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Sasuke replies that he only wants to change the world for the better, making hard decisions like this so that the world won't get embroiled in another war. Upon arriving at their destination, they are attacked by strange animals that injure Naruto and Sai and the trails goes cold. To his students on Team 7, Kakashi emphasises the importance of teamwork; he himself received this lesson, along with the Sharingan, from his childhood friend, Obito Uchiha. After saving them, Kakashi organised the team to hold off the creature. After they arrive back in Konoha, Hiruko projects himself to the world and claims responsibility for the kidnappings, whose kekkei genkai he has assimilated into his body with the Chimera Technique. However, we know that is not possible. [50] Against Koji Kashin, one of Kara's strongest Inners, Kakashi was able to pressure the foe into retreating. The Sage of the Six Paths summons them all back from Kaguya's dimensions and congratulates them for their victory. Having already decided to train Sasuke, Kakashi refers Naruto to Ebisu instead. He secretly watches them as they eat and sees Sasuke and Sakura give Naruto food against his instructions, needing Naruto in top form if they're to get a bell. [25] During his time off, he would visit Rin's grave and Obito's engraving to tell them his regrets and how life was going without them.[26]. Main article: Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison Kakashi has completed 1,141 official missions in total: 197 D-rank, 190 C-rank, 414 B-rank, 298 A-rank, 42 S-rank. When Kakashi woke up, he knew Danz would punish Kinoe for insubordination and asked the Third for help. While there, he was attacked by Kinoe, who Danz had sent to take his Sharingan. With his Mangeky, Kakashi is able to manifest Susanoo. Furthermore, Kakashi also enjoys having others perform the most basic of chores on his behalf, such as roping Boruto into helping him with shopping duties, and initially refusing to help with Sabure and Yubeshi's issues with their respective grandparents until being promised a rare first edition of an Icha Icha volume, with an extended ending. Kakashi's obsession with the Icha Icha series. Kakashi struggles against both due to the shared vision of their Rinnegan, but their clashing jutsu at least attracts reinforcements' attention: Chza and Chji Akimichi cripple the Asura Path when they arrive. Kakashi must remain in bed while he recovers and therefore cannot go. His guilt over Rin is centered more around Obito, than it's around Rin herself. Kakashi's life was filled with trouble and yet he never turned evil. Because Konoha now needs another Hokage, Kakashi reluctantly agrees to the appointment. The Chnin Exams are interrupted by an invasion of Konoha and most of those watching the finals are rendered unconscious by a genjutsu. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The whole purpose of the pairing is that either Sakura would eventually fall in love with Kakashi, or that Kakashi was in love with them all along and was hanging on to love with no prospect of requital. Main article: Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc Let us know in the comment section below. Main article: Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission They also learned the value of compromise and actually listening to one another instead of lashing out. Boruto was committed to help from the start, but Kakashi had to be convinced by Yubeshi's promise of her rare first edition of an Icha Icha volume, with an extended ending. As with last time, Naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins, but this time it nearly succeeds. Kakashi attempted to resign from the Anbu afterwards for working against the Hokage, but the Third insisted his service was invaluable and made Kakashi his right-hand man. Kakashi Love quiz. The Raikage permits it, but even with his and Yamato's support, he refuses Naruto's request to forgive Sasuke's recent work with Akatsuki and leaves them. RELATED: Naruto: 5 Times We Hated Kakashi (& 5 Times We Loved Him) After Naruto is able to free the Four-Tails from Tobi's control, Tobi forces the other jinchriki to enter Tailed Beast Modes as well. When the stadium is attacked by Kinshiki and Momoshiki tsutsuki, Kakashi helps rescue spectators in the arena. Minato assisted them with destroying the Kannabi Bridge and then returned with them to Konoha to mourn Obito's death. Kakashi and Guy understand what it means to help raise a generation of shinobi, what it means to be away from the village for long stretches of time, and the kind of emotional toll their work can take. Kahy is upset by Kakashi's observation and attacks with Ice Release: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice, creating a hole in the ship that starts sucking out Kakashi, Guy, and the passengers. He summons his ninken to help him track Sasuke and Naruto, eventually finding the latter unconscious at the Valley of the End. Later, after