lex fridman podcast david faberhow many generations from adam to today

I'm the biggest critic of everything I do ever. So some places are very resource poor, but they have high populations. Great book. The teacher, just a guy. I mean, if you want to lower crime, you have to increase economic opportunity. But it might be that they're really simple rules. Right? Go there and try it for free. It's about what I mean, from my perspective, healthy people should do whatever the hell they want. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue or walk with kings. A depth. Like, I've gotten this. Like your brain starts convincing you that you need, like, the energy for the fuel. They're going nuts. Those debates, a lot of it was like getting them zingers in. But, well, the your conversation with Mike Tyson actually symbolizes this in a really interesting way for me, because here you have. And like, if you want to see a beautiful concept is have a system that's really simple, like a few dots, like a tic tac toe board and have rules that apply to that board that are really simple. It's complicated to talk about anything like alien technology. They don't they don't understand. Nothing like them. We humans from the scientific perspective, we know how to describe like a single system, the way an object moves. It just knows about itself. And I think I'm not allowing myself to think someone's going to do it and I'll figure out how to do it then. Right now, if you have a UFO, if you have a spaceship that comes from another planet where there are a million years more advanced than us, they've had a million years of evolution and technological evolution dealing with elements that are common on their planet that have to be created in a particle collider here. I don't think we're going to have ever something, hopefully any atrocity like the Holocaust. Heres the outline of the episode. Just I'm going nuts by myself. He opened up the path of trade to the east. Well, that's his whole philosophy, which is the point. If you look at like what's the positive aspect of identity politics, like what's over the course of the last five years? Like, if I actually had that information, I tend to lean a little bit on the side of it's the duty of every American to leak that information, to take it and make it public. I talked to somebody I forget who I think a biologist at the college faculty of MIT. I don't recommend that for miles every four hours. Fridman breaks his fast, usually lasting 14-16 hours or more, with Athletic Greens supplement mixed with water. Hmm. Read on below to learn much more about Lex Fridmanif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'rogantribe_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-rogantribe_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Lex Fridman, born on August 15, is an AI scientist, robotics and machine learning expert, and podcast host. And then they'll go back on Twitter to complain about some some divisiveness that's happening in politics today. 1:49:16 Intelligent extraterrestrial life There's one really good video from the the beginning of the George Floyd protest where this one cop in Flint gets together and says to these people that's protesting, we're with you. Yeah. And no one cares about that. But Weinstein is on as big as he talked about on your podcast, like uniting, having basically a center left and a center right candidate, just uniting the nation. Message me. Alexander is a plasma physicist. It's beautiful. It takes an exceptional man or woman to do that. Yeah. It feels like they imagine Joe Biden, Donald Trump, like lived forever. 3:00:07 Is the government in possession of alien spacecraft? 159; Tech Talk . And then also you get no social cues. And that same sort of situation could happen with with with that next I mean, from what we're dealing with now to what we could be dealing with, with another pandemic, plus automation, you're going to see a lot of people that are out of work. And for my listeners, you're not mine. 1:02:45 - David Miscavige . But what if we did? And done this kind of exercise, what happens is it's kind of your muscles get used to it, it's not physically that challenging. That was a scary thing to get. But they would be your friends, you know. But a lot of times that toxicity is coming out of a lot of other flaws in their life and their personality. Here is a short speech delivered by Fridman after receiving his black belt: Fridman is a big fan of music, having learned how to play several instruments. He's a physicist. Like if we look at and colonies and if we think of the individual ants, it's a very different way to think about life on Earth than the collection of the ants together or Fallica. Lex Fridman starts the 3-hour intellectually-stimulating episode with a complex question: What is complexity? They dive into a plethora of mind-bending topics including randomness in the universe, what is intelligence, a rethink of space and time, predictions versus explanations, if atoms have consciousness, why our universe exists, multi-computation for biology, and even NFTs. If you can bear to hear the truth, you've spoken twisted by knaves, they make a trap for fools or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn out tools. And how bright does he look now that we have seen that not automation, but the pandemic took out so many of these jobs and we did need universal basic income. So I made sure this isn't like to prove anybody to this. The and also this psychedelic something experience like not not in it's like cheesy way, but like in a really out there way for