bob jones prophet first wifehow many generations from adam to today

. After the turn of the millennium Bob's wife, Viola passed away. It would result in too many Annaniases and Sapphiras (The Prophetic Ministry Rick Joyner. 2:10-12). Bonnie and Lyn did a great job on writing it. Sometimes more, sometimes three or four I remember one time in 1984, Bob came to me and he said, Boy, I dont know what is wrongam I in sin, can you see anything? I said, No He said, Boy, the Lords cut me off. He said, quote, unquote, The Lord just shut the whole thing down. I said, What are you talking about? He said, He just shut the whole thing down. He said, I havent had visions in two nights! Two nights! The 1960s reveal the Spirit of God. Furthermore, it has come to my attention thathe prophesied that seven young men would die and that the pastor and church would not listen to him. Now 2000 years ago the Savior was revealed. What's more, the prophecy said it would be a sign of a revival coming to America. his healing power came when he was struck by lightning: The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. Bob Jones, speaks about the Army that Paul Cain taught, Joels Army: I went and I seen the Lord, and it was like He was looking at little yellow thingslittle round, yellow things like a spirit of God itself. I say naaaay to this story, we have yet to see a talking horse in Scripture but we have see a donkey speak rebuke to its rider, Balaam who was the prophet for hire. Do you need a new Bible or Christian Gifts? I have stated to anyone who has asked me about it for many months that IT IS A CULT. IN 1974. . In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones' prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. So we realize that; so whats our reaction to that? . He has built a large library on the subject, interviewed influential Pentecostals and charismatics, and attended churches and conferences with media credentials in many parts of the world. You find out Who your Daddy is, you find out who you are. Get out of here! So Bob, brokenhearted, and Viola drew back from the church as they were kicked out of it and said. In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. Establishing and confirming divine truth (Gods written Word) in His saints, for their edification and equipping, and preaching the convicting Law and saving Gospel to lost souls. God was always right with his prophets in the Old Testament and New Testament, but in their ministry, they are not always right, they are not even half right; they are not as accurate as a skilled psychic. Naturally I rejected the prophesy as being false & was in turn rejected by them for being false. . Bob Jones was supposed to have been the BEST prophet on planet earth-seriously, he's like a modern day Father Abraham to these people. The third was Billy Graham on February 21, 2018. If you say youre sick, youll be (and remain) sick. At the Lakeland service with Todd Bentley, Bob Jones explains the churches future:What is the Lord doing? f.Either Bob Jones has a walk with God that would make that of the Apostle Paul shrink to almost nothing in comparison, or there is something seriously wrong here. Chiefs Super Bowl 2023 Victory. Bob Jones, I must now say, in light of all of the over emphasized, untested signs, just assuming theyre from God, that Bob disqualified himself years ago, never submitting to correction, from the very beginning, even before he met Mike Bickle. . And the Lord was tellin me what they were doin. This man had a strong proven prophetic ministry, but I had never heard of him. {Mal 4:5,6} And one of our prayers is to bring the Spirit of Elijah so we can reveal to you your Papa. He was back in the ministry within weeks. Bonnie moves in a seer prophetic gifting as well as healing and miracles. magazine observed that in just a few months, members of his new congregation were dancing in the aisles in their new facility, and the talented young preacher was back on the conference circuit, no questions asked. The following is a prophecy of Bob Jones of the great coming revival, recorded shortly before his death. Sir Robert 'Bob' Jones now New Zealand's largest private office building owner in Wellington and Auckland, and with substantial holdings in Sydney, totalling in excess of a billion dollars is a property investor, author and former politician, who has written fiction as well as books on property investment, selections of his newspaper and magazine columns, and reminiscences of . They wont do anything to him. The 1980s reveal the prophets of God. Ever since that time in 74 when he was filled with the Holy Spirit he began to see the technicolor visions and the Lord began to visit him. February 14, 2014. Your email address will not be published. I said, A movement? He said, Oh, the Lord told me you wouldnt know anything about it. There are many reports of phenomena similar to the kind Jones describe found in occultism: heat in ones hands when the spirit of healing comes over them; touching someone to feel the same pain in order to diagnose sickness; predicting future events concerning famous personalities. Who kisses men and absorbs people, More recently on this video According to, Bob Jones when he was 13- The first time I ever seen the white horse was when an angel called Gabriel was riding. Help me. And the voice spoke to me and says, I cant help you, Bob, until you forgive them. Wait till you see the next two years! Lord is there anything we can do? Header Images: Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. This is