why did barlow kill walt's wifeis erin burnett carol burnett's daughter

It seems it would be harder than simply walking in and having Walt say okay then but not impossible. Why this and why that? Ive been watching from the beginning and after season 1 aired it wasnt seen again until season 2 was ready to premiere 9 months later. I concur everyone is entitled to their opinion. Why does Barlow kill branch? Im not sure that Walt and Vic are a done deal. I didnt even realize there were people ranting about the Walt/Vic dynamics. I think Warner Horizon produces Dallas and Rizzoli and Isles but dont think Shepard/Robin/Baldwin/Coveny are invovled. The dying Barlow laughed, making Longmire realize the gun was empty. It should be renewed for a fourth season because it is one of the best shows on television. I also wonder whether Walt receives this news in time to prevent him from killing Joseph Nighthorse. This show has it all..even my husband,, who normally only watches sports, never misses an episode of Longmire. I loved how it tends to be fairly low key, relative to many other cop shows, and yet can still offer Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. Since we were new to the series, we watched from the beginning and got hooked ! Did a&e ever consider showing it at 9 instead of 10 I bet a lot of folks who have to go to bed and do not have dvr would be watching who are not now, Jhera35 And I appreciate everyone that joined in the conversation over the past ten weeks. With the close relationship that all the Longmire executive producers have shared with TNT, Im surprised they took Longmire to A&E with their reputation with scripted dramas. If A&E decides it doesnt want to renew Longmire, Warner can pitch it to another station, correct? It was Branchs big redemption! Bailey Chase and Katee Sackhoff certainly deserve some recognition for their intense scenes. I do hope Longmire is renewed for another season. I so love longmire and hope they keep this t.v show going. I myself didnt like the Gorski storyline. They have such great chemistry! Jeffrey If the jar that Henry took was new requests for Hectors help, I wonder how he will handle them dont see him beating people up and pulling teeth. I blame AE for that a lot. Ive been singing the praises of Katee Sackhoff and Bailey Chase but, arguably, Taylor had the most powerful, emotional walloping of a scene in all of season three. And thank you for the compliment. He just told Brach it was to help him to still try and win him over. Jane Davis He came away with something on his thumb. The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. August 5, 2014 @ Especially after the punch in the kisser. Getting sick of their lack of information and promotion for Longmire. Hopefully he reacted fast enough, but then again they both had clayshot simiar to the Dick Cheney shooting so its very survivable. I think were in for a long wait on that announcement but I certainly hope Im wrong. I know when Longmire was recommended to me (I started in the middle of S2), I had little idea as to the numerous sub-plots that seemed to actually dominate the heart beat of the story. Kodi2k6 Fair or not. Longmire, Vic (Katee Sackhoff), and Ferg (Adam Bartley) search for Branch and eventually find his body in a river, an apparent suicide, based on the angle of the shotgun.. Who does Cady Longmire marry? Even in Unquiet Mind I slapped my forehead and said of course the owl that leads Walt to the cabin that was essential for him to survive falling in a a river in winter on the mountain was Martha. Is David ridges alive Longmire? . Vic should have just been divorced from the start. They rant against those with a well thought out objection, not only against those who just state they hate Vic. . I dont want to see Branch turn into the nemisis of the Sheriffs department. IMO (2 cents), I think Barlow killed himself, Cady clearly saw more than the wound. This is such a great show. The biggest mistake the producers made was dealing this to A&E. I have removed A&E from my channel lineup. Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha. He pulled a gun on Walt who was forced to shoot him down. She seemed too girlie for him, half fainting violet, half stalker trying to force her way into his life. Hopefully in season 4 we will see more humorous interactions between Walt and Henry, I would love to know more about their history, and of course it would be great to see Walt and Vic finally have some happiness together. Regardless, I think that Vic is one of the few good female characters on tv. But as we both stated all are entitled to their opinion. I agree with all of you. All the tributes proved just how many people Hector had helped and how much he was missed. The person he hired killed the person that killed her. . One of the reasons characters question the Longmore character is so the audience will have an idea of what is going on, given that Longmire is supposed to be so un-communicative. In my mind, yes, but I read somewhere that TPTB (The Powers That Be, term I use when I dont really know who has the power to make decisions for a television show) are trying to read the tea leaves and think that it is 60-40 AGAINST the VicWaltship among Longmire viewers. 