the genuine. Fridman is a big fan of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, having earned a black belt in the martial art. I follow two people on Instagram, you and David Gorgons, which is you for the for the for the locals for the laughs and Goggins for like just to feel like a week bitch. I'm glad that people they have to be accountable for things like that, that we do make, I think, workplaces in general. [9], In 1994, at the age of 11, Fridman moved to the U.S. with his family. They do that because I'm probably an easy target, because I'm like, look, there's a nice guy. It makes you realize that it's possible that this universe is just some simple, dumb rules on a scale of 10 to the 120, like an ant colony, just that just scaled up like an insanely to an arbitrary degree. Check out his podcast Lex Fridman Podcast, available now on Apple Podcast and YouTube. So he's draining multiple syringes of fluid out of his. Well, where is your shoulder? One man. Well, maybe something can transcend this biological limitation that we're discussing of being a human and that through this innovation, we can reach some point where there's a different motivation. What's your vision? Goal number two is a comedy club. How about that colder wall guy that I just played for you? He just ignores it. And that's what I think will just keep happening, is there's this gradual little step, this little this little leap into our future that everyone will go and say, wow, it's kind of cool, and then they'll forget it was cool. You have to help people. When I got injured, people were like just like you said, haha, that obviously you shouldn't be doing this. But the cool thing about the Wolfram thing is set physics aside. We get used to things. Athletic greens. That's just 15, 20, 30 years out, like the stealth bomber was developed secretly. You're dwelling on the negatives so much that you're literally telling people where you train. But you got to realize that anything that surpasses any and all technologies that we currently enjoy in terms of fighter pilots and jets and military superiority, if there's something that just goes above and beyond, if everybody has a Model T and you have a Ferrari, or better yet, you have a Tesla, you have a Model S and everybody's got a model T, you are this is and you're in a race or you have something that is so far above and beyond what everybody else has. And I was like, that's ridiculous. OK, that sounds. Is that a dream? Oh, George. And maybe that's what's going to get in the way of innovation, that maybe we're going to get to a point where there's going to be some sort of mind sharing technology. And so they think like, well, many of the possibilities that are especially exciting with a technology like brain computer interfaces like neural link is must be 120, 100, 200, 300 years away. I love that song. I was watching your podcast with him and the moment when you said, like, you were like having another level chat. Like to me. So this thing was doing something that showed that it was intelligently aware of the fact that they are using tracking devices to try to lock in on it. And you know that. 1:11:52 - Xenu . Let me can I can I propose a different thought experiment? Yeah, one thing we're both talking about doing a television show or doing a podcast, rather, doing a show together. Check out these Podcast Notes on Lex's conversation with Balaji ; Host: Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) Human History. He has even developed a friendship with David Goggins, the notorious former Navy SEAL, originating from a social media fitness challenge. That that are interacting with computational systems. This little Lex. And TV used to do this thing unplugged. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Gala Games: David Sinclair is a geneticist at Harvard and author of Lifespan. That's why, because it's about depending on the day, but it's at least two hours of push ups and pull ups spread throughout the day. Like you could kind of see that it's good enough. Electrolytes up to sponsor too. I knew that. He's so wild. Yeah. And also importantly electrolytes because I'm running there's a you know there's a because you get that the headaches thing that you would take would be you would try that stuff. And it also, you know, he's an entrepreneur. You know, Hicks died from cancer. But if I could talk him into moving here. It's a purple belt. David Fravor is a navy pilot of 18 years and a primary witness in one of the most credible UFO sightings in history, video of which has been released by the Pentagon and reported on by the NY Times.Please check out our sponsors to get a discount and to support this podcast:- Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/lex- ExpressVPN:https://www.expressvpn.com/lexpod- BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lexIf you would like to get more information about this podcast go to https://lexfridman.com/podcastor connect with @lexfridman on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, or YouTube where you can watch the video versions of these conversations. The wildly reproductive cycles, it's like it's not predictable, like like like a prey animal, you know. You haven't said anything about the positive ones. Like if we approached war the way people approached war in, you know, the the Middle Ages, we would just nuke the fuck out of everybody that talks shit. So what defies it's our perception of its movement capabilities rectifies. Lex begins the podcast right away with a hard-hitting question . Yeah, and we all need to be trying to figure