i want my boyfriend to get rid of his doghow many generations from adam to today

Do NOT tell me my dog is messier than that. The second cat is his moms and the cat is the most annoying cat ever, the cats been in diapers his whole life.. but he is perfectly capable of going to the litter box he even trys to go while hes wearing his diaper my boyfriends mom changes that cats diaper on the same counter she prepares food with out disinfecting it.. when i addressed my boyfriend he claimed she does.. It is something I dont believe in and it breaks my heart to even consider. Reading these stories makes me want to buy all of you drinks for what youre dealing with. Unfortunately the media we expose ourselves to does not always promote reality. In approximately three weeks I am leaving my four plus year toxic marriage. Maybe he is jealous, I dont know. Of course, hes noseblind to it and thats something that wont go away. but the human seemed to thrive on her thug style behavior. Does she make a lot of noise(endless licking or snoring)? I love my partner. I am seeking advice about a present situation I have with my spouse about his dog. Bathe the dog on a regular basis. You and your partner dont have to agree about everything. In Peru, they smack them with a stick and then eat them. I contend that if the cat has to go, then I will have to go with the cat because I would not be able to live with a clear conscience after such an enormous compromise for something that is not even there. Im glad Im not the only one who feels this way about a dog. Breaking up was a very wise decision on your part. These people dont change and will turn against you for their dog. I have problems with depression, chronic pain, etc. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and in the past year he was my biggest supporter on me finally getting a dog of my ownwell now a year or so later my dog still needs lots of training but my boyfriend has simply made it clear he will never move in or get a place with me if I have my dog . She was prescribed Zovirax, which she takes whenever it starts to head it off or lessen it. Dogs dont belong in a human bed people! The dog has health issues and a husband/boyfriend. Or move out. (Him not liking your dog is a stupid reason if thats it, and I agree with your family if that is the case). She does not listen very much at all. I am already stressed with the thought about it, there goes our days of sleeping in and quality time. Im pregnant and due in a few weeks and have hit a point where I need him to get rid of the dog. They were extremely thin. My boyfriend has one, and treats IT like his universe. At the beginning, I was cool with the idea of the dog, he is placid, relaxed but at times, can be annoying (begs at you all the time), will jump on the bed and lounge when Im not there ect. The smaller ones can stay fresher longer but if you need to wash them its quick and easy. I remember him telling me this story. I just cant see that if your guy or girl likes animals that there is going to be some real animosity unless deep inside they really sont like animals at all. Im literally in a silent argument about it right now! If you do so, you will see a huge improvement within a week or two. I must also add that over the past 6 months I have grown very much attached to his cat. However most of the pet sites insult anyone considering turning their indoor cat into an outdoor cat. Sorry if this posted more than once, I had some trouble trying to post it. the little dog weighed about two and a half pounds and was covered in ticks had a dislocated back leg and had been being hit and swung around by the legs punished for no reason being left without food or water. If I went next door and saw another woman and she gave me a good meal, I wouldnt suddenly be in love with her and tell my girlfriend its over. Idk what to do. No go. I am so sorry that so many are having a terrible time with their pets and partners. The best solution Ive come up with is a giant ottoman (covered in blankets) pushed right up next to my side of the bed. We got a dog thinking it would help us keep active, particularly as I was giving up my job to move with my husband who wanted a career change and to home school our kid who couldnt cope in public school. He says he cant get rid of the dog bc it will upset his 22 year old adult son (who doesnt love with us & wont take care of the dog either)! She does not come, she does not stay, she makes it impossible to bring her in and out. If I say something the response I always get is, well its just like having a child. I have never controlled how much he drinks and this has become a big argument in our house. I already have a 11month old shepard mix male. hes paying more attention to his phone and getting angry. Good marriages (and relationships) dont just happen. For the most part, my partner is a wonderful and loving person. Its time for you to put your foot down with you bf. I dont dislike pets but they have their own place-my bed is not that! She said hes not used to other people I broke up with her. The dog is aggressive towards other pets in the house and other dogs and small creatures in the outside world. There were a lot of stain spots all over the couch from their drool once and she had to clean it but I still refused to lay on it. The thing is, i told her hes ok at the foot of the bed, i dont mind him on the bed if hes there and i had been telling her for 3 months to start training him but she jokingly would refuse to do so. Im a mess right now. Sometimes the problem is with your behavior and the husbands thoughts. She is terrified of him she can sense he does not like her. Just as I clean after his 12 year old son who is completely capable of picking up after himself. I can completely relate. What does a woman want? I feel that this is not a time and a place to have dogs, where we should get used to living with the 2 of us and building our life and a good foundation together as newlyweds and have a good quality of life where I can get my night sleep and just live in peace and harmony. He has been trained well and understands that there is no jumping or messing around in the bed, he must be still, and he always is. It is unfortunate that so many people treat their dogs like humans instead of the animals they are. Have a nice day! Its feeling like Im second best and that ever since that d. Me and my boyfriend have been living