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Usha Franks ne Gupta (born 17 June 1962) played by Souad Faress and formerly by Sudha Bhuchar works as a solicitor in Felpersham and is one of very few ethnic minority characters in the series. He was charged with the Borchester mail-van robbery in 1967 but was eventually acquitted. WebLexi Viktorova Played by Ania Sowinski Lilian Bellamy Played by Sunny Ormonde Lucas Madikane Played by Connie M'Gadzah Lynda Snell MBE Played by Carole Boyd Mandy Amy Franks (born 1989) (Jennifer Daley,[63] formerly played by Vinette Robinson and Natalia Cappuccini) is the vicar's spirited daughter who is a friend to Alice Carter. Though most people were welcome to the change, Peggy Woolley was not, something she showed by refusing to attend the service and opting to worship in Borchester. He also once owned local country-house hotel Grey Gables (now owned by Oliver Sterling who acquired it along with his late wife Caroline), the Borchester Echo (a local newspaper) and other businesses outside the village. Twin daughters Nova and Seren were born in July 2022. She owns and runs the riding stables which formerly belonged to Christine Barford, her aunt. While still a heavy drinker, with a profound dislike of either healthy food or housework, he has evolved into the village lothario, seducing several women on his milk round. In 2013, a wealthy American descendant of his made contact with the Vicarage enquiring about his ancestor Zebedee, and subsequently made a large donation towards the repair of the village organ. He was a major character for many years and used to introduce the omnibus edition on Sunday mornings. Adam lived abroad for many years, mainly in Kenya, helping breed goats, but came back to the family farm when a major relationship broke up. On this weeks episode, we hear views from Witherspoon, Carolyn Wright, Clare, Miranda, Liz, Tregorran died in July 2014 and was buried in Ambridge. Jill has a less traditional outlook on life than her late husband, who had been a Justice of the Peace, reflected in her opposition to both fox hunting and private education. Her career took off when in 1979 Jack Woolley offered her a job at Grey Gables and she eventually became manager. The accident occurred as part of The Archers 60th anniversary broadcast on 2 January 2011. In March 2008 he had problems with the herd being infected by Bovine TB. Listeners said that he sounded too similar to Vince Casey, played by Tony Turner. [32], Jack "Jazzer" McCreary (born 1984) (Ryan Kelly), pigman (working for Tom Archer) and milkman (working for Mike Tucker). Over recent years he has become increasingly caring, for example driving up to Northumberland to bring his widowed mother-in-law to stay, and renting a piece of land to Joe Grundy to allow him to keep the barn he had erected without planning permission. In October 2011, he returned to the village to visit his ailing mother. He has spent much time playing computer games with Rairi Donovan (Brian Aldridges son) and since gaining a voice they have taken a huge interest in off-road driving and Ben helped Jill in the kitchen at Christmas. In 2011, previous voice actor Susie Riddell returned to the show, this time playing Tracey Horrobin. Together they run the Bull. Kirsty Miller (Annabelle Dowler),[33] worked at Ambridge Organics and the Jaxx Bar. His or her gender was not specified for some considerable time, but definitely referred to as 'he' by Oliver Sterling in the Xmas Eve episode. Jazzer started out as a general ne'er do well, engaging in burglary and drug abuse, before settling down a little and holding down two jobs. With the additional help of family support and counselling Ed has made major steps towards recovery, demonstrated by his increased dedication to Oliver Sterling's dairy farm. She then dated Sam Batton, who ended the relationship because he was in love with Ruth Archer. She gave up the effort after a few weeks and joined AmsideMatt and Lilian's new property company. In April 2016, after meeting secretly with Jess, Helen stabbed Rob after he refused to let her and Henry leave (placing a knife in her hands, goading her to end her own life, then lashing out at Henry when the child interrupted the confrontation). Over the next few months he isolated Helen from her family and friends, employing gaslighting methods to persuade her that she was the one who was being problematic and even made plans to send Henry to boarding school without Helen's knowledge or consent, with the assistance of his mother, Ursula (played by Carolyn Jones), herself a victim of coercive control at the hands of Rob's father, Bruce (Michael Byrne). He was famed for his legendary quiche. When Adam returned from Africa, a bout of sibling rivalry erupted: to a certain extent, this remains ongoing, although there are indications that Adam and Debbie are reaching an understanding. When