that out. There's nothing more inspiring to us humans than that. So if you so if you look at any of those, if you zoom in on any of those graphs, I mean, when the previous page was the previous one was really good. And it was basically the size of that panel and it was like a flat. The pig seemed to be doing great. And so there's there's this process is constantly going on. If you listen to interviews with Donald Trump, maybe from the 90s, he is a different guy. And that's how you make people. I mean Eric Clapton is I shouldn't say was because he still is a brilliant musician. It's terrible movie. I can't get out of it. It contains a mixture of moccia. It's interesting that some animals have mating seasons. You know that one? I mean, that's that's what ultimately we would like. What are the ways we've been doing it previously? Yeah, I do. And they hug this guy and they're all hugging each other and then they walk together. I think the long term solution is technology. Bye bye. Who the fuck knows it was one of Hendrix bodyguards or someone who worked for the manager that wrote the story. January 9, 2023. That's we don't currently have good mathematics for modeling the way such systems grow. I forget what the technology was. And like, they don't have a job. Yeah. And, you know, and I'm here to I'm here to be your friend. And that's where materialism comes in. You know, and there's a lot of those characters out of the comic store, so a special place. Thank you, friends, for tune in to the show and thank you to Liquid Ivy, my favorite hydration drink and now my favorite energy drink, Liquid Ivy is available nationwide at Costco. If they got together with their scientists and they figured out a nuclear bomb first just dropped it on San Francisco. He sounds like Johnny like later. It's all about calling people out. And in a lot of ways, one of the things that that Trump does outside of these speeches and get everybody excited about things he's doing standup, he tells jokes, he talks shit. But that's what they're trying to do. We're going to put these things in where your eyes used to be. Can I just get his? Yeah. Yeah. You slept like one hour at a time, really. It's more about A.I. I think, you know, when you watch great chess champions play against each other or like great like Muhammad Ali versus Frazier was the moment when I saw Joey go against Alex Jones. Cause awesome. There's also there's a George Jetta, you know. And that seems to be too far away unless you're able to digitize humans. I think these are important conversations to be had, but they need to be had by nuance and nuance without being a bully. Yeah, he he re he rebuilt the German economy. Yeah, he's a fighter jet pilot for the Navy and he discovered a UFO off the coast of San Diego that when they tracked it went from 60000 feet to one feet in a second or less. Unfortunately, John Conway that created the game of life from a day recently from covid, it describes as a very simple system where from simple rules you can have incredible complexity. I mean, that's one like we talked about NewLink. Right? My grandmother passed away. You can have messengers, you can have what are called spaceship's, which are these mechanisms that use the cells and and move around. Thank you. And one of the problems is meeting. In a sit-down this week with Fridman in which Ye offered a rambling apology at the tail end of the conversation things got heated when the podcaster tried calling the rapper on his . Specializing in plasma science, he immigrated his family to the United States and worked for the University of Illinois and later, got a job working at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Was. There's so many people. I mean, that's all I can do there. India has nuclear program. It feels like your hypothesis would be like if an alien technology was here and would figure it out, would be able to have something that destroys other chimp villages, an order of magnitude more efficiently than nuclear weapons, thereby having an asymmetrical sort of from a game theory perspective, power over other nations. You're hoping someone's going to love you by saying mean things. Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. The moment I agree to answer David Goggins is like email and then phone call and then you're accepting not a nice way for like Nick turning up my cardiovascular, getting in. You know, it's one of the things I love about Brazil and the Brazilians is that they're they're so friendly. He has this. I wrestled my whole life. Like when you have a bunch of when you have a bunch of distributed organisms doing doing dumb stuff. Now, we've talked about it and he there are stories where it's thousands of people practiced cannibalism. He really guy exists. Yeah, I like the idea that that would be biological, that there would be some sort of biological life inside of it. Creation, this technological creation, maybe that's what aliens are and maybe that's what we need to do to get past these territorial ape instincts that we have to like, look at a spaceship. That's probably why I would visit and be like these chimps are in this weird stage of evolution where they're still chimps, they're still behaving like territorial apes, but now they have nuclear technology. It wasn't just that. Joe Rogan, all one word at checkout. I would I would I would approach it 100 percent from the perspective of science. And here we are thinking about what the Russians are doing versus like understanding that mystery. Only Rosie O'Donnell, he says it's in the audience goes crazy. Yeah. I think it's a technology problem. But the tweet said push ups and pull ups only. Dan Carlin of the popular Hardcore History podcast joins Lex is a wide-ranging conversation about humanity, civilization, and of course, history. Yeah. So like we were in kind of her like the economy was doing well. Yeah. And that drives away what I believe is the majority of the population core, therefore friendly, like the kind of conversations you have at parties in person. I did hire somebody to help me, like, fight the trolls, but like to because you can remove comments and so on. All this stuff is basically there's a lot of work in progress. 