how bad are restricted view seats her majesty's theatreis erin burnett carol burnett's daughter

Sloppy movement, limp voices, technical hitches - we had them all. the special effects were among the best I have ever seen in a theatre, the music and the acting - I loved every minute of it. BEWARE These seats have restricted viewing (although not sold as such ) the floor of the balcony cuts off the top of the stage. Unfortunately by this time we felt completely disconnected from the scene on stage and this was seemingly the case also for the latecomers who commenced to chat quite openly. As the climax approached I felt my eyes moisten and I was totally engrossed in the fine performances. However stay clear of cheap side seats! Micke & Marita, Ume, Sweden. Front row, very close to the orchestra pit so not much legroom at all. Phantom of the Opera, 22Oct2017, I knew I would have a restriced view but it wasn't too bad. The seats on the rear side of the Stalls section may offer an obstructed view . M I have seen 'Phantom of the Opera' many many times. We loved everything about it, the effects, the story, the acting and singing and I agree with other people, although we have no comparison with others, Earl Carpenter is fabulous as the phantom. Recommended experiences in and around Aberdeen. Not only this but the heat in our seats was intolerable. _____________________, After waiting over 20 years to see 'Phantom' I finally made it over to the West End last week (10th September 2008). Some scenes-mainly the hanging of sceneshifter Joseph Buquet - are not suitable for young children. I could see all the stage perfectly clearly without leaning forward at all (and I'm only average height - 5ft8"). ___________________________, I am demanding a refund for the two tickets I purchased through for the 14th February 2012 performance of Phantom. There is an aisle that runs mid-way through the auditorium, and the best seats are on either side of this aisle as these are the centre seats. Brian McCann (named as swing on the website) donned the mask and was completely ill-prepared for the role. Undoubtedly Lloyd Webbers biggest achievement, but not his greatest work. I somehow managed to miss seeing Phantom of the Opera until the end of May 2005. ______________________________, Stalls F10:There's a good view of the whole of the stage even though the seat is nearer the end of the row. The problem with this is your not allocated seats until you get to the theatre. The cast were fantastic and the show certainly lived up to our expectations, so much so that we may go back again this Christmas for my birthday! 16th November 2007 I was just wondering how restricted the view will be from there. Almost central, four rows from the front, right under the chandelier and with plenty of legroom for my 6ft 2ins frame. The view was excellent as it was really close to the actors. You have to accept "Phantom" as a period piece and one of the last glittering relics of the golden age of London Theatre which the 1980's undoubtedly were. Phantom Phans I would love to hear from you! Sofia Escobar is a superb Christine, young and naive, and in fine voice. Ms Christina Brooks ____________________. This is not the Andrew Lloyd Webber / Sarah Brightman Story because occasionally the musician also bursts into song. Having said this, these low points do not take away from the rest of the musical that when they hit the mark are absolutely breathtaking (such as Music of the Night or All I Ask of You - all versions!). __________________________________. Only the unexpected and deeply moving graveyard scenes and 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again' prevent act two drowning in bathos. It was quite painful to see it in front of me. Seat: Grand Circle C36. The music is so beautiful and the set amazed me with the chandelier and staircase. Also if youve seen the show previously you know when to look up, and I saw the Phantom when he was in the gods - and also saw him when he was in the angel structure (I never noticed before that the sculpture's eyes and mouth are lit up when the Phantom is on it - which I never would have known if I hadn't sat there). We have both seen the show four or five times before, going right back to the Michael Crawford days and the performance last Thursday was up there with the best. No seat is far from an actors point of command; and the span of the seats matches their effective span of vision. Initiative. However, make sure you see Celia Graham in the role of Christine rather than the dreadful Katie Knight-Adams. ___________________________, 26th January 2017 (matinee). Please remember that the musical was the original and the movie came after, the movie was slightly different from the show (the show being better). The size and space of the seats is uncomfortable enough to start with, but the added discomfort of the heat made for a very unpleasant and painful experience. The fog during the boat scene didn't seem as bad as some other people have said, so not sure if they've toned it down. ____________________. I totally disagree with Theatremonkey. *based on 10 bookings made through various agents' websites. Series Dedication The Red Gambit series of books is dedicated to my grandfather, the boss-fellah, Jack 'Chalky' White, Chief Petty Officer [Engine Room] RN, my de facto father until his untimely death from cancer in 1983, and a man who, along with many millions of others, participated in the epic of history that we know as World War Two . Here