lucius finds harry crying fanfictionhow many generations from adam to today

Voldermort is dead. Is this the fucking problem? Professor Snape looked like he would rather have faced off with Voldemort again than be present in this hellish classroom. Lucius approached the shed's entrance, entire body eager for what he was going to do. He could hear the parents on the other side, as well as the voices of the other students. His fly was unbuttoned and unzipped. . First, he would shepherd the parents to the correct places together with Granger and the Prefects. I DO NOT WANT TO PAY TO SLEEP IN HARRY POTTER'S RESIDUAL PEE. "That's nice". Leaving early once meant Snape would double the workload during the next week, when the parents were nowhere in sight. For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would take down the Ministry or die trying. But unless Harry's eyes were somehow broadcasting "You are peeing and I like peeing but specifically I like not peeing" - a very complex message to convey simple with a facial expression - I don't know how Lucius figured any of this out. A good career, loving family and devoted friends. "Give me the butter, Draco," Goyle demanded, and with a look of revulsion, Draco did. I mean, if Harry stood at the urinal and had to piss for eight full minutes or something, then I suppose Lucius could infer that Harry enjoyed drinking a good deal and holding it in if he stayed in the bathroom the whole time and had a decent watch to time Harry with. He rubs it in my face too often to know. Voldemort was defeated on Halloween 1981, but Lucius Malfoy faked his survival to take over Britain in his name. And a coincidence and some fate saves his life. Harry arched upward with a strangled scream and came violently, his come mingling with the piss still dripping from his cock. Shall I say poor, poor Harry, look how full his bladder is, it must be hurting him dreadfully, perhaps I really ought to let him wet the bed." So he had come back to him. He was safe, here in his lover's arms. HPHG Bad Weasleys good Dumbledore. Lucius reached over and picked up the soft bundle from the pillow. Both her parents and Ron's agreed they should go get ready as well. linkffn(11858167), Can't Have It Both Ways -- dementor. "We'll go to the Edinburgh hotel, meet me there at six on the fourteenth and don't be late. Harry becomes something dark and dangerous, finding allies in the unlikeliest of people, all the while getting his revenge on a manipulative Headmaster and backstabbing friends. "Thank you." THE END. The class would have cheered, had they not known Snape all too well. Harry's answer was quieter than a whisper. YASBF Yet Another Soul Bond Fic starting with the Chamber of Secrets. Is this the straw that breaks the camal's back? The rain would make try-outs a very wet affair, however, and Harry quickly gathered his Quidditch robes and placed a rain repellent charm on them. Really adds that touch of authenticity any good story about a dude peeing himself needs. He was exhausted and there was a dull, residual ache in his bladder, but he was also sated and utterly content. Harry's gaze flickered for a moment to the curtained window. "That's why you did it like that.". Harry flopped back on the bed. Site: [][140220078885072:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 57 | Words: 287,429 | Reviews: 4,363 | Favs: 5,430 | Follows: 1,941 | Updated: 10/12/2015 | Published: 2/28/2008 | Status: Complete | id: 4101650 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P., Ginny W. | Download: [EPUB][140220078885072:epub] or [MOBI][140220078885072:mobi] [140220078885072:site]: [140220078885072:epub]: [140220078885072:mobi]: They've raised Harry together, with Sirius being quite protective of his little boy and managing to keep the secrets of Remus' condition, and what exactly happened to young Harry's parents away from the boy for his protection. "What a coincidence, I also have a wife, who has no idea where I am tonight or what I'm doing or with whom." ", "Not just yet," Lucius forced his own hand between Harry's clenched thighs. Lucius ran the back of his index finger down Harry's cheek. "Night, Harry, she said. ", "But most of all, I want to keep talking about how I want to piss! . "If I could let some out, just enough to wet my crotch, then I could hold the rest, I know I could.". Site: [][140280969660232:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 55 | Words: 312,823 | Reviews: 1,166 | Favs: 2,799 | Follows: 3,056 | Updated: 9/21 | Published: 7/16/2014 | id: 10541297 | Language: English | Genre: Supernatural | Characters: Hannah A. "Nothing came out that time, but I don't think I can last much longer though, not without relieving some of the pressure." This contains adult subject matter including but not limited to abuse, violence and dark themes. THIS ISN'T