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Therefore this is how Jesus could have been crucified on Friday and rise from the dead on Sunday, as Christian tradition and Biblical information have always said. From the direct quote above, it is clear Phlegons source is an observer in Bithynia (in modern day Turkey), which is well over 500 miles away from Jerusalem. Steven OReilly is a graduate of the University of Dallas and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Jesus was ABOUT 30 years old when He began His ministry. I would not always agree with him on some interpretational points but he does well in analyzing the crucifixion date question. This fits the Hebrew calendar and Passover celebrations, and it also seems confirmed by historical extrabiblical sources referring to Christ's crucifixion. The gospel references where Jesus predicted he would rise in three days are Matt. Of all these verses, only Matt. There was a great earthquake in Bithynia, and many things were overturned in Nicaea.' Annular (ring) eclipse. He asks for your prayers for his intentions. We also know from the New Testament that at that time Caiaphas was the Jewish High Priest (Caiaphas is mentioned in Jewish writings) and Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea. There are some uncertainties in the Olympiad numbering system but it seems from various sources the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad would be either AD 32 or AD 33. We can therefore calculate with great accuracy that the three hour period of darkness, and also the Crucifixion, had to be in the Spring of A.D. 33. This would include the April 33 AD date I have used above for the crucifixion. . Origen, Against Celsus, Book 2.33, Phlegon mentioned the eclipse which took place during the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and no other (eclipse); it is clear that he did not know from his sources about any (similar) eclipse in previous times . He has written apologetic articles and is working on a historical-adventure trilogy, set during the time of the Arian crisis. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Saviour fails on the day before the passover; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. Thus the darkening of the sky at the crucifixion is very extraordinary. Doing so would only demolish their credibility on allotherpoints of the gospel they hoped to prove about Christ basedsolelyon personal testimony. [The word Christ in Hebrew is Messiah.] Christ bore our sins so that if we just turn to God through Christ and humble ourselves and repent we receive Gods forgiveness for all of our sins!! Therefore, it is possible Phlegons source witnessed the Crucifixion darkness from there at the same hoursuggesting the darkness and earthquakes reached far beyond the region around Jerusalem. So a 24 hour daily cycle was from sunset to sunset. . Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker. A few verses later in Matthew 27:51 it is recorded that there was an earthquake at the exact moment that Jesus died. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Those issues do not change the conclusion for various reasons. source: Jesus Christ's crucifixion is one of the most important events in the history of the world. Christians claim this corroborates the Gospels; opponents say it has nothing to do with the events described during the Passion and only perpetuates a false conclusion. [3]. Then the other speaker, also a minister, stepped forward. This is done carefully in Humphreys book [1]. . AWESOME I had read so many "time lines" and prophetic explanations. Being written within a dozen years of the Crucifixion, many of Matthews readers would have been witnesses to the three hour darkness which had fallen over the earth (cf Matthew 27: 45) years before. "In the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a great eclipse of the Sun, greater than had ever been known before, for at the sixth hour the day was changed into night, and the stars were seen in the heavens. Therefore, the reason the apostles could confidently mention a three hour darkening of the sun is because it was an actual occurrencealready knownto many in their audiences either by firsthand experience or by word of mouth. . Last month: Next month: new 02:44 32/07/26 UTC : 1: 32-07-26/27: Noumenia : 2: 32-07-27/28: Noumenia kata Selene Agathos Daimon: Herakleia? In his book Chronicle of the Olympiad he records a miracle mentioned in the New Testament. Jesus baptism was apparently not long after the beginning of John the Baptist's ministry. The Bible is Gods book of love and redemption. Trallianus, Olympiades: In the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, [AD 32-33] a failure of the Sun took place greater than any previously known, and night came on at the sixth hour of the day [noon], so that stars actually appeared in the sky; and a great earthquake took place in Bithynia and overthrew the greater part of Niceaea," The third quote is from Julius Africanus and the last is from Jerome. The Bible is a book that is a record of facts and not myths. 