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Since SCO aims at: strengthening mutual trust, friendship and good neighbourliness between the member States, so are foreign policy objectives of Pakistan. Best CSS preparation resources with lots of exciting opportunities. Other cases in point include Russias recent support for Islamabads positions on membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group and terrorist sanctuaries on the Afghan side of the Durand line. At the 2015 summit at Ufa, Russia, the SCO reached and announced its decision to include Pakistan and India as members. What are the potential environmental impacts of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? Explain. It is well-documented that China was reluctant to grant India SCO membership. Source: As countries sharing the same neighbourhood we have common problems and the solutions are interlinked with each other. The SCO forum will give Pakistan a seat to the table with Eurasian powers like China and Russia, with whom Pakistan has cultivated relations, especially in the recent years. They hold summit meeting every year in one of member countries. Evaluate The Factional Politics Of The Early Years (1947-58) And Their Impact On The Democratic Process Of Pakistan. Pakistan can effectively highlight Indias back terrorism in the region generally and in Pakistan particularly. Our model of cooperation and the Shanghai spirit it embodies are becoming increasingly relevant while working on well-defined guidelines maintaining mutual confidence, debating openly on all issues, and seeking solutions through discussions and without resorting to any pressure the Organisation has a consistent frame of reference which will hopefully enhance its international appeal. Under SCO platform, all member states will be availing CPECs facilities and this relationship will grow further in all dimensions. Indeed, 22ndSummit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) took place at the most crucial time of contemporary world. Another very delicate issue, that may pose threat for the whole region, is Kashmir issue. By virtue of its geopolitical location, Pakistan is at the vicinity of world's major economies and emerging regional markets. If the population of the top carnivores declines, what will happen to the landscape ecosystems? This increases the worthiness of CPEC more which has the ability to connect them with the world. No multinational organisation with such comprehensive mutual interests and activities has ever existed on this scale before. In earlier summits of SCO Pakistan suggested regional trade in local currencies, which boost the regionalism and economic prosperity. SCO membership will help Pakistan to strengthen her bilateral relations with CARs (Central Asian Republics) and engaged her-self with them in many bilateral and multilateral trade relations. Yet from Islamabads perspective, the main question is what it can offer the SCO and what it can gain from its membership in the organization. It is expected that SCO will be expand further and may include more countries. The energy of academic and cultural relations, youth exchanges and contacts between people will undoubtedly make the organisation more vibrant and creative. THE Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), created in Shanghai, China, on June 15, 2001, is a political, economic, and security organisation of Eurasia in nature. Pakistan has National Counter Terrorism Policy base on the multidimensional approach towards promotion of peace and prosperity through reforms. We share similar issues and problems. You May Also Like: SCO, An Alternative Of EU? Pakistan has the opportunity to get the support of all SCO members in its drive against the terrorism. As one of its permanent members, Pakistan has assumed a crucial position for this forum. The countrys armed forces through their campaign have crushed and eliminated terrorist groups from its territory. Discuss The Federal Structure Of 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan After 18th Amendment. platform for all CSS aspirants. Pakistan is moving forward with its Trade not Aid policy and has been pushing for greater connectivity. The top court heard all parties concerned before breaking the deadlock on the announcement of dates for polls in Punjab and KP. Elaborate. now, Get Zardari also called for increased collaboration between Pakistan and the SCO's Business Council and Inter-Bank Consortium to boost trade and commercial ties. This year the annual summit is scheduled to be held in June 2018 in Qingdao city, China. How much Pakistan shall benefit economically from the SCO is, however, uncertain, especially given Pakistans already central role within Beijings Belt and Road Initiative through the CPEC. A powerful case for inclusion of Pakistan in the SCO as a full member was made arguing it was the gateway to the landlocked Central Asian republics with historical and cultural links that span centuries. Published in Daily Times, May 31st 2018. Is The SC Verdict Conclusive Or Confusing? Its economic agenda is also very ambitious as economic cooperation becomes increasingly important and relevant here. SCO members are well aware of the issue and Indian atrocities in the region. . Discuss The Role Of Regional And Nationalist Political Parties In Pakistani Politics? Shanghai Cooperation Organisations 18th Summit of Heads of States is just around the corner in Qingdao, the host city in Chinas Shandong Province, where China will hand over the chairmanship of one of the largest regional grouping to another member country. The regional developments having direct impact on Pakistan's security and economy have been allowed to pass unnoticed. After the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organisation. In terms of contributing to the SCO, Pakistan can offer its assistance in anti-terror mechanisms as Pakistan has big success in overcoming terrorism in the last few years. It is unlikely that China would act otherwise in the SCO. CSSPrepForum is Pakistan's most trusted website among CSS, PMS students because of its high-quality exams preparation material. Pakistan provides natural link and route for other SCO members to access the Indian Ocean. The SCO, Putin maintained is an effective mechanism to fight three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism. There are also 6 dialogue partners too, which includes: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey. Making a common cause and fighting collectively to stop it in its tracks stands a better chance of success and Pakistan can contribute to this effort as well as benefit from it tremendously. Will New Delhi and Islamabad be able to act maturely and adopt the SCOs spirit of regionalism? 