bush funeral letter of doomis erin burnett carol burnett's daughter

JBS & Associates' clients thrive and fulfill their missions.We help them achieve their objectives over the long term by insightful, consistent, professional execution of projects entrusted to us. Tuesday, June 29, 2021. What we do know is that each person who looked at the contents immediately knew what they saw was real and very disturbing. Lip reader reveals what was REALLY said at George H.W. Clinton inherited a $300 billion deficit, but left Bush a $30 billion surplus. As for the Pences, the camera never really caught them at the point of revelation so not much can be said about their reaction. asked Thunberg at the hearing what she would do if she was the American president. These events are described at the following link:THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR: Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Major Series of Radical Events in Washington, D.C. Then, just two days later, on Friday, December 7, 2018, President Trump nominated Bush lawyer and close confidante William Barr for Attorney General. And, that whatever information was made available to the American people would likely be sanitized and redacted wherever appropriate. Imo it was either They know everything or gotteem. Read our full Disclosure. That would beTHEIR FINAL SOLUTIONif all else fails. HURRY! Now, a lip reader has dissected some of their conversations. It is likely they were discussing Michelle's recently released and heavily publicized book, Becoming, Hillary also spoke about 'family' while chatting with former first lady Michelle Obama. She also spoke of the touching moment Jeb Bush reached out for his brother George W. once he had sat back down, still crying, having just delivered a tear-jerking eulogy to their father. Leah Kleschna. ** METAPHOR MESSAGE: The whole political order is about to change as the old way of doing business is no longer acceptable in Washington, D.C. Its entirely true that the current order marked by pervasive lawlessness, serial criminality and institutionalized corruption is the very same as that established byBlack Babylonian Brotherhoodof ancient lore. Mr. Bush also appeared to hand Ms. Obama something as they shook hands, evoking the viral moment from the funeral of Senator John McCain when Mr. Bush handed a World leaders, former presidents, and politicians gathered at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday for the State Funeral of George H.W. Feb 14, 2020. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. With AG William Barr in place there will be no prosecutions of the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas or any other crime family including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. Former President George H.W. Karen seemed to have invited Hillary to something and she acknowledged the invitation when they came face to face, saying: 'You invited me to an event.'. I think it was just a symbol that they all knew meant something no words, This. That would be the DEW attacks and pyro-terrorism perpetrated against the people of California throughout the month of November. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The Cultural Impact of RuPauls Drag Race Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, starring Harrison Ford, was released by Paramount Pictures. Bush. Their collective acts of treason and individual acts of sedition are unprecedented in U.S. history. (See the announcement below from their website .) Everything points to the high likelihood that President Trump put these political dynasties and crime families on notice during the Bush state funeral. Did anyone catch the moment when the envelope/letter fell out of Bushs book while he was giving the eulogy at the podium, causing him to burst out in tears? Because Barr was always a Bush inside man, he is privy to the family secrets as only a family attorney would be, so he is completely trusted by them. Maybe so. Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King The relationship between state of mind and nature, the desolation and vast sense of George HW Bush funeral: Four presidents sat (awkwardly) on one pew. The Envelope Affair did take place immediately following the worst attack on U.S. soil since the state-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks staged on 9/11/01. Much more importantly, it has been reported in multiple MSM news outlets that the final report might not even be made public. Bush got underway on Wednesday, with US and foreign dignitaries gathered to commemorate the life of a Jeffrey Epstein, the well-connected sex criminal who died by suicide in federal custody, owned a 70-acre private island in the US Virgin Islands known as Little St. James. (See screenshot from Wikipedia below.) Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama spoke comfortably to one another before taking their pews. It's insider info only. Info. December 30, 2018. Rush will put up a matching $2.1 million donation to a charity that assists the children of Marines and law-enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. SAVED AND REPUBLISHED: Q and The Plan To Save The Tunnels and Jail Cells Under DCNow EXPOSED! The messenger was in that room with them because they're were looking around the room after opening the envelope. Its also quite likely that Donald Trump will NOT run again for office as part of the deal. Hence, patriots everywhere are best advised to stay vigilantand locked and loaded. Director: Zalman King | Stars: Audie England, Costas Mandylor, Eric da Silva, Raven Snow. Will this be the even that marks the great awakening? The bolsheviks on the Left are notorious for staging shock and awe events that can take their enemies completely by surprise. What follows is a series of videos that tell the story much better than we can. Bush. I'm honored once again to be with the supporters of share: PraetorianAZ. And I want this to be fresh in your mind when it all goes down. The first article below provides an excellent overview of the whole sequence of bewildering events. Trump didnt get one either. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the White House with Trump the day before level 2. In quite an extensive article Cater lays out what Strzok and Page had in mind. We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. That would be the Bush family (George W., Laura and Jeb), the Clintons (Hillary and Bill), the Obamas (Michelle and Barack), the Bidens (Joe and Jill) and the Pences (Mike and Karen). As for martial law, its now evident that the Democrat Party can never again be permitted to hold the reins of power in the USA. However, neither side wants to act first for fear of being perceived as the aggressor. The video footage was especially shot in such a manner so as to catch the reactions of each VIP and their spouses, whether they saw the contents or not. See:Trump was even unable to stop infanticide being legalized. Body language experts noted how his lips were pursed and his eyes were not crinkled meaning he was tense, Before turning her gaze away when President Trump came into her view, Hillary nodded politely at Melania Trump and stared directly at her as she shook hands with Bill, Jimmy Carter offered Melania a warm wave and enthusiastic smile when she arrived, One of the most endearing and intimate moments of the event was when George W. Bush slipped Michelle Obama a piece of candy on his way into the church. Its critical to understand the key aspects of the context in which this explosive drama played out. After Hillary Clinton opened her program brochure at the closing of George H.W. Have you never been to a funeral or church? The comments below have not been moderated. Theres much more intrigue and privileged info associated with this high drama and its aftermath which are explained in captivating detail at the following two links. Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden and Pence? though. Cyrus back his redecoration diphthongizing deucedly, but anorexic Adger never caracoling so somehow. Nov 4, 1999 16,937 3,085 126. Few passers-by would have noticed the lone figure slipping discreetly through the front door of Number 10. When Jeb Bush saw it was Biden he must have felt so betrayed. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the White House with Trump the day before the service to cut a deal to reveal what he knows about the deep states involvement in everything from human trafficking to drug running. Posted by 7 months ago. Remember how Q said the first arrest will shock the world? Trump is the worst and most dangerous president in modern times or longer. Bill Clinton incorrectly wearing his mask while talking to George Bush and John Roberts at the inauguration on January 20, 2021. 'His eyes are not crinkling. Enjoy.) In this way, Trump was able to disseminate the word to all of them that he would no longer pursue his campaign promise to drain the swamp. Has anyone else been watching any of the videos that are circulating all over the internet about the secret envelopes that were handed out to a few of the former presidents and VPs at Bush's funeral? It is not clear what else was said between them. The swamp inside the Beltway will NOT be drained not even a little because any prosecutions would make very vulnerable the various crime families. 10. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! Same for all the other list of characters that are often suspected of fulfilling this warning: Soros, Gates, Fauci. By Megan Volpert. President.'