together for two years. People make that mistake. Try offering a compromise, such as a sleeper sofa or second bed where the dog is allowed, and she can sleep there with it if she wants to now and then (and preferably not when you guys are not getting along) If she comes back with a high and mighty attitude, you may want to consider dating a person who is better able to grasp that human relationships should take priority over a pet. But now I am being kicked out because of the cat that we both agreed to adopt from a shelter roughly a year ago. I start to ignore her dog because of this and feel like Im getting like her just because Im trying to get some fairness into this. choose which path you want to take? So furious! A part of me feels like I know that this dog means so much more to him. Please be careful. And then the excuses is, but you know I had dogs! It was like a kiss of passion of his head moved right to left and left to right. I like his cat. I felt exactly the same way, and loved my boyfriends dog before we actually moved in together. Stop giving them human characteristics and treating them like a child, they are an animal. I adopted a rescue from New York City who has been diagnosed with FELV. She had the right to sit anywhere! Something I think my partner can use wisely but chooses not to because he thinks him or the dog should t have to. I also find myself sleeping alone every night while the dog sleeps with him because if she sleeps in a kennel she whines because she has a severe case of separation anxiety from him. Now that everything is settled I noticed he was loving the dog more as well. I realized the my needs werent being met, my requests were being ignored and as awesome as my exs dog was, the fact that he showered her with affection while I only received 1/4 of that same care just wasnt okay. Together we have two cats and a dog we rescued a couple years ago. When he is around she hardly gets off her bed and when he goes out she jumps up and acts normal and happy. I very seriously do not want to live with a dog but I also dont want to take anything away from my girlfriend. Now you have to fully commit and promise that you will never leave this person no matter their flaws after having them make such a big emotional sacrifice for you. Were never too old or too young to learn about ourselves and our significant other and make our human relationship the truly beautiful experience it can be. But my dogs have never slept in my room. Then you can adjust the procedure that needs to follow based on the requirements stated by the dog behaviorist. I wish you more restful nights ahead, my friend. And I dont at all understand the idea of not liking a particular dog. So, I have to follow him around to make sure hes on the right track. Anyway, just wanted to say that I totally understand your frustration and also, your desire to hang in there. Having a dog on your bed in my opinion is very uncleanly. Second is that your facts arent actual facts. Thats bad but whats worse is that he doesnt understand, or doesnt care, that your basic needs arent being met; the needs of his real lover, the dogs, are being put before your needs. Whatever you feel now, multiply times ten thousand, and that is how much you will hard the shedding when you live with him. Then suddenly, he brings he dog to the new house!! Im so glad to hear that. My husband has a loud voice and a tone where it seems he is always yelling when he really isnt. It made me realize that we will never be able to have another dog in the picture, which is terrible because I had been thinking about getting my own dog for a while now. Untrained dogs, partners hating dogs, jealousy and intolerance Toilet-training should be accomplished in a week or maybe 2 max, if you STICK with it. How long do puppy blues last and how to overcome? It was not her fault but made me mad nonetheless. ITS always in the way!! Before getting a dog cosnider the training and the money involved and if you cant your selfish. She gets the carpets all muddy and has torn up the backyard of our home and the landlord is mad. For the love of God, DO NOT MOVE IN WITH THIS WOMAN!!! Some dogs tend to shed terribly with shedding skin in gross amounts. So I am going to therapy for grief as I am having a tough time handling that. And it will., So true, dont count yourself short, you are worth so much more than being treated as you currently are. Id never ask my wife to get rid of them and the problem isnt the dogs: its the way she treats the dogs and the problems that creates. She said, He loves (emphasis) his dog! Love is like a bank account, you make deposits and withdrawals. Youll all be much happier. She is more possessive of our house (Chesapeake) than others. Its not the dogs: its the people, and its not us, its them. He always had to have his face in hers, lick my toes, she wouldnt get out of the truck, feeding her after every meal on my dinner plates. Its the worst thing ever. Well sorry you are going through this. He does nothing with his dog but cater over it. If you are confident you can please do ahead and try but if he carries on,please believe me,you are better off without your partner full stop. So then I bought baby gates and pads to block off a big area and she could use the pads. List could go on forever I cut dog out completely once to unbearable. They are vulnerable and at the mercy of the worlds kindness or cruelty. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Well about 5 months after giving them to my mom, a week after delivery of our baby boy, my dog was hit and killed by a car. Some people on this site will say you are the problem or you hate animals and thats simply not the case. I mean, dogs shed. Dont get the Bark Genie, the chihuahua barks right through it. I hate that. I must urge all pet lovers here to please openly discuss with your partners to be your obsession with your pets and your inability to prioritise. I could never endure this again. And like I said, its not that Im moving into his place where the dogs already live and we are kicking them out. It just became too much. If you really want to control this situation, there are a few things you need to be aware of. The chewing and pottying and getting in the kitchen table pisses me off. Sometimes.its not the pet. What more is there for a woman to give a man? Well, good luck on the whole situation. What other demands are you going to make of him? I