the scroll is obtained, Kakashi is assigned to defend it, but he and the other defenders are defeated by the Nine Masked Beasts. Just as they are about to be killed, the combined Allied Shinobi Forces arrive to help, deflecting the Ten-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball. At a Land of Fire inn after the ordeal, Kakashi spoke on the phone with Naruto, reporting that they expected to return to Konoha later that same day. Kakashi pulls away, sets down Haku's body, and, angered by what's happened, proceeds to debilitate both of Zabuza's arms. Sakura tried to stop them, but unsurprisingly she failed. With all the tragedy he endured I'm suprised he hasn't had a love intrest Idk it would of been cool as hell if kakashi had a child such a big missed opportunity that never took off. Konoha's ninja search the crashed Tobishachimaru, treating the passengers and taking Kahy into custody. Seeing this, Kakashi conceded to help Boruto in learning to apply nature transformation to his Rasengan, deciding that Wind Release would be best. Yes, Kakashi's book series is usually seen reading is the love novels written by none other than Jiraiya. However, Kakashi stepped in and sent both of them flying. Once the shinobi are defeated and captured, Kakashi sends a message of the incident to Sasuke, who is travelling to the Land of Lightning and stops at a village in the Land of Hot Water. At that time, Hanare was lost, and while being lost, she met a young Kakashi. RELATED: Naruto: 5 Filler Arcs You Absolutely Can't Skip (& 5 You Probably Should). After the Nine-Tails replenishes his chakra, Kakashi lets Obito send him to Kamui's dimension, where he attacks Obito's body parts whenever they transport there to avoid Naruto's attacks. [14], In the Academy, Kakashi earned top grades, earning him recognition as a prodigy and the best of his generation. Privacy Policy. Kinoe, their ally, convinced them to let him interrogate Kakashi. Now free to act on its own, the Ten-Tails prepares to use Tenpenchii. As he prepares for battle, Kakashi remarks that he finally understands what the Third Hokage went through with Orochimaru. Because he can be of no further assistance to Naruto, Kakashi leaves Yamato in charge of watching over him. Training runs long and they end up arriving late for Sasuke's match against Gaara of Sunagakure. While en route to an Akatsuki lair, they are confronted by Itachi Uchiha. Two years later, Itachi Uchiha was added to Team Ro. He then uses Kamui to return, only to witness the Ten-Tails complete its revival. Afterwards, Kakashi applauded Mirai on combining the signature skills of her parents. Shikamaru is able to properly console and get Naruto to help him decode it, who realises that the key to its decryption must be Icha Icha Tactics. Whether their hearts ended up elsewhere or it just wasn't meant to be, we need to acknowledge all the ninja couples that were amazing in theory. Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Will of Fire He also wears fingerless gloves with metal plates on the backhand and is seen with a chain necklace underneath. Kakashi starts questioning Sasuke about his apparent intentions to kill Naruto, but Sasuke leaves rather than be lectured. Kakashi decided to leave and not report anything about the Iburi or Root's involvement. It's also worth noting that she is a spy sent to gather information on Konoha rather than visit her old friend. [97] Despite this, Kakashi retains many of his original personality traits, being easygoing, unfazed by the actions of others, and eyes appearing to be half-asleep. RELATED: Naruto: 5 Times Every Fan Could Relate To Sasuke (& 5 Times We Just Didn't Get Him). Kabuto, their summoner, ends their conversation short by suppressing their personalities, so Haku and Zabuza they use their last moments to beg Kakashi to defeat them. The decision followed Rin's captivity by a Hidden Mist Ninja who sealed the Three-tails beast on her in an attempt to cause destruction in Rin's village. Thinking it would ease his pain, Minato convinced Kakashi to join the Anbu. He is too much in love with principles that when he knew that Kahyo is not who she claimed to be, it was simply not possible. Why did Rin act so cold and selfish towards Obito, even though he was her best friend for so many years, and was the person she spent the most time with? He passed his discovery along to Shikamaru to be delivered to Sasuke who was already investigating the land. Later, Kakashi roped Boruto into helping him with shopping errands. Might Guy has considered Kakashi his rival ever since they first met in the Academy. Kakashi especially, but really that whole generation of adults stayed single outside of Asuma and Kurenai. Moreover, Danz had not used Kinoe to try and stop the Nine-Tails' attack. Before he can land the blow, the Asura Path uses itself as a shield, giving the Deva Path time to counter. Deeply impressed, Kakashi attempted to repel them with a lightning burst, but the students refused to let the technique be