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Put two and two togetherMost people's prayers are answered because of Faith. I know about Karma and the only Karma that is going come around is back to you for the bigotry, falsehoods, and ignorance you display and spread everyday both on and offline as a Christian. Put down the symbol of death (the cross) and Sankofa. Why not concentrate on what you know and leave people to theirs and everyone is happy! Estevan, while I agree with your point, I find it problematic that it stops there. and he loves you too! This comes down to objective evidence and proof which you do not have of "God's existence." Keep proving me right. HA! nor track of its keel in the waves; If you were talking about anyone or anything else everyone would think you're delusional because. And what good has our boasted wealth brought us? If you take that away you take away from them what gives the reason and rational to hold back from committing henious acts against others. Black people continue to apply extreme pressure to each other to believe in Christianity. I don't beg for shit. God bless you. I am not the arrogant fool. Also thanks for being able to understand the comment with all the wrong words. Education is everything. You are so against truth, reality, and facts that you have purposely drowned in your fantasy world. They need us to be of sound mind by not living in a fantasy world obsessing over fictional characters (gods, jesus, satan, etc). No need to run off like a frightened child. Dennis Spurling "LOL hmmmmm okay." You don't know about our issues and plights. Thereby, introducing evidence/proof (even though it was fully subjective) that science vastly backs yours and others' claims that "God exist." I grew up in a home where my parents were raised christian but never forced us to go to church. : a feeling of trust in the worth or ability of someone, By definition: Lol. Will you be lead like cattle to slaughter; as in the past, someday, they will again ask you to put your life & family on the line to fight to the death for them; or vote their positions; or just be another number against an innocent cause; etc. We did not create the g/Gods and stuff. And you want to tell me that evolution did this, or that scientists know how and why earth contains these inexplainable accuracies??? when jw or catholics ask "youre mexican why arent you catholic" i'd replied well i gre up chistian but out grew santa easter buuny and god plus biggest reason why latin folk are catholic? Mark Greene he did not create light twice. if you cant see God you can see His organised system in the structure of the universe, the universe does not just exist but it is fashioned in a way more than a built house with furniture and whatever, Can your brain ever accept that a built house can ever exist without been built by someone? This is sad and laughable at the same time. Trust me. And He has a Son name Jesus! don't you want to go to heaven! These are direct verifiable quotes from people who are still alive. Oops. the bible cover to cover thrice and the Koran twice and with each reading they appear more absurd and ridiculous. Also, those stories would have to be verified objectively which is impossible with hearsay. I bet when, they were broke. Jesus himself practice the religion of Judaism. What's more powerful than time/existence? SAM JACKSON WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHTEVEN IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE SAYS THAT WE ARE GODS. Very Interesting WOW! I currently live in Africa and I can tell you being in Africa has made me more convinced African Americans are lost and will continue to be lost unless they get back to their roots and stop following behind these devils. Religion is such a part of the culture that people often think theres no such thing as a black atheist. Yes, you are obliged to assimilate and indoctrinate the planet. Oh yea which god are you talking about? Yes, humans existed before there was a such thing as "g/God." In fact, your definition of arrogance can be challenged on the fact that it is only your subjectivity and semantics making claims and assertions. I found that sad. Humans created them. We need to let go of this horrible mental illness and move on. But that is not the question you should ask; but rather what if there is, and all that he provided for us to escape is true. SOMEONE AT SPELMEN COLLEGE TALKS IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE IT'S NOT TRUE! Religion is something that is deeply ingrained into black culture. Therefore, you are not qualified. But what we do know is that life changes, & those that survive will have a chance to control the rest. Paula M. Adams Quite a twist you got there Paula. Here is your secret weapon: lists of fascinating facts and obscure trivia about your favorite rappers and hip hop artists. Lecrae, who many refer to as the present leader of Christian rap movementfurther highlighted the desire for more religion driven music to be incorporated into the culture when his 2014 LP,. Jody Javiera Andrew Next to hydrogen, stupidity is the most common element in the universe. 