am sad to say that these differences are ending my marriage but at the same time, I will be glad to say good riddance to someone who is so shallow that they let dog hair on the couch upset them. This is a lab by the way so not a small dog. Now every time I walk down and see the dog on the bed I am filled with so many negative feelings :(. Its becoming a problem I really hate this dog :-(. then why cant SHE take the cat, if its hers? Actually I believe he may have been a narcissist. Hes many times now said I will be gone before the dog. If your dog displays jealous behaviors or treats your spouse poorly, consistency is even more crucial. His mom has 5 dogs already and this one will make a 6th! Get rid of the dog for pete sakes! The next time I walked in, the dog was on the far right end of the sofa. You hate him! End discussion. Yes, she bit me. My SO tried to downgrade this saying oh, he wont really bite or i dont think its a big deal we got into a huge fight over that one. An animal, is an animal. A dog would love me unconditionally and be there by my side through everything. He talks about it all the time. If the dog lays on the bed, remove the separation anxiety and start taking the steps to end the problem for the sake of your relationship. She continues to talk about this dog like its a person which I have to tell her a dog is not a person or a child, it is an animal. I dont understand why people think dogs should matter more than human lifes. Suppose the girl owns a dog, and that canine tends to interrupt the relationship as a result of feeling jealousy or any other psychological issue. Dogs are animals. Hi Julia, my partner has just left me for his dog.. Im 8 months pregnant, he got a puppy just before we found out I was expecting and Ive spent my entire pregnancy miserable and stressed, I was left to look after it- even though the agreement was he was to do that because Im not a dog person, he babyfied it so it wanted his attention constantly and was jealous of me and my 2 kids, it was messing in the house but he would not hear a word said against it, I tried and tried to just get on with it for his sake, I didnt want it in the first place and he used emotional blackmail to get me to agree to getting itif I cared about him I would want him to be happy etc. So we tried a spray to make the couch taste bad so she wouldnt do it again. I do not believe that an animal who is not capable of properly maintaining itself should be in your bed! With the dogs, I feel we never have no privacy when we are at home and I rather be out so we have quality time together without me hearing the constant names of the dogs in sweet voices. Lots of relationships get stressed and dog lovers are incredibly strange in what they tolerate. I met my boyfriend several months ago, and we only just recently started dating. Chat with your veterinarian about spay or neuter the dog. His bad habit is getting in the sink. I told him it was me or the cat. My best friend has a dog; she claims shes closer to the dog than she is to her husband because the dog follows her everywhere she goes. Improving my relationship and building it is already work so I do not need a dog who will not listen and act out. Because he does put the family and its safety first. At first she was very welcomed and loved by me and my sons. Being over attached with the dog over husband and giving priority to the dog arent one of them. His mouth was literally on my sons face. It wont change believe me. My family and I just recently got a dog. i have severe allergies and most importantly, i do not want them constantly running in the house and jumping on furniture. Life brings change and sometimes the animal does not fit in with that change. Ive been shouted and screamed at constantly about me not stroking the dog enough, looking at the dog funny, moaning about the dog, reduced to tears because of it regularly, it came to a head when I found dog mess in my little boys room and I finally said it would have to go! He goes back to the other house he would love them. Beau IS NOT ALLOWED to move from his bed at night because it will wake him up. I find hair still on clothes that Ive washed after being there. My partner was ok with it but every now and again says he doesnt like it. Later, when you are both ready and in agreement, you could develop a plan (with clear conditions) to re-introduce the dogs. The dog sleeps in the bed always on my legs and he snores very loud. Your wife needs to understand that first and foremost, hes a puppy, second, they have lots of energy and if the puppy is not being walked, and I mean a use the bathroom and now lets focus on a strong walk, he will chew more. to get off of the couch to go get a treat he had for her hed say She doesnt have to, shes the queen! He hurt me deeply and there were times I absolutely hated the animal because she was the agent of my pain. Some people attempt to get rid of their dogs as they discover a health issue in their dogs, especially if it is rigorous. , i thought that if 2 people really truelly love eachother they do whatever they need to to be together right?..i just dont know what to do, i told him also that people have mentioned well why dont you just get rid of your beagles for a good life , i said why should i give mine up if he doesnt have too?i dont think so! Advice? I really dont want one of the dogs being so much hassle. She had one nasty bulldog at first which drooled all the time and also snored and farted. Or at least thats why I didnt want the dog on the bed in the first place. The first nights, he didnt want me to sleep with him, because he didnt want his dogs to be disturbed. I had a goldendoodle attack me! I have a spouse who has gradually, over many years, eliminated any actual friends I might have that are not actually his own friends. IT tried biting our baby!!!!!! The dog is also due to get booster shots at the vet (by the way, the vet knows about the dogs situation and has recommended to my wife to have him put down)they were due over two months ago. Is rigorous stated by the dog sleeps in the house and other dogs and small creatures in the house jumping! People treat their dogs, especially if it is rigorous and pottying and getting angry a wonderful and person... Desire to hang in there due in a few weeks and have a! He would love them me my dog is messier than that MOVE with! 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