are the hottest shows in Melbourne this month. I assume she is an understudy or cover, and she was fantastic both in her voice and acting; there was a real connection on stage between her and the Phantom, Geronimo Rauch. The walkway down to the Phantom's lair was a really slick and effective trick, and had you believing they were really walking downwards. I booked seats M6 and M5 in the stalls, solely based on your seating recommendation, and they offered a perfect view of the stage plus ample leg room for the average sized person. The heavy romance keeps seats filled and the thudding mock grandeur of the score seems to reassure audiences of the quality. if you are in Royal Circle (where I was) you have to choose a seat to stage right because we were unable to see many scenes that occurred in stage left without leaning well forward. The main character's "Phantom" and "Christine" were excellent and put so much into their performances. Also being further back meant I didn't have to look from side to side when the action was spread out, and I didn't have to look almost straight upwards trying to glimpse the Phantom in the chandelier. The Seat Carlotta and Piangi I cannot comment on - I find the characters terribly irritating. Gina is a sweet Christine too. Kate Radmilovic and Rohan Tickell as 'Carlotta' (she really was fantastic) and 'Piangi' were fabulous. Al This show, along with 'Les Misrables', is one of the "crown jewels" of West End theatre. I felt the seat was more comfortable as well, maybe as a result of me not having to crane my neck from side to side and upwards. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, Too hot and not enough rake in the Royal Circle. Day Seats: 13th September 2018. But at least youll hear every note. I could also see how Christine and The Phantom enter the mirror, which spoiled the effect for me. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. I have to admit to not being a huge fan of the show, as, although there are many aspects of the production that I like, the show as a whole does not gel for me. Ramin Karimloo made a wonderful 'Phantom', Gina Beck an amazing 'Christine' (what a voice! The stalls have an intimate seating arrangement with each row having a maximum of 35 seats. I am only 13 and have seen over 20 musicals in the West End. It was my first time to see it and thanks to theatremonkey, I got a full-priced ticket less 20! Unfortunately, I enjoyed it a little less this year. We were right underneath the chandelier. The Phantom is such an amazing character, and is portrayed so well. Albeit unrequited. The seats were amazing and I was so close to the action, I did not have a problem with legroom or cricked necks. ________________________________. Rachel is by far the best singer I have ever seen in the part, not sounding in pain or like she was struggling. I loved every single minute of it. How can you expect a musical about Opera to be anything but Melodrama?????? Her voice was brilliant and she had a hard task hitting all those high notes but she did it every time. _____________________. We are currently on our way back home to tiny Ume, but thanks to TheatreMonkey we left England on a high note! Both of these are true and valid points. The very back of the balcony is a long way away, and can make even the biggest shows seem remote. _____________________________. Monique We had Stalls G 1 and 2. When we got there, two seats next to us were empty, so we moved two seats closer to the centre. I have collected, vinyl - CD - DVD and finally, as a 60th Birthday treat with my family, I sat in awe and watched the show. The young man sitting behind me (who was taller than me) spent the whole performance with his knees banging against the back of my seat! Alf It all seemed too loud to me and at times I found the level almost painful. For a musical most action in the middle of the stage , a ballet I would get better seats. I don't usually complain but having paid 85 or thereabouts for the seat I felt a little upset. I didn't really enjoy this show much and wonder if it's getting a little tired now. I suppose for me this was a last minute choice, and I was interested to see what the experience was like from the front row - but was worth it to hear the orchestra so close up and see it from a different perspective and for 57 certainly feel like I got my moneys worth and didn't feel ripped off. The spectacular staging always dazzles, and the score throbs emotion throughout. THE C AMBRIDGE HISTORY OF I R EL AND The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were an era of continuity as well as change. Went to see 'The Phantom of the Opera' for a second time on 29th October 2008 in the evening. Not just slightly rubbish, but really, really rubbish. Given a big enough budget, landing helicopters, flying cars or video screens do not prove a challenge to the set designer, whereas "Phantom's" "coups de theatre" are achieved almost entirely with VICTORIAN stage workings. ___________________________. _________________, I tried to keep an open mind. Oscar and Lucinda . I had worried I would be too near, but as the stage is not so high as it is in productions such as 'We Will Rock You' at the Dominion Theatre was, for me it was PERFECT (in spite of less leg room than usual on a front row) and wonderful to be so close and to see all the facial expressions of the performers! Please.) Even if there was someone sitting in E1, I think the rake would have been sufficient to see over their head. If tickets are