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Commanders should regularly conduct TLPs at the company level with the company orders group. Perform limited storage, receipt and issue of all supported commodities. Maintenance Platoon Leader. Weapons and Equipment Maintenance 6-53. The HHC XO provides operational liaison, support and advice to the FSC commander. 6-43. The next two weeks, called Common Log, focus on learning about the other logistics branches. That NBC-related collective tasks are covered in overall unit training activities. For the blocks of instruction on noncommissioned officer evaluation reports and counseling, the class pairs with a Senior Leader Course class to conduct an initial counseling between a platoon leader and platoon sergeant. This section also provides maintenance support to elements attached to the BN/TF and provides reinforcing maintenance to the CRTs. The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and squad leaders must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the platoon. Coordinates with division/FSB support operations section for augmentation as required. The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and squad leaders must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the platoon. They collocate with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 representatives. Assigned shipments to carriers in the centralized database. This mobility provides greater flexibility for the maneuver commander. 2023, Bold Limited. Managing the maintenance platoon stockage of combat spares. The MCO serves as the task force maintenance officer for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC using SAMS-1 and FBCB2. Responsible for the medical evacuation of sick, injured, and wounded soldiers to the supporting medical treatment facility. When the MCS receives a LTO from the FSC support operations section, it forwards the LTO to the appropriate section (another CRT, maintenance and service section, or recovery section) via FBCB2. This includes retail refuel operations from organic assets and ammunition resupply. He is responsible for emplacing the platoon defensive sector and for training the platoon on weapons, squad and platoon tactics, and convoy defense. 6-26. The squad leader is most often the one who inspects maintenance work, with the platoon sergeant and platoon leader conducting spot-checks. Oversees the unit's calibration and the Army oil analysis programs and ensures the programs are covered in the field maintenance SOP and meet the regulatory guidance. Supervisor to about 30 soldiers and 35 Army vehicles. The maintenance control supervisor is the best-qualified noncommissioned officer in the platoon, selected on the basis of leadership skills as well as technical ability. They assign tasks, plan patrol routes, organize and position the soldiers under their command. By clicking build your own now, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy, By clicking Build Your Own Now, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. (3) Ensure that maintenance records are recorded and reported as required by AR 750-1. Coordinates and provides technical CSS supervision to the maneuver BN/TF. He has now delegated tasks that would otherwise consume a great amount of time. He operates where the commander directs or where his duties require him. Conducts training and ensures proficiency in individual and NCO skills and small-unit collective skills that support the company's mission essential task list (METL). 6-44. The company first sergeant (1SG) or his representative meets the LOGPAC and guides it to the company resupply point. The more echelons that are used, the more synchronization is required. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. Gathered, logged and monitored all shipping data. Specific duties include the following: Assist the commander in developing company operational exposure guidance (OEG) in accordance with OEG from higher headquarters. Distribution platoon leaders struggle to manage their time as they react to ever-changing requirements. We need to start building and developing these leaders at BOLC. If a replacement is available (from an evacuated Soldier or inoperative equipment), it is sent forward. He is a graduate of the QM Basic Course and the Logistics Captains Career Course. Russell J. Baker is the FSC observer, coach, trainer for the Timberwolf maneuver training team at JMRC in Hohenfels, Germany. Meanwhile, as Capt. To maximize unit combat readiness, maintenance personnel must repair and return the equipment to the user as quickly as possible. However, once the FSC commander received the battalion OPORD at 0447 hours, he used nearly his entire allotted planning time (until 0710 hours) merely to issue a WARNORD to the platoons. Assist in preparation the company OPORD for the commander and the concept of support for the BN/TF OPORD. Establishes and monitors Bn/TF LOGSITREP/ LOGSTAT/ LOGSPOT reports IAW SOP. On the battlefield, platoon . Coordinates for personnel with special MOSs to support slice units equipment, e.g., combat engineers, ADA, and FA. No later than 1530, the Platoon of the Week was to return to the The FSC maintenance platoon coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements with the FSC support operations. The distribution platoon leader quickly jots down the commander's comments but doesn't notice that the. Planning for continuity of maintenance support during periods of movement. The convoy leader did not conduct any rehearsals. Using FBCB2 transmit company rollup reports LOGSITREP and PERSITREP. Ordering required repair parts and replenishing combat spares as required. Armed with knowledge about the upcoming mission, NCOs are able to initiate movement and prepare Soldiers and equipment. The CRTs are fully integrated into the maneuver units' operational plans. This WARNORD should consist of key information to allow subordinates to begin their own planning and preparation. Wingit pulls in his platoon leaders and reads them his notes from the battalion's OPORD briefing. The 1SG's specific duties include the following: Plan and supervise the company defense effort before, during, and after the battle. Capt. The FSC support operations personnel are responsible for a myriad of tasks, including the following: Coordinates and provides technical supervision for the support unit's CSS mission. 