2018, OpedS. Frederick Starr, Putin's War In Ukraine Is Brutal (It Looks LIke The Crimean War), 19fourtyfive, January 2, 2023. IT is tragic indeed that while the young nations of the world are moving ahead with ambitious programmes of economic development and determined struggle against terrorism and extremism, Pakistan's leadership is caught in the quagmire of petty politics and self-deprecating conflict between judiciary and the government. SCO, being an emerging security bloc, can prove greatly helpful for Pakistan in helping it from traditional and non-traditional security threats. It has caused death of over 1400 people, wounded over 10,000 people and destroyed the population centres, vast agricultural area and crops amounting to over $50 billion. By now they might have understood the importance of Pakistan in global arena and their illusion of Pakistans political isolation. Pakistan believes that regional cooperation and connectivity will promote regional peace, and economic development. For an efficient trade, there is a need for regional connectivity through development of infrastructure and cultural affinity. Pakistan believes that a sustainable development can be achieved only when your neighbours are prosper and satisfied. There is also a strong need to come out of the traditional models of diplomacy and explore various avenues of togetherness. Why Did Pakistan Join Western Defense Pacts? "The SCO will have to face the following challenges in the next five years: energy shortages, anti-dumping and protectionism in international trade; instability in the world's financial system and discriminatory currency convertibility policies; population, migration, poverty and unemployment; instability in the SCO's neighbouring countries; We provide FREE Books, Notes and Current Affairs Magazines for all CSS Aspirants. In that context Pakistans quest for becoming full member of the SCO was a right move and its addition to the organization is a positive outcome of those efforts in terms of mutual benefits. The CSS Point is the Pakistan 1st Free Online platform for all CSS aspirants. The economic linkages evolved through the SCO forum will also strengthen prospects of regional security. The meeting was attended by all the representative legal experts from eight member states as well as the SCO-RATS Executive Committee members. Besides, Pakistan is still facing militancy and terrorism sponsored from Afghan soil. The foreign policy of Pakistan has finally found the right direction that promises to serve its national interests, These small republics are rich in natural resources and in future they expected to be the centre of all major trade activities. Is Islamabad ready to do this? Pakistan was an active player in RCD (Regional Cooperation and Development) along with Iran and Turkey. Islamabad has so far failed to tackle it, but is developing an energy policy to address the problem. These considerations made a very strong case for Pakistan to seek membership of SCO and present it with an historic opportunity to make amends for its past follies in the arena of foreign relations. Being the only atomic Muslim country, Pakistan bears an important status in Muslim world. In 2016, India and Pakistan signed a memorandum of obligation. The organisation's wide scope of activities is not limited to politics. Contrary to Western countries and Western blocs, SCO provides Pakistan a best chance to not only share her experience with the member states but also learn from them and get favour from them in war against this menace. CONCLUSIONS: The SCO is an important regional alliance. These CSS-solved questions help you know how Sir Kazim students have scored high in the CSS examination for years. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. As all of the SCO member countries are a part of the OBOR project (except India). The US applied for observer status in 2005 but was rejected. Discuss the role of regional and nationalist parties in Pakistani politics. Discuss The Federal Structure Of 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan After 18th Amendment. Pakistans decade-long aspiration for accession to the SCO has been fulfilled. In the past, both China and Russia have repeatedly stated that the organization would not incorporate new members despite Pakistan and Indias active campaign for SCO membership. The SCO was founded in Shanghai on June 15, 2001 and despite being the youngest regional grouping it has evolved into one of the most important international forums. Russia officials have said, the group's enlargement is held back by lack of admission rules, but China has warned against excessive expansion, saying it could hinder cooperation. Oped Svante E. Cornell & Albert Barro, With referendum, Kazakh President pushes for reforms, Euractiv,June 3, 2022. What we see here is an enormous opportunity for business and banking activity and initiative. Keywords: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Pakistan Introduction Pakistan's Goals and Aspirations vis--vis SCO Trilateral strands of the SCO namely: Security coordination; Economic integration; . This was the first occasion since the inception of the membership of Pakistan that the country hosted such a high-level meeting. Discuss The Role Of Regional And Nationalist Political Parties In Pakistani Politics How Far These Parties Are Necessary For The Political System by Miss Irum Arif. However, it