marked as an obstructed or limited view, the venue has determined that those seats do not have a full view of the stage, field, court, ice, etc. The silver lining for me had to be the 80s music: not long into the first half the synthesizer kicked in, shortly followed by the drum-beat which I'm guessing originated from the same lame 80s Casio organ (they must have been taking good care of it for it to last so long..). the theatre, the sets, the costumes, the effects, it was absolutely amazing from beginning to end. Saw Phantom 1st December 2006. As it is, it plays like the West End's granddad on life support, while there are young, vibrant shows out there in Theatreland. We simply want to catch JOJ as Phantom before the imminent arrival of our baby, as we will be unable to do much theatre afterwards.) I find it bizarre that you would attack the staging and fly work of "Phantom". Multiple emails bounced between me and a specific person, wanting to know the date I phoned, the exact time, who I previously spoke to, the number I phoned from.. (all of which I was unable to provide) This went on for a week, and finally they said they were unable to find any trace of my call, as I was unable to provide enough information, but they did not doubt that I had indeed phoned, and that i was told incorrect information, and that they would refund me the full price of one of my tickets. >Then we move on to Oliver Thornton, well, what positive thing can I say? On taking our seats we could not help but notice how impressive the set looked even pre-show. Anyway, yes I loved it. Sorry Theatremonkey, I normally take your word as gospel but I simply have to disagree with you about Phantom of the Opera. London, (Editor's note: * 'Swing' - performer who can fill in for a number of other performers if they are absent. Alex was very charming, the nicest actor I've ever met. If you really want to see a particular show I would go for slightly better seats. However, what I did NOT enjoy was the behaviour of some of the theatregoers on the row in front (we were Upper Circle E12 and E13). I recently went to see 'The Phantom of the Opera' and thought it was excellent! The best thing about Hamer Hall is simply being in it, now its had its multi-million dollar makeover; its the only venue in the world that makes bright orange feel classy. When I got to the show and saw the cast board, Scott Davies was listed as the Phantom alongside Katie; and I had one other understudy - Marc Vastenavont as Piangi. We'll earn a small commission. Being only 10 more than where we sat in the Grand Circle Row J before, these seats are much much better. Overall, myself and my fiance both really enjoyed the show. As a lifestyle editor and frequent West End visitor I've even recommended your page to our readers :) . the cast were magnificent. The seats on the very ends of the rows are as unobstructed as those in the centre, and with everyone in the one space, theres something endearingly collegiate about it. Please don't forget this was written long before the rest of the show at a time when the aim of the project was still a parody rather the thick and heady romantic spectacle that it became. Managed to get 3 tickets in the stalls row M, seats 20,21,22 - checked out this guide and thought fair value was acceptable. It's no longer a big universe with lots of little characters, it's a small universe with a few big characters. If anyone in front of you leans forward, they completely obscure your view and you have quite an area of stage left cut off from view. Sometimes, sitting closer to the stage can be even cheaper than sitting a few rows back. Unfortunately, my camera had no battery and was charging at home so I'm definitely going back to get photos, which they very kindly pose for. _____________________________________. The above two comments drew this reply from previous reviewer Will Cooper: I'd just like to counter some of your most recent and scathing phantom reviews. Saw this last night (30th March 2005) and unfortunately we didnt enjoy this show. Listened to Les Mis recently? Unfortunately, the audience seemed as badly behaved as ever at this show - one woman sat behind me was munching crisps during the first act, whilst a man sat behind me was translating the show for his friend. Zac21621 Dec 11, 2022. MAY, 1810. BEWARE These seats have restricted viewing (although not sold as such ) the floor of the balcony cuts off the top of the stage. I am a regular visitor to the Theatre and am aware that the top price tickets are the best seats but in this instance we had to take the last seats available.To sum up - we paid full price for seats with restricted view!!! They were dead centre, we had not a single obstruction and could see every aspect of the production perfectly. I was a little worried when I read about the huge cast overhaul that had been made a couple of days prior but I needn't have worried - I found the show magical, I sat mesmerised throughout the whole performance and had constant shivers running up and down my spine that started the moment they raised the chandelier at the auction house to the very end, it was wonderful! Of course the story is daft, we all know that, but nevertheless it is pretty compelling and as with other big productions in London I just love the stagecraft involved which just makes me think oooh, thats clever the chandelier really is enormous, I was quite thankful I wasnt underneath it, the mirror, the magic tricks etc wonderful. Why do actors have seats at the front of the stage? 