broken, even while knocked to the ground. He also helps him improve his physical speed by visualising and mimicking Rock Lee's movements. One is that the Kakashi Hiden had no direct relation, not the Naruto series. Kakashi cautioning Boruto on using his new Rasengan. Naruto, having finished his jutsu, volunteers to face Kakuzu alone. Sabure from the new city and Yubeshi from the old town wanted the dispute resolved so they could get married with their grandfathers in attendance. Why Do Some Anime Characters Always Have Their Eyes Closed? He therefore gives everyone an assignment to bring a gift to the wedding, therefore ensuring that they will all be available. With help from the royal guards, Kakashi gets the princes to safety. Sai eventually reports that his investigation is apparently the same as Sakura's, so Kakashi combines them into the "InoSakuSai". At the same time, he makes up for it with superb control, requiring no more than the minimum required amount to perform his technique, even able to do so with a single hand. Sakura even eventually trained Ino in medical ninja techniques. Kakashi informs Naruto, Sakura, and Sai that more than a hundred Kumo and Kiri shinobi have gone missing and learns from Sakura that a few Konoha shinobi are missing as well. Prepared to give his life to lend what little assistance he can, Kakashi stands in front of Sasuke to take the attack while Obito does the same for Naruto. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? It was clear that the two needed a bit more help to defeat the Rabbit Goddess. Kakashi is able to analyse their attack strategy and formulate a response, but other reincarnated members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist appear on the battlefield before Kakashi has a chance to put his plan into action. Along the way, Shikadai informed Kakashi that the sewers have an opening at the Thunder Rail. The Third Hokage explains that he is selected for the team in order to keep an eye on Naruto, the Nine-Tails' jinchriki and, in the anime, to help Sasuke cope with life after the Uchiha Clan Downfall. In the anime, following Jigen's attack on the village, the archives were broken into and data was stolen. This Kakashi accompanies a team including Naruto and Minato to retrieve the Red Moon Scroll, where Kakashi's zealous overuse of his Sharingan prevents him from fighting the toads that guard it. Naruto is overwhelmed by all the developments going on and passes out. Kakashi attends the Third's funeral a few days later. Team 7 continues on to Tazuna's home, but Kakashi must be carried, having exhausted himself due to overuse of the Sharingan. With no time left to wait, Kakashi has Konohamaru Sarutobi impersonate Naruto so that the festivities can proceed as planned. He tells them about his life, recent events in Konoha, and others they knew, but mostly he shares his regrets that they cannot be with him or that their deaths were his fault. Follow her on Twitter at In fact, they didn't even live in the same village; Kakashi ran into Hanare by accident when she was crying because she had gotten lost. Obito feels that Kakashi will become the next Hokage and wishes to reward him by letting Kakashi use his two Mangeky Sharingan. Kakashi avoids injury and attacks with another Lightning Cutter, this time hitting Zabuza and also connecting Ensui Nara's shadow to his. However by Part II, Kakashi's reserves increased to a considerable size, shown when he used both techniques repeatedly during the final battle of the Fourth Great Shinobi war with only minor strain and exhaustion. Seeing the musician reminds Kakashi of Team 7's encounter with Hanare of the Jmae Village. In the academy, he wore a long sleeved anchor-grey shirt with a zipper, a green scarf and slate-coloured shorts. Tobi can, at least, still use their tailed beasts' powers, so he forces the Four-Tails and Six-Tails to enter Tailed Beast Modes. At the same time, he still believes that even in times of peace, no one should become a ninja without appreciating the importance of it. His only concern was what Obito had got him and he made this clear by extending his hand out to him, and in one of his very rare moments, displayed utter displeasure on his face. Once alone, Kinoe confided that Danz was making his own plans against Orochimaru and, with help from Yukimi, helped Kakashi get free. Kakashi would make a great father, but as of right now, there doesn't seem to be any plans for him to have offspring. For the most part, Kakashi seems to be more interested in helping young ninja grow and protecting the Hidden Leaf Village than trying to find a wife to settle down with. Ino was always the member of her team putting the boys in place, which could cause some conflict when they were young and immature. Kakashi loved her. Kinoe got Kakashi out safely and, having accepted Kakashi's words, gave Kakashi an antidote and chose to abandon his mission whilst leaving Kakashi a message about it. He starts by trying to discourage Sasuke from avenging the Uchiha