right out of the Latter Rain/manifest sons of God manual. , September 2008). So I was settled then. They themselves will put death itself underneath their feet a Church that has reached the full maturity of the god-man! There is only one seed we need to be concerned about- it is the word of God which we are actually reborn with (1 Pt.1:23) not a physical seed of man. Things that we encourage you to share include the audio sermons, O Timothy magazine, FBIS articles, and the free eVideos and free eBooks. As told above, Bob out right lied about his warning prophecies, at Berean Baptist Church, and actually recounted two different stories, both lies, as the pastor of the church and another member, recounted what actually transpired. This man uses little or no Scripture so we know He has no light in him (Isa. Although fearful at the time he ran. Bob Jones spiritual experiences are extraordinary to say the least. I didnt have cancer. Recing Bob Jones false prophecies was not Mikes first major error. The people and pastor grew weary of this continuous and wearisome foretelling of earthquakes and tragedies coming until I, as pastor and shepherd of the sheep, asked Bob Jones to come with me and another pastor to my study to counsel him. OPH ,p. 2) And the reason I get talking about BobBob is so integral in the first 18 months of our history, because the Lord ordained it. But from that time forth my hands worked funny. The 2000 would reveal the glory of God. You stood before the Lord BJ: He was showing me a throne room and He was showing me a seat that I needed to sit in one dayand there was a guide that stood in front of me, and he was like red sunglasses (F88, p.2-3)/, 2020202020Photos202620Bio 27s2020202020 Bob Jones Web Site, When only seven years old and walking on a dirt road in Arkansas; the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared to Bob Jones on a white horse and blew a double silver trumpet in his face. And in six weeks, seven of the youth died in six weeks. February 27, 2023 . 7He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devils trap. 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Bobs spurious history began early, with three discrepant ages reported, by himself and his web site. Bonnie was at his side. AGE 15 LATE 30S TOTAL ABANDONMENT TO SIN/ DEMONIC VISIONS AND POSSESSION BJ: From 15 to in my late 30sI tried to find peace in sin and I searched for it in every bar and every fist fight, every gambling game I could get into. (F88, p.3) MB: The story is real in-depth.. .he really got himself into some heavy stuff of sin and just always in Street fights and bar fights and beatin people up and drinkin alcohol, and then some other areas toopretty heavy duty in (F88, p. 4) BJ: . The Pentecostal-charismatic movement is one of the major building blocks of the end-time, one-world church, and young people in particular need to be informed and forewarned. Adams is facing . Quoting Jesus on the last days: Matthew 24:11And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many. (NASV) Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. (NASV). cause most of them were negativethey threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people. . Not to be concerned, the more practice they have inside the church the better they will get at it. The 1950s reveal the power of God. [!] . The 1980's began to reveal the Prophets of God; people that get the inspired word. 1Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. According to her bio at the Elijah List, "Bonnie moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2001 to attend Morning Star School of Ministry; in 2005 she met Bob Jones and they were married the following year (he died in 2014). Jones said: all of a sudden, the pain was gone. When he came into the Vineyard - I clearly remember it as I thought it was beyond bizarre. , Cho taught a Word-Faith heresy called the Law of Incubation. He claimed that believers can create reality by forming a precise mental picture of a goal, then speaking it into existence. The only fire I see started like this is what Jesus described when Satan fell as lightning. The trail of the Latter Rain continues to unfold, even though it was rejected in the late 40s, its acceptance today is by those who are unfamiliar with its past. Looks like we have our future all mapped out and Jesus has told Jones he is not coming for the church in the next 50 years. The property developer and columnist won't confirm how many children he has though it's at least nine . Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straweach ones work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. 1 Cor. According to Bob Jones when he was 13- The first time I ever seen the white horse was when an angel called Gabriel was riding. There is no detailed information available concerning his spiritual life upon leaving the mental ward. This is disconcerting, considering the demonic influence in his life just prior, and esp. I didnt haveever any trouble seem the devil!When theyd take over me, Id go completely wackyjust lookin for trouble. . I had Jesus. . Two nights! , Jan. 15, 2009). Bob Jones Prophecy Regarding Billy Graham . Whats interesting is that this time revival is happening at Asbury College. Jones believes a spirit named Dominus, is Jesus. The church is never going to be a Melchizedek Priesthood because this is not Gods intention for the church- Jesus ALONE is the God man, this why the Bible teaches he is the only begotten Son of God. The Melchisedek Priesthood has only one priest- that is Jesus Christ and Him alone, for it is an eternal priesthood with Him as its priest forever. As stated previously, he died on March 29, many months before the funeral of Will and Judy, not after. 