6-45. Preserve the fighting capability of the supported BN/TF and the FSC. On the Force XXI battlefield, mechanized and armored maneuver battalions remain responsible for operator and crew level maintenance. Active TopSecret Security Clearance and valid. Centralized support allows the FSB commander to cross-level between FSCs and weight the battle logistically, or surge, as required. The food service section has the ability to prepare and deliver hot meals to the maneuver company area. They should have the resources to successfully support our warfighters in any logistics position or in any company. 7-67. 6-19. The supply sergeant requests, receives, issues, stores, maintains, and turns in supplies and equipment for the company. SPO personnel provide technical supervision of the FSC's CSS mission for the BN/TF. The company/team commander and the MCS set the CRT's priorities. Sustainment courses in the institutional domain focus more on staff work and number-crunching instead of training techniques at the company level and below. The FSC commander responds directly to the Bn/TF XO who serves as the Bn/TF CSS integrator and assists the Bn/TF S4 in CSS synchronization and troubleshooting. The recovery section responds with an acknowledgment message. For QM and TC students, Common Log OD focuses on preventive maintenance checks and services, other maintenance concepts, and an introduction to ammunition operations, identification, and classification. Appropriate elements of the division or corps for legal, combat health support, finance, personnel, and administrative support. This message includes the vehicle location and the action requested. Monitors customer unit basic loads (UBLs) to anticipate replenishment actions. Leader's Guide; Major General Windsor "Shane" Buzza . Managing property accountability for the commander for all equipment used in the performance of maintenance. Sustainment maintenance consists of repairing components off the users platform. To provide quick turnaround of maintenance problems, each maneuver company has a field maintenance team from the supporting FSC dedicated to support them. Conduct tactical and logistical coordination with higher, adjacent, and supported units. Organizational and DS work orders are tracked by the MCS. The 1SG is the company's senior NCO and normally is its most experienced soldier. Advises staff and commander on matters of maintenance and material readiness. Plans and monitors support operations and makes necessary adjustments to ensure support requirements are met. Manage the distribution of supply Classes I, II, III(B), III(P), V, and VI to the BN/TF. The maintenance flow is the same as described in the MCS. Operators/crews may perform BDAR through the use of onboard BDAR kits and will use self-recovery techniques to greatest extent possible. The headquarters section doesn't have a representative in attendance. These tasks could include constructing the company terrain model kit, producing graphics and map overlays, and filling out briefing boards or other visual displays to help the commander convey the plan and convoy movement tables. The platoon sergeant forwards an electronic version or gives a hard copy of the forms to the executive officer or 1SG, who reviews and verifies problems and deficiencies and requests parts needed for maintenance and repairs. Monitors CRT operations and Class IX/major assembly resupply. This will keep him honest about his actual level of training readiness and ensure that his planning process will easily nest with that of both the supported maneuver battalion and the brigade support battalion. Capt. In accordance with commander directives, he formulates unit operating procedures. Connect with current and former Maintenance Platoon Leaders on RallyPoint. The first thing to understand is that a commander (or any leader for that matter) should focus on accomplishing those things that only he can accomplish. The maintenance platoon, using unit level logistics system-ground (ULLS-G), performs all TAMMS functions, dispatching, and scheduled service operations for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC. Must maintain continual communications with higher, lower, and adjacent units. Gathered, logged and monitored all shipping data. Assists in the planning, scheduling, and publishing of the scheduled service plan for all assigned equipment per the applicable technical manual/lubrication order. Reviewing and evaluating operator/crew preventive maintenance checks and services on platoon equipment. Watch the following video as a historical example of the importance of weapon and equipment maintenance. In a recent end-of-rotation AAR at JMRC, three junior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) stated that when FSCs fail to conduct proper TLPs, subordinates become confused about why missions are ordered at the last minute. The distribution section is responsible to support all classes of supply coming from or passing through the FSC in support of a mechanized or armor battalion. The FSC commander is responsible for executing the CSS plan in accordance with maneuver commander's guidance. Alan M. Strange and Capt. The FSC executive officer would create an initial planning time line, balancing key company events against anticipated higher headquarters, operational, and enemy activities. Prioritized order security, accuracy and on-time pickup and delivery. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. 6-51. Developing a training and cross-training plan for maintenance personnel. The FSC has the capability to command, control, and integrate attached units such as engineer support teams or teams from Corps assets. He will: Accomplish all missions assigned to the FSC in accordance with the FSB commander's intent and will support the BN/TF commander's scheme of maneuver with CSS. This centralized. Figure 6-1 shows a doctrinal template on how to deploy the FSC to support their maneuver BN/TF. The lieutenants have to support their assigned units for a three-phased operation. Alan Strange what echelon of support his unit is located in during the final exercise of the course on Dec. 13, 2016, at the Army Logistics University at Fort Army announces initiatives to improve quality of life for Soldiers in Alaska, U.S. Army STAND-TO! If the recovery section is unable to perform the mission, the FSB support operations section the forwards the original CFS to EAD. Assists in planing, rehearsing, and supervising key logistical actions in support of the tactical mission. Your responsibilities are successfully completing the platoon's mission, managing your soldiers, and overseeing the daily tasks they need to accomplish. At a minimum, commanders should use the training and evaluation outlines called Prepare an OPORD at the Company, Platoon, or Squad Level (071-326-5626) and Conduct Troop Leading Procedures (71-CO-5100) in order to ensure subordinate units are conducting mission planning to standard. The CRT opens a DS job by completing a DA Form 2407 after the equipment is repaired. 7-68. Our Army does not need lieutenants who are experienced in only one branch. Silence. Second, once back in the operational domain, FSC commanders complain about not having enough time to train their formations. Centralization of support provides an increased efficiency and effectiveness in the flow of support and supplies. This CTCP is located in the FSC forward location, usually in the center of the FSC forward, for force protection purposes and to act as the command and control of the assets placed there, as well as, to facilitate cooperation, planning, and interface with the BN/TF staff. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive . If the vehicle requires DS level maintenance, an organizational work order DA Form, 5990-E, is generated by ULLS-G. The MCS is the primary manager for all field maintenance in the FSC and supported BN/TF. It "replaces forward" by using diagnostics/prognostics to diagnose major component failure and then replaces that component. These components can include line replaceable units (LRU), major assemblies, or other sub-components. Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Class I, II, III(P), IV, V, and VI through supply STAMIS (either ULLS-S4 or GCSS-A). Maintenance includes inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating vehicles and equipment. Finally, subordinate units have a deeper understanding of the commander's intent and are able to begin parallel planning much sooner. 6-28. Developing and executing the BN/TF licensing program. Maintenance personnel use scheduled services to replace faulty items and avoid projected component failures based on analysis and engineering documentation. The stock control section will: Maintain a current listing for all on-hand commodities. Cultivated a positive rapport with fellow employees to boost company morale and promote employee retention. Fund The Force - Commercial Vendor Services. This understanding serves as a solid foundation for subordinates' service at higher levels of responsibility. If the CRT exceeds its capability, it sends a can't comply (CANTCO) message to the maneuver company 1SG. This section provides food service and food preparation for the BN/TF and organic personnel. The maneuver company 1SG sends a LTO to the supporting CRT. With guidance from higher headquarters, it plans and conducts all necessary training activities. Coordinating the activities of the inspectors and maintenance personnel to ensure adherence to the maintenance standard. Students are also introduced to Blue Force Tracking, the Global Combat Support System-Army, and the Defense Advanced GPS Receiver. The FSMC, FSB, for combat health support and patient evacuation. Start with easy victories; train squad and section leaders to conduct TLPs at their levels first. Oversaw return and exchange processes from customer to supplier. As necessary, serves as quartering party NCOIC. The HQ section of the FSC provides C2 to assigned and attached personnel. Monitors maintenance shop production and job status. OD and TC BOLCs include a week on Common Log QM, which focuses on property accountability and culminates with a practical exercise on conducting a platoon-level inventory of general mechanic toolboxes, camouflage nets, radio antennas, humvees, and generator sets. Updated the database with changes in carrier status. The NBC NCO assists and advises the company commander in planning for and conducting operations in an NBC environment. 