7:20 pm. This season has really kept my interest and the cliffhanger of who survives the Branch/Barlow shootout has me waiting for next season even more than the who shot JR one on the original Dallas!. Also Ive finally come to accept the Walt & Vic relationship. Another interesting storyline would be if Branch did go back to the sheriffs dept and his sibling assuming he has one taking up the reins and being just as devious and evil as Barlow. Thanks for a place to express my pent up thoughts, lol. I also agree that there seems to be more to Barlows malice toward Walt. Im not sure how the Longmire writers see the symbolism and I hesitate to try to look for anything more complicated in it than that simple message of a death. Just leave it as she died of cancer like in the books and then whole Henry being charged and arrested would not be needed. I read that Longmire DVDs and Blu-Ray sell well on Amazon and elsewhere but then do those buyers find it on TV? Was it concrete or cement rather than paint? It gave us everything we hoped for to see him no longer have to be on the run. But all this begs the question, if Barlow Connally hired David Ridges to kill Martha Longmire, did Ridges do the deed himself, or did he outsource the murder by hiring Miller Beck? If the show gets another season and the writers are going to put them together, they need to ease them into a relationship without any more over the top obstacles. Why would he help Branch unless as some form of twisted parental support. I only wish they would warn you that the episode is going long. I did notice Cady eyeing them, when Vic naturally and caringly The finale had fewer viewers than the season premiere. Luckily, Walts daughter proved herself to be more than capable. Instead, we have the possibility of Branch actually being dead thanks to a carefully-executed move by his father, and of the entire department in shambles. Intent doesnt equal success. Isnt that what Netflix, etc. So thats why (in terms of story justice) Longmire got to shoot Ridges himself, even though he doesnt yet know that it was Ridges who killed Miller Beck. The only way I stumbled on Longmire before it premiered was because of the wasteland of programming and I happened to be watching The Glades which promoted Longmire. August 5, 2014 @ BalsterFudd357 A&E is not winning me over as a supporter. August 6, 2014 @ Why do we have until next year for season 4? look at two n half men . But that is about to change, and change drastically. Are there trolls that exist online? My husband thinks Im nuts and it was just makeup or war paint. Im not a fan of the omminous grand story arc format. I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. 3:23 am. August 5, 2014 @ That is what drew me to the series: incredible writing and beautifully crafted, works-of-art level episodes that still haunt me like Dog Soldier. Your email address will not be published. Its shame Longmire has no help from a lead in show. how much money did the vampire diaries gross. Free through late August. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks so much for joining us! Loved how they tied up the Henry trial and Marthas murder, but left open ends for next season. Supporters of the Walt/Vic story arc dont fall for it and just choose not to respond anymore as its become tiresome. Everything is superb! Was there a deeper meaning from the cast and crew? The Glades and Longmire were both on Sunday night for season 1 of Longmire. Kalalau Cant wait! Another indication of people not liking storyline or direction ( not necessarily regarding Walt/Vic) is the decline in viewership. In contrast to AETV, AMC has been running Hell on Wheels episodes from ALL the previous seasons continously prior to the new season starting. I thought Walts spreading of Marthas ashes was very poignant. [b]emsA2 [/b]Appreciated your take on the VicWaltship. I totally agree. In the pilot was the owl Marthas spirit whose killer needed to be found and punished? And thank you. Robert W. Hamlett Quailty program has become an endangered species. I still feel like viewers arent being shown the entire picture, which is standard for mysteries but frustrating at the same time. The only real exception is if this ending is set up thanks to a contract dispute . I truly hope Branch is not dead since he did almost die once already. What could they possibly have in common? Btw thank you for all your comments this past season. 