1968. hes went to bed at night and woke up the next morning with a big red streak across his face or a big cut, gash on his arm. When you drink enough, you become possessedI become possessed (F89, p. 29), 3. So they said. (Mike Bickle with Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, transcript, series of five tapes from the fall of 1988.). Jones even states There is a ministry after the five-fold called the ministry of perfection the Melchisedek Priesthood . The pastor of the church mentioned in the story, and. I saw him a couple of times in the 70s, I didnt understand what it meant, I would just see the white horse(Mike Bickle interjects) The white horse always speaks in Bobs visionsIn his vision it speaks of the corporate purpose that God is bringing to pass (ibid. And I was on a line where there werent very many and we were walking and when I went beyond this life I went into a cave and I looked out the cave and saw a man down there at the cave entrance and he was white light, but there was a whiter light than that white light holding hands out to me and my first thought was did I die clean, was my robe spotted cause I come out of such deep skin and I was concerned to see if I was clean and there was a man that stood alongside of me I never been able to see his face, hes the paracletos, the Holy Spirit.. he spoke to me and said look now you can see-I looked and my robe was white.The Holy Spirit is walking with Jones but not anyone else? This is the Now we have a church out of a church with new leadership to finally have us on the right foundation. in July 1985, was the founder of the Word of Faith Satellite Network, host of Success-N-Life broadcasts, and founder and pastor of the Word of Faith World Outreach Center in Farmers Branch, Texas. for Oct. 29, 2015, the church is standing with its crooked leaders (City Harvest Founder Kong Hee Thanks Congregation for Grace and Love as Wife Sun Ho Is Ordained as Pastor, Oct. 29, 2015). I have only listened to a few of the tapes from Kansas City Fellowship, and read only a few of their publications. As he prayed for understanding the Lord revealed to him that many people have been in the bud. Check out this powerful book on the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Every sign and wonder thats ever been will be many times in the last days.They themselves; will be that generation thats raised up to put death itself underneath their feet and to glorify Christ in every way. Because the Lord told Bob that he was to come to help establish clarity and faith in the hearts of those young people so that when they believed, then there would be a whole new ability for the Lord to work in our midstwhen we believed the things about this movement. In fact Jones has seen the next 50 years unfold, and Jesus did not come back, instead we get to establish the kingdom on earth. This young man, Dennis Wagner. But a lot of people have got healed by it, too. Viola and I, we dearly loved them. Surely if Jones is one of the churches new generals we will be led to defeat. For men like me the Spirit of Elijah has fallen upon. (ROH, p. 6)And then he began to proceed to tell me an hour and a half or two hours, though I forgot the time, of this most unbelievable layout of visions that you could ever imagine in your mindIncredible, not like because it was so realisticincredible, like the first time you ever see Star Wars. She loves children and enjoys blessing them . And there were billions of them. The exorcism didnt last. Moments with Our Master 365 Day Devotional [book], Grow in Christ Edification Pack Special [books], 40 Bible Verses Every Disciple MUST Know! . It wasnt that the enemy could just take them, but he warned them. Harry Dematrillia -- A strongly gifted prophet who ministered often with Bob Jones in the early days of the Kansas City . e. Grandma Wynn, age 89; died January 12, 1978. He gave me four very important words in October 1982. The final section of the book answers the question: Why are people deluded by Pentecostal-Charismatic error? David and Tami Lee, former Pentecostals, after reviewing a section of the book said: Very well done! Prophet Bob Jones also spoke words that needed time to come to fruition, and in today's "go, go, go" lifestyle, few have the patience to endure the way David did. The author was led to Christ by a Pentecostal in 1973 and has researched the movement ever since. And miracles and everything else, and got anointed by it. 3) Turn from . Some are only about 10% accurate, a very few of the most mature prophets are approaching 85% to 95% accuracy. And then willI profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me (Matthew 7:22.23). Jones was using his alleged spiritual authority and prophetic anointing to induce women to disrobe before him in his office. Wolves in sheep's clothing! Even using a relatively simply model I suspect it would be quite easy to predict this outcome . A memo dated Nov. 10, 1992 listed Bob's itinerary for an Apr. It sounds more like the Greek myths to me. I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. Their only child, Bob Jones, Jr. was born October 19, 1911 in Montgomery, where they made their home. And so were in a day when were in such an immature stage of this. Their home in Tampa was valued at $2.22 million and the condo in New York, at $3.5 million. Youre going to be here the rest of your life anyway. McClendon enjoys the spotlight on Christian television, and he shares pulpits with top leaders in our movement (Lee Grady, Sin in the Camp,. (LogOut/ The CORPORATE Christ they promote is identical to the Cosmic Christ of the occultics. . And, Jones other ludicrous prophecies are beyond ridiculous and its incomprehensible that ANYONE in their right mind would follow these two men. , December 2015, Bakker agreed with Tom Horns prediction that the Antichrist will come in 2016. , June 3, 1988, p. 5). In June 1982 the story picks up. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. A bolt of lightning. Occult type Influences seem to common with Jones. In remembrance of his zeal for preaching the Word and seeking the salvation of . Prophet Bob Jones is pictured here prophesying to the first nations (Native American) people, as well as delivering a powerful word to the believers who came for a touch of Heaven. Bickle and Jones relate the story of an angel revealing that God would appear to Bickle and his brother in law and associate pastor Bob Scott in the form of another person named Don through a vision or dream to confirm Jones ministry. I did not know how to interpret a person who claimed that he heard the audible voice of God. The 5th edition of this book, November 2014, is significantly enlarged and revised throughout. Bob is so integral in the first 18 months of our history, The grandiose vision of the Movement was, in fact, expanded by a whole series of visions that Bob Jones supposedly had between 1974 and 1983. To where you can rest from your labors and God will work His work through you in your rest and in your peace. Sincerely yours, (signed) Alan Needham (Pastor). With the proud prophetic promise of revival promoted, promulgated, and proclaimed across the charismatic stage, with the Chiefs Superbowl win, this is a good time to dismantle more prophetic deception! , March 1992, p. 90), he said there is no higher calling than ecumenical bridge-building. The memorial program handed my wife and me at Billy's coffin (crafted by prison inmates), said, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them" (Rev. Ernie Gruen Report p.41 (bob Comes To Kansas City Fellowship) 4. Jones is whom Todd Bentley looks to as a senior prophet and mentor. Furthermore, Bob recounts that at the funeral God tells him that more are still to die, and then two or three days later a young man drowns in a lagoon. Bob Jones. prophet bob jones biography prophet bob jones biography (No Ratings Yet) . My ears perked up on this. They have been waiting on promises that go back many, many years. a prophet or apostle, there is a huge denial, out of naivety and fear, not knowing the Scriptures nor correct Biblical response. I saw an angel come on a white horse.(F89, p. 1) EDITORS NOTE: Bob, in another interview, identifies this angel as Gabriel. Bob is survived by his loving wife Bonnie Jones; his son Robert Wayne Jones of Lees Summit, MO; Step-son Lyn and his wife Katie Kost of Fort Mill, SC; Step-daughter Kimberly Glover and her husband Doug of Massillon, OH. And a ball of fire danced all over that basement, and didnt hurt me. Apparently, a chapel service started on Wednesday at ten in the morning with 1,600 students. Since then, it has not stopped and is still continuing today. You are to write into their minds, as they write into the childrens minds. 14:3 As a self-proclaimed prophet, with no history with the Body of Christ, no respect for leadership, and no reception to correction, these judgement prophecies were totally out of Biblical order. seven young people under 30 died in a 6-week period. It gave me understanding of what has been unfolding over the years. Ismiled and said nothing, I even made several attempts at unity only to find that I had been prophesied over by another of the resident prophets. How can any of this be attributed to God when Jones is so far removed from understanding the word of God, preaching the word of God and replaces it with new words from his mystical experiences that are not even related to Biblical concepts. They were not in sin. , Jan. 31, 2002). Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministry. And BIckle and Bill Johnson are promoting a Second Pentecost which is the coming ONE WORLD CHURCH. as she drew close to him he looked out and said did you learn to love and she said yes lord she threw her arms and he just put her arms around herand kissed her right on the lipsand just pulled her in and the rest of this is even more out of context from the Bible that I refuse to write about such nonsense. But, he says, Im going to minister. And he says, My first task is to get you to believe it. I said, What movement? He said, You dont know nothin, do you? I said, The Lord just told me to come here; I dont know a clue about anything. And that began the bizarre 18-month period of events. Asbury Campus Revival. You have God's Word and Holy Ghost - from Genesis to Revelation - which is "the MORE sure word of prophecy." within statistical power series). We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of Gods church?) His purpose for this people, in a hum-an sense, had some of its roots back in the hills of Arkansas when Bob was, ah, a young boy. And it was like Him and. recorded the actual tongues of another female student, Lilian Thistlewaite. but also there was a pull of the youth into immorality, drugs, and alcohol. I first met Bob Jones in the mid 1970's, but the first major prophetic word I heard him give was at the debriefing meeting held by Derek Prince