clan, insisting that, even if he's successful, it won't bring back those who are already dead. With Sasuke gone to Orochimaru, Naruto decides to start training with Jiraiya and Sakura trains with Tsunade. The fighting rages on until Kakashi and his fellow defenders eliminate all invaders in the area except for Kabuto and Baki, who opt to flee rather than continue fighting. Team 7 eventually arrives to lend assistance and helps them escape, but while going after Guren they come across the Three-Tails. In Naruto, there were enough couples to keep fans preoccupied. Kakashi warns Sasuke that he will be disqualified if he uses the cursed seal during his match. As Root forces started to surround them, the Third showed up to personally authorise Kakashi's actions, and further negotiated Kinoe's release from Root. To his students on Team 7, Kakashi emphasises the importance of teamwork; he . When Kakashi was aiming at the ninja, in-sight, Rin came between the two. Well, on careful consideration and a lighter mood, we can say his mask. Even though Rin was certain that her fate . Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura spent . Although they are unified in their willingness to die, Obito decides it's too soon for Kakashi and uses Kamui on the attack bound for him, leaving Obito unable to save himself. Obito briefly regains control for long enough to implore Kakashi to destroy his Rinnegan so that Madara can't acquire that too. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Naruto: 5 Times We Hated Kakashi (& 5 Times We Loved Him), HATED: Believed That His Father Was Wrong, Naruto: 10 Underdeveloped Ninjustsu Or Weapons, Naruto: 5 Storylines Fans Loved (& 5 That Never Seemed Right), Naruto: 5 Filler Arcs You Absolutely Can't Skip (& 5 You Probably Should), Naruto: 5 Times We Hated Sakura (& 5 Times We Loved Her), Boruto's Latest Betrayal Just Doomed Konoha - and Naruto, 10 Deadliest Convicts Locked Away In My Hero Academia's Tartarus, Ranked, Naruto Fans Call Out Black Clover For Copying the Sharingan. Main articles: Sasuke Shinden (novel) and Sasuke Shinden (anime) Upset with himself for not spending more time defusing Sasuke's angst, Kakashi goes after him, fearful that he and Naruto may kill each other. The hidden love of Kakashi was hidden in the Kakashi Hiden. Sasuke used the Chidori while Naruto used his Rasengan. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? It's also likely given his personality to keep his feelings to himself, especially if they interfered with his job. Because of what happened with Itachi, the Third Hokage felt that individuals with kind hearts did not belong in the Anbu. In the anime, Kakashi is part of a force sent to Hach Village to help the rest of Team 7. Because his mother died when he was very young,[13] Kakashi was raised during his early years by his father, Sakumo. Before he goes, he assures Sakura that he'll set things right. Kakashi's Chidori took Rin's life while he was protecting her against the Hidden Mist Shinobi. The last chapter just caught up with Konoha 11 so we really don't know anything. He is prone to making erroneous decisions throughout the series. Kakashi nevertheless feels guilty about not telling Naruto this - he feared Naruto would at some point blow his cover had he known - so promises to buy Naruto as much ramen as he can eat. In truth, Kakashi is rather a solitary and matter-of-fact person. Kakashi locates Sasuke and ties him to a tree in order to force him to listen to what he has to say. Well for most of the manga he was mourning the deaths of his entire team, two of which he considered dead by his own hands so makes sense he wouldn't feel comfortable connecting, Also, he couldn't meet a girl who could compare to his porn. Kakashi fought Koji, who retreated. Kakashi has never really expressed interest in anyone other than maybe Hanare, as mentioned above. He believed that the success of the mission was the most important thing. RELATED: Naruto: 5 Things About The Show That Don't Make Sense (& 5 Fan Theories That Do). Later on, he was going to kill an enemy with his Chidori Sadly she jumped in front of him killing herself and traumatizing Kakashi. Kakashi guesses this tactic and goes searching for one of the latter group. Kakashi decided to watch Boruto from afar, intrigued by how the genin seemed to have found an alternate solution. Team 7 gathers what intel they can on Gaara's kidnappers and leave to go after them; Chiyo volunteers to escort them since they aren't familiar with the country around Suna. However, many factors point to the fact that it couldnt happen. Guy soon appears to fight the leader of the hijackers, Rahy, keeping him busy so that Kakashi can free himself from his restraints without being noticed. Sometime after attending a village meeting with Naruto, Kakashi attends the finals for the Chnin Exams in Konoha alongside Guy and Iruka. To that end, he encourages Sasuke to start using Chidori for its intended purpose: protecting friends rather than attacking them. Kakashi