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It is extremely rare at sea level in the North Island. Oceania. [358] The New Zealand dollar is the 10th-most traded currency in the world.[359]. "[142] The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Place Names (2017), by John Everett-Heath, states that Oceania is "a collective name for more than 10,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean" and that "it is generally accepted that Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and the islands north of Japan (the Kurils and Aleutians) are excluded. Almost 13,000 Portuguese immigrants had arrived by 1899; they also worked on the sugarcane plantations. The main produce from the Pacific is copra or coconut, but timber, beef, palm oil, cocoa, sugar, and ginger are also commonly grown across the tropics of the Pacific. Oceania covers about 20 million square miles (50 million square kilometers), or roughly one third of the enormous Pacific Ocean. Bullen added that, "Asia, Europe and the Maritime Continent are not literal geographic continents. By 75 Ma, Zealandia was essentially separate from Australia and Antarctica, although only shallow seas might have separated Zealandia and Australia in the north. It was politically associated with Australia and Tasmania by 1870. "[66] Brown went on to add, "the small islands lying off the continent, like the Queen Charlotte's in the North Pacific, the Farallones off California, and the Chinchas off Peru are to all intents and purposes, only detached bits of the adjoining shores. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [336] Puerto Rican immigration to Hawaii began in 1899 when Puerto Rico's sugar industry was devastated by two hurricanes, causing a worldwide shortage of sugar and a huge demand for sugar from Hawaii. Oceania then, in its most restricted meaning, includes more than 10,000 islands, with a total land area (excluding Australia, but including Papua New Guinea and New Zealand) of approximately 317,700 square miles (822,800 square km). Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian birds, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia. Number of followers estimated by Countrymeters The demographic table below shows the subregions and countries of geopolitical Oceania. The ancient Chamorro left a number of megalithic ruins, including Latte stone. Density (P/Km): (Population Density) Population per square Kilometer (Km). South Island is dominated by the Southern Alps. But in the case of the Galpagos, at least, this is different. More answers below Quora User [214] On 29 April, Cook and crew made their first landfall on the mainland of the continent at a place now known as the Kurnell Peninsula. Oceania is a collective name for the islands scattered throughout most of the Pacific Ocean. Oceania population is equivalent to 0.54% of the total world population. Petroglyphs, tattooing, painting, wood carving, stone carving, and textile work are other common art forms. In the financial year 2014/15, tourism represented 3% of Australia's GDP contributing A$47.5 billion to the national economy. With migrants comprising approximately 22 per cent of the population, the region far outstrips global averages. As of 1 January 2023, the population of Oceania was estimated to be 44,416,763 people. Oceania population is comparable to 0.54% of the overall world population . cosmosmagazine.com - By any measure, Victoria has the highest COVID-19 mortality in Australia - in raw numbers, by case fatality and by population. It includes Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. In this book the other two continents were categorized as being the New World (consisting of the Americas) and the Old World (consisting of Afro-Eurasia). The sex ratio of the total population was [170][171][172][173][174] Both were uninhabited when discovered by Europeans during the 17th century. Native languages of Oceania fall into three major geographic groups: Colonial languages include English in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and many other territories; French in New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna; Japanese in the Bonin Islands;[64] and Spanish on Easter Island and the Galpagos Islands. Wilford, Timothy. [59], Islands at the geographic extremes of Oceania are generally considered to be the Bonin Islands, a politically integral part of Japan; Hawaii, a state of the United States; Clipperton Island, a possession of France; the Juan Fernndez Islands, belonging to Chile; and Macquarie Island, belonging to Australia. Less than 1% of the world's population inhabits the continent and almost half of its approximately 36.5 million inhabitants live on Australia's southeastern coast. In the region the main urban agglomerations are Melbourne . [24] The island of Taiwan similarly lies on the continental shelf of Asia, with their inhabitants historically having had exchange with mainland Asia. Oceania: Population, Characteristics, Economy And Religions. Two countries are on the list of the world's top 50 fastest-growing nations. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Natural Resources, such as lead, zinc, nickel, and gold, are mined in Australia and Solomon Islands. The current population of Australia in 2023 is 26,439,111, a 1% increase from 2022. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Parliament of Fiji. Popular Quizzes Today. The term, in its widest sense, embraces the entire insular region between Asia and the Americas. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. was estimated to be 44,416,763 people. [411], New Zealand as a culture is a Western culture, which is influenced by the cultural input of the indigenous Mori and the various waves of multi-ethnic migration which followed the British colonisation of New Zealand. [239] The oldest member disappearing by way of the plate tectonics cycle is early-Cretaceous (145 to 137 million years ago). Although disagreeing on details, scientists generally support a theory that calls for a Southeast Asian origin of island peoples. Afghanistan , Albania , Algeria , American Samoa , Andorra , Angola , Anguilla , Antigua and Barbuda , Argentina , Armenia , Aruba , Australia , Austria , Az. Papua New Guinea and New Zealand represent nine tenths of the total. Many scholars now replace those categories with Green's terms since the early 1990s, but the old categories are still used in science, popular culture and general usage. [218] On 24 September 1853, under orders from Napoleon III, Admiral Febvrier Despointes took formal possession of New Caledonia and Port-de-France (Nouma) was founded 25 June 1854. Australia carries both metrics largely, with 7.59 million square kilometers, over 7.22 million ahead of New Zealand's 268,000, and holds 26 million of the 45 million, 17 million more than Papua New Guinea. Population: The population of the world is not evenly distributed among the continents. [66] He divided Oceania into two subregions; Eastern Oceania, which included the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, and Southwestern Oceania, which included Australia and New Zealand. [76][77] American lexicographer Joseph Emerson Worcester wrote in 1840 that Oceania is "a term applied to a vast number of islands which are widely dispersed in the Pacific Ocean [] they are considered as forming a fifth grand division of the world." [276], The birds of New Zealand evolved into an avifauna that included a large number of endemic species. The Pitcairn reed warbler, endemic to Pitcairn Island, was added to the endangered species list in 2008. [324] Furthermore, 36 percent of the population reported having been born overseas, with top countries being Italy, Lebanon, Vietnam and Iraq, among others. [124] While not oceanic in nature, Taiwan and Malay archipelago countries like Indonesia and the Philippines share Austronesian ethnolinguistic origins with Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, hence their inclusion in the book. [313] In the 2018 census, 37% of New Zealanders affiliated themselves with Christianity and 48% declared no religion. Papua New Guinea alone is home to one-third of the world's languages - about 780 distinct vernaculars. [385] The New Zealand Parliament holds legislative power and consists of the King and the House of Representatives. Examples include Banaba (formerly Ocean Island) and Makatea in the Tuamotu group of French Polynesia. Many remain preliterate and, at the national or international level, the names of tribes and information about them is extremely hard to obtain. This list follows the boundaries of geopolitical Oceania, which includes Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Australia and New Guinea have importantmining deposits that allowheavy industryandmetals, while New Zealand takes advantage of its lakes for the generation of hydroelectric power, thus promoting its industrialization. Description . [288] A few islands in the northwest, such as Guam, are susceptible to typhoons in the wet season. [370], Tourism in New Zealand contributes NZ$7.3 billion (or 4%) of the country's GDP in 2013, as well as directly supporting 110,800 full-time equivalent jobs (nearly 6% of New Zealand's workforce). [413] New Zealand marks two national days of remembrance, Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day, and also celebrates many holidays such as the Queen's Birthday, Labour Day, and Christmas Day, as well as public anniversaries of the founding dates of most regions. Vanuatu is widely recognised as one of the premier vacation destinations for scuba divers wishing to explore coral reefs of the South Pacific region. Desert 3. Tourism has been promoted, in part, by Vanuatu being the site of several reality-TV shows. The Magellan-Elcano expedition achieved the first circumnavigation of the world and reached the Philippines, the Mariana Islands, and other islands of Oceania. [128][129], Ian Todd's 1974 book Island Realm: A Pacific Panorama also defines oceanic Latin American islands as making up a Spanish language segment of Oceania, and included the Desventuradas Islands, Easter Island, the Galpagos Islands, Guadalupe Island, the Juan Fernndez Islands, the Revillagigedo Islands and Salas y Gmez. Although these regions, as well as the large East Asian islands of Taiwan, Hainan and the Japanese archipelago, have varying degrees of cultural connections. [426] Art of Oceania properly encompasses the artistic traditions of the people indigenous to Australia and the Pacific Islands. One of the most dramatic is the Great Barrier Reef off northeastern Australia with chains of reef patches. A negative number means that there are more emigrants than immigrants. He defined Oceania as including the Malay archipelago, but not Japan or Taiwan, and noted that "its