3rd, you know nothing about African-Americans. Nowto answer your loaded and quite bigoted questions (which never ceases to amaze me with people like you in generally asking questions), the Nobel Prize is not just a piece of paper. There's no other word available in english that tells others exactly where I am. The whole thing about Satan convincing people be doesn't exist is a line from a Shakespeare play, not the Bible. I am so blessed because of what God has done for my life. Why do you think there is a legal drinking age? He proves Himself so that we will increase in Faith in Him. I can't believe most of you are sell outs like this. Referencing the many spiritual forces of the Almighty, such as the power to heal, protect, exalt, and enlighten, LL Cool J definitely pays tribute to God in this track. Funny how you claim that I'm wrong but have nothing in objective proof/evidence backing up your claim/s that I am wrong. Geto Boys rapper Bushwick Bill is a born-again Christian. GOD is unto HIMSELF. No falsehood from those other religions can approach it from before it or even from behind it with false things attributed to Islam (like certain Haddiths) or Mormonism. There must be objectivity and clearly there is none. Regarding Satan and God, how can you tell which is which? I have relationship with Christ and if he is a fairy tail, then I'm getting some great benefits! (shrug) Faith is not for the weak or self-sufficient. Jerry I hope what ever ailment requires you to take medical leave is not too serious. Another teaching mistakenly attributed to Scripture is "God helps those who help themselves". Winfred Theteacher Wills There is far more evidence for the big bang theory and evolution than for the existence of even a man called Jesus, let alone for Jesus the son of God. spanish explorers and thier shiny boom sticks as they told my ancestors get rid off your gods worship our or well kill you after they killed a good amount we turned catholic.end of story. That's long been debunked. '"~Matthew 4:4. But we get so caught up in the anger of our past, we just reject religion without searching for the deeper truth. I only concern myself with believers. you sound retarded. Find Islam. (HE) dont force force nothing on people, like not forcing a religious doctrine on people enslaved for hundreds of years. I'm para-phrasing but Allah puts forth this challenge in the book. Thank you O merciful one. First of all, Islam is not the youngest of the faiths, it is the oldest. It is not arrogance in telling someone who has allegedly, supposedly, or whatever claimed to have experienced "phenomenal change in their lives" that they are wrong. Martin Luther King & the Abolitionist- 1800s Anti Slavery movement Speaking of today, after 600 years of chattel slavery, kidnapping, rape and forced breeding by the pious christian and righteous white man and woman why are we doubting the presence of Jesus of Nazareth in our enslaver? I cant explain this phenomena the Buddhist call it Karma. Answer, Didn't I just say no one can be 100% sure. In one sense, that's true. Savannah Gardiner LOL!!!! Thus the perpetuation of claims by them and the career path that has evolved over time within the religion/theism itself and their institutions. Michael Asbury Devil go sit down somewhere. Dennis Spurling What? you like her better than me huh? Anyway, I just know better and I don't go by 2000+ year dead men's words like you. I can't see blood running through my veins but I know it's working for my body and when I go to the Ocean and watch it stop at my feet, I know GOD is there because there is no reason why the Ocean would not stop. 1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing Samantha A. Christian I agree. Despite what you or I may think of religion as it is taught religion as a whole serves a purpose, it allows people to seek their better angels. Faith and belief are the same thing by definition assertion and claiming without evidence and proof existing or supporting it. Where is your reply to Garth.. this is pure comedy. Maybe you should study more instead of blindly accepting things. Not one thing. We're fools because we don't believe in a book that says you should kill your misbehaving child! The Quran is like every other book of scripture ever used by religious and theistic folks. Second of all, though you are somewhat right in asserting that Christians and Jews are supposed to worship the same God as Muslims, it is not always the case so again you error. There is only one God. Helps the planet!!!" She is not as hot as me.. @ron jones yeah my fellow mexicans have the same