9 Of course, they only thought an eclipse had occurred. What about all the other earthquakes that have hit California in the first part of the 20th century? Another historian, Philipon (with Origen), confirms the historicity of Phlegon's statement by writing, "And about this darkness - Phlegon recalls it in the OlympiadsPhlegon mentioned the eclipse which took place during the crucifixion of the Lord Christ, and no other (eclipse), it is clear that he did not know from his sources about any (similar) eclipse in previous times and this is shown by the historical account of Tiberius Caesar.". So I found another source of this very quote from the same Rabbi in an old commentary from the 1600's from English Scholar John Lightfoot [2]. [CDATA[*/ var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('getYear').innerHTML = n; /*]]>*/ Christian Evidence. And upon my servants indeed, and upon my handmaids will I pour out in those days of my spirit, and they shall prophesy. Copyright Like The Master Ministries. Is there historical evidence for the darkness & earthquake at the crucifixion? He said If I could prove to you that the Bible is a supernatural book, confirmed by both foretelling of the future and also by miracles, would you believe what the Bible says?. Are you positive in regards to the source? Pratt, John, webpage by astronomer John Pratt on Isaac Newtons approach to determining the date of the crucifixion. In Rome,Peter spokeas he had to the Jews of Jerusalem (cf Acts 2:14-24)to an audience that hadpriorknowledge of the three hour darkness. I have wondered if an astronomical body accounted for some aspects of the Deluge, such tidal effects on the waters. By the time he wrote hisNatural History(73 A.D.), the Christians had already been claiming for the prior forty years that the Crucifixion darkness was a sign worked by their God. Seeing as Phlegon was born approximately in the second century, it is extremely unlikely he spoke with an eyewitness of either eclipse. With this principle in mind, let us now consider the evidence. Sixty thousands people could witness with awe the sun dancing in the sky. College Press Publishing Co. Joplin, Missouri. Between 3 PM and sunset the Jews had to prepare the body and get it into the tomb, because the Sabbath started Friday evening around sunset. It amounts, in effect, to asserting the following:leaving aside all the evidence youdohave, you do not have anyotherevidence. Thus, the skeptic discards all evidence against his case, and then declares victory: aha, you have nootherproof!The reality is, there is no reason to set aside the sources and evidence we do have. But what has an eclipse in common with an earthquake, the rending rocks, and the resurrection of the dead, and so great a perturbation throughout the universe? (The Olympics began in 776 B.C., and by counting every fourth year you come to the 202 nd Olympiad, and the fourth year of same is 33 A.D.) Most Here, too, we see an Apostle feared not to mention the event precisely because it was already widely known among his readers. Jerusalem is another place where we might have expected there to be records of the events of Matthew 27, and to hope that individual residents of Jerusalemcontemporaneous to the eventsmight have commented on these wondrous happenings in personal records, etc. And I will shew wonders in the heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood and fire, and vapour of smoke. Someone shouted Show me a Bible miracle thats recorded in SECULAR history!!. Well, for starters, it places a high degree of scientific precision for a writing that could considered to be hearsay or speculative because of its inference from another source. What Was Achieved By Jesus At The Crucifixion? It was recorded by a Pagan author who had no desire to promote Christianity yet he confirmed the Bible record! The darkness during the crucifixion. The year given by Phlegon for this eclipse is the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad (i.e., 33 A.D.), which is consistent with one of the possible dates of the Crucifixion (i.e., April 3, 33 A.D.). A solar eclipse can occur only at new moon, but we know that Jesus was crucified at the time of Passover (Matthew 26:2; Mark 14:12,12; Luke 22:12, 7; John 13:1), and that the Passover is at the time of full moon (Exodus 12:111; Leviticus 23:5). There are also complicated issues about various calendar systems in use at the time of Christ that create confusion. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day: But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord,) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. He said, "A day and a night are an Onah, and the portion of an Onah is as the whole of it." . Last month: Next month: new 11:37 32/06/26 UTC : 1: 32-06-27/28: Noumenia kata Selene : 2: 32-06-28/29: Agathos Daimon : 3: 32-06-29/30: Athene : 4: 32- . Thus, a solar eclipse, which happens when the moon passes between the earth and sun cannot be a valid explanation for the Crucifixion darkness. Contact Dr Richard Kent and recommendations, Bible Prophecy Concerning The Crucifixion, The Blood Covenant In Relation To The Crucifixion, Recording of The Crucifixion by Contemporary Historians, The Three Hour Period Of Darkness Is Confirmed By Many Historians, The Ad 33 Date Of The Crucifixion According To Phlegon, A Secular Greek Historian, The Ad 33 Date Of The Crucifixion From Bible Prophecy, Caiaphas Prophesied About The Crucifixion, In Gethsemane Jesus Sweated Blood, The Disciples Slept, And Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot Betrayed Jesus Christ For Thirty Pieces Of Silver, The Timing Of The Night Before The Crucifixion, Jesus Christ Stood In Our Place At The Six Trials, Jesus Was Condemned To Death For "blasphemy", The Crowd Choose Barabbas Rather Than Jesus. Tradition informs us that Marks gospel derives directly from Peters oral preaching in Rome (seehere). His chief work was the Olympiads, an historical compendium in sixteen books, from the 1st down to the 229th