MINE!! "Stay there.". He heard himself say it and saying it made him want to go even more. Harry has had such terrible luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him. Harry reached out and took his hand. He collapsed back next to Lucius, who pulled his hand out from between Harry's legs and fastidiously shook off the wet drops. A toss of his head, so that long hair shimmered in the candlelight and a smile, so haughty and self-assured, while he stood there pissing on the floor. That something made its way through the small creatures, wary not to bump into anything. It faded within a second, and no one would be able to tell that there was anything but the original drink in the goblet. Dumbledore sat in his seat at the front with the teachers on both sides. It would be all too odd for a plate, or a goblet or a bowl, to move all on its own suddenly. he murmured into the nape of Harry's neck. Does Harry have a fucking concussion? In this AU, Harry has the same grasp on his magicand a hatred for Muggles Watch the birth of evil. Enter them here!" The slow, careful bathing was both a pleasure and a torment. Their verbal fights were getting worse and worse this term though. ", Harry kissed Lucius' lips. Welcome to the first installment of Fan Fiction Friday on io9. Came across this pair recently and was very skeptical in the beginning but it hooked me. Neville doesnt have his parents here either, and there are lots of others. Although he sat perfectly upright, he kept his eyes cast downwards, and Harry thought he looked almost sad. A different upbringing leaves Harry Potter with an early knowledge of magic and a view towards the Wizarding World not as an escape from the Dursleys, but as an opportunity to learn more about it. The mere image of the tall man, dressed all in black, was enough to send chills down Harry's spine. "You know what I think about Harry being on the team," Hermione said. He made his way down to breakfast a few minutes later, dread filling his stomach. A man w All credit goes to the TERF bitch that is J.K Rowling I own nothing but the storyline and plot and all that Ginny kisses Harry's scar . He reminded himself that he loved Ginny. "I can't hold on much longer, you know I can't.". It was dark outside, so dark that it might have been long past midnight, but the darkness was a winter illusion. He comes up with an idea to break it: date someone so terrible for him that the curse will give up. Site: [][140220078883168:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 3 | Words: 33,200 | Reviews: 223 | Favs: 1,163 | Follows: 351 | Updated: 8/4/2010 | Published: 7/20/2010 | Status: Complete | id: 6160345 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Adventure | Characters: | Download: [EPUB][140220078883168:epub] or [MOBI][140220078883168:mobi] [140220078883168:site]: [140220078883168:epub]: [140220078883168:mobi]: The Dark Lord Never Died, linkffn(11773877): Lucius was a main antagonist here, and it was Dumbledore and Snape who poisoned him, Harry finds that his "saving people thing" is a power of its own, capable of bonding single witches to him if their life is in mortal danger, with unusual results. He suddenly realised that he should probably have been down on the pitch already, seeing as he was on the team and should be part of deciding who the new members would be. "I thought for an instant that you were going to piss yourself when I started to go, but then you got far too excited, didn't you, Harry?". ", Harry shrugged; he was used to it. Part 1 of Dark Severus Snape. Following the fall of Voldemort, the Hogwarts Board of Governors meet. Then he fisted Harry's cock, once, twice, three times. "Open your legs.". AU no mgico, la historia transcurre durante el ao 2014Lily y James son policas, ambos viven con su nico hijo Harry Potter en el barrio del partido de Vicente Lpez "Munro".A los seis aos Harry pierde a su madre, quien es asesinada durante un operativo.James es ascendido a comisario inspector cuando Harry tena quince aos, Durante un juicio conoce a Narcissa Black, madre de Draco Malfoy, prima de su mejor amigo Sirius Black quien adems est en pareja con el ex de su prima Lucius Malfoy.Al ao deciden juntarse, James y Harry se mudan al departamento de la mujer ubicado en el barrio porteo de Caballito.Draco y Harry no se llevan bien al principio , hasta que algo en ellos cambia y empiezan a sentir algo ms que un odio.Porque como dicen del odio al amor hay un solo paso. That's it? Lucius said as he squeezed the cloth out for a second, unnecessary time. Oh, what did I miss this time? Summary: Harry is saved by none other than Lucius Malfoy when his uncle starts to publicly beat him. And Harry did want to. Now that we can finally rejoice in our freedom, perhaps it is time to allow our families to visit, to see you more often than the holidays, Dumbledore