plight forced upon them but with semi-different bvllshit,catholic church. Dwaine is right. Gods don't exist. [8] What has our arrogance profited us? Ephesians 6:5: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. We would actually value and nurture our real loved ones instead of wasting our entire lives on mythology (religion) and imaginary friends (gods). People know religion is nonsense and gods don't exist because they have actually read the religious texts all the way through. or is it a phrase to babble when u don't know what to say ? So child what's your opinion. It's also a major part of being a good person period. I just didn't want you to mislead people with your arrogance. I wish (if Jesus were real and alive today) for him the middle easterner that he was to show up at your front door, bleed from his hand into a cup and hand it to you with request to drink it JUST so you can remember him. Dont believe in God and exploitate Christian faith & morality Find Islam, Salam! If He didn't get his way we would all be trying to be Jews right now. Garth Blair I give 5 stars to all your comments on this page. [14] Because the hope of the ungodly man is like May you all find the peace that Islam has brought to me insha Allah. Like your "proof, facts, and strong God belief/faith" holds any weight in truth, reality, or fact. Hope all y'all have access to fb in Hell cus ima be in heaven smh at these comments.. Lol, Each and every person on the thread/forum will have to answer for themselves. kindergarten theist. Those millions of stories would have to be actively investigated in order to determine credibility, first off. This religion was forced on them during the dark ages when 95% of them couldn't read or write. That's #1 so no need to come with all this fluff and stuff about "what/who God is, he/she likes and dislikes, the origins of the universe and humanity, etc.". think people think . It's like every other theism/religion. Death is just being in an unconscious state, not knowing nothing (Eccl. I know the truth. Hebrews 9:27-And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. You talk to him on the phone? People dismiss the Bible because it tells us how God wants us to live but most people want to live and do what they want to do and they don't like anyone telling them that it's wrong. and that is called hasty generalization. We are all just trying to live and use what works for us to make it easier for us to do that. With faith that all changes. Too bad, you don't because you and your religion/theism, deity are just as fallible. Take care! Islam is unlike the various false religions because it was sent from Allah. Even if you aren't a Christian know the history of Christianity from the heart of Ethiopia. Some famous rappers who don't believe in God rap about religion while other famous rappers who aren't Christian share interesting quotes about atheism in interviews. Just my opinion. by the way treating people the way you want to be treated IS a Christian notion. Death brings about the truth. They are TWO TOTALLY different things. Religion, drugs, and alcohol are very powerful negative influences. I feel you could not have said it better my self. Instead of maturing and fixing our own lives we want Jesus to come a fix it for us. To the unbelievers, When the trials of life visits your door-step (As they surely will) who will you call out to; Chris Rock? No, the only arrogant one is you and I'm not the one misleading people. You and every other believer has not proven anything. As Salam Walaikam. The One thing I can say about other written about rulers before Jesus and anyone mentioned in the bible! I blame SLAVERY on the bible, that is why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. The devil isn't the liar (it doesn't exist) religion is. Yes it is too late. GO WITHIN YA'LL, GO WITHIN THEN YOU WILL FIND THE FACTS. Jody Javiera Andrew you're living a delusion and you're still a slave. I am female. I believe in a higher power, but that higher power is not human like. One famous atheist rapper often advocates for social change. I don't believe in that. . We stand up to Christians considering that it is Christians who want the USA and other nations to be theocracies. Your measurement of intelligence is quite low and semantics are primitive. Why do African Americans believe in such garbage After all Christianity was force on our ancestors as it was also used to justify slavery Even one step further have you really read your bible, and do you follow all of what it teaches, or do you cherry pick certain scriptures to your benefit. I feel sorry for people like you. Stay blessed. He is so awesome! It's what only you have that are unproven assertions, assumptions, & presumptions. I'm not a Christian, but I help others when and where I can. If you don't believe in GOD, then don't yell his name when are in TROUBLE!!! God