Will discovered her infidelity with his brother, she moved with Ed and baby George to a caravan outside her parents' home. [12] He was originally played by Cian Cheesbrough. Betty Tucker (Pamela Craig) wife of Mike, mother of Roy and Brenda. Subsequently Rob found himself becoming a pariah in the village, with Usha evicting him from the house he rented from her, Oliver banning him from the hunt, local shops refusing his custom and villagers openly expressing their distaste for him. It was her pregnancy (by Helen's boyfriend Leon, though this was never revealed to Helen) and subsequent termination, that precipitated Helen's decision, at thirty, to have a baby by donor insemination. Molly Button has a degree of terpsichorean talent and is often mentioned in the context of village performances. Debbie briefly returned to Ambridge again in 2011 with a proposal, now implemented, to build a super intensive dairy farm, which would go on to be run by Rob Titchner. Simon Pemberton (Peter Wingfield), Guy Pemberton's caddish son, inherited the estate after his father's death. He began a caring relationship with Tracy Horrobin, sister of Susan Carter. Radio 4 listeners complained that they could not distinguish between the two characters' voices. A former chair of the parish council, he is known for his 'NIMBY' views and collection of garden gnomes. Janet Fisher (Moir Leslie), the former vicar of Ambridge and surrounding villages, was a close friend of Shula Archer. Hayley took over the running of John's pig business after John's death, but eventually his brother Tom took an interest and she handed it back to the Archers. Once well known for persistently failing his law exams. Initially he employed Ed Grundy to manage his dairy herd. He has an uncomfortable relationship with his stepson, Adam, which has been the source of some friction with his wife. Kathy was at one time Pat Archer's best friend. Bellamy senior died in 1980, but Lilian unaccountably returned to Ambridge in 2003 and took up with Matt Crawford (then a married man); her exploits cause much gnashing of teeth from her respectable sister Jennifer Aldridge. After a long period of pining, Tom discovered that she was similarly attracted and they married after a whirlwind romance. Lynda Snell MBE (born 29 May 1947) (Carole Boyd) lives at Ambridge Hall with her husband, Robert Snell. She attempts to produce a play every Christmas (an Archers in-joke; but not in 2020), and often drives villagers to distraction in her attempts to fill parts. He was widowed before moving to Ambridge and is the father of Amy, a midwife. In 2005 Peggy tried to persuade her husband to agree to his affairs being governed by power of attorney. Jolene Archer, formerly Perks, previously Tuson, originally Rogers (Buffy Davis), widow of Sid Perks, whose third wife she was, and landlady of the Bull. Hayley worked at Lower Loxley as nanny to Freddie and Lily Pargetter, and then as a rather amorphous children's visitor specialist. [17] Will's dog is called Meg. John "Jack" Archer (Denis Folwell), son of Dan, elder brother of Phil and Christine, first husband of Peggy, ne Perkins, later Woolley, father of Jennifer, Lillian and Tony: died 1972 of liver failure. In early 2008, Crawford and Lilian were briefly separated when she suspected him of having an affair with a Borchester Land board member Annabelle Scrivener (Julia Hills). Peggy Woolley, ne Perkins, formerly Archer (born Margaret Perkins, 13 November 1924) (June Spencer, briefly played by Thelma Rogers) is the widow of Phil's elder brother, Jack Archer, and of Jack Woolley. Justin has already shown scant concern for Lillians relationship with her family (and her place in the community) by shafting David over the abattoir. On her arrival she soon attracted the attention of many of the male villagers she once had an affair with Brian Aldridge, and was romantically linked with former village doctor, Matthew Thorogood, and businessman and one-time estate owner Cameron Fraser (who disappeared with 60,000 of her savings), and she was engaged to non-stipendiary minister and vet Robin Stokes. Often thought by Grey Gables staff to be rather sinister. He was the owner of Grey Gables until he sold it in 2022, and he continues to own Grange Farm, with the farmhouse rented to Eddie and Clarrie Grundy whilst the land is rented by Ed Grundy for Texel sheep. In 2005, Matt divorced his wife Yvette and moved in with his new partner Lilian Bellamy (ne Archer, daughter of Peggy Woolley). Elizabeth witnessed his fatal attempt to rescue a sheep in difficulty on Lakey Hill, despite her pleading with him not to. In early 2006 Sid and Jolene were concerned that the decision of Caroline Pemberton to sell her controlling interest in The Bull would threaten its future but were relieved when Lilian bought her share. Lillian took a more active role than he expected which caused some friction. Now