lost his father, his teacher, and his childhood friends. From companies in Japan to being featured on The Kim Komando Show, Jess has prided herself in expressing her love for gaming. Madara eventually returns, Black Zetsu using his control over Obito's body to teleport them back. During his time in the Anbu however, Kakashi gained a reputation for his cold-bloodedness. Madara is stopped from finishing Guy off by Naruto's return, who Obito successfully saved. Itachi advises Kisame to keep his distance from Kakashi, stating his fight with Kakashi would take too long. Technically speaking, Naruto never killed anyone or landed the killing blow on anyone to kill them. Main article: Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission When Shikadai contacted his father via phone, he revealed that Iwagakure was taken over as part of a plan by noki. While saving Kinoe, the creature's corpse began emitting a poisonous vapour which quickly infected Kakashi. Once Kakashi's done recuperating he calls them before him and is introduced to Sai, who is effectively Sasuke's replacement on the team; they speak only briefly but both of approve of each other. This is slightly popular than the third one, which we wont talk about yet. She supported Obito because he was her teammate but she confessed her romantic feelings to Kakashi. Kakashi is the first person to greet Naruto when he returns from his two-and-a-half years of training with Jiraiya. A prodigy with skills inherited from Konoha's White Fang,[43] Kakashi is one of his village's strongest shinobi produced, and has earned recognition on sight by various high-level ninja. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Naruto: Does Kakashi Have A Girlfriend? is there a chinese version of ex. Disgraced, Sakumo committed suicide. Kakashi killed his childhood friend and it was quite traumatic. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? In the anime, he requests that Guy be his second-in-command. He went back to where Obito and Rin were, but Iwa reinforcements soon arrived and started constricting the rubble. During the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack, Kakashi and many of Konoha's other young ninja were prevented from helping defend the village, instead being confined within a barrier to keep them safe. As he realised that he was making the same mistake, Hki also realised from Sukea's hints at the bombs that there were more bombs still in circulation. Kakashi explained that a ninja with no resolve will only doom themselves and that Boruto is solely responsible for his classmates becoming so lazy and carefree. Kakashi received the Sharingan from a "dying" Obito. Kakashi loves Rin the same way Sasuke loves Sakura, but being a ninja comes before having a relationship. Kakashi insisted that with Boruto's current level of chakra, he had reached the limits of how far he could push the Rasengan. Kakashi attempts to stop it with Kamui, but Obito intercepts him and takes him to Kamui's dimension. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? As Boruto continued to struggle free from the Sixth's hold, his fellow classmates provided enough distraction for him to escape. However, Kakashi starts to become concerned so he cancels lunch with Sasuke - not explaining the real reason - and joins Asuma and Kurenai. Naruto's Kakashi is a man that is certainly shrouded in mystery. The eye was shortly afterwards replaced with a Sharingan, which he covers with his forehead protector when he isn't using it. Kakashi takes Sasuke to the hospital to rest, places him under the guard of Anbu, and returns to watch the remaining preliminary matches, having promised Sasuke that he'd tell him all about the other combatants' abilities. Before Team 7 sets out, Yamato, Tsunade, and Jiraiya meet with Kakashi to discuss Naruto's deteriorating control of the Nine-Tails' power. This is the most popular Kakashi love interest in the entire Naruto series. It has been confirmed that Rin has feelings for Kakashi. He arrived before Koji at another archive site, which housed physical data on a scroll not yet digitised from before the Fourth Shinobi World War. Too exhausted to do anything himself, Kakashi stays behind with Sakura while Naruto and Sasuke leave to fight; the Sage of Six Paths uses his last moments to talk with Kakashi, remarking that the centuries of hate may be on the verge of ending due to the love Naruto displays for everyone. Decided to leave and not report anything about the Iburi or Root involvement... Help him track Sasuke and ties him to escape informed Kakashi that the of. Emphasises the importance of teamwork ; he intrigued by how the genin seemed to Have found an alternate solution 's! Lightning Cutter, this time hitting Zabuza and also connecting Ensui Nara 's shadow his... Konoha 11 so we really Do n't Make Sense ( & 5 You Probably Should.... Boruto continued to did kakashi love anyone free from the Sixth 's hold, his teacher, and while lost! 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