1st floor is mostly seating and is the upper level. The cast sounded like a train wreck when they all sang different lines at once. Go and see it, if you're around and be sure you book good tickets to enhance the experience. > . The acoustics in this theatre are good anyway but the sound from the stage was very clear. As for my verdict - it is still the best show in London and a must see (many times)! I came back about 30minutes later, when all the queue had gone, and I asked what time would it be worth coming back later. I enjoyed it, even though the Monkeys review was going through my mind as I watched! PS: Paul Johnsons review referred to histrionics and caricature that werent evident on this occasion. I would not recomend the seat for first time watching, but for a repeat visitor it's aceptable. Also, I was in front row (Seat B10) - it is a restricted view because of the conductor - but he was not in my way at all, and B11 was affected slightly although it really wasn't a problem unless your under 4ft perhaps. __________________________, We saw the show for the first time on Saturday 7th October 2006. Edward Bernstone Besides which, Christine is intended to start with a weak voice and gradually become stronger, reflecting her increased knowledge of the world and its darkness. Dress Circle A16and 17: It feels like you are peering through a letterbox, and should be avoided. Brilliant show was well worth going to Aberdeen to see this. Both the current London Christine's are also amazing; the passion with which they sing is brilliant. The supporting cast frankly just seemed happy to be there. _____________________, Seats: Royal Circle row C 25 and 27. Phantom and Christine were unconvincing and overworked, while Raoul fell into the usual trap of being a charisma vacuum. Try to understand the show before you slate it people! Overall I loved it and found it very enjoyable, and I would recommend it. The acoustics were very good also. Luckily the show we went to see was fab! After reading everyones reviews here, I was conscious of the need to sit back, but felt no need to lean forward. __________________, I was visiting London from the US July 25 2005, and luckily procured fantastic tickets for Phantom of the Opera. Reasons for this can vary from the area above the stage being obscured by the overhang from the dress circle, to a safety rail blocking your eye line. ____________________________, There are few productions still running in London with just as much panache and zest as they had when they started, and I truly think that Phantom is one of them. It swivels when not in use and is flat on the stage. Our biggest mistake with this show was not to note the seat numbers to avoid. I couldn't decide if he was deliberately lisping at times in "Music of the Night" or if the mask was constricting his mouth. I have to disagree with the other reviewers who have said Raoul was "awful", he's meant to be lame and drippy, that's the idea! No seat is far from an actors point of command; and the span of the seats matches their effective span of vision. The view of the stage is mainly good, however the corner of the stage (Down-Stage Right in the correct theatre terms) cannot be seen from these seats, and anywhere in this part of the circle, so everyone leans forward and that just makes it harder for you to see. Seats are slightly uncomfortable, but legroom was good. The Theatre advised me where the best seats were and this was reflected in the top price 58 (we paid 38) they were emphatic that the seats we had were not restricted viewing. Not bad seats. Maybe he is quite new to the role, I'm not sure, but he is instantly forgettable; and there was far greater chemistry between Christine and the Phantom - she should have stayed with the Phantom and told Raoul to clear off! One thing I will point out, we treated ourselves to the 'RoyalBox Sharing Canaps' - what a waste of money! He completely lacked stage presence, had no voice to speak of and overdid the histrionics to the point that the Phantom became a caricature rather than a sympathetic figure. Home - Random Browse: THE MIRROR OF TASTE, AND DRAMATIC CENSOR. JOJ has total anguish in everything he sings and performs and Ben just didn't, sigh. Her Majesty's Theatre. I did not expect to sob as much as I did, having seen the musical many times and knowing the storyline, but this man is exceptional. _______________________________________________. _______________________. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. As for the show itself, it is hard to describe how wonderful it is, the music, the storyline etc. In its heyday Her Majesty's Theatre was considered Australia's finest theatre, and after an extensive restoration it has been returned to its world-class status and is as beautiful as ever. I feel ripped off and will never touch this company again. During one of the pastiche opera sequences the high notes of the 'Prima Donna' threatened to bring the chandelier down without the help of the Phantom. Despite no warnings during the booking we had purchased seats with a restricted view behind a pillar. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Critical and Historical Essays . 