limits are somewhat indefinite. [50][51][52] The Pacific Ocean itself has been labelled as a "continent of islands", and contains approximately 25,000, which is more than all the other major oceans combined. The plate contains an interior hot spot forming the Hawaiian Islands. [121] The 2007 book Asia in the Pacific Islands: Replacing the West, by New Zealand Pacific scholar Ron Crocombe, defined the term "Pacific Islands" as being islands in the South Pacific Commission, and stated that such a definition "does not include Galpagos and other [oceanic] islands off the Pacific coast of the Americas; these were uninhabited when Europeans arrived, then integrated with a South American country and have almost no contact with other Pacific Islands." It notes that, "the term [has] also come under scrutiny by many geographers. [188] There is evidence of genetic and linguistic interchange between Australians in the far north and the Austronesian peoples of modern-day New Guinea and the islands, but this may be the result of recent trade and intermarriage. Most of them have little economic or political importance." These divisions [are] generally themselves spoken as continents, and to them has been added another, embracing the large island of Australia and numerous others in the [Pacific] Ocean, under the name of Oceania. While in other non-English speaking countries Australia and Eurasia are thought of as continents, while Asia, Europe, and Oceania are regarded as "parts of the world". Introduction II. The Ahmadiyya mosque in Marshall Islands is the only mosque in Micronesia. The UN projects that the global population will increase from a population of around 8 billion in 2022 to 10.4 billion by the end of the century. The islands lie on the Nazca Plate with Easter Island and the Galpagos Islands, and have a significant south central Pacific component to their marine fauna. He noted the political significance of the Aleutian Islands, which were invaded by the Japanese military in World War II, and categorized New Zealand's Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Islands, Chatham Island and Kermadec Islands as being non-tropical islands of the South Pacific, along with Australia's Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island. [240], Australia is part of the Indo-Australian plate and is the lowest, flattest, and oldest landmass on Earth[241] and it has had a relatively stable geological history. Part 1: Australia and Oceania, German herpetologist Klaus Henle referred to the area as the Pacific region, and defined it as covering Australia, New Zealand and the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Sydney (pop. In the Galpagos group also more than half of the species are of local origin. The notable exceptions, those islands more than 400 statute miles from any other, are: Clipperton Island, Easter Island, Salas y Gmez, Johnston Atoll, Norfolk Island, Marcus Island and Parece Vela. [64] Todd further included the Aleutian Islands in his definition of Oceania. Today the continenthas a series of independent countries, some of them since the 19th century (the British colonies, above all) and others much later, in the mid-20th century. Public health experts [101] The U.S. Government Publishing Office's Area Handbook for Oceania from 1971 states that Australia and New Zealand are the principal large sovereignties of the area. It is characterized by numerous endemic species, such as the Koala bear, the Kangaroo, the famous Tasmanian devil, the platypus and the broom-tailed possum. Median Age: age that divides the population into two numerically equal groups: half of the people are older than the median age indicated and half are younger. Migrants (net): The average annual number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants over the preceding five year period (running from July 1 to June 30 of the initial and final years), or subsequent five year period (for 2016 data). International and domestic tourism contributes, in total, NZ$24 billion to New Zealand's economy every year. Population: 23,232,413 Capital: Canberra Even though the continent of Australia has the most species of marsupials, they originated in South America, back when the continents were the landmass of Gondwana. [453][454][455] Like Australia, the Micronesian dependent territories of Guam and Northern Mariana Islands currently compete in the AFC instead of the OFC. [12] Puncak Jaya in Highland Papua, Indonesia, is the highest peak in Oceania at 4,884m (16,024ft). Contact between Austronesian and Papuan resulted in several instances in mixed languages such as Maisin. However, he wrote that these islands "are not usually reckoned as belonging to it, because they are known to be inhabited by races of people who came immediately from the adjacent continents and are unconnected with those tribes of the human race who peopled the remote islands of this great ocean." [436] The most popular sport among Australian women is netball, while Australian rules football garners the highest spectatorship numbers and television ratings. [401][402] The city's New Year's Eve celebrations are the largest in Oceania. Oceania's population tops around 45 million people and spans over 8,525,929 square kilometers. Major Physiographic Features of Oceania The number of its inhabitants is approximately 34,300,000 (according to the 2010 census), a figure that is increasing due