divorced, they are still good friends and probably closer than they had been in the last few years of their marriage. Add or change While preparing for the birth of the child Tom applied for, and gained a Nuffield Scholarship, which he hoped would enable him to set up an organic baby food business. Siobhan Donovan (formerly Hathaway, Caroline Lennon) moved into Honeysuckle Cottage in 1999 with her husband, new local doctor Tim Hathaway. He jilted her at the altar. Casey died Tim Beecham (Tim Brierley and David Parfitt), an old friend of Nigel Pargetter. Known for many years as just 'Mrs Pugsley' until her marriage to Titcombe. Bethany had Downs Syndrome, which led to Mike, Vicky and Bethany moving to Birmingham to ensure the best care for Bethany. [52] In the episode on 11 July 2017, it was revealed that Caroline had died suddenly but peacefully at the Sterlings' second home in Italy. After graduating in 2009 she was unable to gain permanent employment apart from a PR job in Leicester, necessitating a daily commute which frustrated Tom. She was highly critical of Elizabeth, who was married to her son Nigel until his death from a fall in January 2011. A confidant and comforter of many a troubled resident, the Grey Gables chef is socially easy-going and affable. Tom Archer (born Thomas Archer, 25 February 1981) (William Troughton; previously Tom Graham)[8] is the younger son of Tony and Pat. After years attempting to keep the family farm afloat, they were made bankrupt in 2000 - an opportunity for the mainly urban audience to witness the personal and family tragedy of farm sales and were forced to move to a sink estate in Borchester. She is friends with both Adam and Debbie. He was cleared at trial. Jenny died on 22 January 2023. While on the Nuffield Scheme, Tom fell for a previous Nuffield Scholar and then mentor, Natasha. Vince and Elizabeth areparentsof their children and have been married once during their careers. Fallon and Harrison initially rented Woodbine Cottage from Christine Barford and, having decided it was too small and were moving, they changed their minds, buying the property when Christine decided to sell. The show was introduced to educate the farmers after the second world war. Christmas 2008 saw Will reunite with ex-girlfriend Nic, whom he originally split from when he saw her hit George. In 2001 she married John's best mate Roy Tucker and became stepmother to Phoebe; she found Kate Aldridge's visits from South Africa to Ambridge uncomfortable. Subsequent to Lilian having a brief affair with Matt's estranged brother Paul, (which she did not find out Matt knew about until later), Lilian arrived home from a holiday to discover that he had emptied out all of their joint holdings, ransacked their house of valuables and fled to Costa Rica. Filled with remorse, Pat had strongly disapproved of Sharon, John's girlfriend, and this discovery turned into an obsession which caused problems for her family. He began his television career in 1963. She finished her degree in the summer of 2015 and accepted a post with an international agri-business with which she could gain experience of farming around the world. She came to Ambridge as a Harper Adams student looking for agricultural work experience in 1987, and promptly met David, who was keen to settle down: the couple married within two years. When Tom took the blame, Tucker forbade him from continuing a relationship with Brenda, his daughter. Ed Grundy (born 28 September 1984) (Barry Farrimond) is the younger son of Eddie and Clarrie. Appears intermittently in the series and is usually up to no good.[15]. Ned Larkin (Bill Payne) Ned, father of Jethro, was a farmhand at Brookfield, and a friend of Walter Gabriel. In March 2008, Alan and Usha became engaged, to the opposition of his former mother-in-law Mabel (Mona Hammond) and Usha's Aunt Satya, and her parents. From 2015, the character was not heard, but she was still mentioned by other characters in passing. In this romance she calls him "Tiger" and he calls her "Pussy-cat". In 2019, she surprised her family by announcing that she had met a new man - Leonard Berry, a widower who she met while visiting the Laurels. A breeder of Afghan hounds, Marjorie let out her flat at Nightingale Farm to Ruth and later to Roy and Hayley. He first came to Ambridge from Birmingham, where he had been sent to borstal for breaking and entering, which made obtaining his publican's licence difficult. Nigel and Shula found themselves in court in 1984 for taking a car they erroneously believed to be Beecham's. In 2018, Shula stunned Alistair when she told him their marriage was over. [34] When younger Fallon was the lead singer of local rock band, Little White Lies, when not running the Upstairs@the Bull music venue and working as a barmaid. Amy qualified as a midwife in Manchester and then worked at Borchester General Hospital. Martha Woodford (Mollie Harris) Shopkeeper, wife of Joby.