is mainly focused on Central Asian countries and deals with matters relating to security, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges. Pakistan can also share its developmental experience under CPEC to assist the further construction of OBOR in the SCO region. Sign up for upcoming events, latest news and articles from the CACI Analyst, Pakistan in the SCO: Challenges and Prospects, Last modified on Thursday, 08 February 2018. This clearly indicates the beginning of a new era of integration for both Pakistan and Russia. SCO membership will also help Pakistan to become an important member and player in concluding the diplomatic decisions and activities of the region. Ltd. ( for Dawn. When our Constitution gives so much power to party leaders, what power can legislators have? Islamabads SCO membership will provide an opportunity to expand this bilateral relationship through the SCO platform, especially in the defense sector. It will boost the economic activities for SCO member states. To allay these fears and apprehensions, Putin, the then president of Russia in an article published in the government daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta on June 14, 2006 explained the genesis of SCO, its prospects and goals. Also, Analyze Its Impacts, Why did Pakistan join Western defense pacts? The meeting of the expert working group takes place three times every year before every council meeting. The Shanghai Cooperation Organizations (SCO) Council of Heads of Government (CHG) held its 16th meeting on November 30-December 1, 2017. However, the SCO forum is providing the opportunity to both countries to begin having interactions on multifaceted levels, hence opening new doors for the peace in the region. Similarly Pakistan can play a leading role among them. FOREIGN Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi who represented the Prime Minister at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Dushanbe while addressing the assemblage rightly pointed out that Pakistan had played an important role in combating terrorism and religious extremism and the organisation could benefit from its experience in combating terrorism. Apart from being the full member, Pakistan brings along the experience to the table in countering terrorism and experience of dealing with the menace including the sacrifices of the precious lives on the way. Lecture # 13 | Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) | CSS Pakistan Affairs CSS 2020-----WhatsApp: https://cha. We have a shared destiny together we can make the dream of Asian Century come true.. He reiterated that SCO is open to dialogue and ready for joint efforts for the sake of peace and stability and development.Putin maintained that the SCO, well before 9/11 realised the need to confront scourge of terrorism. Being the brotherly Muslim states their relations with Pakistan will see a new height of friendship, trust and integration. The SCO forum will give Pakistan a seat to the table with Eurasian powers like China and Russia, with whom Pakistan has cultivated relations, especially in the recent years. This Eurasian entity could never achieve its objectives of security and connectivity without participation of Pakistan. Every State Designs Its Foreign Policy On National Interests Rejecting Feelings And Emotions. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Pakistan is very optimistic regarding its future with the SCO. Introduction: 2. Enumerate The Measures Adopted By Pakistan To Spotlight On The Plight Of Kashmiri People In The Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir After 5th August 2019. Since all SCO member states have interests in Afghanistan and support different groups in the country, it is imperative that using the SCO platform, these states develop a joint strategy to address the Afghanistan problem and ISIS threat. Conversely, India's PM Narendra Modi used this forum to continue his policy of isolating Pakistan in his first speech as an SCO member. Jahangir's World Times First Comprehensive Magazine for students/teachers of competitive exams and general readers as well. SCO membership provides Islamabad with an avenue to explore opportunities for importing oil and gas from the Central Asian states, primarily Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Pakistan presently is also engaged in diversifying its exports and finding new and easily accessible markets for its products. Image source:By,accessed on 2.8. Like Afghanistan, Iran also has an observer status at SCO. Pakistans PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi highlighted the pivotal role that Islamabad can play in achieving the SCOs objectives by serving as a bridge between Central and South Asia. Pakistan has taken all possible measures to normalize relations with India. However, in order to realize the potential benefits of Pakistans SCO membership, Islamabad needs to intensify its public diplomacy and improve its standing among the other member states by aligning its policy with other regional powers. Askedon helps aspirants in their preparation for CSS, PMS, PCS and one paper MCQs based tests. As pointed out by the foreign minister the member countries can surely benefit from Pakistans experience to deal with similar situations individually as well as collectively from the platform of SCO. The SCO forum will give Pakistan a seat at the table with Eurasian powers like China and Russia, with whom Pakistan has cultivated closer relations in recent years Explain. Besides, it occupies a strategic location viz-a viz great powers and their strategic interests. Pakistan can also highlight the issue of the use of Afghan land by the Indian intelligence agency against Pakistan. Pakistan is already contributing a lot in terms of educational exchanges. SCO covers more than half of worlds population, more than half of worlds area, and major part of natural resources, yet suffering, the menace of extremism, terrorism, drug trafficking and poverty. The emphasis will be to raise awareness about Pakistans contribution towards world peace. The One Belt One Road Initiative, of which CPEC is an integral part, is a manifestation of this order. For these reasons, Indias SCO membership will not increase its ability to put pressure on Pakistan. 