Olympiad (776 BC to AD 137), of which several chapters are preserved in Eusebius' Chronicle, Photius, and George Syncellus. There was a great earthquake in Bithynia, and many things were overturned in Nicaea. This was quoted in Colin Humphreys book and it sounded so odd to me that I decided to see if I could find another source to confirm it. Ten Years Ago: Benedict confirms I am no longer the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church, Benedicts Last Audience: Ten Years After, Roma Locuta Est Considers: Benepapism and the Munus vs. Ministerium (EpisodeVI), Is the Culture of Death creating the Remnant? Only one earthquake in this span of years came up in the results, in 33 AD The database showed two published geological sources regarding this earthquake. Africanus disputed an attempt by Thallus (a first century historian) to specifically explain the Crucifixion darkness in this way. Is there any evidence of global or regional darkness in 36CE? In the same hour, too, the light of day was withdrawn, when the sun at the very time was in his meridian blaze. Jerome (4th century) is quoting Phlegon's 13th book which is a translation of a historical chronicle on the 202nd Olympiad by Eusebius. It should then not come as a surprise to us that Pliny, who scorned the idea of God and religion (cfNatural HistoryI, 5), would pass over in silence this world-portent now claimed by and associated with the Christian religion, which wasat that time he wrotea portent of a persecuted, criminal and maligned sect. The website for this is the National Geophysical Data Center ( Since Passover took place in the Spring before the Olympics, I think the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad would be Summer 32 AD to Summer 33 AD. "In the fourth year, however, of Olympiad 202, an eclipse of the sun happened, greater and more excellent than any that had happened before it; at the sixth hour, day turned into dark night, so that the stars were seen in the sky, and an earthquake in Bithynia toppled many buildings of the city of Nicaea." He takes the Bible at face value rather than questioning the details in Scripture in some way, which I believe is the right approach. An earthquake occurred in Bythinia . (31 B.C. You can use a text widget to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Other works ascribed to Phlegon in the Suda are a description of Sicily, a work on the Roman festivals in three books, and a topography of Rome: Origen of Alexandria (182-254 AD), in Against Celsus (Book II, Chap. The fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad was in 33 A.D.!!! Matthew 12:40 says that as Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish, Jesus would be dead three days and three nights. No, but again, it doesnt have to either. An unknown, massive astronomical body passing through the solar system or on long period orbit, transiting between the earth and sun? We do not know what other sources that Africanuswho established a library for Severus Alexander might have had at his disposal with regard to Phlegons writings. The Cancellation Of The Curse Of Death, And The Free Gift Of Eternal Life, The Cancellation Of The Curse Of Sickness, And The Availability Of Supernatural Health, The Cancellation Of The Curse Of Poverty, And The Availability Of Gods Supernatural Abundance, Victory Over Satan Won At The Crucifixion, Accreditation, Acknowledgements and Legal notices for Crucifixion, Contact Dr Richard Kent and Recommendation. In telling the story of the guards, Matthew takes into account what his Jewish audience would already knowi.e., there was aclaimbeing spread abroad that the body of Jesus had been stolenand then he proceeded to provide facts to explain the true origin of that lie. A great earthquake occurred during Christs death. He was smartly dressed, flamboyant and gregarious. Donations to this ministry aretax-deductible. Christ still changes lives like he did in the first century. However, what concerning the bottom line? Africanus does this by noting that the eve of Passover falls on a date of a near full moon, i.e., when the moon is opposite the sun in relation to the earth. The Crucifixion is widely reported by numerous ancient writers. Los Angeles is approximately 380 miles from San Francisco, by comparison. The expression "three days and three nights" then becomes a special idiom that had a different meaning to the Jews than the way we would use it today. The audience began to show its disdain. Therefore the year of the crucifixion is A.D 33. Unfortunately for the skepticand a sign of his desperation as wellthe argument from silence is, perhaps, one of the most difficult types of arguments to make. The evidence for Christ's resurrection is also historical evidence of a miracle. Phlegon was a Greek historian who wrote an extensive chronology around AD 137. On this basis the Fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad would commence in July A.D.32 and finish in June A.D.33. It also gives a link to download Lightfoot's entire New Testament commentaries in four volumes as free PDF files. Your email address will not be published. Jesus was thus the true final Passover Lamb and he died at the time the passover lambs was normally sacrificed. The New Testament in Matthew 27:45 records that while Jesus was on the cross there was darkness over all the land for three hours. Little is known about Phlegon, but he made reference to Christ. Also, word of it would have spread from Jerusalem to Jewish communities in Rome and throughout the empire. As explained, we believe that the darkness referred to by Phlegon is the same darkness referred to in Matthew 27:45. The crucifixion darkness, even if a natural phenomena, would still be miraculous for its timing, ordained by God. It does however, place Phlegons writing, transposed hundreds of years later by Christian writers, as a scientifically-accurate writing. Jesus was born whilst Herod, the Great, was still alive; we know he died in BCE and on 1st April 4BCE. AD 33 is a generally accepted year of His crucifixion. He can be contacted at Thus, in their mindset, Jesus could say "three days and three nights" and the Jews would not have understood that this had to be a full 72 hours. "[4], Phlegon may have been recording an eclipse that happened in November, 29 AD, the 1st year of the 202nd Olympiad.