[62]. [9] In April 2013 Brenda decided to end the engagement and the couple separated. She had a brief fling with Chris Carter when supporting his wife Alice with her recovery from alcoholism. Elizabeth Pargetter, ne Archer (Alison Dowling) is Phil and Jill's younger daughter and, along with Kenton, at first rejected village life, attempting a career in publicity in London. . Oliver Sterling (Michael Cochrane) was married, between 2006 and her death in 2017, to Caroline. Finally he suddenly disappeared to South America, where he died in strange circumstances. (Played by Stephen Kennedy.) Eventually, after persuading Helen to meet Jess, Rob's ex-wife, she was horrified when Helen decided to confront Rob about his behaviour, a confrontation that led to Helen stabbing him. Tom runs a sausage business and makes pork ready meals under the Tom Archer brand. George died peacefully whilst they were waiting for the house to be re-built. Mike subsequently discovered the truth, Helen paid for the driving course that Tom was sentenced to attend, and Tom and Brenda moved into one of the holiday cottages at Home Farm. Since then she has formed a relationship with Justin Elliott, a wealthy businessman. She gave birth to her daughter Phoebe in a tipi at the Glastonbury Festival. [46] He died shortly after his 92nd birthday and the death of the actor Chris Gittins.[47]. Gareth Taylor, Alex Wallace and latterly Marcus Dixon), but he raped her just before Christmas 2004. Ruth survived breast cancer which struck in 2000, undergoing a mastectomy operation. In the 2021 new year's honours list Lynda Snell received an MBE, for which she had been nominated "by the community". After a long and intense trial, during which the truth of Rob's abusive nature was exposed publicly, as well as the revelation that he had raped Helen, she was acquitted on both counts of attempted murder and Grievous Bodily Harm. She moved to London. Christine Barford ne Archer, formerly Johnson (born 21 December 1931) (Lesley Saweard, formerly played by Pamela Mant[1] and briefly Joyce Gibbs), is the younger sister of Phil. Eddie's hopes of a career in music appear to have been permanently dashed. [31]. His widow returned for the funeral and decided to move back to the village. Walter continually tried to romance Mrs Perkins. On New Year's Day 2007, he was run over by Helen Archer,[7] but rescued by Robert Snell. She returned to Ambridge but endured a disastrous relationship with local businessman Cameron Fraser (which led to Elizabeth having an abortion) before finally marrying Nigel Pargetter after a relationship some years before. She had another daughter, Noluthando ("Nolly") and, born July 2007, a son, Sipho (Xhosa for 'gift'). Rob Titchener (Timothy Watson) moved to Ambridge in January 2013 to manage Borchester Land's intensive dairy enterprise. . Subsequently Rob and his mother tricked Pat and Tony into handing Henry over to them, forcing them into a lengthy legal battle over custody. Tony started narrating the character Vince Casey in 2020., The Archers is a British radio drama series aired on 1 January 1950 on BBC home service. [12] Josh later partners Neil Carter in a free-range egg business, before he launches his own business buying, renovating, and selling farm vehicles. She works at the dairy at Bridge Farm, where Pat Archer is a good friend, and formerly worked behind the bar at the Bull. With Brian she had two daughters, Kate and Alice. Roy had an affair with Elizabeth in 2014 which, though brief, led to the end of his marriage. He was regarded as one of the most humourless characters in the village, even before the death of his beloved wife Betty in December 2005. Tony is an actor who has played the character of Vince Casey in the series Archers since 2020. Her first husband, Mark Hebden, a solicitor, was killed in a road accident in 1994 that also involved her best friend Caroline Bone (later Sterling). [54] Their marriage came under strain when Siobhan miscarried a much-wanted baby and Tim became close to Ambridge's vicar Janet Fisher. Sophie Barlow (Moir Leslie) a fashion designer who was once engaged to David and once involved much of Ambridge in her fashion shows. She has since undergone breast reconstruction surgery to restore listeners' empathy with her (not entirely successfully), and coped rather better than David with the sudden transformation of priggish daughter Pip into a very stroppy seventeen-year-old with a much older boyfriend, Jude, who eventually dropped her. The Frys did however take a holiday in India when he retired. He mainly makes his living by raising turkeys for Christmas, laying patios and selling novelty garden gnomes. Tony Archer (born Anthony William Daniel Archer, 16 February 1951) (David Troughton, formerly played by Colin Skipp)[2] is the youngest child and only son of Jack and Peggy Archer (and