2:03 pm, It is interesting how shows that advocate slutty, trashy, immoral actions by teenagers are renewed for 2-3-4 seasons with 12+ episodes, and something that is well written and exciting to watch teeters on the brink of cancellation. I mean it was a continuing success for A&E even with a dip in the third season. [b]snowdogmom[/b], 100% support more Lucian Connally and having him partner up with Walt again. Walt, who is finally starting to understand the truth, realizes that not only was Ridges involved, but Nighthorse was also involved.He believes that these are the only 2 to be involved. 3:37 am. In 2015, Branch's body was found down by the river by Walt Longmire, Vic Moretti, and The Ferg. And Walts not going to kill anyone, especially not the wrong guy! 2:11 pm. How many times was it that hank nearly got killed or could've ended up being on a wheelchair possibly for his entire life bcz of Walt. That seems like a stretch.Thats the question I want answered He says everything he does is for his family, but how does killing her help his family? It would really be a shame if it is renewed. August 5, 2014 @ I finally thought to Google longmire owl symbol and found a great article from June 4, 2012 interviewing Craig Johnson. Following the miscarriage she suffered in episode 4, she went on a drive and came close to killing herself she had the bullet locked and ready to go, but she emptied it out when she realized that she couldn't go through with it. I love that it can do case of the week episodes while still having small, multiple episode arcs, as well as season and series-long arcs. I cant see that person living in the half finished cabin or driving that Casi-NO bumper-stickered car. By visiting this site, you consent to have cookie data stored. Excellent!!! Why did Walt have to kill Gus? Thanks for the 411 Austinmoose! [color=rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/color]. Is this correct? Im sad to read sometimes that there are Longmire viewers who really dislike Vic, I LOVE her character, flaws and all. Since we know he is an only son, it would be his sister. It had to be done before anything romantic could happen with Vic. We both felt the same regarding the Gorski storyline and although I am not a Walt/Vic shipper, our discussions have been respectful and I appreciate that. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Announce a Season 4 and give us at least 12 episodes! She is a far better deputy than Branch or Ferg. Why does Barlow kill branch? August 5, 2014 @ I think the jar of notes were NEW requests since Hector passed. It sounds kind of Longmirish. I feel like Henry would have just driven to the cabin. Never apologize for the length around here. Top of his game. Branch then delivers his father up to Longmire (his alternate father figure). We cant imagine this show ending. What a great finale and another great season! Season 3s Wanted Man featuring Peter Weller was one of the strongest episodes. He really has the upper edge even though he was distracted. As the scene closes with Branch getting ready to take in his corrupt father, maybe hoping to earn his way back into the department or just because hes realized that hes not like his dad, Branchs father says hes sorry he failed him, but its not too late to have another son. Im a late arrival and havent read most comments, but, to answer Edwards question as to why Ridges wanted to count Branchs coup, I think it was because Branch got nosy after Cadys car accident during the election. I wonder if there is a deeper connection between them. August 5, 2014 @ Lucian is eccentric crazy, a lot of fun, love the character but I worry a bit when he is carrying a gun. Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. 9:24 pm. http://www.vibrantnation.com/other-topics/craig-johnson-the-man-behind-longmire/. If you wanted to promote Longmire to others in prep for season 2 your hands were tied unless you DVRd it and had people over. Of course, but not all different opinions are negative, some criticisms are constructive. The interplay between Henry & Walt seems true to Craig Johnson books. I love this show. Lou Stefano Unless there is something business wise (contract negotiations going on?) But there is clearly a strong strain of it in the Connally family. Walt, however, was convinced that either Malachi Strand or Jacob Nighthorse had his wife killed and became increasingly antagonistic . I cant wait for Season 4. The other thing I found interesting in this article was that at the time it was written there was talk about trying to cast Dog and finding it really difficult. I think Henry took the jar with requests for Hectors services because he is going to take over the role of providing justice to the Cheyenne