Around 1869 he decided to set up a trading post along the Little Colorado River. Furthermore, the Gila River runs through the park. The gold is said to have never been recovered. //-->. The Black Maverick Lost Mine is if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'detectingschool_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-detectingschool_com-leader-2-0');However, he led them on a wild goose chase and admitted that he had forgotten where he hid the money. In the winter of 1847-1848, Pedro Peralta made his last trip to the mines. Furthermore, it offers incredible recreational amenities for visitors. The five outlaws took the two bags of gold and silver and sent the stagecoach on its way to Flagstaff where it arrived at 5:00 pm. Consequently, the Peralta family never returned to the mine. You never know, one of these lost treasures in Arizona may be hiding in your backyard. Before that, the Spanish Explorer Coronado landed in Arizona around 1540. It has more than enough features you will need to find most treasures buried in the ground. A posse was then formed to try and catch up with the bandits. How do Metal Detectors Actually Work? Spanish missionaries thought it would be wise to convert the Opata and Papago Indians in the area to Christianity. For the first time, lost treasure stories of the Southwest are stripped . Jacob was actually German not Dutch. One highlight of Black Canyon City is the Maggy Mines were found there. Disclosure: Detecting School is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and Arizona is home to many lost treasures. One rule of thumb for treasure hunters is prospecting along the edge of water bodies might yield the best results. Obviously, these outlaws knew about Wells Fargos new plans. He had an Indian scout who told him that he saw the American Army coming in the direction of the mine. Have you ever felt 100% confident and recommending something to a friend? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for LOST MINES AND TREASURE TALES OF WESTERN ARIZONA: By Ivan Herring **BRAND NEW** at the best online prices at eBay! Many people have died, and small fortunes have been lost in searching for the Lost Dutchmans Gold Mine. Okay its not cheap, but your finds are going to increase with this machine. The two men buried these huge bars close to a cabin on Rogers Lake. The last miner collapsed at the foot of the mountain near Prescott. A load of silver is said to be hidden near the Tumacacori Mission. thought to be located on or near Mount Ord. . . Whatever amount they did manage to take, the story goes that the gang hid the money away somewhere near Solomon (then known as Solomonville) which sits just a couple of miles east of, Other than the traces of this story, not a whole lot remains of Canyon Station: just the bare bones of the old stage station sit at the foothills of the, We've read a lot about robbers getting away with Arizona lost treasure from stagecoaches and trains, but what about from their fellow criminals? It only specializes in the parks in Phoenix, Arizona, but its a great resource material for treasure hunters if you look at it from another angle. This 2007 book is excellent for treasure hunters that focus on the historical significance of parks and preserves. var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; We highly recommend this book to anyone prospecting in the Phoenix area. This detector has features found on machines costing hundreds more. The group made a quick search for the coins, but they were never found. Superstition Mountains. A few gold prospectors were able to pull out $30,000 in gold nuggets in 1964. The Skeleton Canyon treasure is said to be located in the Peloncillo Mountains within Skeleton Canyon.The canyon straddles the modern Arizona and New Mexico state line border and connects the Animas Valley of New Mexico, (the New Mexico Bootheel region), with the San Simon Valley of Arizona. Weve compiled some spots in the great state of Arizona that could hold some treasure, thanks to their historical relevance. The cave is located in Johnson Canyon, and it has attracted many individuals since the 1920s seeking to find lost gold and jewels. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Is his stolen booty still buried somewhere near the Ghost town of Gillett? supposedly located within a circle, who's center is Weaver's Needle, and the There are many, many lost treasures the SPANISH left behind that have never been documented in newspapers, too! var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; The Lost Dutchman Mine is Archeologists believe that more sites exist that show proof of the Hohokam people, but they remain buried in the bottom of the lake. 3 Best Rechargeable Batteries for Metal Detecting! About this group. On Feb. 3, 1889, says History, the notorious "Bandit Queen" was murdered by an unknown assailant in Oklahoma. However, before you begin your search for treasure, you should be better prepared by doing more research. Not only that, but the park offers several recreational amenities like hiking trails, horse stables, and other activities. The flood destroyed Jacobs homestead and farm. Some of these activities include hiking and camping. The Telegraph Pass treasure was supposed to be buried in 1870. The area where these two parks might be within the area of that civilization, making it an excellent spot for treasure hunting. Too many times people have set out to locate a buried treasure only to find nothing but heartaches and misfortune. , The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz Part 1, The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz Part In 1966 Mexican silver coins were found in a bucket there. Gaines was later killed in a bar fight and Cory ended up being arrested during a hold up close toGlobe, Arizona. who btw is a walking encyclopedia on leads west of St. Louis! A man by the name of William Ashurst was the father of State Senator Henry Ashurst. Kincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. var loca = ""; Black Canyon City served various purposes over the years; in 1872, Wells Fargo established a stagecoach stop for cattle and horses. var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; The Chief cut open her hands and poured sotol cactus juice into her cuts which legend has was poisonous. A few years later