6-11. They include but are not limited to the following: Leading recovery team operations, forward repair elements, or other on-site maintenance missions. That NBC factors are incorporated as a condition in the performance of METL tasks. Responsible for the evacuation of soldiers killed in action to the supporting graves registration collection point. Additionally, his responsibilities include leadership, discipline, tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, supply, maintenance, communications, and sustainment activities of the company. Coordinates critical parts status with division/FSB support operations officer. The course caps off its functional training by testing students in a comprehensive field exercise called Operation Overland. Because of his technical expertise, the unit maintenance officer advises the commander and MCO on all matters pertaining to battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR). When that is not available they will use a disk to transfer data. At the same time, the commander must be well versed in enemy organizations, doctrine, and equipment. He is also is responsible for maintaining the health, welfare, and morale of platoon personnel. 6-33. Having the opportunity to learn key leadership roles from senior enlisted soldiers as mentors to me. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the United States Military Academy. Resumes, and other information uploaded or provided by the user, are considered User Content governed by our Terms & Conditions. Other tasks deemed pertinent by the company chain of command could also be included. Samantha L. SmayFebruary 27, 2017. The maintenance platoon headquarters section provides command, control, and supervision for all administrative functions of the platoon. They lack the tactical intuition necessary to solve complex problems while operating in field trains, combat trains, or tactical convoy operations. 6-38. Steven Nowlin, Allise Berry, Jake Thomas, and Olivia Halsne prepare to take needed information to maintenance and tactical operations center elements during the Second Lt. Aaron Jones shows 2nd Lt. Michael Parker where his forward support company will be located at the start of the final exercise for the Quartermaster Basic Officer Leader Course on Dec. 13, 2016, at Fort Lee, Virginia. Anything that is not repaired in the UMCP, or that is not towed by UMCP assets, is recovered to the BSA or evacuated echelons above division (EAD). The company commander's responsibility in combat is threefold. Items that cannot be repaired on site must be recovered to the UMCP or BSA. Supervised the work of 48transportation personnel. This is because of the pressure to support the battalion's primary training priorities (such as the mortar training and evaluation program, platoon live fires, and company combined arms live fires). As a platoon leader, you create a plan for carrying out orders, assign . They use their advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting skills to isolate system faults and expedite the repair and return of major weapon systems to operation. According to its chairman, the Basic Officer Leader Department (BOLD) trains about 1,900 lieutenants every year. 6-16. Ensure all eligible soldiers take APFT, HT/WT, and weapons QUAL6. They represent the leading edge of leadership on and off the battlefield. But a poorly planned operation is doomed from the start. One platoon leader began issuing her WARNORD immediately upon receipt of mission but was interrupted when the opposing forces aimed an indirect-fire attack at the FTCP at 0726 hours. The FSCs co-locate a support operations cell with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 at the Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP). Perform general ordnance-related activities rather than more specific functions. Coordinate and supervise the issue or delivery of supplies to the platoons or sections. Platoon leaders ensure vehicles (if equipped) crews and equipment operators perform PMCS. Emphasis is placed on troubleshooting, diagnosing malfunctions and fixing the equipment by component replacement. Turning logistics lieutenants into multifunctional leaders. Establishes and maintain tactical and CSS overlays. Corps mortuary affair teams for MA support. Reviews and recommends ASL changes to division/FSB support operations officer. Following the initial common core week, the students enter the three-week BOLD tactics segment of the course. 6-30. If the part is not available or has a long order ship time, the vehicle is recovered to the BSC or EAD as appropriate. 91A Ordnance Lieutenants can expect to be a platoon leader in a variety of units including forward support, maintenance, and ammunition companies. 6-48. Efficiently executed, TLPs can help commanders quickly develop a plan so that subordinates can properly prepare for and accomplish their missions. TF S1/S4 for common tactical picture and supported unit/echelon CSS situational awareness. Operators and crews annotate PMCS shortcoming/deficiencies on DA Form 5988-E. Signing into a new unit as a second lieutenant is a challenging and exciting time for a leader. Transmit call for support (CFS) for immediate resupply for Class III/IV/V or recovery missions using FBCB2 (as required). During the 16-week course, BOLC students engage in multiple practical exercises to practice critical thinking and develop as adaptive leaders. The FSC also failed to report the disruption of its planning process to the battalion headquarters and did not request a delay of scheduled movements. Serving as maintenance control officer in his absence. In the absence of the ULLS-G computer, a DA Form 2407 is then completed and entered into SAMS-1. Coordinates and monitors the movement of replenishment stocks and services for the FSC. The CRT operates under the operational control of the maneuver 1SG and is supervised by the CRT's maintenance NCOIC. The platoon provides supply and transportation support to the maneuver BN/TF. During company training events, the commander should practice the orders process by issuing change-of-mission FRAGORDs to the platoons and evaluating how they conduct planning at their level. Maintain Non-Val Pay at 1% or lower within Platoon5. It is capable of providing one "heat-and-serve" meal and one "cook-prepared" (A or B) meal per day. Centralization of support is enhanced through the employment of FBCB2 and CSSCS. The S&T platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in charge and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. 