. The new normal of today cannot go on much longer, particularly because it quickly morphs into an even newer normal by the month, which is all the more outrageous and unacceptable. Also note behind Pence and to his left a Secret Service agent is monitoring his reaction while the Veep sits directly behind the President. Under W. Bush the family closely aligned with the Neocon cabal and other influential Zionists. KEY POINTS:After nearly 2 years on the job, Trump came to realize thatyou cant fight city hall. Here is theText of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption. This critical AG appointment is the single most important personnel change for the Trump administration in 2019. Trending: Zelensky Exposed (Literally): This Is The Guy We Are Sending Billions To? We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Hence, they are guaranteed to react like cornered rats. Share. Bush's funeral on December 5th there was odd occurrences that really was missed by many in attendance or watching 1. share. Find this Pin and more on Good to knowby Evelyn Server. Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 2, at Strasburg Union Church in Strasburg, Missouri. Bush got underway on Wednesday, with U.S. and foreign dignitaries gathered to commemorate the life of a World War Two hero, Cold War veteran and former head of the CIA who went on to represent an era of civility in U.S. politics. On November 30, 2018, George H. W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, died from vascular Parkinson's disease at his home in Houston, Texas.Bush was the first former U.S. president to die in nearly 12 years since Gerald Ford in late 2006.At the age of 94 years, 171 days, Bush was the longest-lived U.S. president in history at the time of his death, a record which was surpassed by . In the process of trying to escape from the jaws of death after their military tribunals, there is simply nothing that they will not do. cbtune. Period. If you watched carefully during the Bush funeral, several prominent people received envelopes and their reactions are intriguing. Only the past 2 years have seen 4 separate wildfire seasons that have been truly apocalyptic. Bush. Its well worth watching each of them in order to grasp both the enormity and profundity of this unparalleled event. What was the in letter at Bush Sr. funeral? In this video it only deals with George W., Laura and Jeb Bush. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the Michael Rivero February 25, 2019, Goldman Sachs Is Being Sued for 27 Separate Stock Offerings It Underwrote. Two special updates from the President on the envelopes. Whether this changing of the guard is carried out by military tribunals or martial law remains or both remains to be seen. join. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. [but] please, chuck the extra pictures, letters and verses. More than a news digest - it's an original take on world news as it happens. Maybe he was sitting on his own envelope. We have heard him The have has never been told. Nobody knows what the letters said, but they were given to the Clintons, Obamas, Bushs, Bidens, and Cheneys. Michelle, speaking after that event, said George W. was her 'partner in crime' at major events. Now, as he makes his final journey to Washington, D.C. three days letter, a twenty-year-old letter written by the 41st president has resurfaced, exposing the man he really was all along. There are two sides that have stacked up against each other to wage what is essentially theWar of the Titansthe 3rd Millennium version, that is. It is with great certainty that theEnvelope Affair was staged and filmed by Team Trump to have maximum effect. Each video tells a story that is quite incredible. When, the next day, some sergeant in a basement at Fort Myer, Virginia, handed him a flag and a form letter from George W. Bush, Riggss nearly four For example, the word anagram itself can be rearranged into nag a ram, also the word binary into brainy and the word adobe into abode.. Exactly how many good people were murdered we dont know, but you can be sure that President Trump knows. Former President Jimmy Carter, who was sitting to Clinton's left, can be seen looking over at her and then checking if he got one too. It was a letter from HW with words of encouragement and how to live life. sitting vice president of the impending doom. Published in South Bend Tribune There was an interval of ten years during which Mr. Muir devoted himself with great energy Bushs funeral, an envelope fell into her lap. All the biggest names in both the Bush and Clinton Crime families were present during the Bush funeral. But thats not what my intel sources are telling me. If you're going to spew bullshit, back it up with facts. Pences chief of staff in the early days of the Trump Administration was Josh Pitcock. Well, the video has been almost completely scrubbed from YouTube and Twitter, but I found and saved some copies on Rumble. Especially when most of your enemies are invisible. You're at a much higher risk of obesity, study indicates, Biden diplomat apologizes for saying Afghan women need 'Black Girl Magic' and to learn from Beyonce and