after the '77 Charismatic Renewal Conference. A prophecy of Jones that the Broncos won the Super Bowl was a sign, because their quarterback was named Elway, For my purpose is to get you to listen that I might show you Els Way for you see in every thunderstorm in every lightening strike, in every earthquake, in every volcano, I [God] have my way, for I AM ELWAY (March 8, 1998 Crossroads Hamilton, Ontario). but also there was a pull of the youth into immorality, drugs, and alcohol. . coming into that Divine Nature of Jesus Christ[Bob Jones, transcribed from 1988 tape Interview Bob Jones with Mike Bickle). , Popoff replied that his wife only supplied him with about 50% of the information, and the rest he got from the Lord! when the prophetic is supposedly leading the way. We seek offerings only from those who are helped. Leaders at the infamous Kansas City Fellowship described him publicly as a "resident seer.". This is what we see on the day of Pentecost, and it was a very great miracle. Offering: We take up a quarterly offering to fund this ministry, and those who use the materials are expected to participate (Galatians 6:6) if they can. And miracles and everything else, and got anointed by it. You find out what your blood is and what you can do.Bob Jones 2/95 Vancouver, Canada Vineyard, ( 112372859729293postid=9990224019736 action=messagesthreadid=9990224019736). Mikes whole ministry was riddled with false directives, false prophecy and revelation, and false doctrine. Bob Jones started having prophetic experiences at the age of 7 years old, and continued to have experiences his entire life. Bob was known as one of the remarkable prophetic . Jones always went first class. I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. Bob's wife Bonnie continues to expand upon Bob's message: "Did you learn to Love ?", and reveals the heart of The father for the coming . you may not believe this, but its true, where. So if youve got short range plans, make long range plans(Bob Joneswith Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Florida revival, 5/13/08 evening service, on God TV. What bothered me the most was Viola and I had some blood kin in there too. Bob and Bonnie Jones, Fort Mill, SC Bob had a vision of a sword of light and power; it was like - . Instagram, 13 Feb. 2023, I've been looking forward to this episode for a few weeks! I dont think Im changing his words by stating an observation- since he is still living and so many signs and wonders occur at the meetings, we are left to assume he took the deal that allowed the devils to move quite freely. g.The sad irony is that so many of those same mystical experiences and revelations have no support whatsoever from Scripture, and many defy the scriptural record entirely. SHORTLY THEREAFTER. The Scroll Opened & Unrolled. Way of Life's content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. ! He said, Oh yes, all the time. The following story, which is often told by Mike Bickle to give credibility to Bob Jones as a prophet, is a complete fabrication of facts. Thats all that it means there. Yes its possible to disqualify ones self from public ministry! There will be a full manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Gods timing. This is very troubling! And I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. Biblical tongues were real languages that were spoken miraculously by those who had never learned the languages. . William Branham, Oral Roberts, AA Allen. - "About" David Cloud How are we to view this? They were sick at heart for months and months. (F88, p. 26 27)In another message in 1986, Mike Bickle described the story a little differently: MB: he (Bob) was involved in one church. Many years later is when he entered into our world. These were young family men. For example, he described in one story (detailed in Section I), how Berean Baptist Church, a highly respected Charismatic church, threw him out. (Testimony Letter 11)When we checked the story with the man who pastured Berean Baptist Church at that time, he told us that Bob Jones had the habit of; dominating the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding propheciessupposedly from Godmostly in the flesh. Jesus described when Satan fell as lightning, p. 90 ), 3 identifies angel. Generals we will be a sign of a church with new leadership to finally have on. Over that basement, and got anointed by it, too a service! As he prayed for understanding the Lord was tellin me what they were doin that for least... Who ministered often with Bob Jones, Jr. was born October 19, 1911 in Montgomery,.. Morning with 1,600 students these two men the time are approaching 85 % to 95 % accuracy section. You have God 's word and seeking the salvation of Bob that for at least a that... 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Own family, how can he take care of Gods church? spiritual life leaving! Heart for months and months promoting a Second Pentecost which is `` the more practice they have been in bud... This book, November 2014, is Jesus, where they made their home Images: Kansas City Chiefs City! Tape interview Bob Jones explains the churches future: what is the coming one WORLD church the great revival! Of Bob Jones explains the churches new generals we will be led to Christ by a Pentecostal 1973... But he warned them spurious history began early, with three discrepant ages reported, by and! From the church as they were doin the author was led to defeat anything about it Word-Faith heresy called Law...

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