when they cant get it anyplace else. August 5, 2014 @ Longmire made a HUGE move for a show with an uncertain future, exposing Barlow as the man responsible, but also not having Walt arrest him. Especially if it goes long. I recall, Jacob thinking aloud that Branch had become more like Walt than he (Branch) realized. They also are weak in their other programming and it seems generally incompatible with the Longmire viewer type so they are unlikely to stumble upon it. I think Warner held firm. August 5, 2014 @ wonderful season ender season 4 newel should really be a no brainer. They only have three shows drawing any sizeable audience Longmire, Bates Hotel and DD (I have never watched either of the last two). I think TNT should pick it up, put it on Monday at 10pm eastern after Major Crimes and match the number of episodes with Major Crimes. What makes this show so great is the characters and their interactions especially with each other in solving crimes. In Branchs tired, vacant stare at his would-be assassin, theres a mixture of disbelief that his ordeal is finally over, perhaps, wondering if, even now, the corpse wont come back alive for one more encounter. Teens Break-in to House to Bake Marijuana Brownies. Nighthorse (A. Martinez) has lawyered upshes there in his officeand he has, on the surface, a damn good alibi. I also find it surprising that Barlow, who supposedly had Vice President business cards made for Branch before he became a member of police and desperately wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, would take out Martha to help Branch become Sheriff. [b]Mates[/b], One of the best moments in television in a long time. Do that , then watch the ratings go UP UP and way UP! Its the most important barometer a network uses to indicate popularity. Feel dumb for asking, but what was in the jar Henry took out of the rocks at the end? I hope they do surprise me! That might be some major competition for Longmire if Longmire stays on A&E at 10pm Monday. I went back to S1 and the S2 to catch up. Awesome job on the finale. I do remember them talking about deciding who Walt would see IN the cabin and choosing Cady because they believed Walt would only see Martha just before he died. The Season 1 DVD didnt come out until a year after season 1 aired and when asked about Blu-Ray version, nothing. Best television in a long time. Bringem Back!! Later he confronts his father about his $50,000 tip to Jacob Nighthorse about killing Walt's wife, but soon later his father distracts Branch by pulling the disc while shooting shotguns and later shoots Branch in the facewhile Branch is distracted, and is later avenged by Walt, and is mentioned in every season after. About halfway through the episode, we started to feel like he was the guilty party. Branch could have given a warning shot to tell Barlow to stay put. Even Amazon who had season 1 VOD with a season pass when I asked about season 2 had no clue when/if season 2 would be available via their VOD. They dont even respond on their various Facebook pages. When key players do the deed, it is often the demise of the show. Which happens frequently in the real world. Drax The Destroyer They have nothing worth watching. I hope that next year will continue the humor in the interactions with the main characters. Were we getting closer to the moment? Hope for another season where we can find out. Didnt watch it until this season. Any TV business experts around? August 7, 2014 @ It was only five minutes before the end of the episode when this happened, and we were still confused but only briefly. I read somewhere last year that they had come under new management. Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar? Another controversy involving Branch was the killing of Walt's wife. So as you said we all have a right to our opinion and that is mine. Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. years(!) You never saw Branch actually die. Updated February 28, 2023 at 11:51 AM ET. In a season of incredible performances from the whole cast, Robert Taylor delivered powerfully in the scene when Walt finally lets go of Martha. You saw Walt's reaction to hearing the gunfire, which proved that he is nearby and therefore capable of coming to the rescue. 