to the substantial difference in the birth rate (21%) and death rate (9%). Around 1200, Tahitian explorers discovered and began settling the area. In statistics, population may refer to people, objects, events, hospital visits, measurements, etc. "[91] It added there was controversy over the exact limits of Oceania, saying that, "scarcely any two geographers appear to be quite agreed upon the subject". Some were used in magic, others to increase animal populations for hunting, while some were simply for amusement. If you are a dynamic individual seeking a new career opportunity, read further The Programme in Health Services and Systems Research (HSSR) at the Medical School in Singapore invites applications from outstanding candidates. "[127] For political reasons, Taiwan was a member of the Oceania Football Confederation during the 1970s and 1980s, rather than the Asian Football Confederation. [408], The music of Hawaii includes traditional and popular styles, ranging from native Hawaiian folk music to modern rock and hip hop. The most popular overall sport in Australia is cricket, with their national team having won the Cricket World Cup a record five times. [48] National Geographic states that the term Oceania "establishes the Pacific Ocean as the defining characteristic of the continent. [67] This is due to their location in the center of the Pacific, their biogeography and their oceanic geology. [448][449][450] Additionally, it attracts significant attention across New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Inhabitants of New Caledonia are French citizens and carry French passports. Yearly % Change: For 2019: percentage change in total population over the last year (from July 1, 2018 to June 30 2019). "[106] The Japanese archipelago, the Malay archipelago and Taiwan and other islands near China are often deemed as a geological extension of Asia, since they do not have oceanic geology, instead being detached fragments of the Eurasian continent that were once physiologically connected. Population: Overall total population (both sexes and all ages) in the region as of July 1 of the year indicated, as estimated by the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. [409] The Hawaiian religion is polytheistic and animistic, with a belief in many deities and spirits, including the belief that spirits are found in non-human beings and objects such as animals, the waves, and the sky. At c. 1200 CE, the people of Pohnpei, a Micronesian island, would embark on another megalithic construction, building Nan Madol, a city of artificial islands and a system of canals. [197] The prehistories of many Micronesian islands such as Yap are not known very well. Australia was also not included, as it was settled several thousands of years before the arrival of Austronesian-speaking peoples in Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. In the national agreement on Closing the Gap signed . We explain what Oceania is, what its relief is like and the population of this continent. "Decoding Pearl Harbor", in. Hawaii's musical contributions to the music of the United States are out of proportion to the state's small size. These regions are usually considered to be part of Maritime Southeast Asia. The rocks that now form the continent of Zealandia were nestled between Eastern Australia and Western Antarctica.[243]. Oceania population is equivalent to 0.54% of the total world population. [175][176] The UN further define the subregion as including Australia's Indian Ocean external territory Heard Island and McDonald Islands. [72] In a 2008 article for the India Quarterly journal titled Oceania and Security: A Perspective from New Zealand, author Peter Cozens stated, "the region of Oceania is characterised by vast distances across the sea between continental land masses [] It is difficult to be precise about the term Oceania and its exact delimitation", adding that "the principal regional political grouping is contained within the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) - the 16 states making up the Forum are: Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu - in general terms this is the area referred to as Oceania by the United Nations and similar agencies. The country has been broadened by globalisation and immigration specifically from Oceania, Europe, and Asia. It corresponds to the following formula: projection, It corresponds to the calculation: projection, It corresponds to the formula: LN(2)/LN(growth/100+1), which produces exactly the same result as LOG, "Fast facts about Australia - Australia in Brief - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade", Current real density based on food growing capacity, Antiviral medications for pandemic influenza, Percentage suffering from undernourishment, Health expenditure by country by type of financing, Programme for International Student Assessment, Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Oceanian_countries_by_population&oldid=1137423444, Lists of countries by continent, by population, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 15:56. [278], Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Wallacea, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean collectively possess 42% of the worlds parrot species, including half of all Critically Endangered parrots, many of which are endemic to the region. [281] November is the only month in