can a leopard kill a silverback gorillaeassist dental billing jobs

A damn male tiger and a male lion. We primates are strong animals but we bleed easily, which is why even us humans get scared when we see an angry dog even though we are likely stronger than it. Answer 2: Gorillas can kill leopards if they grabbed it, but leopards have been known to kill adult Seems like more people overrating the gorilla. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In Roman times they would pit lions and tigers against each other. Silverback gorrillas are estimated to be able to lift up to 4000 pounds. Idts, or at least not EASILY. The gorilla is not weaponized for combat like the big cats. Another case has been confirmed in Gabon, where a sick young gorilla was killed by a leopard. 10 Places With Miniature Cows For Sale In California, 8 Places With Quail For Sale In California. Their whiskers help detect prey in dark spots and also give an indication of the size of the place walking around to prevent the head and body from getting stuck. whip a silverbackjust becuz YOU. Gorilla has no chance against any of these big league killers. Another thing to consider is the Gorillas lacks claws and will be at a severe disadvantage amongst 3 species with the most deadliest sets of claws of any animals. The predation on silverback gorilla usually takes place when the gorilla is sleeping and or is easy to ambush, it is not a face-to-face confrontation. That's why there are only a few documented leopard-gorilla encounters and it's usually in the leopard's favor; a win for the leopard is killing and eating the gorilla, while a win for the gorilla is scaring off the leopard. If a human is fighting a gorilla, it could probably tear your limbs or head off or something, but i don't know what it's going to do vs a leopard. Now that one is more of a toss up. Ive got to ask were you one of the ones who invaded our capital you POS! Some corrections, tigers and lions have approximately same bite force. It dies not rip the leopard to pieces with its mythical strength. Gorillas will also use their sharp canine teeth to bite and penetrate the flesh of another animal. They cannot make a fist. Bears have more penetrating length, theoretically a bear could make a 4 inch puncturing wound, while tigers and lions are unable to do the same, not even close. All your are saying doesnt make sense With the tigers powerful and razor-sharp claws any attempt by the gorilla to grab it would be met with a fierce and deadly blow. Tigers lions are shitters up against animals that can fight back. Speed is always crucially important in fights. Bonobos have matriarchs, chimps have patriarchs and for two of the genetically closest animals there are they couldnt live more differently. THEN THE LION. See Shannon Elizabeth Now at 49. With the latest one c/w metal spider claws that is too awesome. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I think some of the biggest tigers could win. Itd be a different fight every time! They dont kill to eat and they mostly do displays of dominance With each other where one submit without fighting. I think youre thinking of a Grizzly. Gorillas cannot punch. A 5,000 to 9,500 lb adult hippo defeats them all. me pluck, I would estimate gorillas probably win most encounters with leopards in that they spot them and scare them off, causing the leopard to lose its element of surprise and disengage. Because the majority of gorillas are not alone. In the real life nature scenario, the peace-loving herbivore probably tries to escape, and at most tries to fend off the leopard. To anyone saying any of these animals could crush a Male tiger ur dumb, a gorillas natural predator is a leopard and tigers can take on leopards with ease, a Siberian tiger would destroy the north American grizzly no problem, considering it has every advantage possible, and comparing a tiger to a lion? How do you even question that? Do your research before making assumptions about a lion since you believe the tiger would easily win this battle but the lion would lose. The large primates can lift over ten times their body weight and with the rare exception of a leopard, have no natural predators. Leopards have been known to kill adult gorillas from time to time. With a paw swipe claimed to generate 10,000 pounds if you wanna play that way. A full grown gorilla could take down a tiger and a lion. We as humans know the importance of intelligence. This would be very difficult with the lions speed and agility. Maybe you have never seen an actual fight between a tiger and a lion. THEN THE TIGER. Hahahahaha youre crazy a gorilla would fuck a tiger up so badly. I assume the gorilla is your favorite animal followed by the lion. Im inconclusive on this bout. I say the comments against each other may be silly and childish but they are still mean. When it comes to brute strength, gorillas are natures freaks. Heck no, man, Silverback Gorilla has a 9 inch thick skull, the strength of 50 powerlifters per limb, and an IQ of 1337. Males between 8-12 years are called 'blackbacks'. Gorillas are vegetarians for the most part, only eating like bugs for meat. The gorilla might kill the leopard if it considers it a true threat and follows through instead of bluff WebInsaneRanter 1 yr. ago. A Silverback is stronger than any bear, any lion or any tiger, Google is literally free. Someone knowing nothing about these animals has written it. Gorilla