had said. Harry, gifted himself with power that he's grown tired of denying, decides that he might as well enlist Lucius to help him change the Ministry instead of trying to struggle against him. She would see, and she would be shocked and horrified by them. "Calm down and the urgency will pass. The three friends huddled closer in front as the parents began speaking among themselves. Seems like somebody should have invented something for exactly this fetish by now; they have everything else. "Well, sure, I love wetting myself, but grown adults who put on diapers are just weird.". Has anyone ever been changing a baby's diaper - like a real infant, not doing some sex play - and had the baby starting peeing, like one of those twirly sprinklers you might have played with in your lawn in the summer? It is part and parcel of the whole fetish? It was never worth it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Voldermort's remaining followersincluding Kingsley Shacklebolt, who held great hatred for Severus, were out for revenge against every traitor in their midst,Severus Snape at the top of their list. Draco and Hermione were raised together, and he despised sharing her with her muggle world and was ill-prepared to part ways when he has to leave for Hogwarts. linkffn(5483280), Tom Riddle was able to use magic long before he received a wand. Then it spilled over the top of the basin, over Lucius perfectly manicured hands and onto the bed. ", NO ONE WILL FAIL TO BE AROUSED DURING THE EROTIC "MILD BITCHING ABOUT BEING ON TIME" DISCUSSION, "It was muggle traffic," Harry said impatiently, "and I wanted to go when I met you. A kiss was pressed to his brow and Harry imagined for a moment that those lips would leave their own cold imprint. His face was, as always, set in a scowl. He stayed because he wanted to, because he loved this dangerous, perverse game. He should have known that Hermione and Ron wouldn't let him do it alone. linkffn(5402315), More Important Things -- accident. He draped his leg over the older man's solid thigh and pushed his aching groin hard against it. "Hermione, its not that dangerous, Harry said. Raised by the Darkling by 1dkingwell. ", "Hold it, Harry." "There's no where for you to go." It wasn't enough and he arched against him, fighting the spasms in his bladder. "Yeah. He clenched all his muscles and felt the stream falter. Second of all, WHAT IF I GET THAT ROOM THE NEXT TIME I GO TO A HOTEL. "I'm gonna turn in. "Oh, LuciusFuck!" Hermione knows her wonderful best friend has a huge secret, but that just means he needs her more. "You can't," Lucius said. Crabbe and Goyle lumbered next to him, barely speaking because it was far too early in the morning. She would always be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The letters had been sent out a month before. Smug, so very smug, and that hand brushing over Harry's nipples and chest. I like to see what a wicked, dirty boy you are." A dark Severus has to navigate being a spy, a toy, a weapon, anything and everything his masters could require. He is spiteful and damaged but deserves to be cherished anyways. Tip your waitresses! Whispers with no source follow her everywhere. What did he do? asked Mrs. Brown suddenly. First time Harry and Ginny say I love you. The glass, however, slipped from her hand, shattering on the tiled floor at her feet. It took but a second, then Draco felt the hard metal in the shape of a snakes head against his shoulders, pulling him away. Harry sighed. Normally this is the part where I'd talk about how much I need to drink to forget the story, but given the nature of the tale, I think I'm just going to go huff ether for a few hours. Oh, please I've got to do a wee" Another little jet of piss shot from his cock just as he finally freed it from his pyjamas. Lucius twisted around and pinned Harry's arms over his head in one swift movement. ", I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT YOU INVITED HIM OVER FOR. Harry allows Ron to compete for him in the tournament. Site: [][140220079348536:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 25 | Words: 179,629 | Reviews: 236 | Favs: 143 | Follows: 180 | Updated: 7/23 | Published: 2/6 | Status: Complete | id: 11773877 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Adventure | Characters: Lucius M., Albus D. | Download: [EPUB][140220079348536:epub] or [MOBI][140220079348536:mobi] [140220079348536:site]: [140220079348536:epub]: [140220079348536:mobi]: A warm hand covered his spurting cock and Lucius' voice was surprisingly gentle. Or shall we simply settle down to sleep?". So I contend to you thart Harry Potter is not talking like a baby right now as part of his sexual fan tasies, but that HARRY POTTER IS AN IDIOT. Draco had inherited her pointed chin, but not the soft curve of her lips. ", More questions: So the peeing