which all the tropical cyclone basins are active. Population Pyramids: OCEANIA - 2022. Urban Pop % : Urban population as a percentage of total population. [234], Polynesia, stretching from Hawaii in the north to New Zealand in the south, also encompasses Tuvalu, Tokelau, Samoa, Tonga, and the Kermadec Islands to the west, the Cook Islands, Society Islands and Austral Islands in the center, and the Marquesas Islands, the Tuamotus, Mangareva Islands, and Easter Island to the east. [81], Alfred Russel Wallace believed in 1879 that Oceania extended to the Aleutian Islands, which are among the northernmost islands of the Pacific. James, R.E., 1947. The term, in its widest sense, embraces the entire insular region between Asia and the Americas. [347] It is classified as an Alpha+ World City by GaWC. [416] The country's diverse scenery and compact size, plus government incentives,[417] have encouraged some producers to film big budget movies in New Zealand, including Avatar, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong and The Last Samurai. ", further noting that, "a few other islands in the Pacific such as those of Japan or the Channel Islands off the southern California coast are not typically considered Oceania as the indigenous populations of these places do not share a common ancestry with Oceanic groups, except for a time far before humans sailed Pacific waters. Prange, Gordon W., Goldstein, Donald, & Dillon, Katherine. The highest increase in Australia was recorded in 1971 with 3.44 percent. As recently as 33,000 years ago no human beings lived in the region, except in Australasia. In the archaeological record there are well-defined traces of this expansion which allow the path it took to be followed and dated with some certainty. The executive power is exercised by the government. "[31], In the 19th century, many geographers divided up Oceania into mostly racially based subdivisions; Australasia, Malesia (encompassing the Malay archipelago), Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. [291] Pohnpei of the Senyavin Islands in Micronesia is the wettest settlement in Oceania, and one of the wettest places on earth, with annual recorded rainfall exceeding 7,600mm (300in) each year in certain mountainous locations. Between c. 3000 and 1000 BCE, speakers of Austronesian languages began spreading from Taiwan into Island South-East Asia,[200][201][202] as tribes whose natives were thought to have arrived through South China c. 8,000 years ago to the edges of western Micronesia and on into Melanesia. miles). There are also native languages, such as Samoan, Fijian and Enga (Papuan). Fiji has a multiparty system with the Prime Minister of Fiji as head of government. 4. Oceania is a geographical area that comprises of Australia- the smallest continent in terms of the total land area and also comprises of thousands of islands across the central and south Pacific Ocean. When compared to the other continents, Oceania is the smallest in land area and the second least populated after Antarctica. [213], On 23 April 1770, British explorer James Cook made his first recorded direct observation of Aboriginal Australians at Brush Island near Bawley Point. The information shown follows sources in cross-referenced articles; where sources differ, provisos have been clearly indicated. Some experts insist that Oceania encompasses even the cold Aleutian Islands and the islands of Japan. [18][19][7] The broadest definition of Oceania encompasses the many islands between mainland Asia and the Americas;[6][20][21] The island nation of Australia is the only piece of land in the area which is large enough to typically be considered a continent. Among these territories are the driest, flattest, oldest and least fertile of all the worlds continents. In 2019, Australia saw 8.7 million foreign visitors. [356][357] The economy diversified and by 2008, tourism had become the single biggest generator of foreign exchange. The country has one of the most globalised economies and depends greatly on international trade mainly with Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the United States. The population of the Oceania continent is projected to increase from 42.7 million in 2020 to 57.4 million in 2050. [56][57], The new terms Near Oceania and Remote Oceania were proposed in 1973 by anthropologists Roger Green and Andrew Pawley. [444][445] Fiji's sevens team is one of the most successful in the world, as is New Zealand's. [58] They are designed to dispel the outdated categories of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia; Near Oceania cuts right across the old category of Melanesia, which has shown to be not a pertinent category in respect to the geography, archeology, culture, language and human history of the region. [40][41] Prior to the 1950s, before the popularization of the theory of plate tectonics, Antarctica, Australia and Greenland were sometimes described as island continents, but none were usually taught as one of the world's continents in English-speaking countries. [130][131][132] He did not include the volcanic Kuril Islands and Ryukyu Islands, which similarly border both the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate,[133][134] nor did he include the neighboring Kodiak archipelago in the North Pacific Ocean, which is firmly situated on the North American Plate. 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