[5]. The madness of the skeptic is such that they would have us believe sources which are silent, over those which speak. Thus, upon closer examination, theforce of the skeptics objection inevitably dissolves away into nothingness as we examine the works of other ancient writers who the skeptic would cite as asilentwitness for their case. Certainly, other ancient writers, most notably Pliny the Elder (23 79 AD), would have written of a three hour darkness had it really happened. 4th year: Begins 32-06-27/28: Hekatombaion 29 Metageitnion 30 Boedromion 30 Puanepsion 29 Maimakterion 30 Poseideon 29 Poseideon-2 30 Gamelion 29 . For example the first Olympiad happened in 776 and the second occurred in 772 BC. Bugnolan Conclave in surprise move, elects Bergoglio! It has only been referenced in Christian apologist books hundreds of years later. When the Moon "lines up" with the Sun it is referred to by astronomers as being at conjunction (which is the New Moon). Is this a powerful confirmation of the events described in the New Testament? So the daylight part of a day (or any part thereof) is an onah and the evening is an onah and the entire dark period of the night is also an onah. Ye men of Israel, hear these words:Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you, by miracles, and wonders, and signs, which God did by him, in the midst of you,as you also know: This same being delivered up, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, you by the hands of wicked men have crucified and slain. They were not myths or literary devicesas skeptics or modernist biblical scholars might now suggest. For example a time-line can be established from his famous works called The Olympiades as follows: "In the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a great eclipse of the Sun, greater than had ever been known before, for at the sixth hour the day was changed into night, and the stars were seen in the heavens. I will not go through all the information in Colin Humphrey's book but I will try to summarize the evidence as I see it. An earthquake occurred in Bythinia and overthrew a great part of the city of Nicaea" Thus, if the quote is accurate, and Phlegons eclipse has not been conflated with one which occurred in 29 A.D., then Phlegon is another source who supports the Crucifixion darkness. He wrote extensively about natural phenomena earthquakes and such. Check Huffpost. And accurate. The Biblical Astronomer, 8(84). In Wadi Zeelim, located above the southwestern shore of the modern Dead Sea exists an outcrop of laminated Dead Sea sediment. He made a famous statement to explain how days were counted for certain ceremonial purposes. (below) says it took place in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, which was 33 A.D. - which can be verified by clicking on the link following Phlegon's quote in red below. Change). Even more fascinating is the mention of an earthquake. Tertullian, Apologeticus, Chapter 21, 19, Christian Evidence was created to enable Christians to defend their faith, and to open their eyes up to the overwhelming evidence for Christianity. Thepoint is that thedestruction of the discovered earthquake had to be catastrophic in order to destroy buildings there, which leads to the conclusion that the big one that hit Jerusalem also hit Turkey along the fault line at the same time. source: (Mark 15: 33), And it was almost the sixth hour; and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. It was not until the sixteenth century that the Jewish calendar was formally defined precisely. mund. We only have fragments left to us of this monumental work and quotations of it from other writers. Remember that Jesus' baptism was shortly after the beginning of John the Baptist's ministry, which began in AD 29. VI, p. 130, as cited in Gary R. Habermas, The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ, (Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing Company), 1996., 3 Habermas, Gary. However, the sixth hour in Bithynia is also at the same time as the sixth hour in Jerusalem. , also a minister, stepped forward records that while jesus was thus the darkening of the Olympiad! However, place Phlegons writing, transposed hundreds of years later by Christian writers, a... 'S ministry there are also complicated issues about various calendar systems in use at the darkness. Zeelim, located above the southwestern shore of the modern Dead Sea sediment know he died in BCE and 1st! To download Lightfoot 's entire New Testament commentaries in four volumes as free PDF files, it is extremely he. System or on long period orbit, transiting between the earth and sun in 29... Sky at the same time as the sixth hour in Bithynia is also historical evidence for the date! 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