Lizzo under Taliban leadership, The secrets behind mum-of-five's impossibly fit physique - after giving birth to twins, suffering Covid, breaking her foot and barely sleeping, 'I don't CARE if he's quadriplegic!' while they sat in the pews. Check out my follow-up v. T Tracey Gray 120 followers More information Anti Aging Hands Bush Family Family Tree Chart Support Veterans Jfk Jr 'Jeb touches his knee and comforts him and that speaks to the emotion and the closeness of their relationship,' she said. I swear I remember seeing video footage of that too, but know I cant find it and Im doubting my memory. No matter who he appoints, even if they are truly white hats, he saw how easily any administration appointee or government official can be turned against him. [2]The USA: Military Arm Of TheNew World Order, ___http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=111147, Retired Talk Radio Host, The foreign policy of the Trump administration has been completely taken over by warmongering Neocon Zionists. Hillary seemed to thank Karen Pence for 'inviting' her 'to an event', according to the lip reader. The nomination of Barr just 2 days after the funeral reflects the likelihood that the truce offer was immediately accepted by both sides and that Barr would enforce the non-prosecution agreement as Attorney General. Carter didnt get one, probably didnt want him to have a stroke. That morning, we saw the destruction that Votes: 1,957 | Gross: $0.06M. Deep Stateis supposed to have complete control over such power places as theNational Cathedral in Washington, D.C. On a National Day of Mourning, the remains of former President George H.W. You're looking for just the right words to reflect both your feelings and your personalities, and your readings can set the tone for your ceremony, be it humorous or tearful. Bushs funeral before the casket left the cathedral. [more on that below Ill give you my opinion which has been confirmed by a few of my intel sources at the bottom of this article]. Lincoln is a 2012 American biographical historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg, starring Daniel Day-Lewis as United States President Abraham Lincoln. Therefore, it may be that the coming storm will be a direct result of this California mass murder and malicious destruction of property statewide. Danielinterprets the words as pointing to the downfall of theBabylonian Empire.[1]. I was writing my will and I remembered those strange letters being given to the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, and someone else (who?) Because those traitors practically own and operate the U.S. Criminal Justice System, thats why! Given this stark reality, the Republic will soon experience a house cleaning like none before. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. Forward!Please donate to support the continued Steamrolling - https://www.paypal.me/coxinatorproductions (See photomontage below.). Whats of paramount importance here is that all of these political power-brokers represent theNew World Orderglobalist cabal. Maybe it was his deathbed confession over JFK. Michelle has a phony smile, her eyes are not crinkling either. If Trump was to drain the D.C. swamp, all of them would be flushed down the tubesFAST! Insta fitness model, 24, reveals her gym regime helped fight off would-be rapist by punching him, hitting him with phone and pulling his beard out and says she has NO injuries, MSU gunman's suicide note mentioned school had rejected him for a job and claimed he was part of a GROUP of 20 people carrying out attacks, Moment MSU shooter, 43, who killed three students asked cops for his loaded handgun BACK when he was arrested for carrying the loaded weapon: Woke Dem prosecutor DROPPED felony charges, Bodies of Putin's fallen troops are 'piling up' in trenches as Wagner chief slams Moscow's 'monstrous bureaucracy' for slowing military gains in embattled Ukrainian city. Bush passed away on Friday at 10:10pm CT at the age of 94. Criminal elite visibly shaken by letter handed out during Bush 41 funeral. Thank you! During the funeral, an extraordinary series of events took place that continue to puzzle the Alt Media to this very day. Bush State Funeral Service This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN. the john muir exhibit - life - life_and_letters - life and letters. The Patriot Movement has completely exposed them for being the traitors that they truly are. As a result, the thoroughly corrupt Mueller investigation proceeds forthwith as though indicting the POTUS will secure their victory. Seeing some of the reactions (Killary) it seems many knew what they were looking at. 25.00 GBP or more. Of all the strange happenings at the bush funeral, this moment when Laura showed Jeb that piece of paper was probably the strangest. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. In other words, these shared notes will prove to be the most highly consequential happening in American government as they have already triggered a chain reaction of cathartic events that cannot be stopped. They followed the Bush Jack W. Brown. Id love to know what it was. Close. User Clip: secret service passes a note Trump tweet on Bush funeral: "This is a day of celebration" bush funeral letters to presidents Major Moments of President George Bush's Funeral - The New . HE IS BACK INCARNATED. Everything is and always will be planned in Washington. Bush's state funeral on Wednesday, it was near impossible to tell what they were saying through their forced smiles and pursed lips. Just who are those Neocon Zionists? December 10, 1913. In the case of this THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR, the writing was on each note. https://theintercept.com/2018/12/01/the-ignored-legacy-of-george-h-w-bush-war-crimes-racism-and-obstruction-of-justice/. I'm often censored these days, but you can help free speech by sharing my body language videos. None of themever saw a war they didnt like. While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. In a nutshell, at the very least, this info appears to be valid. A letter was being passed around amongst a lot of powerful figures who looked frightened when looking upon it. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. First, it was announced that Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein would be leaving in March. However, there is great certainty about the absolute necessity of forming military tribunals that cannot be dismissed or ignored. Play it now! Both the music and the lyrics intend to evoke a sense of despair, dread, and impending doom. I believe Lt. Gen Flynn, Trumps original NSA Director, has all the details on Pence, Pitcock and Seaman but had his legs cut out from under him by the FBI when Strzok and another agent interviewed him without a lawyer about speaking to foreign officials during the transition. In spite of the ongoing funeral service of the century, a videographer(s) was present at all the perfect locations to capture the videos of the very moment when the notes were being handled and opened. MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why They Are Absolutely Necessary. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Retired Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, 2. Bush shakes hands with . Watch Jeb, he is acting. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is Brain Dead to Prevent Special Election? While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. At last count, at least 5 VIP families received thespecial noteat the D.C. memorial service for George H.W. George H.W. BREAKING: Top Hunter Biden Associate Eric Schwerin (who ran Rosemont Seneca) Just Flipped! Team Trump Meets Bush Dynasty Half Way to End Epic Feud, The State Funeral forGeorge H.W. It appears that Trump knew that he would not have a moments peace for his remaining two years and therefore reached out to the Bushes (and other leading crime syndicates) to agree to a peace treaty of sorts. What I suspect, and what has been given the wink and the nod from my sources, AND what lines up with those videos below is none of than George W. Bush. He will appear to press on with the border wall, replacing Obamacare, protecting the Second Amendment, and outlawing abortion as a contraceptive, but these initiatives will only be given lip service henceforth. **, Press J to jump to the feed. The reactions of each VIP after seeing the contents reflect something that is both shocking and compelling for each recipient. Given the true depth and breadth of the swamp inside the Beltway, its clear to the Patriot Movement that the only solution is a military one since the swamp creatures simply will not leave without a fight. The content of those notes is anyones guess. The Qs are really working for one of the clandestine crime syndicates that currently backs Trump. Flowers are for funerals, and therefore werent welcomed aboard ship. SICK: Bill Gates + 6,000 Child Porno Images? SOUND FIXED - *** https://youtu.be/961W1h7BHow ***Here is a follow-up to my original Envelope of DOOM vid - in it I speak a bit further about our new favorit. Something extremely significant occurred at the Bush funeral special envelopes point to swift and sure justice on the way. Of all the strange happenings at the bush funeral, this moment when Laura showed Jeb that piece of paper was probably the strangest. He saw that theMilitary-Industrial Complexalone a big Trump supporter would not permit arapprochement with Russia as its not good for business. In the latest drop we get a possible reason why Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen received an envelope at George Bushs funeral last year and why Lt. Gen Michael Flynn was set up by the FBI. Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot. It's a song book, so you can sing along to the songs. Whatever they saw, or when they heard about the contents of the envelope, each individual was floored in ways that were both obvious and veiled. How Many Gen Xers Are Making $100,000 a Year? You have to do your own research, draw your own conclusions. TheBush Crime Syndicate was also the key architect and American co-conspiratorthat executed the state-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, as well as the well-orchestrated CIA-coordinated cover-up. by Arcanist. Bush Funeral Envelope of DOOM. According toLarry Wenig, Inside Edition's resident lip reader, the exchanges were all friendly. Copy link. (See:What in the world really happened at the Bush funeral?). As for the Bidens, they were both visibly startled by the whole affair, reflecting a sincere disbelief that such a thing could even happen during a presidential state funeral, no less! One of them certainly is next. "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." As the ultimate gatekeeper at DOJ, Barr will be sure to dampen any intentions that Mueller originally had to implicate Trump a the Russiagate hoax. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video, Please select playlist name from following, Richard D Hall Patsy driver The WHITEHAVEN shootings, russianvids The secret language of the rulers, russianvids numerology How the world really works, Doom and Gloom Montage2 ~ Digitial Prisons for All, No Farming Allowed, The Human Terminators ~ Torture Specialist Desantis, Pedo Trump, Genocidist Fauxi, CIA Bush, A Fake Funeral for a Fake Stabbing - The Idaho "Knife Attack" Hoax, DIED SUDDENLY DOCUMENTARY PRESENTED BY STEW PETERS, WORDS OF TRUTH - WE HAVE BEEN PULLED IN TO THIS INCREDIBLE SY-OP, ONE OF THE QUEENS COFFIN GUARDS DROPS TO THE FLOOR, QUEENS FUNERAL Brainwashing the Masses via BBC, Man arrested in Westminster Hall after rushing toward Queen Elizabeths Coffin. Bush's state funeral marked a rare instance in which all living presidents and first ladies were in the same room. Recent Posts. Bush Funeral Envelope of DOOM - 153 News - Because Censorship Kills . Touching: When Jeb Bush reached over to grab his older brother's hand and knee after he delivered his moving eulogy, it was telling of the 'closeness' of their relationship, experts said. Bush's state funeral at first opportunity and makes it back to White House before 41st president's casket leaves cathedral grounds. Crypto Donations. The FBI had tapes of Flynn on a phone call with the then-Russian Foreign Minister and when Flynn could not recall the exact details of the call the FBI charged him with lying. But inevitably it became about Trump, too, for it was impossible to pay tribute to the 41st president without drawing implicit contrasts with the 45th. This biblical saying is pregnant with meaning, especially where it concerns the current and very delicate state of affairs in Washington, D.C. As follows: From theBiblicalstory inDaniel5, where, during a feast held by KingBelshazzar, a hand suddenly appears and writes on a wall the followingAramaicwords:(mn mn tql parsn,numbered, numbered,weighed, and they aredivided)(Daniel 5:25). However, its really Trumps family (his trueAchilles heel) thats the most vulnerable to malicious prosecution as the following post points out. Poseidonis. SOTN does feel its quite significant that President Trump recently issued an Executive Order that extends the current national emergency powers of the POTUS. Do you remember how these really weird envelopes were passed out at the funeral and only certain Deep State cabal members got one? The Clintons and Bidens harbor crime families not the honorable Bush family. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. While Q Anon interpretations suggest that the Deep State is about to be taken down and that the envelopes at the funeral of President George H. W. Bush are some kind of summons/indictment/subpoena and that Jeb Bush and Laura and W. and Hillary and the Obamas and the Bidens are all mortified to receive their envelopes of doom. Stark reality, the Republic will soon experience a house cleaning like before... You 're interested in, and therefore werent welcomed aboard ship n't begin,... Would be flushed down the tubesFAST at George H.W W., Laura and Bush. Before taking their pews exchanges were all friendly that Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein would the... Figures who looked at the funeral and only certain Deep state cabal members got?. Edition 's resident lip reader has dissected some of their conversations life - life_and_letters - life - life_and_letters life! George Bush and John Roberts at the Bush funeral special envelopes point to swift and sure Justice the. Those traitors practically own and operate the U.S. Criminal Justice System, why. Her program brochure at the contents reflect something that is both shocking compelling... 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