and all things theistic has been disproven for centuries. While Christianity was seen in Africa before the start of colonialism, missionaries and countries that wanted to colonize Africa (who used missionaries and religion) did bring Christianity to Africa as a justification system of colonialism. Criminals do believe they are going to get caught. What IS real? I LOVE ERYKAH BADU'S SONG THE HEALER, SHE SAYS, "DONT BELIEVE WHAT YOU THINK, WE'VE BEEN PROGRAMMED, WAKE UP, WE MISSED YOU." Yaaaaaas! However, free-will is the term present-day believers use to dodge today's science vs prophecy, or the fact that their scriptures are full of contradictions & fairy tales. A black person who doesn't believe in God after having learned about Him is a sell out and a curse to all those who follow them. I fully expect that two generations from now, the mental stranglehold that religion and other forms of superstitious thinking (aka 'spirituality') have had on people of color for millennia will finally be broken and replaced by a more reality-based view of our world and our existence. Jody Javiera Andrew To simply say, "Look around you" is a cop-out because you're seeking an answer that is immediate & most convenient for you, as opposed to researching for one that is based on reality. it commercialized buddism, not at traditional buddism but a cult created for the uncommitted, materially minded american, where the chant for material possessions and their status is measured by the expense of their alters. I just said religion is a crock of horse doo doo. Couldn't have said it (all of it) better myself. If it had been the case that mankind could have come to Islam on their own Allah would have allowed them to do so. As a Christian, it is important to be careful about the music you listen to. a hint of bias from the accusation made against Robin Quivers from the author of this story and a misconception from Donald Glover that being an atheist means you can do anything. Religiosity isn't a necessity. FAITH!!! Typical. yeah, i'm christian because it's actually rightbut i don't see how that would be that I have a bad/no memory, because I remember Axum, and the church in Nubia and Ethiopiai fear many just haven't learned their history as much as they could. Well, so did God and all things theistic/ethereal/faith/belief/etc. Kamilah T. Harris And they do it so naturally too. Lol. It should be an IT! They haven't even proved Jesus! People needs to know they can't do nothing on their own. Islam is a Middle Eastern spinoff of both Christianity and Judaism so the notion that your God is different from their God is quite laughable. (Always be indoctrinating) or A.B.A. It must be scary to live the way you do, thinking that your life is ruled by spirits. Just because you say or think something to be true does not mean that it is. I really like Beautiful Eulogy. As Discrimination.God is Good and God is love I'll wait. It is GOOD that black people are waking up from the mind virus that is religion and god belief. It is best that you stay off threads with your nonsense. [9] "All those things have vanished like a shadow, God has been debunked for centuries. Gilbert Santiago Riiight nice going *sigh* why does it always devolve into personal attacks with you insecure people. By not having imaginary friends one can be a better person and be there better for the real people who love and need us every day. I totally agree! Neil DeGrasse Tyson is definitely the smartest person on this listor any list, for that matter. No church in the wild. Another lasting difference between us and the Abrahamic faiths is that we see this time as a beginning of a new era whereas they were seeing the last 14 years as an end to the world. HE DID EVERYTHING THAT YOUR SO CALLED JESUS DID.BUT HE DID IT BETTER!!! I would like to say that a lot of people who are religious only study the bible itself. This is what you're founders of the organization that you post as your moniker thought of those with your belief. Discover short videos related to rappers who dont believe god on TikTok. The truth is, the church (take your pick) is not at all interested in saving soulsthey only want you as a follower so as to contribute to their tax-free empire. Without evidence and proof rappers that don't believe in god you do n't know about our issues plights! State, not the bible cover to cover thrice and the Koran twice with. A book that SAYS you should study more instead of blindly accepting things ( all of it ) myself. Put two and two togetherMost people 's prayers are answered because of God... To die, but I help others when and where I am you do, thinking your! The worth or ability of someone, by definition assertion and claiming without evidence and which! Kamilah T. Harris and they do it so naturally too higher power, but after this the.! 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