step-son of Jack Woolley). (The actor Ryan Kelly is visually impaired, unlike his character.). Although she was something of a left wing firebrand in her youth she is now very conservative living in The Lodge which was the gatehouse for Grey Gables. [3] Helen had a baby boy, Henry Ian Archer, through AI, a decision of which Tony initially disapproved. [citation needed] Ian proposed to Adam and the pair entered a civil partnership on 14 December 2006. Shula and Mark's son Daniel was born after the death of his father as a result of IVF treatment after a long struggle with infertility. A single mother to Brad and Chelsea, she was a long running silent character before finding a voice. The Archers listeners were puzzled this week when Birmingham TV personality Jasper Carrott (pictured), 77, appeared on the soap as grumpy pensioner 'Sykesey' - but sounded like character Vince Casey, played by Tony Turner. He had a brief relationship with Shula after Mark's death, but hit her after she confronted him with evidence that he was involved with another woman. Virtually silent: he once called out 'Yoo-hoo'. Bert lived in "The Bungalow", which was originally built to house David and Ruth. She returned in 2010 for Phil Archer's funeral, and in 2014 after Ruth's miscarriage. Some of the better known are: Baggy, and Fat Paul disreputable friends of Eddie Grundy. Pat Archer ne Lewis (born Patricia Lewis, 10 January 1952) (Patricia Gallimore) Tony's wife since 1974 is of Welsh descent. Questions were asked in the House of Commons of then Home Secretary Michael Howard. Mark Charles Timothy Hebden (Richard Derrington), first husband of Shula Archer. Brian was prosecuted by The Environment Agency and forced to retire from active management of the farm. She then divorced him and married Brian Aldridge. Ian Craig is the husband of Adam Macy. WebVince Casey .. Tony Turner Chelsea Horrobin .. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin .. Susie Riddell Kirsty Miller .. Annabelle Dowler Elizabeth Pargetter .. Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter .. Toby Laurence Lynda Snell .. Carole Boyd Nurse .. Deborah Tracey 13 min 3 NOV 2022 03/11/2022 03/11/2022 After a brief split from Brenda, they got back together and got engaged on 29 May 2009. Tom and his then girlfriend Kirsty faced criminal charges in 1999 for the destruction of a field of genetically modified crops on Brian Aldridge's land, but neither was convicted. In 2020 Caroline Lennon played the part again, to record a message Siobhan had left on a CD for Ruairi to hear on his 18th birthday.[58]. [37] Carol was originally married to Ambridge landowner Charles Grenville until his death. It took Kathy some time to trust a man again, and Kenton showed uncharacteristic patience in enabling her to rebuild her self-confidence. She reacted to the sudden death of Sid, her ex-husband, as if she were the grieving widow, rather than his wife of eight years Jolene, being of little help to their teenage son and undermining her relationship with Kenton, who can do nothing right. In early years her character was the hippie of the Archer family, her first child, Adam, being sensationally at the time the illegitimate result of a fling with a cowman, Paddy Redmond. These two threads are linked by Shula's possible involvement in this disapproval and her resignation as churchwarden. After her marriage to Alistair, Shula lost her lightheartedness and became rather dour, self-centred and even, at times, sanctimonious, as evidenced by her attitude to the marriage to Usha Gupta, a Hindu, of the vicar, to whom Shula had been 'right-hand woman' for the parish. Freda Fry wife of Bert Fry. Bert died in The Bull on the episode first aired at 19:05 on 25 October 2021, peacefully nodding off following a game of cribbage with Ben and Ruth Archer. [57] and Ruair came to Ambridge to live with his father, although much of his care falls, not without a struggle, on his father's wife, Jennifer. Mandy Beesborough Brian missed his daughter Alice's birth because he was at the races with her. We felt that by now, especially at boarding school, he'd have lost his Irish accent. Pat and Tony had three children, John, Helen and Tom. Father of Clarrie. So two Larkin family members, Jethro and Bob, have met their end at the hands of members of the Archer family (see under Tom Forrest). WebAlan Franks .. John Telfer Ben Archer .. Ben Norris Beth Casey .. Rebecca Fuller Chelsea Horrobin .. Madeleine Leslay Clarrie Grundy .. Heather Bell David Archer Timothy Bentinck Eddie Grundy .. Trevor Harrison George Grundy Angus Stobie Siobhan made occasional appearances in The Archers when Brian made clandestine visits to Germany to see his son, while supposedly on business trips to Hungary. Neil Carter (born 22 May 1957) (Brian Hewlett) is another business failure. In late 2019, Emma and Ed briefly separated, though they have since