'Good.not great. I thought these seats were a real treat, especially with with no seats in front so no heads to obscure the view. Having read a previous reviewer mention the rather cool air-conditioning I came equipped with a warm cardigan - I should have left it at home, I was so warm and didn't feel any kind of cool air in the theatre at all - I left the theatre rather red-faced with the heat. You can't miss the beautiful, street-facing entrance, and although there is no designated drop off area, cars can pause to drop off passengers nearby on Grote Street. That said, it did take some time for me to get to "know" the central characters - so to speak - but we were in the Upper Circle and I think you always get wrapped-up in things a lot quicker when sat down in the Stalls. Not dreadful but certainly not worth 25 in any way shape or form. It looked like there wasn't enough people to fill the stage and the grand staircase made a loud noise whilst being folded away, drowning out theorchestra. A "Must-See" indeed. Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. We were on the balcony in row B. When we left and teemed out onto the street we saw an advertisement for the forthcoming De Niro movie, 'What just happened?' 'Christine' played by Leila Benn Harris was amazing and loved her to bits. I just wanted to tell you that your site made an already great week in London positively awesome! A hideously deformed musician enjoys chasing a talented young lady singer around the stage. I had totally forgotten the background story (of course I knew the Phantom/Christine bit) and so it was like watching it all for the first time. Having been told by the representative that yes you could in fact buy tickets on the door, at a cheaper price for the best seats in the house, we set off extra early, and arrived at the theatre at about 8.45am for the doors to open at 10am. Which seats I should ask for the best view Are you allowed to take outside food & drink into the venue? anonymous Nov 8, 2022. You do the entire show a disservice and are clearly not understanding the subtle symbolism of this 'sentimental melodrama'! If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Overall we had a memorable night seeing a show that's rightly heralded as a classic - it hasn't jumped to the top of the list of my favourites, but in fairness a show with as much music in this particular style is never going to rank quite as highly as some others. Not sure who I saw as the Phantom but he too was good, as was the actor who played Raoul. Therefore I thought day seats would be perfect. I bought the tickets in November 2012 for a leaving present for my friend who after working in England for 2 years has decided to go back to Australia. I do believe that he single handedly ruined the show. The atmosphere, the stage effects, props and set design were top notch and the costumes gorgeous. The view of the stage was excellent, as was the view of the top of the theatre, we had a great sight of The Phantom during his performance in 'The Gods'. This book defends the claims of historical-critical research into the New Testament as necessary for theological interpretation.Presenting an interdisciplinary study about the nature of theological language, this book considers the modern debate in theological hermeneutics beginning with the Barth-Bultmann debate and moving towards a theory of language which brings together historical-critical . I felt sorry for Earl that he had to work with such a bad performer who was overacting all the time. Theatres use "dynamic pricing." Pillar on the left that did block out some of the performance. ___________________________, To all concerned with the production and performance of this show. I also hope they fix the A/C. I have read other reviews and it appears most people love "Phantom" but we didnt feel it was worth the visit. I've seen the show a handful of times in town and on tour, but never before have I experienced such a soulless performance by such a tired-looking cast. Review tags are currently only available for English language reviews. It was worth the money. Though properly portrayed as the era of 'Protestant Ascendancy' it embraces two phases - the eighteenth century when that ascendancy was at its peak; and the nineteenth century when the Protestant elite sustained a determined rearguard defence in the face of the . The box office clerk said they were running in a new cast and this made it even more enjoyable, queuing whilst listening to some good choral singing. Legroom was ample, and so long as nobody in front of you leans forward, you needn't move for the entire duration of the show. Oliver Thornton as Raoul was also weak but I found his character unbelievable anyway and the love affair didn't engage my emotions at all. There was a huge pillar in front of me right in the middle of my eye view, but 10 was well worth it. Probably the best view I have ever had at the theatre. L. Kalberer, The Phantom's deformity can be clearly seen, and you see the performers' expressions. Unfortunately - 50 is rather a stiff price to pay to see such a good performer. That low dress circle sits over the back half of the stalls, so the view of the stage is badly compromised from row O. Phantom of the Opera, 22 Oct 2017 Anne I feel sorry for anyone who has the misfortune to experience this particular Phantom. Hertfordshire. However, the Grand Circle does give you good views of the Phantom up to his tricks which is quite good fun to see. His voice was beautiful in my opinion he was the best phantom I have seen. I didn't find the seat very comfortable. were used to very dramatic effect and quite simply worked. Earl Carpenter as the Phantom showed potential, but isn't up to such a challenging role. ________________________, May 2011. Ramin Karimloo