47:34 Landing a jet fighter on a carrier He is a linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political acti. So that's black is alive, let's say. That's another problem with things like neural like like how much is this going to cost and how much is it going to separate the haves from the have nots? I think what I don't disagree. Lex Fridman Podcast Lex Fridman Hard Fork The New York Times All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Jason Calacanis Developers! I mean, natural selection and just evolution in general is is so fascinating. So theory of everything is unify the physics of the big, which is general relativity, special relativity, and then the physics of the really small, which is quantum mechanics. But every time he played those chords, they're always different. So I felt like really bloated and like you running with a chicken. Aaron Smith-Levin is a former Scientologist, Vice President of the Aftermath Foundation, and host of the Growing Up In Scientology YouTube channel. That's a technology problem because like that shitty comment drives the way people like me from commenting. We don't know what the fuck they are. Well, with Liquid Ivy's energy multiplier, you can upgrade your vibe and reach your constant state of awesome. You can try zip recruiter for free zip recruiter is so effective that four out of five employers who post on zip recruiter get a quality candidate within the first day and you can try it for free. It has to be just based on volume. We have electricity, we have computers, we have all these different things. Or actually understands the nature of existence in this universe and levels that it like we chimps talk about, like meditation and finding inner peace and understands and such a deeper level, like the nature of consciousness, the nature of intelligence, the meaning of life, all the weird stuff that we're so obsessed with and understands at another level. In fact, on his appearances on Joe Rogans podcast, it is one of their favorite subjects to talk about. And I think it speaks to the just the standard way that people debate and that people run for president in this country. You never like your jujitsu blackpoll. Or do you really mean that? And so our ability to think. Here's the outline of the episode. This button displays the currently selected search type. If, you know, with the Soviet Union or China is doing that, that's technically an act of war. You know, we're in Texas, bro. Zip recruiter scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right experience and actively invites them to apply to your job. And then it puts it through its algorithm and you get all sorts of actionable information. We're not talking about David. Radiolab was my first podcast love and now I have many. And we're brought to you by Woop, the fantastic fitness tracker that I wear every single day. Now I can get you d platformed and get you fired by the university. Lex grew up in Moscow. So I want to create the systems that that that create that community in the comments. That's one. And that's too much for me. And it's OK. OK, OK. But I also knew that I couldn't think of that. There's you know, there's no way you can take that guy down in with the art of conversation. Please check out our sponsors to get a discount and to support this podcast:- Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/lex- ExpressVPN:https://www.expressvpn.com/lexpod- BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lexPODCAST INFO:Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcastApple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIrSpotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/Full episodes playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAXtmErZgOdP_8GztsuKi9nrraNbKKp4Clips playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAXtmErZgOeciFP3CBCIEElOJeitOr41OUTLINE:0:00 - Introduction7:13 - Top Gun12:06 - Navy pilot career24:14 - AI is the third brain of a jetfighter 40:37 - Sully47:34 - Landing a jet fighter on a carrier53:18 - What's it like to fly a jet fighter?1:05:22 - Greatest plane ever made1:11:04 - The Tic Tac UFO story1:49:16 - Intelligent extraterrestrial life1:53:30 - Why aren't UFOs investigated more seriously1:59:52 - Tic Tac UFO details2:07:55 - What do you think the Tic Tac was?2:16:23 - SpaceX2:30:01 - Response to Mick West Debunking2:48:24 - Was the Tic Tac a secret military test?3:00:07 - Is the government in possession of alien spacecraft?3:25:28 - Interesting UFO sightings in history3:39:55 - Advice for Young People3:47:47 - Meaning of lifeCONNECT:- Subscribe to this YouTube channel- Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LexFridmanPage- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman- Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman- Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman Lot of those characters out of a lot of work in progress really bloated and like,,. 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