a school superintendent by the name of Nellie Clack told a story of some bandits that hid out in a cave in Clacks Canyon that overlooked Canyon Station. Mission San Jose de Tumacacori CC BY-SA 4.0, Link. . Within hours a posse was formed that went out and killed the Indians that robbed and killed the prospectors. Julia, Herman, and Reinhardt went searching for Jacobs mine but they never did find it. They dug the whole area up but never found the loot. Metal Detecting PRO tip: Arizona is fantastic for discovering cool things with a metal detector. Roy was released in 1938. Most treasure hunters will have the latest version of this book, and the next one will be coming out in 2023. Buried Treasure In Arizona The La Esmeralda Church Treasure - is several tons of gold bars, as well as silver and gold church relics. . Don Joaquins men ended up killing him and stealing the treasure map that he had drawn up. The focal point of Usery Mountain Regional Park is Pass Mountain, aka Scarface by the locals. function LPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; The famous outlaw Henry Seymour and his gang robbed a stagecoach in front of the Pine Spring Stage Station in 1879 of $225,000 in newly-minted coins. We will list the spots closest to some of the main cities and move on to other off-the-grid sites for organization purposes. Copyright 2023 Metal Detecting Tips and River Traditions LLC, This site is owned and operated by River Traditions LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Michigan, USA. You also get to enjoy the view of the numerous peaks on the Hualapai Mountain Range. The stories and potential fortunes just waiting to be discovered are enticing, as well as the hope for an easier life. Babcock received a letter, describing a first-hand account of the lost gold of the Aztec Empire. Some counties require detectorists to have a permit, while others do not allow metal detecting. found, then lost, a rich out cropping of gold near Sombrero Peak in the Don and his men headed up the Zig-Zag trail which is where the mine was located and headed to Butterfly Peak. Freddy Crystal and his companions found an extensive system of tunnels underneath the ground. Two men made off with a strongbox of gold coins worth $72,000 that were being transported from Prescott to Fort Mohave. Many people have died and small fortunes have been lost in the search for the Lost Dutchmans Gold Mine! function DPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; The ill-fated escapades that have claimed the most lives. Lake Pleasant Regional Park sits on the edge of Lake Pleasant and surrounds the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Jacob ended up in Arizona in the 1860s and according to one popular story he owned a farm north of the Superstition Mountains close to Phoenix. In 1855 a prospector named Darlington and his family were coming back from the California gold fields to their home in Illinois.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'detectingschool_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-detectingschool_com-banner-1-0'); The miner had hit pay dirt and was carrying $300,000 in gold home. He never did return to his old haunt in Solomonville, Arizona. Guide to Treasure in Arizona. Cody Drake only planned on spending five days in this area but ended up spending over fifty days in the wilderness because of all the Spanish treasure and artifacts he was finding. Treasure Ever Found Mobster Dutch Schultz & His Hidden Treasure Legends of Captain Kidd's Treasure Outlaw William Coe & His Missing Loot Many of the waiting treasures were hidden by outlaws after robbing a stagecoach or a train. Supposedly when direct sunlight touches the skin that the sotol juice is on it will rot the skin and cause death. Red Mountain District Park is a small park located at the heart of Mesa city. The nearly bullet proof Lesche T- Handle Shovel is the most comfortable heavy duty shovel Ive ever used. Arizona is the 48th state to be admitted to the Union on February 14, 1912. never known. The missionaries found rich silver veins in the area and started a few mines in 1766. The story goes that Waltz helped rescue a family member of the Spanish . There he worked as a wrangler until his death in 1921 when he fell off of a windmill that he was repairing. They ended up getting help from the U.S. Army, 6th Cavalry, and two Indian Scouts. Dons gold mine has never been located. After a long and exhausting search, the man gave up and left. The treasure of La Esmeralda Church consists of several tons of gold bars, as well as silver and gold church relics. So, theres a lot of untapped land in Saguaro National Park. (Step-By-Step), Magnet Fishing (Ultimate GUIDE With Real Life Pictures! The best part about the South Mountain Park is the view of the South Mountains. On one departure from Phoenix, they never returned and their fate Between 600 and 1450 AD, a civilization of indigenous people settled between the Gila River and the Salt River. Macallum was taken into custody, tried, and sent to Yuma Territorial Prison. The two men took off leaving the treasure behind. //-->. , We affilate with several partners to bring you. South Mountain Park and Preserve is the largest park in Phoenix, Arizona, and interestingly enough, it sits right next to Estrella Mountain Range. Two bars of silver bullion, valued at $2,000, were stolen. It's also near Greens Peak. Wikipedia. Growing up in Arizona, I think at some point we all heard about the famed Lost Dutchmans Goldmine. The acquisition of Phoenix Mountain Preserve was a challenge in the 1980s; however, thanks to the public, the city of Phoenix was able to acquire the land and build a park. A lost tungsten mine is thought (7 Solid Ways). var loca = ""; function GPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; Have you ever been to these sites and gotten curious about what would happen if you tried to find them yourself? This Metal Detector Has all the top features you would expect in a quality metal detector. If you compare a map from 1893 and present-day Tucson, there was a mine in the park. They robbed the Florance Globe stagecoach that had a Wells Fargo strongbox of gold on it. Herman and Reinhardt went to his homestead and came back with about $15,000 worth of gold. //-->, CACHE!
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