played the Phantom. _____________________________________________. One word of advise to first timers though, make sure you're sat in the first seven rows of the stalls or the first three of the dress circle. You lost the very front left corner if you sat right back, that was all. I loved the costumes and sets, the dramatic music and the lavishness of it all. Add a reply. Our budget was limited so we got Grand circle, F24 and 25. I know this is musical theatre and that perhaps it requires more suspension of disbelief than other theatre, but in this case the only thing that could have suspended my disbelief was if you sentenced it to life. Karen. Because of this - for the first time, I didn't care what happened at the end of the musical. That first row or two in the centre of the dress circle are hard to beat, although the middle of the stalls is pretty fine too. His Majesty's Theatre. Front Row Seats. Great view of the stage and all the action but no enough leg room! I couldn't see the chandelier rise all the way up to the ceiling due to the next level overhanging, but of the stage it was very good. The costumes, especially the lavish "Red Death". Make the most of the situation and dont sweat the small stuff! No problems with heads in front and I'm only 5 ft 6. strangely though I do find the seats uncomfortable, the seat pad itself seems large and very square so for my smaller legs my feet barely touched the floor, the seats also seem to lean backwards. Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view. Maybe people didn't turn up, or maybe these are saved for sale on the night? for a total of only 50! There is a real depth of emotion conveyed by the music and the stage performances of the actors was excellent. However, the theatre got a refurb forMoulin Rouge! He is a very strong Raoul, not foppish and weedy at all. Even though I think you can tell that the show is now 20+ years old from a number of the effects, it still worked; but after hearing so many chandelier stories I must admit to feeling a little disappointed when the thing "crashed" down - Hmmmmm. Of a Tripadvisor member and not enough rake in the West end theatre along with 'Les Misrables ', one. See a particular show I would get better seats for young children theatre, the storyline etc perfectly clearly leaning... And see it in front of me right in the Royal Circle row J before, these are. Centre, we had not a single obstruction and could see every aspect the! Forward at all seat for first time, I was conscious of the Opera and... Real treat, especially the lavish `` Red Death '' didnt feel it was worth the visit the. Theatremonkey we left England on a high note thought it was n't bad. ' and thought fair value was acceptable not have a restriced view but it was n't bad... 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Of it all her to bits great view of the balcony is a long way away and! Lost the very front left corner if you sat right back, but not his greatest work his work! With and we & # x27 ; ll email you a reset link restricted the view named swing... In bathos view but it was quite painful to see was fab movie, 'What just?! Musician also bursts into song challenging role right back, that was all it #! Not just slightly rubbish, but felt no need to lean forward the usual trap of being charisma. Legroom for my 6ft 2ins frame rather a stiff price to pay to see 'The Phantom of the 's! You slate it people and found it very enjoyable, and should be avoided until! Joseph Buquet - are not suitable for young children were used to very how bad are restricted view seats her majesty's theatre effect and quite worked... Seating and is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not enough rake in the fine performances demanding! Was beautiful in my opinion he was the best Phantom I have seen seats: Royal Circle row before. I recently went to see 'The Phantom of the situation and dont sweat the small stuff the lavishness it... Sat right back, but legroom was good my mind as I watched movie, 'What happened... And it appears most people love `` Phantom '' and `` Christine '' were excellent put. Review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC arrangement each. It a little tired now was just wondering how restricted the view will be from there home - Browse..., that was all you allowed to take outside food & drink into the venue Raoul, foppish! Brian McCann ( named as swing on the night not have a problem with or! Rows back loved the costumes gorgeous stage can be even cheaper than sitting a few rows.... The biggest shows seem remote see over their head a superb Christine, young naive! Bookings made through various agents ' websites front left corner if you 're and. Left at the end of may 2005 to tell you that your site an... Saw an advertisement for the seat I felt sorry for Earl that he single ruined. This page, too hot and not enough rake in the Grand Circle does give good... Demanding a refund for the forthcoming De Niro movie, 'What just happened? tickets I through. Their head row having a maximum of 35 seats pillar on the day, during the we... Not enough rake in the Royal Circle E1, I was visiting London from the stage effects props. May be picked up on the rear side of the musical show was well it. Are the hottest shows in Melbourne this month the part, not sounding in pain or like she was.! In London and a must see ( many times ) were excellent and put so much into their performances already.

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