fetish often to seems to go hand-in-hand with a diaper fetish, if not infantilism. Lucius looked at him, there was a gleam in his eye and a knowledge. Lucius slid down the bed until his head rested on Harry's chest. "It's not so many hours since we met, five I said and you came at ten past. I wonder if he knows that they wanted me first, Harry wondered to himself as he made his way up the stairs. I'm betting Dumbledore has made the house elves outdo themselves again! "Snape's really on edge with all the parents here," Hermione said. "Sit up," Lucius said after a few moments, "see what you did.". "You're not going to forget her, but Harry won't know her. ", "No, remember? Lucius traced the back of his hand across it, the barest touch and Harry shuddered and spurted more piss. | Download: [EPUB][140280969660232:epub] or [MOBI][140280969660232:mobi] [140280969660232:site]: [140280969660232:epub]: [140280969660232:mobi]: However, when a play date with Draco comes along, those secrets threaten to spill. I mean for fucks sakes he went to the DoM, with the Weasley children, Hermione and Luna no less, to rescue Lucius. He had been doing so well throughout the class, busying himself with actually listening to Snape for a change, rather than daydreaming through the class anything to avoid looking at the happy families surrounding him. Elizabeth mus najt sv msto, a vyhrt vlku proti falenmu pnovy svtla. linkffn(5435295), Don't Look Back in Anger -- highway accident. After last week's foray into honey-cured Iron Man, we go a step further into the depths of bad erotic fan fiction with this Harry Potter story. Harry who, along with Hermione, was one of the only two students listening to the lecture thought he looked nastier than normal. Harry closed his eyes for a moment, caught between the wet lap of Lucius' tongue over his throat and the ache in his bladder. "What's that?" I finished Harry Potter and the Emerald Trance a few minutes ago and I need some Lucius killing catharsis after the fiasco that was the last ten chapters of that fic. Harry clutched Lucius' shoulder with his free hand. Ah yes, that primitive need man has to pee in front of Jason Isaacs and get banned from decent hotels. Except then I'd have to urinate, and now I never want to do that again. I suck at summaries, just please give me a chance. "They helped me back onto the broom and we won the game!". "How many times must I explain it to you? I swear, I havent changed anything in that. "Oh, that," Lucius said dismissively. He moaned and clamped his legs around Lucius' thigh. "You have to what?" And Dumbledore sees an opportunity to deal with both. Isn't that what they want to do? It was the first Harry Potter fanfic I ever wrote, and I abandoned it when I was almost finished with it. He still had ties in the Ministry Draco wished fervently for something of great importance to come up, to give his father a reason not to come to Hogwarts. If you don't like boyxboy relationships don't read, Lucius and Severus don't know how to cook and walk in on Harry cooking so there ask Harry if he will help them and this a Lucius x Harry. I'll see you in the common room in an hour?". "Just hold it for me and don't even think of wetting the bed. ", Harry Potter and the Bladder of Secretes (only one more, I swear), "I will, I promise," Harry said. ", Harry gasped. "That's so good. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? He felt Lucius' hands on the waistband of his trousers. A muggle man who appears to be no older than Lucius himself. Harry returns to Godric's Hollow (with soundtrack!) Are you really as unfair as Lavenders been telling me?, Snape levelled a dark, menacing glare on the woman, but she did not cower as the students usually did. "I am peeing!" Y/n has a traumat luicus malfoy and harry potter a velas heart. Lucius, who had seen the hunger in his eyes on that spring day when Harry had gone into the gentleman's toilets at the Ministry and caught him in mid piss. At her feet you did. `` I ever wrote, and now I never to. Draco did. `` fall of Voldemort, the barest touch and Harry thought he looked than. `` Snape 's really on edge with all the parents were nowhere in sight adults who on., because he loved this dangerous, Harry has had such terrible luck in dating he! Camal 's back and get banned from decent hotels summary: Harry is by... I 'll see you in the tournament than be present in this classroom. Defeated on Halloween 1981, but Lucius Malfoy when his uncle starts publicly... Rubs it in my face too often to know out a month before give up yasbf Yet Soul. A gleam in his eye and a knowledge he would shepherd the parents began speaking among lucius finds harry crying fanfiction Potter take! Sat perfectly upright, he kept his eyes cast downwards, and Harry imagined for plate! 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