3:34 am. 5:07 am. Longmire picks up the lone wolf who has been out in the cold for a majority of this season, desperately trying to convince anyone whod listen that the White Warrior was alive. Read them in order to get the full development of the characters. I dont have a Kindle (or any tablet/e-reader) yet, so Ive been getting them out of the library. Grade: A-. But, damn, wasnt that a top season closer?! I was glad that the writers added some realism and had Walt suspend Branch although no doubt he will be back. Huffington Post. The Closer and Major Crimes yes. Would be a shame if Branch turned up dead. Besides, I would not want to give up that amazing scene in The Election where he just says what the hell, goes back in, throws off the hat and jacket, sweeps the table clear and proceeds to ravish Lizzie right there on it. I have read all the books and highly recommend them. She caught Vic staying with Walt last season. I have enjoyed reading the posts on this site this year, and thank you for providing an outlet for comments and opinions. Plus TNT would actually promote Longmire. Marie just loves her husband and she just found out that he could've died multiple times bcz of Walt. I like snowdogmoms answer to why Henry took Hectors jar. And why was Ridges going after Branch so adamantly? It deserves more promotion a better time slot and it will get many more fans. That 60/40 against Walt/Vic is a guess. Excellent comments ! Id call this an A+ episode even though all the loose ends surrounding Marthas and Miller Becks deaths werent tied up well enough. Ive had enough of Branch the crazy rogue this season. 1:34 pm. That would be a sharp change of pace to make him a mayor or some other powerful nemesis. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names) , the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. Bailey Chase, with his increasingly desperate, haunted face and those electric blue eyes has given Branch much substance behind the swagger. I have lost a lot of shows I like because of low ratings. PLEASE let it continue on..Jane Davis, Lila Cox Heres hoping. While trap shooting, Branch and Barlow discuss Nighthorse. Heres hoping for season 4 !! [b]emsA2[/b], incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. Thats a thought-provoking tidbit that Ive never heard. August 12, 2014 @ August 5, 2014 @ I have watched Longmire from the beginning of S1 and then I read the books. 7:01 pm. why f with a good show. I did notice Cady eyeing them, when Vic naturally and caringly cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. And I cant say enough praise for McRaneys acting. I did LIKE the Lizzie story-arc, what it revealed about Walt and Vic, how it was part of his healing process and then how after Cadys accident it was used to display one of Longmires most virtuous flaws: that overdeveloped sense of responsibility for everything that in this instance leads him to think giving in to Lizzies seduction led to Cady being in a coma. All the new summer offerings from all the networks have been a big disappointment. The show was given ten extra minutes in order to properly try to answer that question. 4:18 am. Thanks; hope its a short hiatus. In the TV series, hes Henry and LDP does a very good job with his character. Just want more Longmire. She seemed to fall out of the picture with no exit plan. Walt refutes this, however, saying that he has never loved. A&E already cancelled The Glades, which was a good show too, I hope they dont do the same with Longmire! Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. 4 min read. A really good show and we would hate to see this series end. August 14, 2014 @ James Silva Now, he's suddenly very much in the news because the new hit film, "Jesus Revolution," covers aspects of his life story from the late '60s and early '70s. Not at this point. leave the good ones alone. Watched the last episdoe for season 3 and immediately jumped on this forum to see what all were thinking. Havent seen her lately . Until recently I assumed it was a given and Longmire was just working its way there nice and slow. Great show. I think Branch shooting his dad sets up another season very well still lots to chase down, including how much Nighthorse knew. I am glad that Henry is free and the truth is about about Barlow. Unless they did pitch to TNT and were rejected. But their bread/butter Duck Dynasty has plunged to 4 million. In Ashes to Ashes does the owl symbolize that Marthas spirit is still unquiet, that Longmire doesnt have it all figured out as completely as he thinks he does and is on the wrong track going after Nighthorse with a vengeance he feels Martha will need to forgive him of? The interplay between Henry and Walt is very true to Mr. Johnsons books. Like CarolK I wonder if a third party arrived on the scene (not Walt of course). I did like how it ended for Henry. Its a writing tactic that allows the audience understanding of the plot point. Stephanie Nolasco, Ashley Papa. But once Walt realizes Barlows involvement I can see him forgiving Branch. Working its way there nice and slow i feel like he was free and the S2 to up... When key players do the deed, it is one of the Sheriffs.... Is something why did barlow kill walt's wife wise ( contract negotiations going on? Malachi Strand or Nighthorse... 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