early 2000s the Fed had been engaged in artificially low interest rates which inflated the housing and derivatives bubble. Canned goods and dry foods are the way to go and NO you dont have to spend a fortune. You can follow Alt-Market here: As noted, I continue to predict the trade war as it stands will accelerate unabated until the plunge in fundamentals and equities is complete. I will add that Trump is a liar, tyrant, and a fool. The problem is that the higher interest rates are not bringing prices down, nor are they really slowing stock market speculation. You will also have had to play long before (or maybe just before) the game changer (the crash) to be in a position to both wait it out and play for advantage. Tons to do and no time to loose. Thats right your computer solitaire has been stacking the deck even before it ever offered different skill levels. Furthermore, oil and energy prices are being kept down because of Chinas suspiciously bizarre Zero Covid policy, which is slowing their economy to a crawl and reducing oil usage to a minimum. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . I dont drive here so I dont know the price of gas/diesel. It is the result of the entropy of the game and the active participation of the players who are constantly changing things (i.e. It will be a controlled reopening with restrictions loosened and certain quarantines lifted. [January 2001] The fallout would be catastrophic, but there are still things everyday Americans can do to protect themselves 05 Oct 2022 Still quite the newbie, but not as green as back then; communications is a specialty of mine, as well as medical. Two of his other novels have also been best New York Times bestsellers. Smith and his wife Laurel have five children. At face value it doesnt make any sense. Yes, that describes Brandon Smith. That is human nature. Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion, Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Emergency Medical Preps For Grid Down Scenarios, A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status, Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023, The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians, The Digitization Of Humanity Shows Why The Globalist Agenda Is Evil. Prepperdoc your term doom porn is perfect for these salesmen of fear. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a fight against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. My book Its Over written in 2009 explained the damage done by Greenshield which was a government program mandating low mortgage rates for blacks. Skill level? The Fed is doing EXACTLY as it is told by the IMF, which has been demanding that they continue to RAISE RATES: This is a catch 22 situation that will soon lead to civil war. Once you own it you will probably have to hang on to it for years before the recovery. Sounds like several good reasons to stock up on gold and silver! Wars. You try and tell people this and they look at you as if youre a nutter but this is the reality. the BIS. Prepperdoc, you are pointing out the scare mongering that has been going on for decades, and your term Doom Porn is a very good one. What Happens Next In The Ukraine Proxy War? J. Edgar Hoover maintained secret files and surveiled numerous opponents. The Fed is a significant risk to all of us, corporate buy-backs out of debt-funding will blow up just as local, state, and federal entitlement programs/pensions. Just sayin. Some of Brandons articles that he discusses on todays interview include: Is The Pussification Of Americas Youth Scientifically Engineered? He is a willing puppet for the Globalist, he has always been buddy buddy with them, including longtime friends to the known globalists the Clintons. Stay away from the survival meals, they are 5x more expensive and arent as healthy. Every time someone takes a loan out to buy a new fancy truck, that increases M2. This would put our time frame for contraction around March or April of 2023. Almost every politician enters office with a middle class savings and assets and comes out of office a millionaire. Exactly, PrepperDoc..We love to wring our hands and throw dust on our heads. If your IRA or 401(k) is exposed to this threat, its critical to act now! Alt-Market is about freedom, in the purest sense, and we stand against those that are working relentlessly to undermine our most fundamental values. There is Color Revolution going on and Covid is good excuse to keep Soros filth locked away. He was elected to District 84 of the Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives in 2000, unseating Democratic incumbent Scott Alexander from Hazard Kentucky. This is Communism. Alt-Market Is Now On Twitter Follow Us! One great example is Kim Philby if you study his case. Every bit of good news is a head fake and it will be mostly bad news which may or may not be entirely correct either. Background [ edit] Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. The intent of the author seems to be to reduce support for Trump by surreptitiously linking Trump with the goals of the globalists. Thats great..I actually opened a twitter account just to see, but to be honest I dont really access it much. The difference between a global currency collapse and a sovereign collapse is the lack of a reserve fiat currency henceforth the desire to implement a global digital currency but its not for the benefit of its users rather for the issuers. Dont believe it? The worst is when the talk about how to manage an IRA or a 401k contributors call into the show saying they are down 66% in a stock that is part of their IRA. It will add to the inflationary pressures they are moving towards Gold like the rest of BRICS and thats one reason why the delay occurred. What has a 401K done in these two years? Stay alive, stay healthy and be ready for the next phase. If you have followed Brandon Smith, regularly reading this web site, you would not be asking what the price of Silver will do in this contraction. With everyone in the world acting in their own best interest it seems like their is a conspiracy and if you believe that you will then think you see the co-conspirators meeting and conspiring. 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