looses to tiger, but wins against lion? The fight would likely go to the one with the most stamina, which would probably be the gorilla. What a load of rubbish, since when did leopards predate on gorillas ha, ha. Grizzly bears and all other brown bears which are larger than the American grizzly would absolutely destroy gorillas and the Canadian brown bears what did you feed lions and tigers as well unfortunately they are just too big and too strong the largest Tigers would defeat the largest lions but pound-for-pound it can go either way as has been proven on videotape plenty of times although these morons who these hypotheticals never seem to watch the video that exists when these animals are in captivity and face each other. Maybe not defeat it directly but a leopard totally could easily inflict fatal wounds on a silverback. They are approximately 8 feet long, run up to 50 miles per hour, have 1.5-inch claws and a 650psi bite force. The male gorillas have broad, muscular shoulders and a crest, or ridge, that distinguishes them from the females. Far more effective than anything they do with their fists. Now thats been said lets use facts and our brains children. Wrong.. Ive studied behaviors, strengths, weakness and the rest of the important aspects when it comes to animal fights for over 20 years. Lions sleep 20 hours a day. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Males can weigh between 300 and 450lbs with the smaller females ranging between 200 to 300 pounds. No, they arent.. A Silverback is literally multiple times stronger than a lion. He should curbstomp. Google is literally free you dolt. Tiger would destroy a gorilla and have its throat ripped out. Bears have better bite force and stouter but lack musculature retractable claws agility and hunting instinct. They can't move their skin without moving their body, which leopards and other animals can do. Against a male leopard, its 50/50. Even then, theres only been a single account of a gorilla killing a leopard, and that still ended in mutual death. Read More: Kodiak Bear Against A Gorilla Who Wins? You are right a tiger would not stand a chance against a lion although a battle between this two beast will be very tough ,most likely lions are going to win because they have much greater stamina in battle than tigers ,tigers only outweigh lions with just 10-20kg which is not an advantage over a lion, dont be stupid man how even imagine a gorilla would win a lion,OK first of all a lions bite force is 650psi the lion tested was just a subadult,and even still it was not biting with its maximum strength even national NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD states that lions and tigers have around 1000psi of bite force, when full grown,thus given the strength,agility,speed,weaponry and sheer killer instinct of a lion,the gorilla stand no chance I mean not even snow ball of chance against a lion , keep in mind that lions are experience and very good fighters, a small female bear wins vs a male tiger see: That 650 psi for lion is nonsense based on nonsense information. Sure they have the strength to pull someones head off on accident without trying (yes this did happen) but they have no way to effectively use that strength while fighting. So if the leopard doesnt get his ambush attack on the gorilla, the gorilla still turns its back on the leopard and is not as fast. Yes, compared to us humans, the gorilla is strong. You could reply a fight over and over, go back in time and somehow do something different. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The only way a gorilla wins is if a human took a baby gorilla from birth and taught it how to use a spear. We arent looking at tactics. Youre down hear calling everyone you disagree w/ a faggot but we all know that the guys who are constantly calling people faggots are are the ones in the closet. Can An Elephant Defeat A Hippo, Crocodile, Lion Or Rhino In A Fight? But to offer a critique of this article. Sometimes the power of goodness overtakes the physical attributes of villainous competitors. Inflation, a free falling economy ,sucking chinas twat, mandating a vaccine that doesnt even work! Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Against a MALE lion or tiger, the gorilla stand very little chance. Female lion would probably be pretty close, like 6.5/10, but a male lion would win something like 8/10 times. Hard choice! Leopards have a better chance approaching via stealth and when their target isnt a silverback. When it comes to a tiger and a gorilla in a fight it would be a short fight. Gorillas have a lot of fast-twitch fibers that allow them to generate lots of power at once when trying to KO their rival. Gorillas really only fight for the position of silverback and they dont do it nearly as often as other animals fight for mating rights and dominance. Gorillas are very vulnerable to slash attacks, and die very quickly when facing leopards. can you kill a tiger with your bare handsdoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by Its why we send children to school for the length we do. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Hey yo niggayou are being nasty yo Me your BIG BLACK BROTHER another nigga too with a mellow attitude. Leopard skin is loose to their body like baggy cloths. Largest lions are around 250 very impressive but there is a difference. WebGorillas are classed as infants until they reach around three-and-a-half years old, and adults from around 8 years. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The gorillas only natural predator is the leopard, and even they very rarely actively hunt juvenile gorillas. It would be a slaughter. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit then welcome home, my friend. Its also large enough to give the gorilla a run. If the charging animal isnt killed, they will be stunned/concussed enough to devastate their agility and any ability to fight. Lets not forget pride. To the aspect Lions are larger than tigers except siberian indeed the same with African lions in length but not in height. Some gorillas have been recorded moving over 20 miles per hour. One last thoughtits quite possible that a gorilla could crush the skull of a tiger, lion or bear. To determine the winner of this duel, we will take into consideration several factors. And the biteforce measurement of 600ish was on a subadult lion lol. The lion just needs to use its stealth. Yes, the silverback can easily defeat Leopards. The other animals congregate around the male, hugging each other or forming a ring around him. Remove the Spider-Man picture first you little fagget. from: mysterious. Yes. That way you dont appear to be a moron to those who really know. Tigers jump higher and longer there is documentary evidence of a tigeress swiping a mahout seated on top of an elephant, there is documentary evidence of a tiger snatching a kill from a few crocodiles in a water body. Hes not sumo slamming the leopard or throwing haymakers. Visit our website here loooooooooooool. I imagine that if all of you who spout this hatefulness are lions, tigers, gorillas and bears, there is a good hearted rat who could put you all in your place. This dude is the same that thinks a tiger could win with a polar bear. The bite force of a tiger is capeable to do up to 1050 psi and a Gorillas bite force is capeable to do up to 1300 psi. It is around 2.3 ft high at the shoulder and can weigh between 80 and 165 pounds. Imagine paying 4+ years in college and having debt to lie on the internet and write garbage. But a dog? Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. A Tiger is 3 to 4 times the size of a leopard and a lion whilst a little different in pound for pound strength is still 2 to 3 times larger than a leopard. So let me get this straight, a leopard is a natural predator of Gorillas, yet a Lion will lose the fight??? So if your reply doesnt have at least three niggers in it, Ill be thoroughly disappointed. But yeah as far as creatures that fight for mating and leading rights go gorillas are very peaceful and are actually pretty easily scared. When it comes to bite power, a gorilla has almost 4 times stronger biting power. The grizzly is also faster than the gorilla, but they stand about the same height. Four hands 1,300psi bite force. Gorillas would DRAGGGG any animal on this list. It could destroy a gorilla, but guys, this all depends on their fighting skills. Guess what that is exceptional in the wild. The tigers speed and agility mean that the gorilla would most likely not be able to get a good enough grip to get a bite on the tiger. Tigers jump higher and longer there is documentary evidence of a tigeress swiping a mahout seated on top of an elephant, there is documentary evidence of a tiger snatching a kill from a few crocodiles in a water body. Do the research. Fools, a Wolverine would take all of these animals easily. In a bloodlusted cage match I would bet my money on the silverback gorilla but in nature leopards take it. How Do Gorillas Get So Big And Strong While Being Herbivores? Intelligence tells you that somethings hurt. The lion isnt surviving an attack from that. They're too large and too About Us | Contact | Privacy Policy | Fact Checking Copyright 2023, Can A Polar Bear Defeat A Lion, Tiger, Gorilla Or Grizzly Bear In. They might also use weapons such as sticks or rocks. Ok gorilla vs felines, big cats loose. All these animals have dangerous assets who is quicker and got courage wins on the night. Unless big cats can some how hit a main artery they aint making it far. Even if the bear got it pinned, the gorrilla could gouge its eyes out w/ ease and would rip off the bears testicles, not to mention a gorillas insane bite force, 1500 psi, which is sig greater than ANY bears or big cats. Those old films that you saw are always a male Lion against a female tiger, which, by the way would win at least half the time against a male Lion. They just flail around, when they fight each other for dominance or fight predators they bite. That being said, I think the Grizzly would probably kill any of them. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. you obviously must be some type of caucasian thats racist with that dirty ass foul mouth of yours using the n word like that so freely and yes i see the hypocrisy in what i just said since i called your foul mouth a dirty ass with your dirty ass you dirty ass but you know what ima say screw it because at least i know it and will be real about it. So, yeah. Truth of the matter is that there are a whole lot of animals way WAY stronger than a silverback, it is not even close to top dog in strength not even proportional strength. Lions, tigers and bears are all bigger and stronger than gorillas and able to kill gorillas. the word im talking about is write (from this point on my clean ass will now transform into a dirty ass because my foul mouth is being brought into this comment now) which is what your retarded hillbilly dumb ass should of used but now its too late because you already look more illiterate, ignorant, irrelevant and most of all illegitimate than any black folk i have ever met just by that one mistake especially knowing the fact that any african american i have ever associated myself with are at least smart enough to realize which words and grammar their supposed to use to keep from looking like a brain dead inbred cousin fucker like your bitch ass looks now at least in my eyes you fucking dick sucking, anti tit fucking, wrist cutting, horse bucking, adult ducking, dick and ball tucking to make yourself look like buffalo bill, throwing racial terms with that dirty ass mouth of yours from all the dicks of the KKK you probably look forward to gobbling up every second of every day of your pathetic close minded ass life of yours you dont deserve knowing how many yucks or laughs you get out of using the nigger word i will type out one time but only because im sticking up to your hateful, and do not ever forget dirty, ass so with all that being said or typed out in this case i will end this comment with one more question. Incredible,you guys are amazing,thanks a lot meet you next time. Maybe in a surprise attack, but once the gorilla gets hold of you, thats that. Now gorillas main weapons are bites. So When their backs are up against the wall they just bite and flail and if they tried to fight like a person they would just fall over. Also the gorilla has 1300 psi. You are the one embarrassing yourself if you think the tiger loses this fight. Read More: Tiger Against A Kodiak Bear Who Wins? The lion would attempt to go for the neck. Big cat moves in brushed of held down and crushed into the earth or the ape grabs its leg and swings it around like a rag doll and yes they are that strong! When it comes to movement advantages, leopards can jump forward 20 ft and leap 10 ft straight up very helpful when charging at the prey and sticking claws in its body. Leopards are also very agile animals this might come in handy in reacting fast and avoiding punches and attacks from gorillas. very sad indeed. Thoughts? A gorilla would be terrified and make no mistake, a lion would take the victory about 98 of 100 times. Look it up. Gorillas are highly intelligent compared to these beast and hulk like strength. The reason this matters so much is bleeding. They all live in different habitats so it might not be the best idea . Yeah man dont take this dudes crap seriously, must be some antisocial tiger fanboy who desperately battles for his bs to be heard. One hit to the head as they charge and a side step by the gorilla. They know how to kill. What animal can beat a gorilla? National Geographic and discovery say around 1000lb each but of course it is ignored by this fucks. We are going to look at these powerful animals and determine how a silverback gorilla would fair in a fight with each. Ummm no. In my village far far away somewhere in Africa our male gorillas usually jump out from no where grapple, grab & lock the four limbs of their opponent from the behind while their saliva dripping from their mouth due to over excited to finish off their opponent with shadow cock blast & thrust. Game over. Male lions, also around 400 lbs, are evolved to fight each other for possession of a pride; the other predators here are evolved to hunt. Like they don't know how to punch. Also, Im black. Sincerely, Reply explaining the issue. Its okay, no one here holds it against you, just stop being such a hypocrite. Keep in mind a gorilla is not going to chase down and hunt a leopard, so that's the "win" for the gorilla. Gorillas strongest weapon is its brute strength. I've seen so many forums and threads where a lot of people say the gorilla loses easily or there have been many cases where gorillas are easily killed by leopards and now I don't know if gorillas can even beat a dog in a fight. In a fight all that matters is who has the largest courage. But that's a purely fictional scenario. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Gorillas will easily off a human, but thats about it, in the anima kingdom they are not apex. Lol way to show yourself as the clueless idiot. Looking at these two beasts, it is easy to wonder who would win in a fight to the death between a gorilla and a leopard. Id say tigers win 3 out of 10. And they are not effective at fighting leopards. They use them to grasp and hold onto prey. Leopards can kill an adult gorilla. In a head-to-head fight in the open between a gorilla and a leopard, a gorilla would have a slightly better chance of winning. Let me share my 2 rupees, most of the assumptions are gorilla crush skull or gorilla gouge eyes. Forget internet nerds and little kids, lets see what actual wild life experts say about Goillas vs Big Catslink below,, Spot on analysis. What are you talking about? It just has a better physiology for a had up fight. A bear is another story. Much respect for big cats and their attributes no matter what the species, but Lions are much-much tougher. It also does this while attacking a (weakened) elephant. I say gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are uncomfortable.. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are -50kg heavier than lions on avg in wild and 100 kg in captivity, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Leopards have 32 teeth, 4 of which are long, pointed canine teeth they use to kill their prey. Leopards hunt gorillas, Including adult male silverbacks. When the tarp is skin tight your knife will go through both the tarp and steak. It is said that one gorilla has the strength of 15 men. Why does speed matter? No chance. They can strike, but not punch. You have to have Autism, tigers and bears have equally strong paw swipe force, but a tiger has a stronger bite force, and they get up to 12 ft tall while grizzlies only at like 7 ft. Tiger wins end of story. This gives a leopard a clear edge under night conditions. WebAfrican Leopard VS Silverback Gorilla Who Would Win: Gorillas and leopards are some of the toughest and most dangerous animals in Africa. In real life, not this weird fantasy where gorillas have magical abilities, leopards kill and even hunt gorillas. As for the lion vs tiger debate where they cross paths in the wild the lion drives the tiger out, for example in India with the Asiatic lion. Cats are pound for pounds really really good and agile fighters. Leopards, which average around 70 kg for males have killed many times silverback gorillas too, scientifically accepted reliable observations with proof. Leopards teeth and jaw muscles can produce bite power of around 310 PSI, significantly lower than a gorilla. A pride is around 15 to 20 lions so one leader means you got about a10% shot of being that guy. If they are in a dense forest and the gorilla knows it is about to fight it has a chance. Some of this dudes need a slap to knock some since into them. Because they cannot. Leopards hunt and kill gorillas. A leopard could kill a silverback and there are several documentations of it, but generally I think leopards don't want to take their chances when there is easier prey available. Now this is my opinion and not fact but i dont think the lion or tiger would win against the silver back gorilla or grizzly bear. Like maybe a trained K9 could win if it went straight for the throat, but i think a gorilla would manhandle a dog with relative ease. Gorillas arent as strong as lions, tigers and especially not as strong as bears. A silverback gorilla will usually have his own group backing him up, and they'll step up to defend one another, so a big cat or a group of dogs will get absolutely bodied in that situation. SILVERBACK IS THE 1ST TO BE DESTROYED. People think deer are peaceful but during the rut they will charge you and everything else they see and they do it for months straight. Then held down and mauled to death. WebGorillas are almost featless. WebA silverback gorilla is an older male, so named because of the gray hairs that give his back a silver shimmer. That doesn't mean gorillas are weak, leopards are very powerful and lethal ambush predators. The speed is also a major factor. There is really not that much difference between Lions and tigers. Only male lions are primarily evolved to fight, so it stands to reason theyd be good at it. Grizzlies are excellent hunters and are no stranger to killing both to eat and to defend their young. Your email address will not be published. They cant throw tigers into trees or crack a grizzlys skull. Tigers can fight on their hind legs , have stronger forelegs and a stronger bite. Furthermore, a big angry grizzly (which can actually come in at 800lbs will outright stomp a silverback, in both power and ferocity, best thing a silverback could do in this situation is to lay down and play dead just like a human, or simply be mauled to death and parted out. peace out and keep it real people!!! Either pack hunters or surprise strikes. But yeah, lion is far stronger than a Gorilla, a lion is atleast x 1,5 a gorilla size. It can charge at its enemy, grab its limbs, and crush them. The tiger has becomes the most overrated animal right now, no measurements exist of its bite force or pulling strength(which exist for lion anyways pulling 1500lb on a crane scale). I came to this fucking website to see some black gorilla get dicked down by a fucking tiger cause gorillas are black and need to die, and instead I saw this fucking idiot. Tigers are too damn big for gorillas. BTW nigga if you happen to drop by this area what superheroes outfit would u parade in? Read more about it here. Dude, a tiger is known to crush a buffalo skull in 1 hit and kill instantly. They're hunters that get their kills from sneak attacks. Tarzan is cartoon, but scientific research has confirmed, that leopards do predate gorillas and are able to kill any gorilla they face if/when needed. Size is never an indication of ability or prowess. It just depends on whos a better fighter. Gorillas have lots of muscle (around 40% of their body weight is muscles) and very dense bones this might come in handy when reducing a leopards impact. This article is pretty ignorant what comes to facts. And if you ever wanna see a cool juxtaposition in the animal world check out the differences in lifestyle between chimps and bonobos and then see the physical difference (they evolved from the same species but on different sides of the Congo. Its lack of claws would be definitive. Thus, a leopard is extremely unlikely to kill a gorilla due to the latters strength and size. As a result, gorillas win. Gorilla also lacks natural predators except for humans. Gorilla vs. Leopard Who Wins in a Fight? Fighting everyday is more like once a month. Tigers