6-32. Manage transportation assets of distribution section to include LOGPAC operations. The forms follow a pathway from crew level to the brigade support area and back. The FSC support operations section sends a LTO to the MCS. Upon completion of Recruit Training, Sergeant Major Leader reported to the School of Infantry at Camp Geiger, NC to receive combat skills training and proceeded to MOS training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO for the basic Heavy Equipment Operations Course, graduating top of his class and receiving meritorious . Participating in the analysis, planning, and supervising the execution all maintenance activities. Distribution platoon leaders struggle to manage their time as they react to ever-changing requirements. The WARNORD kicks off a series of actions similar to a battle drill to enable the rapid production of the company OPORD. OPORD briefings give Soldiers a deeper understanding of the plan and increase their confidence. The SAMS-1 assigns a DS work order number. The support operations functions are performed by the executive officer or one of the other company officers. The ULLS-G clerks operating each company box process the DA Form 5988-E completed by the operator or crew and verified by the CRT. The maintenance flow begins when the operator sends a CFS maintenance/recovery request using FBCB2. 7-74. The platoon sergeant must ensure that daily start-up and closeout procedures are followed IAW ADSM 18-L1Y-AJT-ZZZ-EM (SARSS 1), ADSM 18-L1Y-AJT-ZZZ-UM (SARSS 1), and IAW the schedule of operations established by the DISCOM support operations. The platoon maintains a limited quantity of combat spares (PLL and shop stock) in the MCS. Within the platoon, there is a senior supply NCO who serves as the platoon sergeant and a senior food service sergeant. a frustrated Capt. The maintenance platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in command and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. Maintenance includes inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating vehicles and equipment. He begins to jot down his ideas into an Army-issued green notebook, glancing back and forth between his notes and the preprinted five-paragraph operation order (OPORD) template located in the reference pages in the back. Second Lts. Evaluates and inspects maintenance operations and develops and implements corrective action plans where necessary to comply with regulatory and statutory requirements applicable in garrison and field environments. 7-72. Commanders could assign a leader to conduct TLPs for the next week's command maintenance Monday. Coordinating for the recovery of BN/TF equipment. Then build on those successes until company-level operations run smoothly. 7-76. To maintain equipment reliability, scheduled services are performed on equipment. A great place to start is the company's reception and integration program for new arrivals. Retain connectivity of STAMISs with the FSB. He supervises the company headquarters personnel and coordinates assigned missions with subordinate elements. Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Classes II, III(P), IV, and VI through supply STAMIS (either SARSS or GCSS-A). 7-70. GFEBS Financials Week 2. If the repair part arrives in a timely manner, the vehicle is repaired on-site or at the UMCP. These may include serving as OIC for the quartering party, company movement officer, or company training officer. Well-versed in materials management and inventory reconciliation. Increase unit strength from 70% to 85% 7. FSCs training at JMRC are generally observed to be weak at executing TLPs. (1) Control the total maintenance effort of the maintenance platoon (when no assigned PL). When the CRT recovery assets are not available to perform the recovery mission, the company/team 1SG sends a CFS to the FSC support operations section. The UMCP is under the control and is workloaded by the MCS. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. "They left over three hours ago!" Advise the commander on contamination avoidance measures. Assume command of the company as required. Capt. The BN/TF commander is the approval authority for controlled exchange actions. . The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates.. Leaders from five different branches, both officers and senior non-commissioned officers have weighed in. Monitor company team activities and/or the tactical situation; anticipate and report logistical requirements using FBCB2; and coordinate and monitor the status of the company's logistics requests. Only the most irresponsible leaders would willingly allow this to happen to their formations. members. Your browser does not support the video tag. The headquarters section can maintain the company terrain model kit and train Soldiers on how to build it to the published standard. They would then collectively begin to generate a plan that could both meet the commander's intent and accomplish the mission. Maintenance advances such as the multi-capable mechanic, advances in diagnostics and prognostics maintenance capabilities, and the introduction of the forward repair system (FRS) enhances the FSC maintenance platoon's capabilities. Good platoon leaders must enforce Army standards for readiness and cleanliness consistently and equitably to maintain discipline and respect and hold troops accountable. To allow subordinates to begin parallel planning much sooner for maintenance personnel the platoon ensure that maintenance records are and... 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