39, No. As Pakistans former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif aptly pointed out: Pakistan provides the natural link between the SCO states to connect the Eurasian heartland with the Arabian Sea and South Asia We offer the critical overland routes and connectivity for mutually beneficial trade and energy transactions intra-regionally and inter-regionally. While this prospect provides immense opportunities for all SCO members, it also indicates a challenge for Islamabad. Before this historic event, several other related meetings of the grouping were held during the year on various aspects. Despite immense potential, Islamabads trade and economic relations with most SCO members, aside from China, are minimal. Another objective of SCO is economic development of the member states. He tweets at @SRizwanZeb. The following CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs Past Paper question "Discuss the role of regional and nationalist parties in Pakistani politics. Rather, the SCO members are fully cognizant of the contribution and sacrifices, Pakistan has rendered for the global peace and security by combating terrorism. As far as terrorism and religious extremism are concerned, Pakistan as a front line state in the war against terror has made a sterling contribution in subduing the scourge which had almost affected all the countries represented in the SCO besides Pakistan and Afghanistan. For more details about us please visit About US page. SCO provides Pakistan a best opportunity to solve this and other problems with Iran. IMPLICATIONS: Islamabad faces a number of challenges at the regional and international levels and its SCO membership can be of help in addressing these challenges. Pakistans role in OIC was always lauded. - Revival of democracy after the secession of East Pakistan. Keeping in view, Pakistans significant regional presence and participation, it is anticipated Pakistan must adjust itself with the changing dynamics of the regional and global politics with putting its house in order. In June 2001 the SCO member states came up with a pioneering initiative to establish regional anti-terrorist entity. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aeab5cb493091d935d3898ec17f1bc71" );document.getElementById("e2f329a015").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Askedon is useful for CSS, PMS preparation. How far these parties are necessary for the political system? Pakistan is not in favour of any arms race, but it desires other regional countries like India to cooperate for promotion of peace and regional stability in South Asia and broader SCO region. How far these parties are necessary for the political system?" These broad outline goals of the SCO Summit for year 2022-2023 is a welcoming step. The resolve of SCO to fight the menace of terrorism, promoting regional peace and security and working for shared economic prosperity are very much in harmony with what Pakistan is looking for and needs desperately. The summit approved a series of documents, including the Tashkent Declaration, the SCO Rules of procedure, and the regulation on procedure for future membership. Pakistan believes in peace and cooperative relationship with its neighbours. Conclusion: (5) Democracy is no more Vulnerable in Pakistan 1. Why criticism On 18th Amendment Started Recently? Pakistan can easily win her case if she present it effectively. now, Instructor Can Pakistan Offer the U.S. Military Bases to Target Islamic State in Afghanistan? Pvt. The writer is Professor of Politics and IR at International Islamic University, Islamabad. Pakistan believes in regional cooperation and has been always actively promoting regional Peace, Stability and Development. Later on Pakistan and India also joined on June 09, 2017 at a summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. Pakistan is an energy deficient state and it needs energy sources especially natural gas to keep her industry run continuously. Yet before such a contribution is possible, Islamabad needs to reach out to the other SCO member states, with which it shares historical and cultural ties, to improve relations and then develop a regional understanding on issues vital for all SCO members including on Afghanistan, Islamic radicalization and drugs. created in 1996 as a forum to discuss Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) and the border demarcation issues in It is useful for the country in the following ways. Government of Pakistan gives it very high importance and committed to actively participate. Zardari urged increased trade and commercial activities in the region for that could bring about a positive change in the lives of its people. Combating terrorism, extremism and organised crime have received greater attention by the SCO in recent years. In order to dislodge the CPEC, India is promoting separatism, extremism and terrorism in different parts of Pakistan which is against the basic spirit of SCO. Today, SCO has almost half of the global population, 25 % of worlds GDP and about 80% of Eurasian landmass. Through this forum, Pakistan can seek economic assistance from major powers and regional states to prosper through trade and investment. The founder states of SCO direly need access to warm water to carry on their trade activities and to connect them with the rest of the world. We firmly believe only cooperation amongst us, can help us to overcome our common challenges faced today. Iran and Pakistan, observer nations in the SCO along with India and Mongolia, have asked for full membership. , Why did Pakistan join Western defense pacts to tackle it, but developing... Be able to act maturely and adopt the SCOs spirit of regionalism in their preparation for CSS PMS! Is already contributing a lot in terms of educational exchanges fight three evils of terrorism, and... 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