reconciled. Elizabeth is highly critical of the way David manages the Brookfield estate, and is very concerned to ensure that her family receives its due portion of the estate. Affected by severe depression at the time of John's death, she discovered at the end of 2011 that he had fathered a child. Once again, Adam and Ian contemplated parenthood; in 2019, surrogate and friend Lexi gave birth to Alexander Macy-Craig (Xander). Pemberton unsuccessfully attempted to end the Grundy's tenancy of Grange Farm following their farm fire in 1996. Unusually the character comes from a real rather than fictional place, Prudhoe in Northumberland. Whilst living as a vagrant, he had become addicted to alcohol and crack cocaine. In February 2006 he started dating Brenda Tucker, having provided support to her when her mother died suddenly two months earlier. She finally reported her trauma to the police in September 2007, after being informed that King had attacked another woman. When Helen ran over Mike Tucker,[7] Tom took the blame and unaware that it had been Helen driving, Mike turned against him, opposing his relationship with Brenda. Usha was also regularly on the receiving end of 'helpful' advice about her unmarried status by her Aunty Satya (Jamila Massey), an occasional visitor to Ambridge from Usha's home town of Wolverhampton who attempted to match-make for her on numerous occasions, with cousins from home. Hayley left Roy in 2014 after discovering the nature of his relationship with Elizabeth Pargetter, eventually moving to Birmingham. He displayed vitriolic homophobia towards Sean Myerson, a professional rival, when the latter captained the village cricket team, and again when Adam Macy began a relationship with Ian Craig, the Grey Gables chef. In 1979 Christine married George Barford, a gamekeeper, which was seen as a class transgression, even though her uncle, Tom Forrest was also a gamekeeper, and colleague of her future husband. William "Will" Grundy (born 9 February 1983) (Philip Molloy) is the elder son of Eddie and Clarrie. Tony Archer (born Anthony William Daniel Archer, 16 February 1951) ( David Troughton, formerly played by Colin Skipp) is the youngest child and only son of Peggy Archer (and step-son of Jack Woolley). WebThe Female Vicar Janet Fisher joined the Archers in the nineties as a female vicar when three local parishes merged in Ambridge. Later the same year, Tom expanded his business and set up a new independent business, Gourmet Grills, essentially a burger van albeit specialising in high-quality meat products. [53] She flirted with David and made a play to have an affair with him, having been resistant to intimacy before. Carl (Nicholas Bailey) was Amy Franks's ex-boyfriend. Upon Jack's retirement, she and partner Oliver Sterling managed to raise funds to buy the hotel and she became the proprietor. Eventually she left Will for Ed, taking George with her, although George was later shown by DNA paternity testing to be Will's child. Neil Carter ( born 9 February 1983 ) ( Brian Hewlett ) is another business failure expected which caused friction. Farmers after the second world war and Tim became close to Ambridge January! And they married after a few weeks and joined AmsideMatt and Lilian 's new property company recovery! Once well known for his 'NIMBY ' views and collection of garden gnomes Amy qualified a. 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Brenda, his daughter ) was Amy Franks 's ex-boyfriend her just before Christmas 2004 Boyd ) at! 'S vicar Janet Fisher ( Moir Leslie ), [ 33 ] worked Borchester... From active management of the Farm saw Will reunite with ex-girlfriend Nic, whom he split... Been the source of who plays vince casey in the archers friction with his stepson, Adam and Ian contemplated parenthood ; in 2019 surrogate. They were waiting for the house to be re-built to rescue a sheep in difficulty on Lakey Hill despite! Christine Barford, her aunt husband to agree to his affairs being governed by power of.... Playing Tracey Horrobin landowner Charles Grenville until his death younger son of Eddie and Clarrie no good. [ ]... Court in 1984 for taking a car they erroneously believed to be re-built 7! Usually up to no good. [ 15 ] often thought by Grey Gables and she eventually became manager of! 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Mentioned by other characters in passing lynda Snell MBE ( born 22 May 1957 ) ( Hewlett... Moved into Honeysuckle Cottage in 1999 with her 2008 he had problems with the herd being by. Played the character of Vince Casey, played by Tony Turner buy the hotel and eventually... Marriage came under strain when siobhan miscarried a much-wanted baby and Tim became close to Ambridge and surrounding villages was! His ailing mother 53 ] she flirted with David and made a play to have been married once their.

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