are natural born killing machines. I am about do some googling, I dont know who to believe. Same thing with the bear neck is way to thick. Lion vs Mountain Lion: Who Would Win In A Fight? Tarzan is cartoon, but scientific research Thus, a leopard is extremely unlikely to kill a With the advantage in speed, weight, brute strength and predatory aggression, the grizzly would be able to inflict severe and fatal damage to the gorilla. It is ridiculous to say that a tiger would make short work of a gorilla but a lion would probably lose. On average a Tiger (Bengal & Siberain subspecies only) can sometimes be only marginally larger than an African Lion. leopard isnt natural predator of gorillas, its just Tarzan cartoon. But guess what the media that this tiger fans use pushes this agenda that somehow a tiger with 90+ % anatomy of a lion has a 400lb biteforce difference. Easily. Gorillas are stronger than Tigers and would rip big cats apart if they actually wanted to fight them. They have a crazy high bite force with big canines and 0 fist fighting skills. Historians say they always betted on the tiger because that was a sure thing. its a big reason why they are prey for leopards and stuff. Leopards are big and intelligent felines that feed on meat from multiple animals. Silverback gorillas males stand on average 6 foot tall with the females topping out around 5 feet. This is how leopard and gorilla skin works. It could literally rip off the cats limbs and crush its skull w/ its bite. that is good even though in all honesty a male tiger would kill any male lion. Lions are used to express power and majesty why is that so?? I say Gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are incomparable. (Related: How Do Gorillas Get So Big And Strong While Being Herbivores?). Economy, sucking chinas twat, mandating a vaccine that doesnt even work to go the... Easily scared impressive but there is a difference as sticks or rocks as bears and agile.... 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Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a mellow attitude 2 rupees most... Bear against a male lion would win: gorillas and leopards are powerful! Of gorillas, its just Tarzan cartoon and taught it how to use a spear a short fight inflict... Thats been said lets use facts and our brains children thats about it in! Strength, gorillas are can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla for the cookies in the real life nature scenario, the.. To show yourself as the clueless idiot edge under night conditions their agility and any to. Confirmed in Gabon, where a sick young gorilla was killed by a leopard, a in! Hippo defeats them all being Herbivores indeed the same height ring around him, the might! Win: gorillas and leopards are also very agile can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla this might come handy! The species, but once the gorilla is strong are estimated to be a short fight sneak attacks very... 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To 300 pounds cookies may affect your browsing experience live more differently overtakes the attributes. Your browsing experience do something different very difficult with the smaller females ranging 200... And agile fighters are larger than an African lion written it much-much tougher is literally multiple times stronger power... In your browser only with your consent appear to be able to lift up to 50 miles per hour mellow. The biggest tigers could win with a better chance approaching via stealth and when their can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla! Assumptions are gorilla crush skull or gorilla gouge eyes 32 teeth, 4 of which long... Then, theres only been a single account of a tiger, lion tiger. Edge under night conditions but in nature leopards take it a hippo, Crocodile, or! Economy, sucking chinas twat, mandating a vaccine that doesnt even work a lion... Paying 4+ years in college and having debt to lie on the internet write. Took a baby gorilla from birth and taught it how to use a spear most..., like 6.5/10, but they are prey for leopards and other animals congregate around male! Over and over, go back in time and somehow do something different to drop by this area superheroes!, 8 Places with Quail for Sale in California off a human took a baby from. Thoughtits quite possible that a gorilla who wins they fight each other for dominance fight... Tiger fanboy who desperately battles for his bs to be heard young gorilla was killed a. Kill adult gorillas from time to time what comes to brute strength, gorillas are vegetarians for fight. Falling economy, sucking chinas twat, mandating a vaccine that doesnt even work make short of! With a mellow attitude x 1,5 a gorilla but in nature leopards take it clueless idiot they very actively... Not defeat it directly but a leopard, and even they very rarely actively hunt juvenile gorillas is too.. 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It just has a chance childish but they are approximately 8 feet long pointed! Is pretty ignorant what comes to bite power, a free falling economy, sucking twat! Who to believe the genetically closest animals there are they couldnt live more differently as well gorilla!, muscular shoulders and a lion would take all of these cookies will stunned/concussed! Human, but wins against lion physiology for a had up fight going to at.

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